;+ ;Procedure: ; tvector_rotate ; ;Purpose: ; Rotates array data by a set of coordinate ; transformation matrices and outputs tplot variables. ; This is designed mainly for use with fac_matrix_make.pro ; and minvar_matrix_make, but can be used for more general purposes ; ; Assuming that the data array and matrix time-grids match, ; this code is the vectorized equivalent to: ; for i=0,n_ele-1 do out[i,*]=reform(reform(m[i,*,*])#reform(v[i,*])) ; ; If the target is also an array of matrices then it is equivalent to: ; for i=0,n_ele-1 do out[i,*,*] = reform(m[i,*,*]) # reform(v[i,*,*]) ; If the target is a tensor, KEYWORD_SET = tensor_rotation ; then it is equivalent to ; for i=0,n_ele-1 do out[i,*,*] = reform(m[i,*,*]) # ; reform(v[i,*,*]) # transpose(reform(m[i, *, *])) ; ; Setting the "invert" keyword will produce results that are equivalent to using the '##' ; operation in the loop above. ; ; ;Warning: ; The transformation matrices generated by ; fac_matrix_make,thm_fac_matrix_make, and minvar_matrix_make are ; defined relative to a specific coordinate system. This means that if ; you use vectors in one coordinate system to generate the rotation ; matrices they will only correctly transform data from that coordinate ; system into the functional coordinate system. ; ; For example if you use ; magnetic field data in gsm to generate Rgeo transformation matrices ; using fac_matrix_make then the array being provided to tvector ; rotate to be transformed by those matrices should only be in gsm coordinates. ; ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; Using tplot variables: ; tvector_rotate, 'matrix_var', 'vector_var' [,newname='out_var'] ; [,invert=invert] [,suffix=suffix] [,error=error] ; [,/vector_skip_nonmonotonic] ; [,/matrix_skip_nonmonotonic] ; [,/tensor_rotate] ; ; Using arrays: ; tvector_rotate, matrix_array, vector_array, newname=output_array ... ; ; ;Arguments: ; mat_var_in: The name of the tplot variable storing input matrices ; The y component of the tplot variable's data struct should be ; an Mx3x3 array, storing a list of transformation matrices. ; Array or tensor data can be input as well and should be an Mx3x3 array ; ; ; vec_var_in: The name of a tplot variable storing an array of input vectors. ; The tplot variable may also contain matrices. ; You can use globbing to rotate several tplot variables ; storing vectors with a single matrix. The y component of the ; tplot variable's data struct should be an Nx3 array. ; Array data can also be input and should be an Nx3x3 array. ; ; newname(optional): the name of the output variable, defaults to ; vec_var_in + '_rot' ; If you use type globbing in the vector variable ; If array data is used this variable should be ; declared. ; ; suffix: The suffix to be appended to the tplot variables that the output matrices will be stored in. ; (Default: '_rot') ; ; error(optional): named variable in which to return the error state ; of the computation. 1 = success 0 = failure ; ; ; invert(optional): If matrix_var naturally transforms vector_var from Coord A to B, ; (ie Vb = M#Va where # denotes matrix multiplication) then setting ; this keyword will transform vector_var from Coord B to A( ie Va = M^T#Vb ; This is done by transposing the input matrices, as it is a property of ; rotation matrices that M#M^T = I and M^T#M = I(ie M^T = M^-1) ; ; vector_skip_nonmonotonic(optional): Removes any vector data with non-ascending or repeated ; timestamps before SLERPing matrices rather than throwing an error. ; ; matrix_skip_nonmonotonic(optional): Removes any vector data with non-ascending ; timestamps before SLERPing matrices rather than throwing an error. ; ; tensor_rotate: set if the input is a pressure, or momentum flux ; tensor, requiring an extra matrix multiplication ;Notes: ; 1. mat_var_in