;+ ;Function: tinterpol_mxn ; ;Purpose: ; Performs interpolation on tplot variables. ;Interpolates xv_tvar to match uz_tvar. Can also interpolate with non-tvar types ;and return non-tvar types. (Helpful for interpolating matrices and time-series vectors) ; ;This function works on any n or nxm dimensional vectors. Interpolation always occurs along first dimension(time) ; ; ;Arguments: ; xv_tvar(source) = tplot variable to be interpolated, the y component ; can have any dimesions, can use globbing to interpolate ; many values at once ; uses x component for x abcissa values ; Can also pass in a struct with the same format as the ; data component for a tplot variable: ; {x:time_array,y:data_array,v:optional_y_axis_abcissas} ; ; uz_tvar(target) = tplot variable that V will be fit to ; uses x component for u abcissa values. Can also ; pass in an array of time values rather than a tplot ; variable. ; ; newname = output tplot variable name(optional) defaults to ; xv_tvar+'_interp'. If you want vector output, use the keyword "out" ; ; suffix = a suffix other than interp you can use, ; particularily useful when using globbing ; ; overwrite=set this variable if you just want ; the original variable overwritten instead of using ; newname or suffix ; ; Use only newname or suffix or overwrite. If you combine ; them the naming behavior may be erratic ; ; /LINEAR = set this keyword to specify linear ; interpolation(this is the default behavior) ; ; /QUADRATIC = set this keyword to specify quadratic ; interpolation ; ; /SPLINE = set this keyword to specify spline ; interpolation ; ; /NEAREST_NEIGHBOR = set this keyowrd to specify repeat ; nearest neighbor 'interpolation' ; ; /NO_EXTRAPOLATE = set this keyword to prevent ; extrapolation of data values in V passed it's start and ; end points ; ; /NAN_EXTRAPOLATE = set this keyword to extrapolate past ; the endpoints using NaNs as a fill value ; ; /REPEAT_EXTRAPOLATE = set this keyword to repeat nearest value past the endpoints ; ; /IGNORE_NANS = set this keyword to remove nans in the data before interpolation ; ; ERROR(optional): named variable in which to return the error state ; of the computation. 1 = success 0 = failure ; ;Outputs(optional): ; out: ; Returns output as a data struct. If this argument is present, no tplot variable will be created. ; Note that only one result can be returned through this keyword.(ie You can't use this keyword with tplot name-globbing) ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE; ; tinterpol_mxn,'tplot_var1','tplot_var2',newname='tplot_var_out' ; tinterpol_mxn,'tplot_var1','tplot_var2',/NO_EXTRAPOLATE ; tinterpol_mxn,'tplot_var1','tplot_var2',/SPLINE ; tinterpol_mxn,'tplot_var1','tplot_var2',out=out_data_struct ;doesn't create tplot variable, instead returns struct ; tinterpol_mxn,'tplot_var1',time_array ;This calling method doesn't require second tplot variable ; tinterpol_mxn,{x:time_array,y:data_array},'tplot_var2' ;This calling method doesn't require first tplot variable ; tinterpol_mxn,{x:time_array,y:data_array,v:y_scale_vals},time_array,out=out_data_struct ; You can mix and match calling types. This calling method doesn't use any tplot variables ; ;Output: an N by D1 by D2 by ... array stored in an output tplot variabel ; ;Notes: ;Uses a for loop over D1*D2*..., but I'm operating under the assumption that ;D1*D2... << M (D1 * D2 *... is waaaay less than M) ; ;It uses a little bit of modular arithmatic so this function is ;generalized to any array dimensionality(IDL limits at 8) ; ;Examples: ; if the input is an array of 3-d vectors(say 1,1,1 and 2,2,2) and we ; want 3 vectors out the output is 1,1,1 1.5 1.5 1.5 2,2,2 ; if the input