;+ ; NAME: crib_hapi ; ; PURPOSE: ; Demonstrates how to query Heliophysics API (HAPI) servers and download, load and plot data from them ; ; NOTES: ; hapi_load_data requires IDL 8.3 or later due to usage of IDL's json_parse + orderedhash ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-11-19 09:13:20 -0800 (Mon, 19 Nov 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26148 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/examples/crib_hapi.pro $ ;- server='https://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/hapi' ; List the server capabilities: hapi_load_data, /capabilities, server=server stop ; List the datasets available on this server: hapi_load_data, /catalog, server=server stop ; Get info on a dataset: ; note: if dataset keyword is not provided, hapi_load_data will list the catalog and prompt the user for a dataset hapi_load_data, /info, dataset='VOYAGER1_PLS_HIRES_PLASMA_DATA', server=server stop ; Load and plot some Voyager 1 plasma data: hapi_load_data, trange=['77-09-27', '78-01-20'], dataset='VOYAGER1_PLS_HIRES_PLASMA_DATA', server=server tplot, 'dens' stop ; Load and plot some Cassini mag data: hapi_load_data, trange=['02-01-27', '02-02-27'], dataset='CASSINI_MAG_1MIN_MAGNETIC_FIELD', server=server tplot, ['b_mag', 'b_comp'] stop ; Load and plot some TWINS2 Lyman-alpha data: hapi_load_data, trange=['12-01-27', '12-01-28'], dataset='TWINS2_L1_LAD', server=server tplot, ['lad1_data', 'lad2_data'] stop ; you can use the 'parameters' keyword to limit the parameters returned by the server hapi_load_data, parameters='lad1_data', trange=['12-01-27', '12-01-28'], dataset='TWINS2_L1_LAD', server=server tplot, 'lad1_data' stop end