;+ ;Procedure: slr ; ;Purpose: This routine will generate SLR(1) parse tables for a bottom-up shift/ ; reduce parcer. The entire algorithm is described in "Compilers: ; Principles, Tools, and Techniques" by Aho, Sethi, & Ullman 1986 Section ; 4.7 ; ; Helper functions in this file are specific to the SLR technique ; and uses a similar naming schema to that used in Aho,Sethi & Ullman. ; Different versions of closure, goto, & items are needed for LARL or LRK parse table generation methods. ; These have not been implemented ; ; Inputs: grammar: A grammar description structure from which the parse_tables are generated ; (see productions.pro) ; ; Keywords: parse_tables: A structure storing the parse tables for the grammar are returned through this named variable ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2013-05-10 17:04:22 -0700 (Fri, 10 May 2013) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 12331 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/mini/slr.pro $ ;- ;closure is a helper routine that is important for the generation ;of SLR tables, it is a standard routine that you should find ;described in texts that describe top-down and bottom up parsers ;uses a recursive call to generate set, the first call will ;not have added set. Added will be set automatically in recursive ;calls function closure_slr,items,grammar,added compile_opt idl2,hidden ;initialize added if ~keyword_set(added) then begin added = intarr(n_elements(grammar.production_list)) end ;NOTE:consider using vector, this is messy out = '' ; empty string is the fail case ;loop over items for i = 0,n_elements(items)-1 do begin item = items[i] ;if the item has not already been added if added[item.index] eq 0 then begin ;add it out = concat(item,out) ;set it to added if item.pos eq 0 then begin added[item.index] = 1 endif ;if there is any item to the right of the item if item.pos lt item.length then begin ;get the element ele = item.right[item.pos] ;find all productions that begin with the element idx = where(grammar.production_list.left eq ele and not added) if idx[0] ne -1L then begin ;calculate the closure of these as prods as items with ;placeholder on left result = closure_slr(make_item(grammar.production_list[idx],0),grammar,added) ;if we get any results, add them to the output if is_struct(result) then begin out = [out,result] endif endif endif endif endfor return, out end ;empty is fail(although not necessarily serious) ;the function goto is a standard function used in ;LL, top-down parsers, SLR, LR(k) & bottom-up parsers ;you will find this routine described in ;references listed in calc.pro header function goto_slr,items,ele,grammar compile_opt idl2,hidden pos = items[*].pos length = items[*].length idx = where(pos lt length) if idx[0] ne -1 then begin items_tmp = items[idx] eles_arr = items_tmp.right eles = eles_arr[items_tmp.pos + lindgen(n_elements(items))*6] items_tmp.pos += 1 if in_set(ele,eles) then begin idx = where(eles eq ele) return,closure_slr(items_tmp[idx],grammar) endif endif return,'' end ;constructs the set of sets that are needed for an slr parser function items_slr,grammar compile_opt idl2,hidden idx = where(grammar.augment eq grammar.production_list.left) if idx[0] eq -1L then begin return,{type:'error',name:'grammar error',value:'grammar has no augment production'} endif set = closure_slr(make_item(grammar.production_list[idx],0),grammar) out_sets = csvector(set) symbols = ssl_set_union(grammar.terminals,grammar.nonterminals) num_sets = 1 i = 0 while(1) do begin if i ge num_sets then begin return,{type:'set',vector:out_sets} endif set = csvector(i,out_sets,/read) for j = 0,n_elements(symbols) -1 do begin out = goto_slr(set,symbols[j],grammar) if is_struct(out) && ~in_vector(out,out_sets) then begin out_sets = csvector(out,out_sets) num_sets++ endif endfor i++ endwhile end ;constructs an slr parsing table from a grammar function make_table_slr,grammar compile_opt hidden,idl2 parse_table_routines set_of_items = items_slr(grammar) if set_of_items[0].type eq 'error' then begin return,set_of_items endif set_num = csvector(set_of_items.vector,/length) terminal_num = n_elements(grammar.terminals) nonterminal_num = n_elements(grammar.nonterminals) action_table = strarr(set_num,terminal_num) goto_table = strarr(set_num,nonterminal_num) state_symbols = strarr(set_num) for i = 0,set_num-1 do begin items = csvector(i,set_of_items.vector,/read) item_num = n_elements(items) ;construct actions for j = 0,item_num-1 do begin item = items[j] if item.left eq grammar.augment && item.pos eq 0 then begin initial = i endif ;action = shift if item.pos lt item.length then begin element = item.right[item.pos] element_index = where(element eq grammar.terminals) if element_index[0] ne -1 then begin goto_out = goto_slr(items,element,grammar) if is_equal(goto_out[0],'') then begin return,{type:'error',name:'unexpected output',value:'unexpected goto output while processing: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele: ' + element} endif goto_index = vec_index(goto_out,set_of_items.vector) if goto_index[0] ne -1 then begin ;conflict if action_table[i,element_index] ne '' && action_table[i,element_index] ne 's' + strtrim(string(goto_index),2) then begin ;not sure how to handle shift/shift conflict if strmid(action_table[i,element_index],0,1) eq 's' then begin return,{type:'error',name:'action shift conflict',value:'shift/shift state conflict',state_num:i,state_symbols:state_symbols,goto_index:goto_index,element:element,element_index:element_index[0],action_table:action_table,set_of_items:set_of_items} endif op1_index = where(element eq grammar.operators) ;cant resolve non-operator precedence conflicts if op1_index eq -1 then begin return,{type:'error',name:'action shift conflict',value:'precendence state conflict',state_num:i,state_symbols:state_symbols,goto_index:goto_index,element:element,element_index:element_index[0],action_table:action_table,set_of_items:set_of_items} endif production_index = long(strmid(action_table[i,element_index],1)) op2_index = where(grammar.production_list[production_index].op eq grammar.operators) ;I *think* this will only occur from malformed grammar. if op2_index eq -1 then begin return,{type:'error',name:'action shift conflict',value:'invalid grammar state conflict',state_num:i,state_symbols:state_symbols,goto_index:goto_index,element:element,element_index:element_index[0],action_table:action_table,set_of_items:set_of_items} endif ;shift beats reduce? ;This section resolves operator precedences. All operators are left-associative if they're at same precedence. (ie same-precedence -> reduce beats shift) ;if op1_index gt op2_index then begin if grammar.precedences[op1_index] gt grammar.precedences[op2_index] then begin state_symbols[goto_index] = element action_table[i,element_index] = 's' + strtrim(string(goto_index),2) ; dprint,'Shift :' + element + ' Beats Reduce: ' + grammar.production_list[production_index].op endif else begin ;dprint,'Shift :' + element + ' Loses to Reduce: ' + grammar.production_list[production_index].op endelse endif else begin state_symbols[goto_index] = element action_table[i,element_index] = 's' + strtrim(string(goto_index),2) endelse endif else begin return,{type:'error',name:'index error',value:'unexpected invalid index while processing: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele: ' + element} ;all goto outputs should be set endelse endif endif ;action reduce if item.pos eq item.length && item.left ne grammar.augment then begin follow_out = parse_follow(item.left,grammar) if is_equal(follow_out[0],'') then begin return,{type:'error',name:'unexpected output',value:'unexpected follow output while processing: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele:' + item.left} endif for k = 0,n_elements(follow_out)-1 do begin ind = where(follow_out[k] eq grammar.terminals) if ind[0] ne -1 then begin if action_table[i,ind] ne '' then begin return,{type:'error',name:'action reduce conflict',value:'conflict with state: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele: ' + item.left + ' entry = ' + action_table[i,ind]} endif action_table[i,ind] = 'r'+strtrim(string(item.index),2) endif else begin return,{type:'error',name:'index error',value:'unexpected invalid index while processing: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele: ' + item.left} ;all goto outputs should be set endelse ; ; endfor endfor endif ;action accept if item.left eq grammar.augment && item.pos eq 1 then begin ind = where(grammar.endline eq grammar.terminals) if ind[0] ne -1 then begin if action_table[i,ind] ne '' then begin return,{type:'error',name:'action accept conflict',value:'conflict with state: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele: ' + item.left + ' entry = ' + action_table[i,ind]} endif action_table[i,ind] = 'acc' endif else begin return,{type:'error',name:'index error',value:'unexpected invalid index while processing: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' ele: ' + item.left} ;all goto outputs should be set endelse endif endfor ;construct gotos for j = 0,nonterminal_num -1 do begin nt = grammar.nonterminals[j] goto_out = goto_slr(items,nt,grammar) if is_equal(goto_out,'') then begin continue endif goto_index = vec_index(goto_out,set_of_items.vector) if goto_index[0] ne -1 then begin goto_table[i,j] = goto_index endif else begin return,{type:'error',name:'index error',value:'unexpected invalid index while processing: ' + strtrim(long(i),2) + ' nt: ' + nt} ;all goto outputs should be set endelse endfor endfor idx = where(action_table eq '') if idx[0] ne -1 then begin action_table[idx] = 'err' endif idx = where(goto_table eq '') if idx[0] ne -1 then begin goto_table[idx] = 'err' endif return,{type:'parse_table',action_table:action_table,goto_table:goto_table,initial_state:initial} end pro slr,grammar,parse_tables=parse_tables parse_tables = make_table_slr(grammar) end