;+ ;***************************************************************************************** ; ; FUNCTION : cart_to_sphere.pro ; PURPOSE : Transforms from cartesian to spherical coordinates. ; ; CALLED BY: ; xyz_to_polar.pro ; add_df2dp.pro ; add_df2d_to_ph.pro ; ; CALLS: NA ; ; REQUIRES: NA ; ; INPUT: ; X : N-Element array of cartesian X-component data points ; Y : N-Element array of cartesian Y-component data points ; Z : N-Element array of cartesian Z-component data points ; R : Named variable to return the radial magnitudes in ; spherical coordinates ; THETA : Named variable to return the poloidal angles (deg) ; PHI : Named variable to return the azimuthal angles (deg) ; ; EXAMPLES: ; ; KEYWORDS: ; PH_0_360 : IF > 0, 0 <= PHI <= 360 ; IF = 0, -180 <= PHI <= 180 ; IF < 0, ***if negative, best guess phi range returned*** ; PH_HIST : 2-Element array of max and min values for PHI ; [e.g. IF PH_0_360 NOT set and PH_HIST=[-220,220] THEN ; if d(PHI)/dt is positive near 180, then ; PHI => PHI+360 when PHI passes the 180/-180 ; discontinuity until phi reaches 220.] ; CO_LATITUDE : If set, THETA returned between 0.0 and 180.0 degrees ; ; MIN_VALUE : Deprecated keyword, maintained for backwards compatibility ; MAX_VALUE : Deprecated keyword, maintained for backwards compatibility ; ; ; CREATED BY: Davin Larson ; LAST MODIFIED: 06/21/2009 v1.1.0 ; MODIFIED BY: Lynn B. Wilson III ; ; $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-01-10 17:03:26 -0800 (Wed, 10 Jan 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24506 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/cart_to_sphere.pro $ ; ;***************************************************************************************** ;- PRO cart_to_sphere,x,y,z,r,theta,phi,PH_0_360=ph_0_360,PH_HIST=ph_hist, $ CO_LATITUDE=co_lat,MIN_VALUE=min_value,$ MAX_VALUE=max_value ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; => Define some parameters ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rho = x*x + y*y ; => Cylindrical coordinate \rho r = SQRT(rho + z*z) ; => Spherical coordinate radius phi = 18e1/!DPI*ATAN(y,x) ; => Spherical coordinate azimuthal angle (deg) theta = 18e1/!DPI*ATAN(z/ SQRT(rho)) ; => " " poloidal angle (deg) IF KEYWORD_SET(co_lat) THEN theta = 9e1 - theta ph_mid = 0 ; => middle value of phi IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(ph_0_360) THEN ph_0_360 = 0 IF (ph_0_360 NE 0) THEN BEGIN tmp_phi = phi a = WHERE((phi GE -180) AND (phi LT 0),acount) IF (acount ne 0) THEN tmp_phi[a] = tmp_phi[a] + 360 ; => Make 0 <= tmp_phi <= 360 IF ((ph_0_360 LT 0) AND (N_ELEMENTS(phi) GT 1)) THEN BEGIN ; => Auto range phi subt = [[-1],[1]] ; => [a,b] ## subt = b - a mmp = (CEIL(minmax(phi, MIN=-360,MAX=360)##subt))[0] ; => phi range mmtp = (CEIL(minmax(tmp_phi,MIN=-360,MAX=360)##subt))[0] ; => tmp range IF (mmp eq mmtp) THEN BEGIN ; => if ranges are equal, choose one with fewer branch cuts a = WHERE(ABS(TS_DIFF(phi, 1)) GT 300,bcount) a = WHERE(ABS(TS_DIFF(tmp_phi,1)) GT 300,ccount) IF (bcount GT ccount) THEN ph_mid = 180 ENDIF ELSE IF (mmp GT mmtp) THEN ph_mid = 180 ENDIF ELSE ph_mid = 180 ; => if ph_0_360 positive IF (ph_mid EQ 180) THEN phi = tmp_phi tmp_phi = 0 ; => deallocate memory ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET(ph_hist) THEN BEGIN ndim0 = (SIZE(ph_hist,/DIMENSIONS))[0] ntyp0 = (SIZE(ph_hist,/TYPE))[0] IF (ndim0 NE 2) OR (ntyp0 GE 6) THEN BEGIN DPRINT,'PH_HIST should be a two element array of numbers' DPRINT,'Ignoring request.' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN for i=1l,n_elements(phi)-1 do begin if ((phi[i-1] gt ph_mid) and $ (phi[ i ] lt ph_mid) and $ (phi[ i ] lt ph_hist[1]-360)) $ then phi[i] = phi[i]+360 if ((phi[i-1] lt ph_mid) and $ (phi[i] gt ph_mid) and $ (phi[i] gt ph_hist[0]+360)) $ then phi[i] = phi[i]-360 endfor ENDELSE ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; => Define min ranges ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (N_ELEMENTS(min_value) NE 0) THEN BEGIN bad = WHERE(x LE min_value,count) minx = MIN(x,/NAN) IF (count NE 0) THEN BEGIN r[bad] = minx[0] theta[bad] = minx[0] phi[bad] = minx[0] ENDIF ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; => Define max ranges ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (N_ELEMENTS(max_value) NE 0) THEN BEGIN bad = WHERE(x GE max_value,count) maxx = MAX(x,/NAN) IF (count NE 0) THEN BEGIN r[bad] = maxx[0] theta[bad] = maxx[0] phi[bad] = maxx[0] ENDIF ENDIF ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; => If x input is float, make angles floats ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ntyp0 = (SIZE(x[0],/TYPE))[0] IF (ntyp0 EQ 4) THEN BEGIN theta = FLOAT(theta) phi = FLOAT(phi) ENDIF RETURN END