is an array of 3x3 matrices(say all ones and all twos) ; and we want three matrices then output is all 1s all 1.5s all 2s ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-10-31 11:32:53 -0700 (Mon, 31 Oct 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 22236 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/special/tinterpol_mxn.pro $ ;- ;Helper function ;a method for nearest neighbour interpolation in cases where you need an irregular grid ; In cases where you are simply scaling the input array you can use congrid instead. ;NB: this function is the same as thm_ui_nearestneighbor in thm_ui_interpolate because the interpolate ; code is already repeated in thm_ui_interpolate. If you find a bug here, fix it in the other version too. function ctv_nearestneighbor, v, x, u ; v: these are the actual values that will be interpolated (interpolates along one dimension) ; x: these are the x values (probably time) corresponding to the data (v) values (one dim array) - must be monotonically incr or decr ; u: this is the new array of x values, again 1 dim compile_opt hidden n_u = n_elements(u) n_x = n_elements(x) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Method 1: should work even if x is not monotonically incr. But can be very slow or ;run out of memory for large arrays ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;this puts into the variable index the index of the closest value in x to each value in u ;; the resulting index is a one-dim subscript of a 2-dim array and thus must be manipulated further ;mindiff = min(abs(rebin(x,n_x,n_u) - rebin(transpose(u),n_x,n_u)),index,dimension=1) ;; convert index to multidim subscript ;index2d = array_indices([n_x,n_u],index,/dimensions) ;; only the first column of index2d is useful, containing index into x of nearest neigbor to each point in u ;; second column is just 0,1,2,3,..etc ;actualindex = transpose(index2d[0,*]) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Method 2: only works if x is monotonically increasing or decreasing (same is true for interpol) ;Should be faster than above method for large arrays. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;value_locate brackets each u in x nearvalue = transpose(value_locate(x,u)) neararray = [nearvalue>0, (nearvalue+1)<(n_x-1)]; form an array with columns nearvalue and nearvalue +1, but restrict to valid indices into n_x mindiff = min(abs(x[neararray]-rebin(transpose(u),2,n_u)),index, dimension=1) ; index gives you the (1 dim) index in neararray, indicating whether nearvalue or nearvalue+1 is closer ; the mod converts simply to 0 or 1 actualindex = transpose(nearvalue>0 + (index mod 2)) output = v[actualindex] return, output end ;helper function ;actually does the bulk of the work function ctv_interpol_vec_mxn,v,x,u,nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,ignore_nans=ignore_nans,_extra=_extra COMPILE_OPT HIDDEN n = n_elements(u) if n le 0 then return,-1L ;if the value is atomic return it if(size(v,/n_dim) eq 0) then begin error=1 return,replicate(v,n_elements(u)) endif v_s = size(v,/dimensions) ;handle single input case...it should extrapolate a constant matrix if(v_s[0] eq 1) then begin v_s[0] = 2 v = rebin(v,v_s) x = rebin([x],2) x[1] = x[0] + 1.0 ;so the timeseries ascends endif ;I think I actually handled the 1 case generally ;if(n_elements(v_s) eq 1) then return,interpol(v,n) v_s_o = v_s v_s_o[0] = n out = dindgen(v_s_o) ;the transpose and the reverse make the indexing scheme work out ;cause the in variables(and tplot variables) work more or less in row ;row major, but idl indexes column major out_idx = transpose(lindgen(reverse(v_s_o))) in_idx = transpose(lindgen(reverse(v_s))) ;calculate the number of elements in each matrix/vectors/whatever product = 1 if n_elements(v_s) gt 1 then begin product = product(v_s[1:*]) endif ;for i = 1,n_elements(v_s) - 1L do begin ; ; product *= v_s[i] ; ;endfor for i = 0,product-1L do begin idx1 = where((out_idx mod product) eq i) idx2 = where((in_idx mod product) eq i) if(size(idx1,/n_dim) eq 0 || $ n_elements(idx1) ne n || $ size(idx2,/n_dim) eq 0 || $ n_elements(idx2) ne v_s[0]) $ then return, -1L if not keyword_set(u) then begin if keyword_set(nearest_neighbor) then begin out[idx1] = congrid( v[idx2],n) endif else begin ;temporarily disabled until we can come up with a solution that works for IDL 7 or earlier. pcruce 2014-10-27 ;out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],n,nan=ignore_nans,_extra=_extra) if keyword_set(ignore_nans) then begin idx3 = where(~finite(v[idx2],/nan),c) if c gt 0 then begin out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2[idx3]],n,_extra=_extra) endif else begin ;if data is all NANs, you get all NANs out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],n,_extra=_extra) endelse endif else begin out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],n,_extra=_extra) endelse endelse endif else begin if keyword_set(nearest_neighbor) then begin out[idx1] = ctv_nearestneighbor(v[idx2],x,u) endif else begin ;temporarily disabled until we can come up with a solution that works for IDL 7 or earlier. pcruce 2014-10-27 ;out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],x,u,nan=ignore_nans,_extra=_extra) if keyword_set(ignore_nans) then begin idx3 = where(~finite(v[idx2],/nan),c) if c gt 0 then begin out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2[idx3]],x[idx3],u,_extra=_extra) endif else begin ;if data is all NANs, you get all NANs out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],x,u,_extra=_extra) endelse endif else begin out[idx1] = interpol(v[idx2],x,u,_extra=_extra) endelse endelse endelse endfor ; for nearest neighbor case cast the output type to the input type ; This is so that if you interpolate bit-packed data you will still be ; able to use bitplot to plot it. It may be that all data should be cast ; to its input type - or maybe not. if keyword_set(nearest_neighbor) then begin out = fix(out, type=size(v, /type)) endif return,out end ;Helper function to fill the rows of dat with repeated values. ;Just call twice to do it on both the high and low side pro ctv_repeat_fill_idx,dat,repeat_range_idx,repeat_value_idx compile_opt hidden if repeat_range_idx[0] ne -1 && repeat_value_idx[0] ne -1 then begin if ndimen(dat) eq 1 then begin dat[repeat_range_idx] = dat[repeat_value_idx] endif else begin dat[repeat_range_idx,*] = dat[repeat_value_idx,*] ## (make_array(n_elements(repeat_range_idx),type=size(dat,/type))+1) endelse endif end ;This helper function fills rows of dat with nans. ;idx is the rows to be filled. dat can have any number of dimensions pro ctv_nan_fill_idx,dat,idx compile_opt hidden if idx[0] eq -1 then return dat_dim = dimen(dat) if n_elements(dat_dim) eq 1 then begin dat[idx] = !VALUES.D_NAN endif else begin multiplier = product(dat_dim[1:*]) nan_idx = rebin(idx,n_elements(idx),multiplier)+dat_dim[0]*transpose(lindgen(multiplier,n_elements(idx)) mod multiplier) dat[nan_idx] = !VALUES.D_NAN endelse end pro tinterpol_mxn, xv_tvar, uz_tvar,$ newname = newname,$ no_extrapolate = no_extrapolate,$ nan_extrapolate=nan_extrapolate,$ repeat_extrapolate=repeat_extrapolate,$ error=error,$ suffix=suffix,$ overwrite=overwrite,$ nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,$ ignore_nans=ignore_nans,$ out=out_d,$ _extra = _extra error=0 if not