;+ ; NAME: crib_tplot_annotation ; ; PURPOSE: Crib to demonstrate tplot annotation commands ; You can run this crib by typing: ; IDL>.compile crib_tplot_annotation ; IDL>.go ; ; When you reach a stop, press ; IDL>.c ; to continue ; ; Or you can copy and paste commands directly onto the command line ; ; SEE ALSO: crib_tplot.pro (basic tplot commands) ; crib_tplot_layout.pro (how to arrange plots within a window, and data within a plot) ; crib_tplot_range.pro (how to control the range and scaling of plots) ; crib_tplot_export_print.pro (how to export images of plots into pngs and postscripts) ; ; ; NOTES: ; 1. As a rule of thumb, "tplot_options" controls settings that are global to any tplot ; "options" controls settings that are specific to a tplot variable ; ; 2. If you see any useful commands missing from these cribs, please let us know. ; these cribs can help double as documentation for tplot. ; ; $LastChangedBy: crussell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-06-18 13:18:02 -0700 (Tue, 18 Jun 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27357 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/examples/crib_tplot_annotation.pro $ ;- ;This function is a helper function used in an example below function km2re_callback,axis,index,value,level return,strtrim(string(value/6471.2,format='(F6.2)'),2) end ;Setup ;------------------------------------------------- ;this line deletes data so we start the crib fresh store_data,'*',/delete ;first we set a time and load some data. timespan,'2008-03-23' ;loading spectral data st_swea_load, /all ;loading line plot data (stereo moments) st_part_moments, probe='a', /get_mom st_position_load, probe='a' ;set new color scheme (for aesthetics) init_crib_colors ;make sure we're using window 0 tplot_options, window=0 window, 0, xsize=700, ysize=800 ;increasing the xmargin so it is easier to see the labels tplot_options, 'xmargin', [18,18] ;18 characters on left side, 12 on right tplot_options, 'ymargin', [8,4] ;8 characters on the bottom, 4 on the top ;create pseudo variable to use later store_data, 'pseudo_var', data='sta_SWEA_mom_ptens sta_SWEA_mom_t3' ;------------------------------------------------- ;basic plot for comparision tplot,['sta_SWEA_en','sta_SWEA_mom_flux'] print,' This first plot is the default, for reference. print,'Type ".c" to continue crib examples.' stop ;use "title" to set the plot window title tplot_options,title='HELLO WORLD' tplot ;this just replots the previous plot with the new options print,' Set the plot title with "title"' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;use x/y/ztitle & x/y/zsubtitle, to set individual axis titles ;by default, the variable name is used options,'sta_SWEA_en',ytitle="I'm a ytitle",ztitle="I'm a ztitle" ;use options to set the ysubtitle options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',ysubtitle="I'm a ysubtitle",xtitle="I'm an xtitle" ;replot tplot print,' Use x/y/ztitle & x/y/zsubtitle, to set individual axis titles' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;increase the whole plot charsize using "charsize" tplot_options,'charsize',1.2 ;this value is a multiple of the default character size tplot print,' Set the global character size using "charsize"' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;change the charsize for each axis individually using xcharsize,ycharsize options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',xcharsize=.6,ycharsize=1.4 options,'sta_SWEA_en',ycharsize=1.0 tplot print,' Change the charsize for each axis individually using "x/ycharsize"' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;resetting sizes to more managable values options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',xcharsize=1.0,ycharsize=1.0,xtitle='' ;valid inputs for "version" (date annotation | tick annotations) ; version = 1: UTC date boundaries | # of hours or days ; 2: month:day | UTC time (fewer ticks) ; 3: year(left margin) month:day | UTC time (default) ; 4: seconds after launch ; 5: supress time labels ; 6: labels directly below last panel ;this option can also be set when calling tplot ( e.g. tplot, [variable], version=2 ) tplot_options, version=1 tplot print,' Use the global option "version" to control the x-axis style.' