;+ ;NAME: ; dydt_spike_test ;PURPOSE: ; This function checks an array for spikes based on its time ; derivative. This is designed mostly for THEMIS GMAG spikes that ; persist over multiple data points, but should work on single data ; point spikes too. ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; flag = dydt_spike_test(t0, y0, dydt_lim = dydt_lim, $ ; sigma_y = sigma_y, nsig = nsig, $ ; no_degap = no_degap, pad=pad, $ ; degap_margin = degap_margin, $ ; degap_dt = degap_dt, _extra = _extra) ;INPUT: ; t0 = a time array ; y0 = a data aray, same number of elements as t0 ;OUTPUT: ; flag = a bytarr(n_elements(t0)), set to 1 for spikes, 0 for ok data, ; note that NaN values are automatically set to 1 ;KEYWORDS: ; dydt_lim = a value for the max. allowed derivative, the default is ; to calculate a limiting value from the uncertainty in ; the data. ; sigma_y = if known, an estimate of the standard deviation in y0 ; values. The default is to use sqrt(y), as if you have a ; photon count for data. If you do not know ; this uncertainty in Y, it might be a good idea to use ; dydt_lim. ; nsig = the number of uncertainties in dydt that will be used to ; obtain the limit value at each data point. ; pad = pad the spike flag on either side by this many data points. ; no_degap = By default, the program calls xdegap and xdeflag routines ; to deal with gaps in the data. Set this keyword to avoid ; this. ;DEGAP KEYWORDS: ; nowarning = if set, suppresses warnings ; maxgap = the maximum gap size filled, in seconds ; degap_dt = a time_interval for the degap process, the default is to ; use the minimum of the time resolutions in the data, ; i.e., min(t0[1:*]-t0) ; degap_margin = a margin value for the degap call, the default is to ; use the minimum of the time resolutions in the data, ; i.e., min(t0[1:*]-t0) ; ;HISTORY: ; 7-apr-2008, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; ;$LastChangedBy: jimm $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2013-03-13 12:57:13 -0700 (Wed, 13 Mar 2013) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 11796 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/dydt_spike_test.pro $ ;- Function dydt_spike_test, t0, y0, dydt_lim = dydt_lim, $ sigma_y = sigma_y, nsig = nsig, $ no_degap = no_degap, $ degap_dt = degap_dt, $ degap_margin = degap_margin, $ _extra = _extra nt = n_elements(t0) & ny = n_elements(y0) flag = bytarr(nt) If(nt Ne ny) Then Begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Array mismatch' return, flag Endif ;care needs to be taken with NaN values, because these will affect ;adjacent points ok = where(finite(y0), nok) not_ok = where(finite(y0) Eq 0, nnot_ok) If(nnot_ok Gt 0) Then flag[not_ok] = 1 If(nok Lt 3) Then Begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Not enough good data' return, flag Endif t_in = t0[ok] t_in = t_in-t_in[0] y_in = y0[ok] f_in = bytarr(nok) ;Degap if not told not to If(Not Keyword_set(no_degap)) Then Begin dt0 = min(t_in[1:*]-t_in) ;use the smallest dt value for gaps If(dt0 Eq 0) Then Begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'Warning: Duplicate time values.' dtt = t_in[1:*]-t_in xtt = where(dtt Gt 0) If(xtt[0] Ne -1) Then Begin dt0 = min(dtt[xtt]) Endif Else Begin dprint, dlevel=1, 'No Nonzero dt values, returning' Return, flag Endelse Endif If(keyword_set(degap_margin)) Then margin = degap_margin $ Else margin = dt0 If(keyword_set(degap_dt)) Then dt = degap_dt Else dt = dt0 dtmed = median(t_in[1:*]-t_in) ;try a median test here.. If(dt Lt 5*dtmed) Then dt = 5.0*dtmed xdegap, dt, margin, t_in, y_in, t, y, iindices = ii, _extra = _extra, /onenanpergap If(t[0] Eq -1) Then Goto, didnt_degap ;No degapping happened xdeflag, 'repeat', t, y, _extra = _extra nok = n_elements(t) ;all of this data is ok.... f = bytarr(nok) Endif Else Begin didnt_degap: t = t_in & y = y_in & f = f_in & ii = lindgen(n_elements(t_in)) Endelse dydt = deriv(t, y) ;The default is to check the derivative against nsigs*it's ;uncertainty, but the threshold can be set too If(keyword_set(dydt_lim)) Then Begin dydt0 = replicate(dydt_lim, nok) Endif Else Begin If(keyword_set(nsig)) Then nsg = nsig Else nsg = 10.0 ;we're talking spike removal If(keyword_set(sigma_y)) Then Begin sy = replicate(sigma_y[0], nok) Endif Else sy = sqrt(abs(y)) dydt0 = abs(nsg*derivsig(t, y, 0.0, sy)) Endelse ;A spike happens when the derivative is larger than the threshold ;value, it'll remain a spike until: a) the derivative passes through 0 ;and then below the threshold, or b) the end of the array. c1 = abs(dydt) Gt dydt0 ww = where(c1) If(ww[0] Eq -1) Then Begin flag[ok] = f[ii] ;ii are the indices of the original data Return, flag Endif sgn = intarr(nok) z0d = where(dydt Ne 0.0) ;there has to be something here by now sgn[z0d] = dydt[z0d]/abs(dydt[z0d]) j = ww[0] loopx: ;maybe loop back here st_pt = j ;should never change dn = where(sgn[j:*] Ne sgn[j], ndn) ;sgn[j] isn't going to be zero ;Ok, two possibilities, 1) it never reaches a peak (or min), 2) it ;peaks and recovers. If(ndn Eq 0) Then Begin ;No peak, flag everything and return f[j:*] = 1 flag[ok] = f[ii] Return, flag Endif Else Begin ;ok, now here you've passed the peak, and the derivative has changed ;signs, two things can happen: 1) the abs value of the derivative can ;be greater than the threshold value, or 2) not. The first is easy, ;you simply end the spike where the abs value of the derivative drops ;below the threshold. For the second, the best that you can do is end ;the spike where the derivative changes signs again. j0 = dn[0]+j ;the turnaround or peak point j1 = dn[0]+j+1 ;this is the point *after* the peak pt. If(j1 Lt nok-1) Then Begin back_up = where(sgn[j1:*] Eq sgn[j] Or sgn[j1:*] Eq 0, nback_up)+j1 c2 = where(abs(dydt[j0:*]) Gt dydt0[j] And sgn[j0:*] Ne sgn[j], nc2)+j0 If(nback_up Gt 0) Then Begin en_pt = back_up[0] ;unless If(nc2 Gt 0) Then Begin ;find the last pt. of big derivative with the opposite sign of the original ;but happening before the first back_up point. This should be the most ;likely result test = where(c2 Lt back_up[0], ntest) If(ntest Gt 0) Then en_pt = max(c2[test]) Endif Endif Else Begin ;oh my, the derivative never gets back up If(nc2 Gt 0) Then Begin ;find the last pt. of big derivative with the opposite sign of the ;original, we'll still stop the spike if we can en_pt = max(c2) Endif Else Begin ;everything is a spike, again f[j:*] = 1 flag[ok] = f[ii] Return, flag Endelse Endelse Endif Else en_pt = nok-1 Endelse ;If you are here, you have an end point, set the flag, and loop back ;up if necessary: If(keyword_set(pad)) Then Begin st_pt = (st_pt - pad) > 0 en_pt = (en_pt + pad) < (nok-1) Endif Else en_pt = en_pt < (nok-1) f[st_pt:en_pt] = 1 flag[ok] = f[ii] ;test for more spikes If(en_pt Lt nok-1) Then Begin c1 = abs(dydt[en_pt+1:*]) Gt dydt0[en_pt+1:*] ww = where(c1) If(ww[0] Ne -1) Then Begin j = en_pt+1+ww[0] Goto, loopx Endif Endif ;Done Return, flag End