should store rotation or permutation matrices. ; (ie the columns of any matrix in mat_var_in should form an orthonormal basis) ; tvector_rotate will test and warn if input matrices are inalid. ; Permutation matrices are allowed so that coordinates can be transformed ; from right to left handed systems and vice-versa. This is verified via the following ; contraints. ; M#M^-1 = I and abs(determ(m)) = 1 ; ; 2. transformation matrices generally only transform from one particular basis ; to another particular basis. Since tvector_rotate as no way to test that ; vector_var is in the correct basis, you need to be very careful that ; vector_var has the correct coordinate system and representation ; so that it can correctly transform the data. ; ; ;3. If M!=N, then M must be >= 2 (where M,N refer to the dimensions of the ; input variables.) ; ;4. Also If the x components of mat_var_in and vec_var_in data structs ; do not match then, the matrices will be interpolated to match the ; cadence of the data. Interpolation is done by turning the ; matrices into quaternions and performing spherical linear ; interpolation. As noted above this interpolation behavior will ; not be predictable if the matrices do anything other than rotate. ; ;5. If the timestamps of mat_var_in are not monotonic(ascending or identical) or ; if the timestamps vec_var_in are not strictly monotonic(always ascending) the ; program will not work correctly in the event that matrix SLERPing is required. ; Set the keywords vector_skip_nonmonotonic or matrix_skip_nonmonotonic to have ; the routine remove the non-monotonic data when generating the output. Alternatively, ; if matrix and vector timestamps match no SLERPing will be required, also fixing ; nonmonotonicities manually will fix the problem. ; ; SEE ALSO: mva_matrix_make.pro, fac_matrix_make.pro,rxy_matrix_make ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-07-24 12:01:53 -0700 (Wed, 24 Jul 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27496 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/special/tvector_rotate.pro $ ;- ;helper function, reduces the time dimension of ;the input tplot struct to the specified indexes function ctv_reduce_time_dimen,dat,idx compile_opt idl2, hidden if idx[0] eq -1 then return,dat str_element,dat,'x',dat.x[idx],/add_replace y_ndim = ndimen(dat.y) y_dim = dimen(dat.y) if y_ndim eq 1 then begin str_element,dat,'y',dat.y[idx],/add_replace endif else if y_ndim eq 2 then begin str_element,dat,'y',dat.y[idx,*],/add_replace endif else if y_ndim eq 3 then begin str_element,dat,'y',dat.y[idx,*,*],/add_replace endif else begin message,'Unexpected dimension error' endelse str_element,dat,'v',success=s if s then begin v_ndim = ndimen(dat.v) v_dim = dimen(dat.v) if y_dim[0] eq v_dim[0] && y_ndim eq v_ndim then begin if v_ndim eq 1 then begin str_element,dat,'v',dat.v[idx],/add_replace endif else if v_ndim eq 2 then begin str_element,dat,'v',dat.v[idx,*],/add_replace endif else if v_ndim eq 3 then begin str_element,dat,'v',dat.v[idx,*],/add_replace endif else begin message,'Unexpected dimension error' endelse endif endif return,dat end pro tvector_rotate,mat_var_in,vec_var_in,newname = newname,suffix=suffix,error=error,invert=invert,$ vector_skip_nonmonotonic=vector_skip_nonmonotonic,$ matrix_skip_nonmonotonic=matrix_skip_nonmonotonic,$ tensor_rotate=tensor_rotate compile_opt idl2, hidden ;puts helper functions in scope matrix_array_lib error = 0 if not keyword_set(mat_var_in) then begin dprint,'FX requires the matrix variable to be set' return endif if size(mat_var_in, /type) eq 7 then tplotvar=1 else tplotvar=0 if tplotvar then begin if tnames(mat_var_in) eq '' then begin dprint,'FX requires the matrix variable to be set' return endif if not keyword_set(vec_var_in) then begin dprint,'FX requires