;+ ;procedure: cotrans, name_in, name_out [, time] ; ;Purpose: geophysical coordinate transformations ; ; GEI<-->GSE; ; GSE<-->GSM; ; GSM<-->SM; ; GEI<-->GEO; ; GEO<-->MAG; ; GEI<-->J2000; ; ; interpolates the spinphase, right ascension, declination ; updates coord_sys attribute of output tplot variable. ; ;inputs ; ; name_in ... data in the input coordinate system (t-plot variable name, ; or array) ; name_out ... variable name for output (t-plot variable name, ; or array) ; time ... optional input: array of times for input values, if provided ; then the first parameter is an array, and the second ; parameter is a named variable to contain the output array. ; ; ;keywords: ; TRANSFORMATIONS ; ; ; /GEI2GSE ; /GSE2GEI ; ; /GSE2GSM ; /GSM2GSE ; ; /GSM2SM ; /SM2GSM ; ; /GEI2GEO ; /GEO2GEI ; ; /GEO2MAG ; /MAG2GEO ; ; /GEI2J2000 ; /J20002GEI ; ; /IGNORE_DLIMITS: set so it won't require the coordinate ;system of the input tplot variable to match the coordinate ;system from which the data is being converted ; ;Examples: ; ; ; cotrans,'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gsm',/GSE2GSM ; cotrans,'tha_fgl_gsm','tha_fgl_gse',/GSM2GSE ; ; cotrans,'tha_fgl_gse','tha_fgl_gei',/GSE2GEI ; cotrans,'tha_fgl_gei','tha_fgl_gse',/GEI2GSE ; ; cotrans,'tha_fgl_gsm','tha_fgl_sm',/GSM2SM ; cotrans,'tha_fgl_sm','tha_fgl_gsm',/SM2GSM ; ;Notes: under construction!! ; clrussell, 03-30-12, added GEO2MAG and MAG2GEO conversions ; ;Written by: Hannes Schwarzl & Patrick Cruce(pcruce@igpp.ucla.edu) ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-22 08:59:06 -0700 (Tue, 22 Sep 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 18869 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/cotrans.pro $ ;- pro cotrans, name_in, name_out, time, GSM2GSE=GSM2GSE, GSE2GEI=GSE2GEI, $ GSE2GSM=GSE2GSM,GEI2GSE=GEI2GSE,GSM2SM=GSM2SM,SM2GSM=SM2GSM, $ GEI2GEO=GEI2GEO, GEO2GEI=GEO2GEI, GEO2MAG=GEO2MAG, MAG2GEO=MAG2GEO, $ GEI2J2000=GEI2J2000, J20002GEI=J20002GEI, ignore_dlimits=ignore_dlimits cotrans_lib ;PRINT,'will run faster soon ...' if n_params() eq 2 then begin ; get the data using t-plot name get_data,name_in,data=data_in, limit=l_in, dl=dl_in ; krb data_in_coord = cotrans_get_coord(dl_in) ; krb endif else begin data_in={x:time, y:name_in} data_in_coord = 'unknown' endelse ;Here be sure data_in.y is float or double tpp = size(data_in.y, /type) If(tpp Ne 4 And tpp Ne 5) Then Begin str_element, data_in, 'y', float(data_in.y), /add_replace Endif is_valid_keyws=0 ;GSE GSM if keyword_set(GSE2GSM) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gse' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gse') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GSE' return end sub_GSE2GSM,data_in,data_conv out_coord = 'gsm' endif ;GSM GSE if keyword_set(GSM2GSE) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gsm' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gsm') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GSM' return end sub_GSE2GSM,data_in,data_conv,/GSM2GSE out_coord = 'gse' endif ;GEI GSE if keyword_set(GEI2GSE) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gei' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gei') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GEI' return end sub_GEI2GSE,data_in,data_conv out_coord = 'gse' endif ;GSE GEI if keyword_set(GSE2GEI) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gse' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gse') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GSE' return end sub_GEI2GSE,data_in,data_conv,/GSE2GEI out_coord = 'gei' endif ;GSM SM if keyword_set(GSM2SM) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gsm' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gsm') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GSM' return end sub_GSM2SM,data_in,data_conv out_coord = 'sm' endif ;SM GSM if keyword_set(SM2GSM) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='sm' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'sm') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be SM' return end sub_GSM2SM,data_in,data_conv,/SM2GSM out_coord = 'gsm' endif ;GEI GEO if keyword_set(GEI2GEO) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gei' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gei') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GEI' return end sub_GEI2GEO,data_in,data_conv out_coord = 'geo' endif ;GEO GEI if keyword_set(GEO2GEI) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='geo' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'geo') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GEO' return end sub_GEI2GEO,data_in,data_conv,/GEO2GEI out_coord = 'gei' endif ;GEO MAG if keyword_set(GEO2MAG) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='geo' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'geo') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GEO' return end sub_GEO2MAG,data_in,data_conv out_coord = 'mag' endif ;MAG GEO if keyword_set(MAG2GEO) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='mag' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'mag') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be MAG' return end sub_GEO2MAG,data_in,data_conv,/MAG2GEO out_coord = 'geo' endif ;GEI J2000 if keyword_set(GEI2J2000) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='gei' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'gei') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be GEI' return end sub_GEI2J2000,data_in,data_conv out_coord = 'j2000' endif ;J2000 GEI if keyword_set(J20002GEI) then begin if keyword_set(ignore_dlimits) then begin data_in_coord='j2000' endif is_valid_keyws=1 if ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, 'unknown') && ~ strmatch(data_in_coord, $ 'j2000') then begin dprint, 'coord of input '+name_in+': '+data_in_coord+ $ ' must be J2000' return end sub_GEI2J2000,data_in,data_conv,/J20002GEI out_coord = 'gei' endif if (is_valid_keyws eq 0) then begin DPRINT,'Not a valid combination of input arguments' endif if n_params() eq 2 then begin dl_conv = dl_in cotrans_set_coord, dl_conv, out_coord ;krb ;; clear ytitle, so that it won't contain wrong info. str_element, dl_conv, 'ytitle', /delete l_conv=l_in str_element, l_conv, 'ytitle', /delete store_data,name_out,data=data_conv, limit=l_conv, dl=dl_conv ;krb endif else name_out = data_conv.y ;RETURN, data_conv end