;+ ; ;Procedure: AACGM_PLOT ; ;Description: Parameterized aacgm coordinate plotting routine. Run the routine with the appropriate coordinates ; and it will plot a grid representing corrected geomagnetic coordinates in magnetic local time. If ; you provide no local time, this routine will assume a local time of 2008-01-01/00:00:00 UT ; ; Based upon aacgm_example of Eric Donovan @ U. Calgary ; This routine uses AACGM code written by R.J. Barnes,Kile Baker, and Simon Wing. Their AACGM code was ; modified slightly for use in the themis distribution. ; ;Keywords(All input lats/lons are in degrees): ; ; lat_center: The latitudinal center of the projection that you want to plot.(Default: 62) ; lon_center: The longitudinal center of the projection that you want to plot.(Default: 256) ; map_scale: Set the scale of the map presented. This is the same as the map scale argument to ; other idl mapping routines. (Default: 42e6) ; height: The height at which coordinates should be plotted. Note that coordinates may not be ; calculable at low heights when plotting near the equator.(Default: 110) ; local_time: The time in UT that should be assumed for MLT(default: '2008-01-01/00:00:00' UT) ; lat_range: A two element array that represents the maximum and minimum latitude ; that should be calculated. Smaller ranges speed up calculations.(Default: [50,70]) ; lon_range: A two element array that represents the maximum and minimum longitude ; that should be calculated(in local magnetic coords) Smaller ranges speed up ; calculations. (Default: [0,360]) ; lat_step: The size of latitudinal steps between lines. (Default:5) ; lon_step: The size of longitudinal steps between lines. (Default:15) ; lab_step: The number of N-S lines between labels (Default: 6) ; n_lat_pts: The number of points per globe to use when drawing E-W lines. (Default: 360) ; n_lon_pts: The number of points per globe to use when drawing N-S lines. (Default: 180) ; lab_pos: The argument controls the position of the labels in the N-S direction ; 0: Draws the labels at the closest latitude to the equator(Default) ; 1: Draws the labels at the maximum latitude in the range. ; -1: Draws the labels at the minimum latitude in the range ; projection: The type of projection as a string. Default is 'orthographic', but you can select any ; of the projections that are usually available to the map set routine. To see a list ; of available projections type: 'MAP_PROJ_INFO, PROJ_NAMES=names & print,names' ; ; You can also pass in any keywords that the plot command or the map_set command take. These can be useful for ; things like controlling line thickness when exporting graphics. ; ; Notes: ; 1. This routine loads the AACGM coefficients for the current time period( 2005-2010) If ; this routine is being used for times outside this period, features need to be added to ; utilize the aacgmidl routines that load other coordinate sets. ; ; 2. If you can think of any features that might ease usability please feel free to contact us. ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: pcruce $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2008-09-18 15:48:50 -0700 (Thu, 18 Sep 2008) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 3517 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/cotrans/aacgm/aacgm_plot.pro $ ; ;- ;helper function to print floating point numbers ;the built in routines for int to string conversion ;leave a bit to be desired function fltstring,d,precision=precision compile_opt hidden,idl2 if ~keyword_set(precision) then precision = 18 if d lt 0 then neg='-' else neg='' dt = abs(d) d_front = ulong64(dt) d_back = ulong64((dt - floor(dt,/l64)) * 10ULL^ulong64(precision)) format = '(I0' + strcompress(string(precision),/remove_all) + ')' return,neg+strcompress(string(d_front),/remove_all) + '.' + strcompress(string(d_back,format=format),/remove_all) end ;mod in idl doesn't work like it does in math or in most other languages ;mod should return a number on the interval [0,m-1] but instead returns a number ;on the interval [-m+1,m-1]. This routine corrects that bug for all positive moduli. ;Negative moduli should return a number on the interval [-m+1,0] ;This function fixes that function modp,n,m compile_opt hidden, idl2 return, ((n mod m) + m) mod m end ;This routine is a little syntactic sugar for the magnetic local time ;conversion. It takes a time as a string and a reference longitude(generally 0) ;It returns the number of degrees of longitudinal offset from the reference line function mlt_tm,time,l compile_opt hidden,idl2 ts = time_struct(time) secs = ts.doy*24*60*60+ts.sod mlt_hrs = calc_mlt(ts.year,secs,l) return, 360.