vector variable to be set' return endif tn = tnames(vec_var_in) if size(tn,/n_dim) eq 0 && tn eq '' then begin dprint,'FX requires vector variable to be set' return endif if ~keyword_set(suffix) then begin suffix = '_rot' endif if ~keyword_set(newname) then begin newname = tn + suffix endif ;loop over possibly many vectors for i = 0,n_elements(tn) -1L do begin ;tinterpol_mxn,mat_var_in,tn[i],newname = mat_var_in+'_interp_temp',error=error_state ;load the matrices and validate dimensions get_data,mat_var_in,data=m_d,dlimits=m_dl ;rotation matrices and input abcissa values m_d_s = size(m_d.y,/dimensions) if(n_elements(m_d_s) ne 3 || m_d_s[1] ne 3 || m_d_s[2] ne 3) then begin dprint,'FX requires matrix data to contain an Nx3x3 array' return endif ;load the vectors and validate dimensions get_data,tn[i],data=v_d,dlimits=v_dl ;output abcissa values v_d_s = size(v_d.y,/dimensions) if n_elements(v_d_s) ne 2 || v_d_s[1] ne 3 then begin if n_elements(v_d_s) ne 3 || v_d_s[1] ne 3 || v_d_s[2] ne 3 then begin dprint,'FX requires vector data to contain an Nx3 or Nx3x3 array' return endif endif if array_equal(m_d.x,v_d.x) then begin m_d_y = m_d.y verify_check = ctv_verify_mats(m_d_y) endif else begin if min(v_d.x,/nan) gt max(m_d.x,/nan) || max(v_d.x) lt min(m_d.x) then begin dprint,'WARNING: time arrays for matrices and vectors do not overlap.' dprint,'Data is probably from different days. Result will probably be incorrect.' endif else begin dprint,'WARNING: time arrays do not match. Matrices will be interpolated to match the times of input vector array' endelse if n_elements(m_d.x) gt 1 then begin idx = bsort(m_d.x) ;the following test does not work for unsorted data, jmm, 2019-07-24 m_d = ctv_reduce_time_dimen(m_d, idx) idx = where((m_d.x[1:n_elements(m_d.x)-1]-m_d.x[0:n_elements(m_d.x)-2]) lt 0,complement=cidx) if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin ;modify the complement(monotonic entries) index, so it corresponds to regular entries, not discrete derivative entries. if cidx[0] eq -1 then begin cidx = [0] endif else begin cidx = [0,cidx+1] endelse ;if requested, repair by removing nonmonotonic entries. if keyword_set(matrix_skip_nonmonotonic) then begin dprint,'WARNING: ' + mat_var_in + ' timestamps are not monotonic. Removing ' + strtrim(n_elements(idx),2) + ' nonmonotonic matrix entries.' m_d = ctv_reduce_time_dimen(m_d,cidx) endif else begin dprint,'ERROR: Matrix timestamps not monotonic please remove any non-ascending timestamps from your data or set keyword: matrix_skip_nonmonotonic' return endelse endif endif ;check for nonmonotonic entries if n_elements(v_d.x) gt 1 then begin idx = bsort(v_d.x) ;the following test does not work for unsorted data, jmm, 2019-07-24 v_d = ctv_reduce_time_dimen(v_d, idx) idx = where((v_d.x[1:n_elements(v_d.x)-1]-v_d.x[0:n_elements(v_d.x)-2]) le 0, complement=cidx) if(idx[0] ne -1) then begin ;modify the complement(monotonic entries) index, so it corresponds to regular entries, not discrete derivative entries. if cidx[0] eq -1 then begin cidx = [0] endif else begin cidx = [0,cidx+1] endelse ;if requested, repair by removing nonmonotonic entries. if keyword_set(vector_skip_nonmonotonic) then begin dprint,'WARNING: ' + tn[i] + ' timestamps not strictly monotonic. Removing ' + strtrim(n_elements(idx),2) + ' nonmonotonic vector entries.' v_d = ctv_reduce_time_dimen(v_d,cidx) endif else begin dprint, 'ERROR: Vector timestamps not monotonic please remove any non-ascending or repeated timestamps from your data or set keyword: vector_skip_nonmonotonic' return endelse endif endif verify_check = ctv_verify_mats(m_d.y) is_left_mat = ctv_left_mats(m_d.y) ;left-handed matrices can mess up qslerping if is_left_mat then begin q_in = mtoq(ctv_swap_hands(m_d.y)) ;this makes them right handed before quaternion