;+ ;PROCEDURE: ; TPLOT2CDF, ... ; ;PURPOSE: ; Save tplot variables into cdf file ; tplot variable must have appropriate CDF structure as the option (limits) (see TPLOT_ADD_CDF_STRUCTURE, OPTIONS) ; Time (x variable of tplot) must be in SPEDAS (unix) format if TT2000 keyword is not specified, (see TIME_DOUBLE) ; ;KEYWORDS: ; FILENAME: (string) Name of the cdf file to be saved. .cdf extension can be omitted. ; TVARS: (string or array of strings) Tplot variable name, or list of the tplot variables to be saved ; DEFAULT_CDF_STRUCTURE: (flag) Create default CDF structure in tplot variables ; COMPRESS_CDF: (int) Compress CDF file. See CDF_COMPRESSION ; G_ATTRIBUTES: (struct) Global attributes of CDF file ; TT2000: (flag) Indicates that time is in TT2000 format. ; ; Additional keywords: ; INQ: (struct) Structure of CDF file parameters, see TPLOT2CDF_SAVE_VARS code ; ;EXAMPLES: ; store_date, 'example_tplot',data={x:time_double('2001-01-01')+[1, 2, 3],y:[10, 20, 30]} ; tplot2cdf, filename='example_cdf_file', tvars='example_plot', /default ; ; store_date, 'example_tplot2',data={x:time_double('2001-01-02')+[1, 2],y:[10, 20]} ; tplot2cdf, filename='example_cdf_file2', tvars=['example_plot', 'example_tplot2'], /default ; ; See crib_tplot2cdf_basic for additional examples ; ;CREATED BY: ; Alexander Drozdov ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-02-27 11:50:14 -0800 (Wed, 27 Feb 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26717 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/CDF/tplot2cdf.pro $ ;- pro tplot2cdf, filename=filename, tvars=tplot_vars, inq=inq_structure, g_attributes=g_attributes_custom,tt2000=tt2000, default_cdf_structure=default_cdf_structure, compress_cdf=compress_cdf compile_opt idl2 FORWARD_FUNCTION cdf_default_inq_structure, cdf_default_g_attributes_structure RESOLVE_ROUTINE, 'cdf_default_cdfi_structure', /IS_FUNCTION, /NO_RECOMPILE if undefined(filename) then BEGIN print, "ERROR: Missing CDF filename" return endif if undefined(default_cdf_structure) then default_cdf_structure = 1b if undefined(inq_structure) then inq_structure = cdf_default_inq_structure() g_attributes_structure = cdf_default_g_attributes_structure() if ~undefined(g_attributes_custom) then begin g_tag = tag_names(g_attributes_custom) for i=0,N_ELEMENTS(g_tag)-1 do begin str_element,g_attributes_structure,g_tag[i],g_attributes_custom.(i),/add endfor endif else begin get_data, tplot_vars[0], dlimits=dl if ~is_struct(dl) then begin dprint, dlevel=0, 'Error, no global attributes structure found; using the default..' g_attributes_custom = g_attributes_structure endif else g_attributes_custom = dl.cdf.gatt g_tag = tag_names(g_attributes_custom) for i=0,N_ELEMENTS(g_tag)-1 do begin str_element,g_attributes_structure,g_tag[i],g_attributes_custom.(i),/add endfor endelse ; main structure idl_structure = {FILENAME:filename,$ INQ: inq_structure,$ g_attributes: g_attributes_structure,$ NV: 0$ } ; main arrays of data VARS = [] EpochVARS = [] SupportVARS1 = [] SupportVARS2 = [] SupportVARS3 = [] EpochType = 'CDF_EPOCH' ; default Epoch type if KEYWORD_SET(tt2000) then EpochType = 'CDF_TIME_TT2000' ; main loop for i =0,N_ELEMENTS(tplot_vars)-1 do begin ; add default attributes. ; this option will not overwrite existing fields tname = tplot_vars[i] if KEYWORD_SET(default_cdf_structure) then tplot_add_cdf_structure,tname,tt2000=tt2000 get_data,tname,data=d,alimit=s, dlimits=dl str_element,s,'CDF',SUCCESS=cdf_s if cdf_s eq 0 || ~is_struct(dl) then begin print, "ERROR: Missing CDF structure in tplot variable " + tname print, "Use