;+ ;NAME: ; ; fancompress ; ;PURPOSE: ; Decimates polylines in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; outidx = fancompress(inpts,err) ; ;INPUT: ; inpts: N x 2 dimension array, where inpts[*,0] are the x components of the polyline and inpts[*,1] are the y components of the polyline ; err: The amount of error allowed before including a point ; ;Keywords: ; vector: Will enable the vectorized fan compression algorithm. ; step: Controls the number of steps to perform per loop, during vectorized implementation. ; At the limit, where step = N, the vectorized version works like the iterative ; version. ;OUTPUT: ; An array of indexes into inpts. Indices will range from 0 to N-1. First and Last points are always included. ; ;NOTES: ; 1. Based almost entirely on the paper: ; Fowell, Richard A. and McNeil, David D. , “Faster Plots by Fan Data-Compression,” ; IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, Vol. 9, No. 2,Mar. 1989, pp. 58-66. ; ; 2. One modification from published algorithm, handles NaNs by always including the point ; before a group of NaNs, 1 NaN and the point after the NaNs. This ensures that gaps will ; be drawn accurately. ; ; 3. Algorithm is fairly slow, because it requires 1 pass over all data points. ; Optimizing this algorithm by divide and conquer, vectorization, or dlm may be ; a worthwhile use of time in the future. ; ; 4. Vectorized version is essentially a divide and conquer version of the Fowell & McNeil algorithm. ; The idea being to split the array into sub-problems that can be addressed in parallel using IDL vector-ops. ; The fan-comparison operation at the core of the fan-compression algorithm takes 3-sequential points to work. ; So if step = 1, the algorithm will split the input array of length N in floor(N/3) segments; Making an independent ; decision on whether to keep the middle point of each segment, based upon the start and end points of each segment. ; If a point is removed, the 5-element fan vector at the start point is updated, and this will be applied in the subsequent test. ; ; 5. If step is higher an internal loop will perform the operation iteratively within-segments, but in parallel across segments. ; For example, If step is 3, N will be split into floor(N/5) segments(5-point segments). Operating on points 1-2-3 of the segment ; in the first iteration of the internal loop, points 1-3-4 or 2-3-4 on the second iteration and points 1-4-5,2-4-5,or 3-4-5 on the ; third iteration. Which sequence ends up being operated on depends on whether the point was accepted or rejected in the previous iteration. ; ; 6. Vectorized(step=1) version generally achieves a speed up of 1000% at decrease in compression by ~10%. ; For example, if the iterative version creates a 1 Mb of output in 1 sec, this will create ; 1.1 Mb of output in .1 sec. Higher values of step, tend to decrease compression rates until step becomes large, ; then compression approaches the iterative solution ; ;$LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2009-07-27 17:44:33 -0700 (Mon, 27 Jul 2009) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 6496 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/fancompress.pro $ ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pro fn_iter_save_pt,n_out,outpts,o,k,i,n_in compile_opt idl2,hidden if n_out eq 0 then begin outpts = i endif else begin outpts = [outpts,i] endelse n_out++ o = i k = n_in end function fn_iter_dot_p,u,v compile_opt idl2,hidden return,total(u*v) end function fn_iter_norm,v compile_opt idl2,hidden return,sqrt(fn_iter_dot_p(v,v)) end function fancompress_iter,inpts,err compile_opt idl2,hidden n_in = (dimen(inpts))[0] n_out = 0 keep = 1 i = 1 fn_iter_save_pt,n_out,outpts,o,k,i,n_in if n_in eq 1 then begin return,lindgen(n_in) endif error = max([0,err]) while i lt n_in - 1 do begin i++ ;properly mark NaNs in data, this addition is currently the only significant ;modification from the published algorithm if ~finite(inpts[i-1,0]) || ~finite(inpts[i-1,1]) then begin if keep eq 0 then begin outpts = [outpts,i-1] n_out++ endif outpts = [outpts,i] n_out++ for k = i,n_in-1 do begin if finite(inpts[k-1,0]) && finite(inpts[k-1,1]) then begin break endif endfor i = k if k eq n_in-1 then begin fn_iter_save_pt,n_out,outpts,o,k,i,n_in break endif else if k eq n_in then begin break endif fn_iter_save_pt,n_out,outpts,o,k,i,n_in endif if i lt k then begin distance = fn_iter_norm(inpts[i-1,*] - inpts[o-1,*]) if distance gt error then begin k = i p_i_u = distance u_hat = (inpts[i-1,*] - inpts[o-1,*]) / p_i_u v_hat = [-u_hat[1],u_hat[0]] f = [p_i_u,error/p_i_u,-error/p_i_u] endif endif if i ge k then begin keep = 1 p_i1_u = fn_iter_dot_p((inpts[(i-1)+1,*] - inpts[(o-1),*]),u_hat) p_i1_v = fn_iter_dot_p((inpts[(i-1)+1,*] - inpts[(o-1),*]),v_hat) if p_i1_u ge f[0] then begin m_i = p_i1_v/p_i1_u if m_i le f[1] && m_i ge f[2] then begin delta_m_i = error / p_i1_u keep = 0 f[0] = p_i1_u f[1] = min([f[1],m_i+delta_m_i]) f[2] = max([f[2],m_i-delta_m_i]) endif endif if keep then begin fn_iter_save_pt,n_out,outpts,o,k,i,n_in endif endif endwhile outpts = [outpts,n_in] return,outpts-1 end function fn_vector_dot_p,a,b compile_opt idl2,hidden if n_elements(a) gt 2 then begin return, total(a*b,2) endif else begin return, total(a*b) endelse end ;inner code for vector fan compress ;fancompress_vector decides which points should be compared and ;removes elements from bookeeping structs. ;this code does the comparisons pro do_vector_compress,pts,start_idx,mid_idx,fan,acc,err compile_opt idl2,hidden ;find and mark for removal any consecutive non-finite values. If either element of point is non-finite, it is counted as non-finite idx = where((~finite(pts[start_idx,0]) or ~finite(pts[start_idx,1])) and (~finite(pts[mid_idx,0]) or ~finite(pts[mid_idx,1])),c) if c gt 0 then begin acc[mid_idx[idx]] = 1 endif diff = pts[mid_idx,*]-pts[start_idx,*] dist = sqrt(fn_vector_dot_p(diff,diff)) ;cases where no fan exists, and mid_pt is within err of start_pt idx = where(fan[start_idx,0] eq 0 and fan[start_idx,1] eq 0 and $ dist le err,c,ncomplement=nc) ;mark for removal if c gt 0 then begin acc[mid_idx[idx]] = 1 endif if nc eq 0 then begin return endif ;cases where no fan exists and mid_pt is outside err of start_pt idx = where(fan[start_idx,0] eq 0 and fan[start_idx,1] eq 0 and $ dist gt err,c) ;create fan if c gt 0 then begin fan[start_idx[idx],0] = diff[idx,0]/dist[idx] fan[start_idx[idx],1] = diff[idx,1]/dist[idx] fan[start_idx[idx],2] = dist[idx] fan[start_idx[idx],3] = err/dist[idx] fan[start_idx[idx],4] = -err/dist[idx] endif ;cases where fan exists idx = where(fan[start_idx,0] ne 0 or fan[start_idx,1] ne 0,c) if c eq 0 then begin return endif ;project end_pt into u,v coordinates p_u = fn_vector_dot_p(pts[mid_idx[idx]+1,*]-pts[start_idx[idx],*],fan[start_idx[idx],0:1]) p_v = fn_vector_dot_p(pts[mid_idx[idx]+1,*]-pts[start_idx[idx],*],[[-fan[start_idx[idx],1]],[fan[start_idx[idx],0]]]) ;find points within the fan fidx = where(p_u ge fan[start_idx[idx],2] and p_v/p_u le fan[start_idx[idx],3] and p_v/p_u ge fan[start_idx[idx],4],fc) ;points inside the fan if fc gt 0 then begin ;mark for removal acc[mid_idx[idx[fidx]]] = 1 ;special case for min/max function when only single dim passes test if fc eq 1 then begin minmax_dim = 1 endif else begin minmax_dim = 2 endelse ;update fan fan[start_idx[idx[fidx]],2] = max([[fan[start_idx[idx[fidx]],2]],[p_u[fidx]]],minmax_dim,/nan) fan[start_idx[idx[fidx]],3] = min([[fan[start_idx[idx[fidx]],3]],[(p_v+err)/p_u[fidx]]],minmax_dim,/nan) fan[start_idx[idx[fidx]],4] = max([[fan[start_idx[idx[fidx]],4]],[(p_v-err)/p_u[fidx]]],minmax_dim,/nan) endif end function fancompress_vector,inpts,err,step compile_opt idl2,hidden n_in = (dimen(inpts))[0] loop_num = 0 outpts = lindgen(n_in) if n_in le 2 then begin return,outpts endif error = max([0,err]) use_pts = inpts fan = dblarr(n_in,5) ; bookeeping for fan, [u_hat_1,u_hat_2,p_u,m+,m-] repeat begin n_pts = n_elements(outpts) acc=lonarr(n_pts) start_idx = lindgen(n_pts/(step+2)+1)*(step+2) mid_idx = start_idx+1 for i = 0,step-1 do begin ;if there are some points dangling off the end, that will not be ;useful for transformation, remove their indices if mid_idx[n_elements(mid_idx)-1]+1 ge n_pts then begin if n_elements(mid_idx) eq 1 then begin continue endif else begin mid_idx = mid_idx[0:n_elements(mid_idx)-2] start_idx = start_idx[0:n_elements(start_idx)-2] endelse endif do_vector_compress,use_pts,start_idx,mid_idx,fan,acc,err ;advance start idx, in all places where removal failed idx = where(acc[mid_idx] eq 0,c) if c gt 0 then begin start_idx[idx] = mid_idx[idx] endif mid_idx++ endfor idx = where(acc eq 0,c) if c gt 0 then begin outpts = outpts[idx] use_pts = use_pts[idx,*] fan = fan[idx,*] endif loop_num++ endrep until n_pts eq n_elements(outpts) || n_elements(outpts) lt 3 return, outpts end function fancompress,inpts,err,vector=vector,step=step compile_opt idl2 if ~keyword_set(step) then begin step = 1 endif if ~keyword_set(vector) then begin return,fancompress_iter(inpts,err) endif else begin return,fancompress_vector(inpts,err,step) endelse end