;+ ; SPD_MAKE_J2000_MATRIX_VEC ; ; Vectorized version0 of spd_make_j2000_matrix_vec from spd_gei2j2000.pro ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-06-11 13:13:02 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 25346 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/spd_make_j2000_matrix_vec.pro $ ;- PRO spd_make_j2000_matrix_vec, orb_pos_time, cmatrix ;puts helper functions in scope matrix_array_lib dim = dimen(orb_pos_time) cmatrix = DBLARR(dim[0],3,3) ;conversion matrix nutmat = DBLARR(dim[0],3,3) ;Nutation matrix premat = DBLARR(dim[0],3,3) ;precession matrix Jdj2000 = DOUBLE (2451545.0) R = DOUBLE (1296000.0) ; Convert the given millisecond of day [orb_pos_time[1]] to second of day. ; Convert the packed form into year and day-of-year secs = (DOUBLE(orb_pos_time[*,1]))/DOUBLE(1000.0) year = orb_pos_time[*,0]/1000 day = orb_pos_time[*,0] MOD 1000 ; ; Calculate the julian date and the time in Julian centuries from J2000 ; fday = secs/DOUBLE(86400.00) jul_day = julday(1,1,year,0,0,0) + DOUBLE(day)+fday time = (jul_day - Jdj2000)/DOUBLE(36525.0) T2 = time*time T3 = time*T2 ; CALCULATE CONVERSION FACTORS: DEGREES TO RADANS (dtr), SECONDS TO ; RADIANS (str) ; PI= DOUBLE(4.0 * ATAN(1.0)) dtr=PI/DOUBLE(180.0) str=dtr/DOUBLE(3600.0) ; CALCULATE PRECESSION ANGLES zeta = DOUBLE( $ 0.11180860865024398D-01*time $ + 0.14635555405334670D-05*T2 $ + 0.87256766326094274D-07*T3 ) theta = DOUBLE( $ 0.97171734551696701D-02*time $ - 0.20684575704538352D-05*T2 $ - 0.20281210721855218D-06*T3 ) zee = DOUBLE( $ 0.11180860865024398D-01*time $ + 0.53071584043698687D-05*T2 $ + 0.88250634372368822D-07*T3 ) sinzet = sin(zeta) coszet = cos(zeta) sinzee = sin(zee) coszee = cos(zee) sinthe = sin(theta) costhe = cos(theta) ; ; COMPUTE THE TRANSFORMATION MATRIX BETWEEN MEAN EQUATOR AND ; EQUINOX OF 1950 AND MEAN EQUATOR AND EQUINOX OF DATE. THIS ; MATRIX IS CALLED premat. ; premat[*,0,0] = -sinzet*sinzee + coszet*coszee*costhe premat[*,0,1] = coszee*sinzet + sinzee*costhe*coszet premat[*,0,2] = sinthe*coszet premat[*,1,0] = -sinzee*coszet - coszee*costhe*sinzet premat[*,1,1] = coszee*coszet - sinzee*costhe*sinzet premat[*,1,2] = -sinthe*sinzet premat[*,2,0] = -coszee*sinthe premat[*,2,1] = -sinzee*sinthe premat[*,2,2] = costhe ; CALCULATE MEAN OBLIQUITY OF DATE (epso). WHERE TIME IS MEASURED IN ; JULIAN CENTURIES FROM 2000.0. epso=DOUBLE( (1.813E-3*T3-5.9E-4*T2 $ -4.6815E+1*time+8.4381448E+4)*str ) ; CALL SPD_GET_NUT_ANGLES TO COMPUTE NUTATION IN OBLIQUITY AND LONGITUDE spd_get_nut_angles_vec,time,deleps,delpsi,eps cosep=cos(eps) cosepO=cos(epso) cospsi=cos(delpsi) sinep=sin(eps) sinepO=sin(epso) sinpsi=sin(delpsi) nutmat[*,0,0]=cospsi nutmat[*,1,0]=-sinpsi*cosepO nutmat[*,2,0]=-sinpsi*sinepO nutmat[*,0,1]=sinpsi*cosep nutmat[*,1,1]=cospsi*cosep*cosepO+sinep*sinepO nutmat[*,2,1]=cospsi*cosep*sinepO-sinep*cosepO nutmat[*,0,2]=sinpsi*sinep nutmat[*,1,2]=cospsi*sinep*cosepO-cosep*sinepO nutmat[*,2,2]=cospsi*sinep*sinepO+cosep*cosepO ; CALCULATE ELEMENTS OF nutmat * premat. THIS MATRIX IS THE ; ANALYTICALLY CALCULATED TRANSFORMATION MATRIX, WHICH WILL ; TRANSFORM THE MEAN EARTH EQUATOR AND EQUINOX OF J2000 INTO ; THE TRUE EARTH EQUATOR AND EXQUINOX OF DATE. ; cmatrix = nutmat # premat cmatrix = TRANSPOSE(TRANSPOSE(premat) # TRANSPOSE(nutmat)) cmatrix = ctv_mm_mult(premat,nutmat) end