;+ ; Procedure: string_glob_preprocess ; ; Purpose: Preprocesses tokenized input from the mini-language to add globbing support ; Each time there is a '?' or '*' character in a tplot variable, it creates another copy of ; the token list with specific values filled in. Because an output variable must be selected ; the output variable should contain globbing tokens to avoid errors. ; ; Inputs: l : The token list after lexical analyzer. ; ; Outputs: gl : The list of token lists after glob preprocessing. ; ; Keywords: error: Returns an error struct if illegal globbing is used ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-12 11:37:42 -0700 (Sat, 12 Sep 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18779 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/mini/string_glob_preprocess.pro $ ;- function sgp_is_globbable,s compile_opt idl2 return,is_string_type(s) and (strpos(s.value,'*') ne -1 or strpos(s.value,'?') ne -1 or strpos(s.value,'[') ne -1) end function sgp_match_vars,s compile_opt idl2 tvar_list = tnames('*') s_len = strlen(s) delim_a = strmid(s,0,1) match_var = strmid(s,1,s_len-2) delim_b = strmid(s,s_len-1,1) match = where(strmatch(tvar_list,match_var),c) if c eq 0 then begin return,-1 endif else begin return,delim_a+tvar_list[match]+delim_b endelse end ;replaces globbing codes with regular expression capture codes ;this way we can find out which tplot variables get matched and create appropriate target variables function sgp_regex_capture_replace,s compile_opt idl2 ;will move characters from s_front to s_back as algorithm progresses. Regex should search from back to front. s_front = strmid(s,1,strlen(s)-2) ;removes the quotation marks from the comparison s_back = '' r = stregex(s_front,'.*(\*).*',/subexpr,length=l) while r[0] ne -1 do begin s_back = '(.*)' + strmid(s_front,r[1]+l[1],strlen(s_front)-(r[1]+l[1])) + s_back s_front = strmid(s_front,0,r[1]) r = stregex(s_front,'.*(\*).*',/subexpr,length=l) endwhile s_front = s_front + s_back s_back = '' r = stregex(s_front,'.*(\?).*',/subexpr,length=l) while r[0] ne -1 do begin s_back = '(.)' + strmid(s_front,r[1]+l[1],strlen(s_front)-(r[1]+l[1])) + s_back s_front = strmid(s_front,0,r[1]) r = stregex(s_front,'.*(\?).*',/subexpr,length=l) endwhile s_front = s_front + s_back s_back = '' r = stregex(s_front,'.*(\[.*\]).*',/subexpr,length=l) while r[0] ne -1 do begin s_back = '('+strmid(s_front,r[1],l[1])+')' + strmid(s_front,r[1]+l[1],strlen(s_front)-(r[1]+l[1])) + s_back s_front = strmid(s_front,0,r[1]) r = stregex(s_front,'.*(\[.*\]).*',/subexpr,length=l) endwhile s_front = s_front + s_back s_back = '' return,'^'+s_front+'$' end function sgp_regex_match_replace,target_var,source_var,r,l compile_opt idl2 out_var = target_var for i = 1,n_elements(r)-1 do begin ;The bracket regex is tricky. regex matches greedily, which means that \[.*\] will find a single match for multiple bracket globs it a row. We want it to match each separately. Thus we disallow left brackets inside our bracket match out_r = stregex(out_var,'\?|\[[^[]*\]|\*',length=out_l) if out_r[0] eq -1 then return,-1 out_var = strmid(out_var,0,out_r) + strmid(source_var,r[i],l[i]) + strmid(out_var,out_r+out_l,strlen(out_var)-out_l) endfor return,out_var end function sgp_out_vars,target,source,verbose=verbose,error=error compile_opt idl2 if ~sgp_is_globbable(source) then return,-1 reg_var = sgp_regex_capture_replace(source.value) tvar_list = tnames('*') r = stregex(tvar_list,reg_var,/subexpr,length=l) idx = where(r[0,*] ne -1,c) if c eq 0 then begin if keyword_set(verbose) then begin dprint,'ERROR Globbing operand has no matches' endif error = {type:'error',name:'Globbing operand with no match',value:source.value} return,-1 endif out = strarr(c) for i = 0,c-1 do begin out_replace = sgp_regex_match_replace(target.value,tvar_list[idx[i]],r[*,idx[i]],l[*,idx[i]]) if is_num(out_replace) then begin if keyword_set(verbose) then begin dprint,'Output variable globs do not match operand variable globs' endif error = {type:'error',name:'Output variable globs do not match operand variable globs',value:target.value} return,-1 endif out[i] = out_replace endfor return,out end pro string_glob_preprocess,l,gl,error=error,verbose=verbose compile_opt idl2 ;don't even bother preprocessing. Can't work with fewer than 3 tokens if n_elements(l) lt 3 then return ;If they don't use globbing at the beginning then ;they can't have multiple outputs, so we just need to ;resolve the variables and continue if ~sgp_is_globbable(l[0]) then begin tmp_list = l for i = 1l, n_elements(l)-1 do begin if sgp_is_globbable(l[i]) then begin if keyword_set(verbose) then begin dprint,'Warning: globbing used in operand variable when output variable is not a globbable' endif matches = sgp_match_vars(l[i].value) if is_num(matches) then begin if keyword_set(verbose) then begin dprint,'Error: globbing variable has no match: ' + l[i].value endif error = {type:'error',name:'Globbing variable with no match',value:l[i].value} return endif tmp_list[i] = {type:'string',name:matches[0],value:matches[0],index:i} endif endfor gl = reform(tmp_list,1,n_elements(tmp_list)) endif else begin ;The tricky case. Uses the first variable as a guide for the rest ;Globbing can be one to one, or one to many, but not many to many ;since output variables don't necessarily exist, we need to figure out what their names will be ;and create them. for i=1,n_elements(l)-1 do begin matches = sgp_out_vars(l[0],l[i],verbose=verbose,error=error) if is_struct(error) then return if ~is_num(matches) then break endfor if i eq n_elements(l) then begin if keyword_set(verbose) then begin dprint,'Error: output globbing variable has no match: ' + l[0].value endif error = {type:'error',name:'Output globbing variable with no match',value:l[0].value} return endif n_matches = n_elements(matches) temp_struct = l[0] gl = replicate(temp_struct,n_elements(matches),n_elements(l)) gl[*,0].name = matches gl[*,0].value = matches for i = 1,n_elements(l)-1 do begin if sgp_is_globbable(l[i]) then begin matches = sgp_match_vars(l[i].value) if n_elements(matches) ne n_matches then begin if keyword_set(verbose) then begin dprint,'Error: number of globbing matches for operand does not match number of matches for other operands ' + l[i].value endif error = {type:'error',name:'Globbing variable with wrong number of matches',value:l[i].value} return endif gl[*,i].name = matches gl[*,i].value = matches endif else begin gl[*,i] = l[i] endelse endfor endelse end