;+ ; Procedure: minvar.pro ; This program computes the principal variance directions and variances of a ; vector quantity (can be 2D or 3D) as well as the associated ; eigenvalues. This routine is a simple version ; designed to be used by a tplot wrapper with the contrans_var library ; Works with trired and triql (IDL's version of Num. Recipies w/ permission) ; ; Input: Vxyz, an (ndim,npoints) array of data(ie 3xN) ; Output: eigenVijk, an (ndim,ndim) array containing the principal axes vectors ; Maximum variance direction eigenvector, Vi=eigenVijk(*,0) ; Intermediate variance direction, Vj=eigenVijk(*,1) (descending order) ; ; Vrot: if set to a name, that name becomes an array of (ndim,npoints) ; containing the rotated data in the new coordinate system, ijk. ; Vi(maximum direction)=Vrot(0,*) ; Vj(intermediate direction)=Vrot(1,*) ; Vk(minimum variance direction)=Vrot(2,*) ; ; lambdas2=if set to a name returns the eigenvalues of the ; computation ; ; ;Written by: Vassilis Angelopoulos ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: lbwilson $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2016-06-23 12:01:09 -0700 (Thu, 23 Jun 2016) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 21356 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/special/minvar/minvar.pro $ ; ;- pro minvar,Vxyz,eigenVijk,Vrot=Vrot,lambdas2=lambdas2 vec = double(Vxyz) npnts = n_elements(Vxyz[0,*]) vecavg = vec[*,0] & vecavg[*] = !VALUES.F_NAN mvamat = make_array(3,3,/double,value=!VALUES.F_NAN) ;; compute component averages for i=0L, 2L do vecavg[i] = total(/nan, Vxyz[i,*])/npnts[0] ;; build matrix for i=0L, 2L do begin mvamat[i,0] = total(/nan, vec[i,*]*vec[0,*])/npnts[0] - vecavg[i]*vecavg[0] mvamat[i,1] = total(/nan, vec[i,*]*vec[1,*])/npnts[0] - vecavg[i]*vecavg[1] mvamat[i,2] = total(/nan, vec[i,*]*vec[2,*])/npnts[0] - vecavg[i]*vecavg[2] endfor ;; TRIRED Input ;; eigenVijk = [3,3]-Element real symmetric matrix ;; TRIRED Output Results ;; diagonal = Returned [3]-Element vector of the diagonal elements of eigenVijk ;; offdiagonal = Returned [3]-Element vector of the off-diagonal " " eigenVijk=mvamat trired,eigenVijk,diagonal,offdiagonal,/double ;; TRIQL Output Results ;; diagonal = Eigenvalues of the input matrix eigenVijk ;; offdiagonal = Destroyed by TRIQL.PRO ;; eigenVijk = Three eigenvectors of input matrix eigenVijk triql,diagonal,offdiagonal,eigenVijk,/double ;; Force eigenvalues to be positive diagonal = abs(diagonal) index = reverse(sort(diagonal)) ; descending order: min var last diagonal = diagonal[index] eigenVijk = eigenVijk[*,index] ; Rotate intermediate var direction if system is not Right Handed YcrosZdotX = eigenVijk[0,0]*(eigenVijk[1,1]*eigenVijk[2,2] - eigenVijk[2,1]*eigenVijk[1,2]) if (YcrosZdotX lt 0.) then eigenVijk[*,1] = -eigenVijk[*,1] ; Ensure minvar direction is along +Z (for FAC system) if (eigenVijk[2,2] lt 0) then begin eigenVijk[*,2] = -eigenVijk[*,2] eigenVijk[*,1] = -eigenVijk[*,1] endif ;; create dummy variable for rotated vectors (output keyword variable) Vrot = vec & Vrot[*,*] = !VALUES.F_NAN ;; Rotate data into minvar coords Vrot(0,*) = eigenVijk[0,0]*vec[0,*] + eigenVijk[1,0]*vec[1,*] + eigenVijk[2,0]*vec[2,*] Vrot(1,*) = eigenVijk[0,1]*vec[0,*] + eigenVijk[1,1]*vec[1,*] + eigenVijk[2,1]*vec[2,*] Vrot(2,*) = eigenVijk[0,2]*vec[0,*] + eigenVijk[1,2]*vec[1,*] + eigenVijk[2,2]*vec[2,*] ;; Define output keyword variable lambdas2=diagonal ;; Return to user return end