tplot_add_cdf_structure procedure to define CDF structure or use /default_cdf_structure keyword" continue endif ; extract data str_element,d,'x',value=x str_element,d,'y',value=y str_element,d,'v',value=v str_element,d,'v1',value=v1 str_element,d,'v2',value=v2 str_element,d,'v3',value=v3 if ~is_struct(d) then x = d ; here we don't check existence of CDF structure, it must be defined before ; we also don't check existence of x field VAR = s.CDF.VARS t = TAG_NAMES(s.CDF) if ~undefined(x) then begin ; Work with Epoch first ; ; If user defined only one x variable in tplot we consider it as Epoch ; In this case CDF may contain only one field VARS wich is Epoch EpochName = 'Epoch' if s.CDF.VARS.DATATYPE eq EpochType then begin EpochVAR = s.CDF.VARS ;if(undefined(y)) then begin ;y = x ;VAR.Name = tname ;end ; UNDEFINE, VAR ; remove var endif if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_0') then begin ;if s.CDF.DEPEND_0.DATATYPE eq EpochType then EpochVAR = s.CDF.DEPEND_0 EpochVAR = s.CDF.DEPEND_0 endif if undefined(EpochVAR) then begin print, "ERROR: Missing valid Epoch in tplot variable " + tname print, "Check DATATYPE of the Epoch in CDF structure. CDF_Epoch cannot be used with TT2000 flag" return endif if KEYWORD_SET(tt2000) then begin ; === CDF_TIME_TT2000 === ; is long 64 ?? No? - exit! if size(x,/type) ne 14 then begin print, "ERROR: type of TT2000 time in tplot variable " + tname + " is not long64" return endif EpochVAR.DATAPTR = ptr_new(x, /NO_COPY) endif else begin ; === CDF_EPOCH === ; Time should be in SPEDAS format, which is UNIX time. ; Add variable and convert it into Epoch if size(x,/type) ne 5 then begin print, "ERROR: type of Epoch in tplot variable " + tname + " is not double" return endif EpochVAR.DATAPTR = ptr_new(time_epoch(x), /NO_COPY) end InArray = 0 ; flag of having Epoch in array EpochVARS for j=0,N_ELEMENTS(EpochVARS)-1 do begin if size(*EpochVARS[j].DATAPTR, /type) eq size(*EpochVAR.DATAPTR,/type) then begin if ARRAY_EQUAL(*EpochVARS[j].DATAPTR, *EpochVAR.DATAPTR) then begin InArray = 1 EpochName = EpochVARS[j].NAME endif endif endfor if InArray eq 0 then begin ; add new epoch variable EpochN = N_ELEMENTS(EpochVARS) if EpochN gt 0 then EpochName = EpochName + '_' + strtrim(string(EpochN),1) EpochVAR.NAME = EpochName ; name (*Epochvar.ATTRPTR).VAR_TYPE = 'support_data' ; Automaticaly change attributes for Epoch variable EpochVARS = array_concat(EpochVAR,EpochVARS) endif endif ; x ; ; Then we work with supporting data (1), same scenario ; if ~undefined(v1) then v = TEMPORARY(v1) ; Use v1 isdead of v if we have v1 if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_1') then begin SupportName1 = s.CDF.DEPEND_1.NAME SupportVAR = s.CDF.DEPEND_1 SupportVAR.DATAPTR = ptr_new(v, /NO_COPY) InArray = 0 for j=0,N_ELEMENTS(SupportVARS1)-1 do begin if size(*SupportVARS1[j].DATAPTR, /type) eq size(*SupportVAR.DATAPTR, /type) then begin if ARRAY_EQUAL(*SupportVARS1[j].DATAPTR, *SupportVAR.DATAPTR, /QUIET) then begin InArray = 1 SupportName1 = SupportVARS1[j].NAME endif endif endfor if InArray eq 0 then begin ; add new support variable attr = *SupportVAR.ATTRPTR if ndimen(v) eq 2 then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_0',EpochName,/add ; if support variable is 2d, then the first dimension corresponds to time if STRCMP(attr.VAR_TYPE, 'undefined') then attr.VAR_TYPE = 'support_data' ;Change attributes for support variable variable SupportVAR.ATTRPTR = ptr_new(attr) SupportVARS1 = array_concat(SupportVAR,SupportVARS1) endif endif ; ; supporting data (2) ; if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_2') then