keyword_set(xv_tvar) then begin dprint, 'xv_tvar must be set for tinterpol_mxn to work' return endif if is_string(xv_tvar) then begin tn = tnames(xv_tvar) if size(tn,/n_dim) eq 0 && tn eq '' then begin dprint, 'xv_tvar must be set for tinterpol_mxn to work' return endif endif else if is_struct(xv_tvar) then begin tn = strtrim(lindgen(n_elements(xv_tvar)),2) endif else begin dprint, 'xv_tvar must be set for tinterpol_mxn to work' return endelse if not keyword_set(uz_tvar) then begin dprint, 'uz_tvar must be set for tinterpol_mxn to work' return endif if is_string(uz_tvar) then begin tn_match = tnames(uz_tvar) if tn_match eq '' then begin dprint, 'uz_tvar must be set for tinterpol_mxn to work' return endif get_data, tn_match, data = match_d match_d_x = match_d.x endif else begin match_d_x = uz_tvar endelse ;these naming keywords can interfere ;it is left to the user not to use them simultaneously if keyword_set(suffix) then begin newname = [tn+suffix] endif else if keyword_set(newname) then begin newname = [newname] endif else if keyword_set(overwrite) then begin newname = [tn] endif else begin newname = [tn + '_interp'] endelse for i = 0, n_elements(tn) -1L do begin if ~is_struct(xv_tvar) then begin get_data,tn[i], data = in_d, limits = in_l, dlimits = in_dl endif else begin in_d = xv_tvar[i] in_l = 0 in_dl = 0 endelse if keyword_set(no_extrapolate) then begin in_min = min(in_d.x,max=in_max) idx = where(match_d_x ge in_min and match_d_x le in_max) if idx[0] eq -1L then begin dprint, 'tinterpol_mxn cannot interpolate any values without extrapolating, skipping' continue endif match_d_x = match_d_x[idx] endif else if keyword_set(nan_extrapolate) then begin in_min = min(in_d.x,max=in_max) nan_idx = where(match_d_x lt in_min or match_d_x gt in_max) endif else if keyword_set(repeat_extrapolate) then begin in_min = min(in_d.x,max=in_max) repeat_low_idx = where(match_d_x lt in_min) repeat_high_idx = where(match_d_x gt in_max) repeat_min_idx = min(where(match_d_x ge in_min and match_d_x le in_max),max=repeat_max_idx) endif out_d_y = ctv_interpol_vec_mxn(in_d.y, in_d.x, match_d_x,nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,ignore_nans=ignore_nans, _extra = _extra) if(size(out_d_y,/n_dim) eq 0 && out_d_y[0] eq -1L) then begin dprint,'TINTERPOL_MXN: interpolation Y-component calculation failed' return endif ;fill nans for d.y component if keyword_set(nan_extrapolate) then begin ctv_nan_fill_idx,out_d_y,nan_idx endif else if keyword_set(repeat_extrapolate) then begin ctv_repeat_fill_idx,out_d_y,repeat_low_idx,repeat_min_idx ctv_repeat_fill_idx,out_d_y,repeat_high_idx,repeat_max_idx endif str_element,in_d,'v',success=s if s eq 1 then begin v_dim = dimen(in_d.v) y_dim = dimen(in_d.y) if is_num(in_d.v) && n_elements(v_dim) eq n_elements(y_dim) && v_dim[0] eq y_dim[0] then begin out_d_v = ctv_interpol_vec_mxn(in_d.v, in_d.x, match_d_x,nearest_neighbor=nearest_neighbor,ignore_nans=ignore_nans, _extra = _extra) if(size(out_d_y,/n_dim) eq 0 && out_d_y[0] eq -1L) then begin dprint,'TINTERPOL_MXN: interpolation V-component calculation failed' return endif ;fill nans for d.v component if keyword_set(nan_extrapolate) then begin ctv_nan_fill_idx,out_d_v,nan_idx endif else if keyword_set(repeat_extrapolate) then begin ctv_repeat_fill_idx,out_d_v,repeat_low_idx,repeat_min_idx ctv_repeat_fill_idx,out_d_v,repeat_high_idx,repeat_max_idx endif out_d = {x:match_d_x, y:out_d_y, v:out_d_v} endif else begin out_d = {x:match_d_x, y:out_d_y, v:in_d.v} endelse endif else begin out_d = {x:match_d_x,y:out_d_y} endelse if ~arg_present(out_d) then begin store_data, newname[i], data = out_d, limits = in_l, dlimits = in_dl endif endfor error=1 return end