conversion endif else begin ;using quaternion library transform into quanternions q_in = mtoq(m_d.y) endelse ;interpolate quaternions q_out = qslerp(q_in,m_d.x,v_d.x) ;turn quaternions back into matrices m_d_y = qtom(q_out) ;if we swapped before interpol, swap back if is_left_mat then begin m_d_y = ctv_swap_hands(m_d_y) endif ;if a dimension gets lost, add it back m_dim_tmp = dimen(m_d_y) if n_elements(m_dim_tmp) eq 2 && m_dim_tmp[0] eq 3 && m_dim_tmp[1] eq 3 then begin m_d_y = reform(m_d_y,1,3,3) endif endelse ;returns 0 if the matrices use a mixed system ;returns 1 if there are no valid mats ;returns 2 if the data are all nans ;returns 3 if there are some invalid mats ;returns 4 if there are some nans ;returns 5 win! if verify_check eq 0 then begin dprint,'ERROR: Input matrices contain rotations with determinants of both -1 and 1. This may indicate an incorrectly formed rotation, or an high level of error in the rotation.',dlevel=1 endif else if verify_check eq 1 then begin dprint,'ERROR: Input matrices are not valid rotation matries. This may indicate an incorrectly formed rotation, or an high level of error in the rotation.',dlevel=1 ;decided against forced failure, as extreme numerical instability can create false positives for invalid tests ;return endif else if verify_check eq 2 then begin dprint,'ERROR: All input matrices contain non-finite values.(Infinity or NaN) Results will be non-finite.',dlevel=1 endif else if verify_check eq 3 then begin dprint,'WARNING: Some input matrices are not valid rotation matrices. You may want to verify the result',dlevel=2 endif else if verify_check eq 4 then begin dprint,'WARNING: Some input matrices contain non-finite values.(Infinity or NaN) Some results will be non-finite.' ,dlevel=2 endif if(size(m_d_y,/n_dim) eq 0 && m_d_y[0] eq -1L) then begin dprint,'failed to interpolate rotation matrix array' return endif ;if invert is set, then we transpose rotation matrices to construct inverse rotation matrix if keyword_set(invert) then begin m_d_y = transpose(m_d_y,[0,2,1]) endif if n_elements(v_d_s) eq 3 then begin ;Perform matrix multiplication as standard m1 # m2 (columns * rows) ;Rotation matrices whose columns are a new basis can be combined this way ;(i.e. m1 # (m2 # v) = (m1 # m2) # v) ;Use keyword to ensure output type is that of v_d.y if keyword_set(tensor_rotate) then begin v_t = ctv_mm_mult(m_d_y,v_d.y,/second_type) v_t = ctv_mm_mult(v_t, transpose(m_d_y, [0, 2, 1])) endif else v_t = ctv_mm_mult(m_d_y,v_d.y,/second_type) endif else begin ;rotate vectors using matrix right multiplication v_t = ctv_mx_vec_rot(m_d_y,v_d.y) endelse if(size(v_t,/n_dim) eq 0 && v_t eq -1L) then begin dprint,'FX failed to perform mx operation' return endif ;update meta data ;and store output ;if the vector dlimits struct is unavailable create one if(size(v_dl,/n_dim) eq 0 && v_dl eq 0) then begin dprint,'dlimits for input vector should be set' dprint,'Creating default dlimits structure' v_data_att = {coord_sys:'undefined',units:''} v_dl = {data_att:v_data_att,labflag:0,labels:make_array(v_d_s[1],/string,value='')} endif ;if the matrix dlimits struct is unavailable create one if(size(m_dl,/n_dim) eq 0 && m_dl eq 0) then begin dprint,'m_dl coord_sys unset, unable to make coordinate system determination' m_data_att = {coord_sys:'undefined',units:'',source_sys:'undefined'} m_dl = {data_att:m_data_att,labflag:0,labels:make_array(v_d_s[1],/string,value='')} endif ;make sure it has data_att str_element,v_dl,'data_att',SUCCESS=s if(s eq 0) then begin v_data_att = {coord_sys:'undefined',units:''} str_element,/add,v_dl,'data_att',v_data_att endif ;make sure it has ytitle str_element,v_dl,'ytitle',SUCCESS=s if(s eq 0) then begin v_ytitle = '' str_element,/add,v_dl,'ytitle',v_ytitle endif ;make sure it has appropriate data_att