begin SupportName2 = s.CDF.DEPEND_2.NAME SupportVAR = s.CDF.DEPEND_2 SupportVAR.DATAPTR = ptr_new(v2, /NO_COPY) InArray = 0 for j=0,N_ELEMENTS(SupportVARS2)-1 do begin if size(*SupportVARS2[j].DATAPTR, /type) eq size(*SupportVAR.DATAPTR, /type) then begin if ARRAY_EQUAL(*SupportVARS2[j].DATAPTR, *SupportVAR.DATAPTR, /QUIET) then begin InArray = 1 SupportName2 = SupportVARS2[j].NAME endif endif endfor if InArray eq 0 then begin ; add new support variable attr = *SupportVAR.ATTRPTR if ndimen(v2) eq 2 then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_0',EpochName,/add ; if support variable is 2d, then the first dimension corresponds to time if STRCMP(attr.VAR_TYPE, 'undefined') then attr.VAR_TYPE = 'support_data' ;Change attributes for support variable variable SupportVAR.ATTRPTR = ptr_new(attr) SupportVARS2 = array_concat(SupportVAR,SupportVARS2) endif endif ; ; supporting data (3) ; if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_3') then begin SupportName3 = s.CDF.DEPEND_3.NAME SupportVAR = s.CDF.DEPEND_3 SupportVAR.DATAPTR = ptr_new(v3, /NO_COPY) InArray = 0 for j=0,N_ELEMENTS(SupportVARS3)-1 do begin if size(*SupportVARS3[j].DATAPTR, /type) eq size(*SupportVAR.DATAPTR, /type) then begin if ARRAY_EQUAL(*SupportVARS3[j].DATAPTR, *SupportVAR.DATAPTR, /QUIET) then begin InArray = 1 SupportName3 = SupportVARS3[j].NAME endif endif endfor if InArray eq 0 then begin ; add new support variable attr = *SupportVAR.ATTRPTR if ndimen(v3) eq 2 then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_0',EpochName,/add ; if support variable is 2d, then the first dimension corresponds to time if STRCMP(attr.VAR_TYPE, 'undefined') then attr.VAR_TYPE = 'support_data' ;Change attributes for support variable variable SupportVAR.ATTRPTR = ptr_new(attr) SupportVARS3 = array_concat(SupportVAR,SupportVARS3) endif endif ; ; Now work with the data ; if ~undefined(VAR) then begin attr = dl.cdf.vatt if STRCMP(attr.VAR_TYPE, 'undefined') then attr.VAR_TYPE = 'data' ;Change attributes for data variable variable if STRCMP(attr.DISPLAY_TYPE, 'undefined') then begin attr.DISPLAY_TYPE = 'time_series' ; if display type is not defined we assume that it is a time_series if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_1') then begin spec = 0 str_element,s,'spec',spec ; determine if tplot variable is a spectrogram if spec eq 1 then begin attr.DISPLAY_TYPE = 'spectrogram' endif else begin attr.DISPLAY_TYPE = 'stack_plot' endelse endif endif if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_0') then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_0',strjoin(strsplit(EpochName, '-', /extract), '_'),/add if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_1') then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_1',strjoin(strsplit(SupportName1, '-', /extract), '_'),/add if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_2') then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_2',strjoin(strsplit(SupportName2, '-', /extract), '_'),/add if array_contains(t,'DEPEND_3') then str_element, attr,'DEPEND_3',strjoin(strsplit(SupportName3, '-', /extract), '_'),/add VAR.ATTRPTR = ptr_new(attr) VAR.DATAPTR = ptr_new(y, /NO_COPY) VARS = array_concat(VAR,VARS) endif endfor VARS = array_concat(VARS,SupportVARS1) VARS = array_concat(VARS,SupportVARS2) VARS = array_concat(VARS,SupportVARS3) VARS = array_concat(VARS, EpochVARS) idl_structure.NV = N_ELEMENTS(VARS) str_element, idl_structure,'VARS',VARS,/add ;help, idl_structure tplot2cdf_save_vars, idl_structure, filename, compress_cdf=compress_cdf end