*mlt_hrs/24. end pro aacgm_plot, $ lat_center=lat_center, $ lon_center=lon_center, $ map_scale=map_scale, $ height=height, $ local_time=local_time, $ lat_range=lat_range, $ lon_range=lon_range, $ lat_step=lat_step, $ lon_step=lon_step, $ lab_step=lab_step, $ n_lat_pts = n_lat_pts, $ n_lon_pts = n_lon_pts, $ lab_pos=lab_pos,$ projection=projection,$ _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 aacgmidl ;set defaults if ~keyword_set(lat_center) then begin lat_center = 62 endif if ~keyword_set(lon_center) then begin lon_center = 256 endif if ~keyword_set(map_scale) then begin map_scale = 42e6 endif if ~keyword_set(lat_step) then begin lat_step = 5 endif if ~keyword_set(lon_step) then begin lon_step = 15 endif if ~keyword_set(lab_step) then begin lab_step = 6 endif if ~keyword_set(height) then begin height = 110 endif n_lat = 180 / lat_step n_lon = 360 / lon_step if ~keyword_set(lat_range) then begin lat_range = [50,70] endif if ~keyword_set(lon_range) then begin lon_range = [0,360] endif if ~keyword_set(local_time) then begin local_time = '2008-01-01/00:00:00' lab_suffix = ' UT' endif else begin lab_suffix = ' MLT' endelse if ~keyword_set(n_lat_pts) then begin n_lat_pts=360 endif if ~keyword_set(n_lon_pts) then begin n_lon_pts=180 endif if ~keyword_set(lab_pos) then begin lab_pos = 0 endif if ~keyword_set(projection) then begin projection = 'orthographic' endif ;generate a map with continents placed appropriately, centered at the requested location, and at the proper scale map_set,name=projection,lat_center,lon_center,scale=map_scale,/continents,_extra=_extra ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;mlat contours ;When this code runs, the data for the E-W lines is drawn ;(across longitude along latitude) ;This is done by creating a set of E-W lines in AACGM coordinates, ;shifting it in the longitudinal direction by the appropriate local time ;offset, and then translating into geographic coordinates with cvn_aacgm ; ;generate the input latitudes in_lats = findgen(n_lat)*lat_step - 90 ;this restricts them to the requested range latitudinal subset, if the whole ;range is not selected if lat_range[1] - lat_range[0] lt 180 then begin idx = where(modp(in_lats-lat_range[0],180) ge 0 and modp(in_lats-lat_range[0],180) le modp(lat_range[1]-lat_range[0],180)) in_lats = in_lats[idx] endif ;this generates a bunch of points across longitudes at the requested latitudes ;n_lat_pts is essentially the resolution of the E-W lines that will be ;drawn in_lons = findgen(n_lat_pts) * 360. / n_lat_pts ;this restricts the E-W lines to the requested longitudinal subset ;if the whole range is not selected if lon_range[1] - lon_range[0] lt 360 then begin idx = where(modp(in_lons-lon_range[0],360) ge 0 and modp(in_lons-lon_range[0],360) le modp(lon_range[1]-lon_range[0],360)) in_lons = in_lons[idx] idx = sort(modp(in_lons-lon_range[0],360)) in_lons = in_lons[idx] endif ;allocate memory for output in GEO v_lat=fltarr(n_elements(in_lats),n_elements(in_lons)) v_lon=fltarr(n_elements(in_lats),n_elements(in_lons)) ;convert the data for i=0,n_elements(in_lats)-1 do begin for j=0,n_elements(in_lons)-1 do begin cnv_aacgm,in_lats[i],modp(in_lons[j]-mlt_tm(local_time,0),360),height,u,v,r,error,/geo if error ne 0 then begin v_lat[i,j] = !VALUES.F_NAN v_lon[i,j] = !VALUES.F_NAN endif else begin v_lat[i,j] = u v_lon[i,j] = v endelse endfor endfor ;plot the latitudinal lines(at specific latitudes across longitude) for i=0,n_elements(in_lats)-1 do oplot,v_lon[i,*],v_lat[i,*],_extra=_extra ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;mlon contours ;When this code runs is the data for the N-S lines is drawn ;(along longitude across latitude) ;This is done by creating a set of longitude lines in AACGM coordinates, ;shifting it in the longitudinal direction by the appropriate local time ;offset, and then translating into geographic coordinates with cvn_aacgm ; ;generate the positions of the N-S line in_lons = findgen(n_lon)*lon_step ;restrict the N-s lines to a subset of the whole planet longitude, ;if requested if lon_range[1] - lon_range[0] lt 360 then begin idx = where(modp(in_lons-lon_range[0],360) ge 0 and modp(in_lons-lon_range[0],360) le modp(lon_range[1]-lon_range[0],360)) in_lons = in_lons[idx] endif ;this generates a bunch of points across latidues at the requested longitudes ;n_lon_pts is essentially the resolution of the longitude lines that will be ;drawn in_lats = findgen(n_lon_pts) * 180 / n_lon_pts - 90 ;restrict these lines to a subset of the whole planet longitude, if requested if lat_range[1] - lat_range[0] lt 180 then begin idx = where(modp(in_lats-lat_range[0],180) ge 0 and modp(in_lats-lat_range[0],180) le modp(lat_range[1]-lat_range[0],180)) in_lats = in_lats[idx] idx = sort(modp(in_lats-lat_range[0],180)) in_lats = in_lats[idx] endif ;generate memory for the output in GEO u_lat=fltarr(n_elements(in_lats),n_elements(in_lons)) u_lon=fltarr(n_elements(in_lats),n_elements(in_lons)) ;do the conversion from AACGM to GEO for i=0,n_elements(in_lats)-1 do begin for j=0,n_elements(in_lons)-1 do begin cnv_aacgm,in_lats[i],modp(in_lons[j]-mlt_tm(local_time,0),360),height,u,v,r,error,/geo if error ne 0 then begin u_lat[i,j] = !VALUES.F_NAN u_lon[i,j] = !VALUES.F_NAN endif else begin u_lat[i,j] = u u_lon[i,j] = v endelse endfor endfor ;print the code for i=0,n_elements(in_lons)-1 do oplot,u_lon[*,i],u_lat[*,i],_extra=_extra ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;This code prints out the labels at a subset of longitude lines ;pick the appropriate latitude for output if lab_pos eq 0 then begin tmp = min(abs(u_lat[*,0]),idx,/nan) endif else if lab_pos eq 1 then begin tmp = max(u_lat[*,0],idx,/nan) endif else if lab_pos eq -1 then begin tmp = min(u_lat[*,0],idx,/nan) endif ;now loop over N-S lines; placing a label every lab_step i=0 while i lt n_elements(in_lons) do begin xyouts,u_lon[idx,i],u_lat[idx,i],fltstring(in_lons[i]/15,p=2) + lab_suffix,_extra=_extra,charsize=1.5,charthick=2.0,alignment=.5 i+= lab_step endwhile return end