;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE, tplot_vars, ... ; ;PURPOSE: ; In order to be saved in CDF file using TPLOT2CDF, tplot variable must have CDF ; structure as a tplot option (see OPTIONS) ; The attributes of the tplot data (x, y or v) are stored in the CDF structure ; CDF.VARS - structure of attributes that describe the data (tplot y variable) ; CDF.DEPEND_0 - structure of attributes that describe the time (tplot x variable) ; CDF.DEPEND_1 - structure of attributes that supporting data (tplot v or v1 variable) ; CDF.DEPEND_2 - structure of attributes that supporting data (tplot v2 variable) ; CDF.DEPEND_3 - structure of attributes that supporting data (tplot v3 variable) ; ; Each structure of attributes must have following fileds: ; CATDESC, DISPLAY_TYPE ,FIELDNAM, LABLAXIS, UNITS (automatically defined for time), VAR_TYPE ; FILLVAL, VALIDMIN, VALIDMAX, FORMAT defined based on the nature of the data ; ; If CDF structure already defined in the tplot variable the defined fields of ; the CDF strucutre will remane the same. This means, if there was any mistake ; (e.g. wrong Epoch format), then CDF structure must be recreated (for example, using /new keyword). ; ; TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE adds appropriate CDF structure and defines some of the attributes base on the tplot data ; This procedure must be called before tplot2cdf. Alternatively, keyword /default of tplto2cdf2 can be used. ; Most of the attributes are defined as 'undefined' ans should be specify. ; ; If tplot has 2d y, but variable v, that suppose to describe second dimension ; is absent, then v will be created as an index of the second dimension of y ; If "labels" field is found in metadata (dlimits.lables) of the tplot variable and if number of elements ; along second dimention of y is the same as number of labels, then v variable ; will be prepared to be LABL_PTR_1. ; TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE supports only LABL_PTR_1 (one label pointer) case. ; ; If tplot has n-d y but number of dimensions does not correspond to number or ; supporting variables (x, v or v1, v2 ...) then extra supporting variables (v1, v2 ...) will be removed. ; This behaivour ensures the saving of the tplot into CDF file. ; ; If tplot variable has only x, then data variable y = x will be created. ; ;INPUT: ; tplot_vars: (string or array of strings) Tplot variable name, or list of the tplot variables ; ;KEYWORDS: ; TT2000: (flag) Indicates that time should be included as TT2000 ; If x type is double, x will be converted to LONG64 using CDF_PARSE_TT2000 ; NEW: (flag) Create new CDF structure or ignore existing CDF structure ; ;EXAMPLES: ; store_date, 'example_tplot',data={x:time_double('2001-01-01')+[1, 2, 3],y:[10, 20, 30]} ; tplot_add_cdf_structure, 'example_plot' ; tplot2cdf, filename='example_cdf_file', tvars='example_plot' ; ; See crib_tplot2cdf_basic for additional examples ; ;CREATED BY: ; Alexander Drozdov ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-12-13 08:16:04 -0800 (Thu, 13 Dec 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26321 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/CDF/tplot_add_cdf_structure.pro $ ;- pro tplot_add_cdf_structure, tplot_vars, tt2000=tt2000, new=new compile_opt idl2 ; resolve dependences FORWARD_FUNCTION cdf_default_vars_structure, cdf_default_vars_structure RESOLVE_ROUTINE, 'cdf_default_cdfi_structure', /IS_FUNCTION, /NO_RECOMPILE for i=0,n_elements(tplot_vars)-1 do begin get_data,tplot_vars[i],data=d,alimits=s if is_struct(s) then t = STRUPCASE(TAG_NAMES(s)) else t = '' ; get original structure if exist if array_contains(t, 'CDF') and ~KEYWORD_SET(new) then cdf_struct = s.cdf else cdf_struct = {} vars = cdf_default_vars_structure() depend_0 = cdf_default_vars_structure() ; extract data (up to 4D arrays) str_element,d,'x',value=x str_element,d,'y',value=y str_element,d,'v',value=v str_element,d,'v1',value=v1 str_element,d,'v2',value=v2 str_element,d,'v3',value=v3 if ~is_struct(d) then x = d ; extract metadata metadata = spd_extract_tvar_metadata(tplot_vars[i]) if ~is_struct(metadata) then continue ; cases: ; d is an array ; d has x ; d has x and y ; d has x and 2d y but no v ; d has x and y and 1d v ; d has x and y and 2d v ; === CDF_EPOCH === if ~undefined(x) then begin depend_0.name = 'Epoch' attr = *depend_0.attrptr if KEYWORD_SET(tt2000) then begin ; Convert time to tt2000 if double is detected if size(x,/type) eq 5 then begin ; double x