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop tplot_options, version=5 tplot print,' Example: "version=5", suppress time labeling' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop tplot_options,version=3 ;reset version to default ;use "labels" to set labels for a line plot options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',labels=['Xcomp','Ycomp','Zcomp'] ;number of elements in labels should match number of components in line plot tplot print,' Use "labels" to set labels for a line plot' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;zooming in so feature is more visible tlimit,'2008-03-23/12:00:00','2008-03-23/20:00:00' ;setting labflag will put axis labels where lines end, instead of evenly spacing labels along the axis ;labflag = 0: No labels ; 1: labels spaced equally ; -1: labels placed equally but in reverse order ; 2: labels placed according to data end points on the plot ; 3: labels placed according to LABPOS (does not work for pseudo vars) options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',labflag=1 ;labels can be set or changed by using the LABELS option options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux', labels=['x','y','z'] tplot print,' Use "labflag" alone to control default positioning of labels' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;specify label positions ;label positions are specified by value along the y-axis options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',labflag=3, labpos=[0,-5e7,2e7] tplot print,' Use "labflag" and "labpos" to control positioning of labels' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;control label spacing on pseudo variables ; labels must be added to individual components in this case, ; this is not necessary if the variables already have labels options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_ptens', labels = 'p_' + strsplit('xx yy zz xy xz yz',/extract) options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_t3', labels = 't_'+['x','y','z'] ;set labels to be evenly spaced ;the LABFLAG option for pseudo variables can be set to 0,+-1, or 2 options,'pseudo_var', labflag=-1 tplot, 'pseudo_var' print, ' Control labels on pseudo variable by setting the "labflag" option' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;set specific labels on pseudo variable ;labels set on the pseudo variable itself will be used preferentially options, 'pseudo_var', labels = 'var_' + strtrim(indgen(9),2) tplot print, ' Set the labels on a pseudo variable by setting the "labels" option' print, 'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;use blank options call to remove these labels later ; NOTE: This works to remove ANY option that is no longer desired options, 'pseudo_var', 'labels' tplot print, ' Remove an option with a blank call to "options"' print, 'Type ".c" to continue' stop timebar,'2008-03-23/14:00:00' print,'Add a vertical bar or bars to mark regions with the "timebar" routine' print,'Type ".c" to continue" stop ;"colors" option controls line/label color ; if the number of elements is less than the number of components the color sequence ; will be repeated options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',colors=['b','m','c'] ;valid values for colors include ;'x','m','b','c','g','y','r','w', 'd','z', and 0-255 ;'x' or 0 is black ;'m' or 1 is magenta ;'b' or 2 is blue ;'c' or 3 is cyan ;'g' or 4 is green ;'y' or 5 is yellow ;'r' or 6 is red ;'w' or 255 is white ;'d' is foreground color(!p.color) ;'z' is background color(!p.background) ;10-255 are elements in a continuous color table. (The default is a basic rainbow table) tplot, 'sta_SWEA_mom_flux' print,' The "colors" option controls line/label color' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ; add a dashed line at zero timebar, 0.0, /databar, varname='sta_SWEA_mom_flux', linestyle=2 print,'Add a horizontal bar to mark data with the "timebar" routine and keyword /databar' print,'Type ".c" to continue" stop ;set the colors on a pseudo variable ;colors set on pseudo variables will be used instead of those set on the constituent variables options, 'pseudo_var', colors = [15, 44, 74, 103, 133, 162, 191, 221, 250] tplot, 'pseudo_var' print,' The "colors" option may be directly set on pseudo variables' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;reset colors options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',colors=[2,4,6] ;use !p.color and !p.background to change background & foreground colors ;can only use numerical color indexes (not letters) !p.color = 1 !p.background=3 tplot print,' "!p.color" and "!p.background" can change foreground & background colors print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;resetting foreground & background !p.color = 0 !p.background = 255 ;label the x-axis using a single variable(distance in re) calc,'"sta_pos_re" = "sta_pos_GSE"/6371.2',/verbose ;convert km into RE calc,'"sta_dist_re" = sqrt(total(abs("sta_pos_re"),2))',/verbose ;euclidean norm options,'sta_dist_re',ytitle="Dist(RE)" ;ytitle is used to label variables tplot,var_label='sta_dist_re' print,' "var_label" can be used to label the x-axis print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;label the x-axis using multiple single variables(state position gsm in re) split_vec,'sta_pos_re' ;split tplot variable into individual components ;used to set label for var_label option options,'sta_pos_re_x',ytitle='X Pos(RE)' options,'sta_pos_re_y',ytitle='Y Pos(RE)' options,'sta_pos_re_z',ytitle='Z Pos(RE)' tplot,var_label=['sta_pos_re_x','sta_pos_re_y','sta_pos_re_z'] print,'Use an array of strings with var_label to create labels from multiple variables' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop options,'sta_pos_GSE',format='km2re_callback' ;callback function is at the top of the file, allows custom unit conversions just before output. ;works very similar to the plot format callback. (see IDL plot documentation x/y/ztickformat) tplot,var_label='sta_pos_GSE' print,'Use a callback function to format var_labels into custom unit labels for the x-axis' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop time_stamp,/off tplot,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux' print,'A timestamp is added to all tplot plots by default. You can disable this behavior using the time_stamp routine' stop print,'You can also, re-enable timestamping using time_stamp,/on' time_stamp,/on tplot,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux' stop ;decimate data to 100 points for the whole day tr = gettime() + [ 0, 24*3600.] tinterpol, 'sta_SWEA_mom_flux', interpol(tr,100), suffix='_low' options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux_low', psym = 4 ;other options (use -# to also draw a line between points) ; 1 Plus sign (+) ; 2 Asterisk (*) ; 3 Period (.) ; 4 Diamond ; 5 Triangle ; 6 Square ; 7 X ; 8 User-defined (See examples below) ; 10 Histogram mode tplot,['sta_SWEA_en','sta_SWEA_mom_flux_low'] print, ' "psym" can be used to plot symbols at each datapoint,' print, ' each point is plotted with a symbol so we will first decimate the data for this example' print,'Type ".c" to begin' stop ; You can use the ssl_set_symbol routine to set pre-defined custom symbols ; or you can set them yourself by using the IDL routine "USERSYM". ;set custom symbol to be circles ; other custom options ; 1 Plus sign ; 2 Star ; 3 Circle ; 4 Diamond ; 5 Triangle ; 6 Square ; 7 X ssl_set_symbol, 3 options, 'sta_SWEA_mom_flux_low', psym=8 tplot print, ' Use "PSYM = 8" options to use the user-defined symbol' print, ' The "ssl_set_symbol" routine can be used to pick from a list of pre-defined symbols' print, ' The IDL routine "usersym" will draw a custom symbol from a given set of points' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;set custom symbol to large filled triangle ssl_set_symbol, 5, /fill, size=2.5 tplot print, ' Set the /fill keyword on "ssl_set_symbol" or "usersym" to fill the symbol' print, ' Set the SIZE opotion on "set_ssl_symbol" to change the size of the symbol (default=1.0) print, 'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;set custom symbol to filled horizontal diamon x = [2, 0, -2, 0] y = [0, 1, 0, -1] usersym, x, y, /fill tplot print, ' Any custom symbol may be made by passing a list of points to "usersym" print, 'Type ".c" to continue' stop tplot,['sta_SWEA_en','sta_SWEA_mom_flux'] print, ' return to the original variables' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;Control line thickness using 'thick' options,'sta_SWEA_mom_flux',thick=2.0 tplot print,'You can control line thickness using thick' print,'Type ".c" to continue' stop ;You can create your own custom annotations using the get_plot_pos keyword to return the corners of the plots generated by tplot in normalized coordinates. tplot,['sta_SWEA_mom_flux','sta_SWEA_en'],get_plot_pos=p ;p is a 4xNpanels variable. Each 4-element segment is p[*,panel_num] = [lower_left_corner_x,lower_left_corner_y,upper_right_corner_x,upper_right_corner_y] ;You can use this with built in IDL routines like plots to add your own lines. plots,[p[0,0],p[2,0]],[p[1,0],p[3,0]],/normal ;Draws a line from the lower left corner of the top panel to the upper right of the top panel print,'You can create custom annotations with the help from get_plot_pos' stop ;Change the x-axis left hand title using the vtitle option tplot_options,'vtitle','hello!Cworld!' tplot stop print,"We're done!" end