pro fits_close,fcb,no_abort=no_abort,message=message ;+ ; NAME: ; FITS_CLOSE ; ;*PURPOSE: ; Close a FITS data file ; ;*CATEGORY: ; INPUT/OUTPUT ; ;*CALLING SEQUENCE: ; FITS_CLOSE,fcb ; ;*INPUTS: ; FCB: FITS control block returned by FITS_OPEN. ; ;*KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /NO_ABORT: Set to return to calling program instead of a RETALL ; when an I/O error is encountered. If set, the routine will ; return a non-null string (containing the error message) in the ; keyword MESSAGE. If /NO_ABORT not set, then FITS_CLOSE will ; print the message and issue a RETALL ; MESSAGE = value: Output error message ; ;*EXAMPLES: ; Open a FITS file, read some data, and close it with FITS_CLOSE ; ; FITS_OPEN,'infile',fcb ; FITS_READ,fcb,data ; FITS_READ,fcb,moredata ; FITS_CLOSE,fcb ; ;*HISTORY: ; Written by: D. Lindler August, 1995 ; Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 ; Do nothing if fcb an invalid structure D. Schlegel/W. Landsman Oct. 2000 ; Return Message='' for to signal normal operation W. Landsman Nov. 2000 ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; print calling sequence if no parameters supplied ; if N_params() lt 1 then begin print,'Syntax - FITS_CLOSE, fcb' print,'KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /No_abort, message=' return end ; ; close unit ; on_ioerror,ioerror message = '' sz_fcb = size(fcb) ;Valid structure? if sz_fcb[2] EQ 8 then free_lun,fcb.unit return ; ; error exit (probably should never occur) ; ioerror: message = !error_state.msg if keyword_set(no_abort) then return message,' ERROR: '+message,/CON retall end