;+ ;Procedure: productions ; ;Purpose: generates the grammar for the mini_language. This file combined with the routines in mini_routines ; describes most of the structure of the mini_language. By changing these one should be able to change ; the language with relatively few modifications to other files. ; ;Outputs: A structure that describes the grammar of the mini_language ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-06-16 16:20:59 -0700 (Thu, 16 Jun 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21331 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/mini/productions.pro $ ;- function productions nonterminals = ['sp','s','exp','args','keyword'] terminals = ['var','asm','tvar','number','++',$ '--','~','u-','b-','not','(',')',$ 'func','^','*','#','##','k/','b/',$ 'mod','u+','b+','<','>','eq','ne',$ 'le','lt','ge','gt','and',$ 'or','xor','&&','||',',',''] ;operators list operators = reverse(['^','++','--',$ '*','#','##','k/','b/','mod',$ 'u+','u-','b+','b-','<','>','not','~',$ 'eq','ne','le','lt','ge','gt',$ 'and','or','xor',$ '&&','||']) ;list of operator precedences, same number indicates same precedence, lower number indicates lower precedence. precedences = reverse([5,5,5,$ 4,4,4,4,4,4,$ 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,$ 2,2,2,2,2,2,$ 1,1,1,$ 0,0]) ;the number of rules in the grammar n = 47 start = 's' augment = 'sp' endline = '' empty_sym = 'empty' production = {type:'production',$ ;Type is a field defined for most structs in the mini language left:'',$ ;left is the left side/nonterminal of a production right:strarr(6),$ ;right is the right side terminal/nonterminal list of a production op:'',$ ;op is the operator used in the production right side, if any...used in determining operator precedence conflicts fun:'',$ ;the name of a function that evaluates the production when called by the parser index:0,$ ;the index of the production, to save the trouble of constantly search for it length:0 } ; the length of the production right side, to save from constantly counting it left = strarr(n) left[0] = 'sp' left[1:2] = 's' left[3:40] = 'exp' left[41:44] = 'args' left[45:46] = 'keyword' plist = replicate(production,n) plist[*].left = left i = 0 plist[i].right[0] = ['s'] plist[i].length = 1 plist[i].fun = 'mini_return' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['var','asm','exp'] plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_assign' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['tvar','asm','exp'] plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_assign' i++ plist[i].right[0] = ['number'] plist[i].length = 1 plist[i].fun = 'mini_number' i++ plist[i].right[0] = ['var'] plist[i].length = 1 plist[i].fun = 'mini_var' i++ plist[i].right[0] = ['tvar'] plist[i].length = 1 plist[i].fun = 'mini_var' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['++','var'] plist[i].op = '++' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['++','tvar'] plist[i].op = '++' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['--','var'] plist[i].op = '--' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['--','tvar'] plist[i].op = '--' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['var','++'] plist[i].op = '++' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['tvar','++'] plist[i].op = '++' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['var','--'] plist[i].op = '--' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['tvar','--'] plist[i].op = '--' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_incdec' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['~','exp'] plist[i].op = '~' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_uop' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['u+','exp'] plist[i].op = 'u+' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_uop' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['u-','exp'] plist[i].op = 'u-' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_uop' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['not','exp'] plist[i].op = 'not' plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_uop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['(','exp',')'] plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_paren' i++ plist[i].right[0:3] = ['func','(','args',')'] plist[i].length = 4 plist[i].fun = 'mini_func' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','^','exp'] plist[i].op = '^' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','*','exp'] plist[i].op = '*' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','#','exp'] plist[i].op = '#' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','##','exp'] plist[i].op = '##' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','b/','exp'] plist[i].op = 'b/' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','mod','exp'] plist[i].op = 'mod' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','b+','exp'] plist[i].op = 'b+' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','b-','exp'] plist[i].op = 'b-' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','<','exp'] plist[i].op = '<' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','>','exp'] plist[i].op = '>' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','eq','exp'] plist[i].op = 'eq' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','ne','exp'] plist[i].op = 'ne' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','le','exp'] plist[i].op = 'le' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','lt','exp'] plist[i].op = 'lt' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','ge','exp'] plist[i].op = 'ge' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','gt','exp'] plist[i].op = 'gt' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','and','exp'] plist[i].op = 'and' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','or','exp'] plist[i].op = 'or' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','xor','exp'] plist[i].op = 'xor' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','&&','exp'] plist[i].op = '&&' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp','||','exp'] plist[i].op = '||' plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_bop' i++ plist[i].right[0] = ['exp'] plist[i].length = 1 plist[i].fun = 'mini_arg' i++ plist[i].right[0] = ['keyword'] plist[i].length = 1 plist[i].fun = 'mini_arg' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['exp',',','args'] plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_args' i++ plist[i].right[0:2] = ['keyword',',','args'] plist[i].length = 3 plist[i].fun = 'mini_args' i++ plist[i].right[0:1] = ['k/','var'] plist[i].length = 2 plist[i].fun = 'mini_keyword' i++ plist[i].right[0:3] = ['k/','var','asm','var'] plist[i].length = 4 plist[i].fun = 'mini_keyword' i++ plist.index = lindgen(n_elements(plist)) grammar = {type:'grammar',nonterminals:nonterminals,terminals:terminals,operators:operators,precedences:precedences,start:start,augment:augment,endline:endline,empty:empty_sym,production_list:plist} return,grammar end