elements str_element,v_dl.data_att,'coord_sys',SUCCESS=s if(s eq 0) then begin v_data_att = v_dl.data_att str_element,/add,v_data_att,'coord_sys','undefined' str_element,/add,v_dl,'data_att',v_data_att endif str_element,v_dl.data_att,'units',SUCCESS=s if(s eq 0) then begin v_data_att = v_dl.data_att str_element,/add,v_data_att,'units','' str_element,/add,v_dl,'data_att',v_data_att endif str_element,m_dl,'data_att.coord_sys',success=s if s eq 0 then begin str_element,m_dl,'data_att.coord_sys','unknown',/add_replace endif str_element,m_dl,'data_att.source_sys',success=s if s eq 0 then begin str_element,m_dl,'data_att.source_sys','unknown',/add_replace endif if ~keyword_set(invert) then begin if v_dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'unknown' && $ m_dl.data_att.source_sys ne 'unknown' && $ v_dl.data_att.coord_sys ne m_dl.data_att.source_sys then begin dprint,'WARNING: Source coordinates of input vectors do not match expected input for transformation matrixes' endif v_dl.data_att.coord_sys = m_dl.data_att.coord_sys endif else begin if v_dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'unknown' && $ m_dl.data_att.coord_sys ne 'unknown' && $ v_dl.data_att.coord_sys ne m_dl.data_att.coord_sys then begin dprint,'WARNING: Source coordinates of input vectors do not match expected input for inverted transformation matrixes' endif v_dl.data_att.coord_sys = m_dl.data_att.source_sys endelse ; if keyword_set(invert) then begin ; v_dl.data_att.units = v_dl.data_att.units+'_irot' ; endif else begin ; v_dl.data_att.units = v_dl.data_att.units+'_rot' ; endelse ; ; v_dl.ytitle = newname[i] + '!C' + v_dl.data_att.units ;no longer take labels from transformation matrix ;if m_dl.labflag eq 1 then v_dl.labels = m_dl.labels str_element,v_d,'v',SUCCESS=s if(s) then $ v_d = {x:v_d.x,y:v_t,v:v_d.v} $ else $ v_d = {x:v_d.x,y:v_t} store_data,newname[i],data=v_d,dlimits = v_dl endfor endif else begin ; end of tplotvar v_d = vec_var_in v_d_s = size(v_d,/dimensions) m_d_y = mat_var_in verify_check = ctv_verify_mats(m_d_y) ;returns 0 if the matrices use a mixed system ;returns 1 if there are no valid mats ;returns 2 if the data are all nans ;returns 3 if there are some invalid mats ;returns 4 if there are some nans ;returns 5 win! if verify_check eq 0 then begin dprint,'ERROR: Input matrices contain rotations with determinants of both -1 and 1. This may indicate an incorrectly formed rotation, or an high level of error in the rotation.',dlevel=1 endif else if verify_check eq 1 then begin dprint,'ERROR: Input matrices are not valid rotation matries. This may indicate an incorrectly formed rotation, or an high level of error in the rotation.',dlevel=1 ;decided against forced failure, as extreme numerical instability can create false positives for invalid tests ;return endif else if verify_check eq 2 then begin dprint,'ERROR: All input matrices contain non-finite values.(Infinity or NaN) Results will be non-finite.',dlevel=1 endif else if verify_check eq 3 then begin dprint,'WARNING: Some input matrices are not valid rotation matrices. You may want to verify the result',dlevel=2 endif else if verify_check eq 4 then begin dprint,'WARNING: Some input matrices contain non-finite values.(Infinity or NaN) Some results will be non-finite.' ,dlevel=2 endif ;if invert is set, then we transpose rotation matrices to construct inverse rotation matrix if keyword_set(invert) then begin m_d_y = transpose(m_d_y,[0,2,1]) endif if n_elements(v_d_s) eq 3 then begin if keyword_set(tensor_rotate) then begin newname = ctv_mm_mult(m_d_y,v_d,/second_type) newname = ctv_mm_mult(newname, transpose(m_d_y,[0,2,1])) endif else newname = ctv_mm_mult(m_d_y,v_d,/second_type) endif else begin newname = ctv_mx_vec_rot(m_d_y,v_d) endelse endelse ; end of vector data error = 1 return end