detected x = CDF_PARSE_TT2000(time_string(x,tformat='YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fffffffff')) ; convert to TT2000 ;save modified tplot dt = CREATE_STRUCT('x',x) ; create structure with new time if ~is_struct(d) then d = CREATE_STRUCT('x',x) ; create, or recreate structure extract_tags,d,dt ; we use extract_tags to copy dt.x to structure d, which comes from tplot store_data,tplot_vars[i],data=d ; save new data into tplot var endif else begin if size(x,/type) ne 14 then dprint,'Warning: x type is not LONG64 as requred by TT2000',dlevel=1 endelse depend_0.datatype = 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' str_element,attr,'FILLVAL',-9223372036854775808LL ,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMIN',CDF_PARSE_TT2000('1990-01-01T00:00:00.000000000') ,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMAX',CDF_PARSE_TT2000('2100-01-01T00:00:00.000000000') ,/add attr.FORMAT = ' ' attr.UNITS = 'ns' str_element, attr,'TIME_BASE','J2000',/add ; Additional attibute is added for netCDF files endif else begin if size(x,/type) ne 5 then dprint,'Warning: x type is not double. You may expect error using tplot2cdf. CDF structure must be recreated. Use /new flag to create new CDF strucure',dlevel=1 depend_0.datatype = 'CDF_EPOCH' str_element,attr,'FILLVAL',-1.0d31 ,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMIN',0.0d ,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMAX',time_epoch('9999-12-31:23:59:59.999'),/add attr.FORMAT = ' ' attr.UNITS = 'ms' str_element, attr,'TIME_BASE','0AD',/add ; Additional attibute is added for netCDF files end depend_0.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) endif ; === CDF_EPOCH16 is disabled === ; if ~undefined(x) then begin ; depend_0.name = 'Epoch' ; depend_0.datatype = 'CDF_EPOCH16' ; tformat = 'YYYY-MM-DD:hh:mm:ss.ffffffffffff' ; depend_0.attrptr = ptr_new(CREATE_STRUCT($ ; 'FILLVAL',-1.0E31,$ ; 'VALIDMIN',time_epoch16('0000-01-01:00:00:00.000000000000',tformat=tformat),$ ; 'VALIDMAX',time_epoch16('9999-12-31:23:59:59.999999999999',tformat=tformat),$ ; 'UNITS','' ; *depend_0.attrptr)) ; endif if undefined(y) then y = x ; We add extra variable y equal x if has not been defined. if ~undefined(y) then begin vars.name = tplot_vars[i] vars.datatype = idl2cdftype(y, validmax_out=vmax, validmin_out=vmin, fillval_out=vfill, format_out=format_out) attr = *vars.attrptr str_element,attr,'FILLVAL',vfill,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMIN',vmin,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMAX',vmax,/add attr.FORMAT = format_out str_element, attr,'DEPEND_0','Epoch',/add ; Add metadata if ((metadata.catdesc ne '') and (attr.CATDESC eq 'none')) then attr.CATDESC = metadata.catdesc if ((metadata.units ne '') and (attr.UNITS eq 'undefined')) then attr.UNITS = metadata.UNITS if ((metadata.ytitle ne '') and (attr.LABLAXIS eq 'undefined')) then attr.LABLAXIS = metadata.ytitle vars.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) dy = dimen(y) ; === Checking the missing v(#) if we have [2|3|4]D y === CASE ndimen(y) OF 2: begin if undefined(v) then begin ; If variable has predefined labels, we go we LABL_PTR_1, otherwise we put indexes instead ; The label must have the same number of dimentions as data ; Next, the attibutes of the label variable will be defined based on exitance of LABL_PTR_1 attribute if (dy[1] eq dimen(metadata.labels) and ~array_equal(metadata.labels, '')) then begin v = metadata.labels attr = *vars.attrptr str_element,attr,'LABL_PTR_1',tplot_vars[i] + '_v',/add vars.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) endif else begin v = INDGEN(dy[1]) ; just indexing endelse endif if ~undefined(x) then ds = {x:x,y:y,v:v} else ds = {y:y,v:v} end 3: begin if undefined(v1) then v1 = INDGEN(dy[1]) ; just indexing if undefined(v2) then v2 = INDGEN(dy[2]) ; just indexing if ~undefined(x) then ds = {x:x,y:y,v1:v1,v2:v2} else ds = {y:y,v1:v1,v2:v2} end 4: begin if undefined(v1) then v1 = INDGEN(dy[1]) ; just indexing if undefined(v2) then v2 = INDGEN(dy[2]) ; just indexing if undefined(v3) then v3 = INDGEN(dy[3]) ; just indexing if ~undefined(x) then ds = {x:x,y:y,v1:v1,v2:v2,v3:v3} else ds = {y:y,v1:v1,v2:v2,v3:v3} end else: begin if ~undefined(x) then ds = {x:x,y:y} else ds = {y:y} ; default (assuming 1d) end ENDCASE store_data, tplot_vars[i],data= ds ; save possible v(#) into the tplot variable endif else begin ; no y ; this case if tplot is 1d vars = depend_0 UNDEFINE, depend_0 