;+ ; NAME: crib_tplot_multiaxis ; ; PURPOSE: Demonstrate how to create plots with two y axes. ; You can run this crib by typing: ; IDL>.compile crib_tplot_multiaxis ; IDL>.go ; ; When you reach a stop, press ; IDL>.c ; to continue ; ; Or you can copy and paste commands directly onto the command line ; ; SEE ALSO: crib_tplot.pro (basic tplot commands) ; crib_tplot_range.pro (how to control the range and scaling of plots) ; crib_tplot_layout.pro (how to arrange plots within a window, and data within a plot) ; crib_tplot_annotation.pro (how to control labels, titles, and colors of plots) ; crib_tplot_overlay.pro (how to overlay spectral plots) ; ; NOTES: ; If you see any useful commands missing from these cribs, please let us know. ; these cribs can help double as documentation for tplot. ; ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-05-25 16:37:13 -0700 (Wed, 25 May 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 21212 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/examples/crib_tplot_multiaxis.pro $ ;- ;============================================ ; Setup ;============================================ ;clear tplot variables store_data,'*',/delete ;first we set a time and load some data. timespan,'2008-03-23' ;loading spectral data st_swea_load, /all ;loading line plot data (stereo moments) st_part_moments, probe='a', /get_mom ;set new color scheme (for aesthetics) init_crib_colors ;============================================ ; Single plot ;============================================ ;set plot colors and lavels for easy viewing options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_avgtemp', colors='b' ;the first argument's y axis is placed on the left ;the second's is placed on the right tplot_multiaxis, 'sta_SWEA_mom_density', 'sta_SWEA_mom_avgtemp' print, 'Plot two variables on a single plot with separate y axes' stop ;============================================ ; Mulitple plots ;============================================ options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_avgtemp', colors='b' options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_t3', colors=['c','y','m'] ;the first arguments' y axes are placed on the left ;each list may be an array or a space separated list tplot_multiaxis, ['sta_SWEA_mom_density','sta_SWEA_mom_vthermal'], $ 'sta_SWEA_mom_avgtemp sta_SWEA_mom_t3' print, 'Create multiple plots with two y axes' stop ;============================================ ; Specify positions ;============================================ options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_avgtemp', colors='b' options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_velocity', colors=['b','g','r'] ;A third argument can be used to specify which plot the corresponding ;entry from the right-aligned list will be added to. tplot_multiaxis, ['sta_SWEA_mom_velocity','sta_SWEA_mom_density','sta_SWEA_en'], $ ['sta_SWEA_mom_avgtemp','sta_SWEA_mom_vthermal'], [2,1] print, 'Specify a subset of plots to have two y axes' stop print, 'Done!' end