;+ ;PROCEDURE: append_array, a0, a1 ;PURPOSE: ; Append an array to another array. Can also copy an array into a ; subset of another. It is equivalent to : a0 = [a0,a1]; but it doesn't fail if a0 is undefined (or 0) ;INPUT: ; a0: Array to be enlarged. ; a1: Array (or single value) to be appended to a0. ;KEYWORDS: ; INDEX: an input variable that will VASTLY improve performance when repeatedly appending a small array onto the end of a large array. ; When using this keyword, the array a0 is enlarged a little bit more than needed so that subsequent appends of a1 will be ; written into a0 instead of creating a new array each time. The INDEX value represents the number of valid elements. ; If INDEX is a named variable then it will be auto incremented. ; If INDEX is not a named variable then the calling routine should set it using the NEW_INDEX output, ; After all appending is completed, make the call: ; append_array,a0,index=index ; to truncate to the proper size. ; NEW_INDEX: Output, size of new array. This can be used if index is NOT a named variable. Don't use if INDEX is a NAMED variable ; FILLNAN: Set this keyword to fill padded values with NANs. ; DONE: Equivalent to calling without the a1 argument. ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-04-04 00:09:13 -0700 (Sat, 04 Apr 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28501 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/misc/append_array.pro $ ;LAST MODIFIED: @(#)append_array.pro 1.6 98/08/13 ;- pro append_array,a0,a1,index=index,new_index=new_index,done=done,fillnan=fillnan,verbose=verbose,error=error a0_set = keyword_set(a0) or size(/n_dimension,a0) ge 1 ; a0 is defined if arg_present(index) or n_elements(index) ne 0 then begin dim0 = size(/dimension,a0) & n0 = dim0[0]>1 dim1 = size(/dimension,a1) & n1 = dim1[0]>1 if keyword_set(done) or (n_elements(a1) eq 0) then begin ; truncate a0 properly new_index = dim0[0] ; or n0 ? if not keyword_set(index) then return a0 = a0[0:index-1,*] return endif if dim0[0] eq 0 and keyword_set(a0) eq 0 then begin ; Initialize if starting value of a0 is 0 or undefined. [0] is valid array! a0 = [a1] index = n1 new_index=index return endif error = 0 if a0_set && size(/type,a0) ne size(/type,a1) then begin if debug(2) then printdat,a0,a1 dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Incompatible types! Can not append' error = 1 return endif if a0_set && n_tags(/length,a0) ne n_tags(/length,a1) then begin if debug(3) then printdat,a0,a1 dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Incompatible structures! Can not append' error = 2 return endif if a0_set && n_tags(a0) ne n_tags(a1) then begin if debug(3) then printdat,a0,a1 dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Incompatible structures! Can not append' error = 2 return endif if a0_set then begin dim0 = size(/dimen,a0) dim1 = size(/dimen,a1) if n_elements(dim0) eq 2 && n_elements(dim1) eq 2 && dim0[1] ne dim1[1] then begin dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Size mismatch' error = 3 return endif endif if not keyword_set(index) then index = n0 index = index < n0 ; safety net if n1+index gt n0 then begin xfactor = .5 fill = keyword_set(fillnan) ? fill_nan(a1[0]) : a1[0] if n_elements(dim1) ne n_elements(dim0) then begin dprint,dlevel=2,'Incompatible appending' if debug(3) then printdat,a0,a1 endif dim = dim0 add = floor(n0 * xfactor + n1) dim[0] = add ; dprint,dlevel=4,"Enlarging array by ",add a0 = [a0,replicate(fill,dim)] n0=n0+add endif a0[index:index+n1-1,*] = a1 index = index + n1 new_index = index return endif if n_elements(a1) eq 0 then return if keyword_set(a0) or size(/n_dimension,a0) ge 1 then a0=[a0,a1] $ else if size(/n_elements,a1) ge 1 then a0=[a1] dim = size(/dimension,a0) new_index = dim[0] end ;;testing: ;a0= 0 ;a1= findgen(1,3) ;ind = 0 ;append_array,a0,a1++,index=ind,/fill & printdat,a0,a1,ind ; ;end