endelse if ~undefined(v) || ~undefined(v1) then begin if ~undefined(v1) then v_str = '_v1' else v_str = '_v' if ~undefined(v1) then v = TEMPORARY(v1) depend_1 = cdf_default_vars_structure() depend_1.name = tplot_vars[i] + v_str depend_1.datatype = idl2cdftype(v, validmax_out=vmax, validmin_out=vmin, fillval_out=vfill, format_out=format_out) attr = *depend_1.attrptr ; Check if v is LABL_PTR_1 varsattr = *vars.attrptr str_element, varsattr, 'LABL_PTR_1', success=s if s then begin ; LABL_PTR_1 found! v is the label if(attr.CATDESC eq 'none') then attr.CATDESC = 'Label of ' + tplot_vars[i] if(attr.FIELDNAM eq 'none') then attr.FIELDNAM = 'Label of ' + tplot_vars[i] if(attr.VAR_TYPE eq 'undefined') then attr.VAR_TYPE = 'metadata' depend_1.recvary = 0b ; metadata does not changhe with time depend_1.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) ; save the atributes endif else begin ; If not, then this vatiable should be processed as the supporting data variable str_element,attr,'FILLVAL',vfill,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMIN',vmin,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMAX',vmax,/add attr.FORMAT = format_out depend_1.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) ; save the atributes ; Add metadata if ((metadata.ztitle ne '') and (attr.LABLAXIS eq 'undefined')) then attr.LABLAXIS = metadata.ztitle str_element, *vars.attrptr,'DEPEND_1',depend_1.name,/add ; if v is 2d if ndimen(v) gt 1 then begin ; in this case first dimension of v is time (we don't check the actual number of records) ; vars.attrptr = ptr_new(CREATE_STRUCT('DEPEND_0','Epoch',*vars.attrptr)) ; one line addition to the attribute structure str_element, *depend_1.attrptr,'DEPEND_0','Epoch',/add endif else begin ; if v is 1d then it does not change in time depend_1.recvary = 0b endelse endelse endif if ~undefined(v2) then begin depend_2 = cdf_default_vars_structure() depend_2.name = tplot_vars[i] + '_v2' depend_2.datatype = idl2cdftype(v2, validmax_out=vmax, validmin_out=vmin, fillval_out=vfill, format_out=format_out) attr = *depend_2.attrptr str_element,attr,'FILLVAL',vfill,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMIN',vmin,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMAX',vmax,/add attr.FORMAT = format_out depend_2.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) str_element, *vars.attrptr,'DEPEND_2',depend_2.name,/add ; if v is 2d if ndimen(v2) gt 1 then begin ; in this case first dimension of v is time (we don't check the actual number of records) ; vars.attrptr = ptr_new(CREATE_STRUCT('DEPEND_0','Epoch',*vars.attrptr)) ; one line addition to the attribute structure str_element, *depend_2.attrptr,'DEPEND_0','Epoch',/add endif else begin ; if v is 1d then it does not change in time depend_2.recvary = 0b endelse endif if ~undefined(v3) then begin depend_3 = cdf_default_vars_structure() depend_3.name = tplot_vars[i] + '_v3' depend_3.datatype = idl2cdftype(v3, validmax_out=vmax, validmin_out=vmin, fillval_out=vfill, format_out=format_out) attr = *depend_3.attrptr str_element,attr,'FILLVAL',vfill,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMIN',vmin,/add str_element,attr,'VALIDMAX',vmax,/add attr.FORMAT = format_out depend_3.attrptr = ptr_new(attr) str_element, *vars.attrptr,'DEPEND_3',depend_3.name,/add ; if v is 2d if ndimen(v3) gt 1 then begin ; in this case first dimension of v is time (we don't check the actual number of records) ; vars.attrptr = ptr_new(CREATE_STRUCT('DEPEND_0','Epoch',*vars.attrptr)) ; one line addition to the attribute structure str_element, *depend_3.attrptr,'DEPEND_0','Epoch',/add endif else begin ; if v is 1d then it does not change in time depend_3.recvary = 0b endelse endif ; This function does not rewrite existing VARS, DEPEND_0 and DEPEND_1 if is_struct(cdf_struct) then t = STRUPCASE(TAG_NAMES(cdf_struct)) else t = '' if ~array_contains(t, 'VARS') then cdf_struct = CREATE_STRUCT(cdf_struct, {VARS:vars}) if ~undefined(depend_0) and ~array_contains(t, 'DEPEND_0') then cdf_struct = CREATE_STRUCT(cdf_struct, {DEPEND_0:depend_0}) if ~undefined(depend_1) and ~array_contains(t, 'DEPEND_1') then cdf_struct = CREATE_STRUCT(cdf_struct, {DEPEND_1:depend_1}) if ~undefined(depend_2) and ~array_contains(t, 'DEPEND_2') then cdf_struct = CREATE_STRUCT(cdf_struct, {DEPEND_2:depend_2}) if ~undefined(depend_3) and ~array_contains(t, 'DEPEND_3') then cdf_struct = CREATE_STRUCT(cdf_struct, {DEPEND_3:depend_3}) options,tplot_vars[i],'CDF',cdf_struct endfor end