;+ ; FUNCTION cdfi = spd_mms_cdf_load_vars(file) ; INPUT: ; file = CDF filename(s) ; OUTPUT: ; CDFI = A structure containing pointers to the data and attributes ; for the files, with tags: ; CDFI.FILENAME = The filename(s) ; ; CDFI.INQ = A structure with information about the file: ; CDFI.INQ.NDIMS = CDF Dims attribute, for rVariables typically 0 ; (rVariables are rarely used anymore See http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/FAQ.html#intro) ; CDFI.INQ.DECODING = 'HOST_DECODING' (can be network or host) ; CDFI.INQ.ENCODING = 'NETWORK_ENCODING' (can be network or host) ; CDFI.INQ.MAJORITY = 'ROW_MAJOR' (can be row or column) ; CDFI.INQ.MAXREC = Max number of records (Default is -1) ; CDFI.INQ.NVARS = number of rVariables, usually 0 ; CDFI.INQ.NZVARS = number of zVariables, usually all of them ; CDFI.INQ.NATTS = number of variable attributes ; CDFI.INQ.DIM = dimensions of rVariables ; ; CDFI.g_atttributes = CDF global attributes, structure varies ; Here is a sample from THEMIS EFI: ; ; PROJECT STRING 'THEMIS' ; SOURCE_NAME STRING 'THA>Themis Probe A' ; DISCIPLINE STRING 'Space Physics>Magnetospheric Science' ; DATA_TYPE STRING 'EFI' ; DESCRIPTOR STRING 'L2>L2 DATA' ; DATA_VERSION STRING '1' ; PI_NAME STRING 'V. Angelopoulos, J. Bonnell & F. Mozer' ; PI_AFFILIATION STRING 'UCB, NASA NAS5-02099' ; TITLE STRING 'Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Measurements' ; TEXT STRING 'THEMIS-A: Electric Field Instrument (EFI) Electric field measurements. The L2 product is a 3D estimate of'... ; INSTRUMENT_TYPE STRING 'Electric Fields (space)' ; MISSION_GROUP STRING 'THEMIS' ; LOGICAL_SOURCE STRING 'tha_l2_efi' ; LOGICAL_FILE_ID STRING 'tha_l2_efi_20131001_v01' ; LOGICAL_SOURCE_DESCRIPTION ; STRING 'Spacecraft-collected (EFI) Electric field' ; TIME_RESOLUTION STRING '3-1/8s' ; RULES_OF_USE STRING 'Open Data for Scientific Use' ; GENERATED_BY STRING 'THEMIS SOC' ; GENERATION_DATE STRING 'Sun Oct 6 03:11:38 2013' ; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STRING 'NASA Contract NAS5-02099' ; MODS STRING 'Rev- 2009-09-16' ; ADID_REF STRING 'NSSD0110' ; LINK_TEXT STRING Array[3] ; LINK_TITLE STRING Array[3] ; HTTP_LINK STRING Array[3] ; FILE_NAMING_CONVENTION ; STRING 'source_descriptor_datatype' ; CAVEATS STRING 'See THEMIS website for caveats' ; VALIDITY STRING 'to be validated' ; VALIDATOR STRING 'tbd' ; VALIDATE STRING 'Compatible with the ISTP CDF Standards' ; INST_MOD STRING 'THM>xxxx' ; PARENTS STRING 'xxxx' ; INST_SETTINGS STRING 'Not used' ; SOFTWARE_VERSION ; STRING '13273' ; ; CDFI.NV = Number of variables ; ; CDFI.VARS = AN array of CDFI.NV structures, one for each zvariable: ; CDFI.VARS.NAME = The variable name ; CDFI.VARS.NUM = The index of the given variable in the cdfi.vars array ; CDFI.VARS.IS_ZVAR = 1 for a zVariable ; CDFI.VARS.DATATYPE = The data type, e.g.'CDF_FLOAT' ; CDFI.VARS.TYPE = The numerical IDL data type (float is 4, etc...) ; CDFI.VARS.NUMATTR = -1, Not sure about this one, returned from CDF_VARGET ; CDFI.VARS.NUMELEM = Number of elements in a record, returned from CDF_VARGET ; CDFI.VARS.RECVARY = Set to 1 if variable varies from record to record ; CDFI.VARS.NUMREC = the number of records input. ; CDFI.VARS.NDIMEN = the number dimensions in the data ; CDFI.VARS.D = A six-element array with the number of dimensions for ; each index ; CDFI.VARS.DATAPTR = A pointer to the data array: ; CDFI.VARS.ATTRPTR = A pointer to the variable attributes ; structure for each variable. Content varies, ; here is a sample from THEMIS EFI Electric ; field data: ; CATDESC STRING 'EFF_DOT0 (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution, using E dot B=0) electric field vector in GSM coordinates'... ; FIELDNAM STRING 'EFF_DOT0 (fast-survey, 1/8 sec time resolution, using E dot B=0) electric field vector in GSM coordinates'... ; FILLVAL FLOAT NaN ; VALIDMIN FLOAT Array[3] ; VALIDMAX FLOAT Array[3] ; VAR_TYPE STRING 'data' ; DISPLAY_TYPE STRING 'time_series' ; FORMAT STRING 'E13.6' ; LABL_PTR_1 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_gsm_labl' ; UNITS STRING 'mV/m' ; DEPEND_TIME STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_time' ; DEPEND_EPOCH0 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_epoch0' ; DEPEND_0 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_epoch' ; DEPEND_1 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_gsm_compno' ; VAR_NOTES STRING 'Units are in mV/m' ; COORDINATE_SYSTEM ; STRING 'GSM' ; REPRESENTATION_1 ; STRING 'Rep_xyz_gsm' ; TENSOR_ORDER STRING '1' ; AVG_TYPE STRING 'standard' ; PROPERTY STRING 'vector' ; SC_ID STRING 'a' ; SCALE_TYP STRING 'linear' ; DICT_KEY STRING 'electric_field>vector_GSM' ; SI_CONVERSION STRING '1e-3>V/m' ; LABEL_1 STRING 'tha_eff_dot0_gsm_labl' ; ; Each variable may have a different set of attributes, but this ; example is a minimal structure that will be ISTP compliant. ; ; KEYWORDS: ; VARFORMAT = string or string array: a string or string array (which may contain wildcard ; characters) that specifies the CDF variable names to load. Use ; 'VARFORMAT='*' to load all variables. NOTE ; THAT VARFORMAT MUST BE SET IF YOU ACTUALLY ; WANT TO READ DATA. ; VARNAMES = named variable ;output variable for variable names that were loaded. ; SPDF_DEPENDENCIES : Set to 1 to have SPDF defined dependent variables also loaded. ; VAR_TYPE = string or string array; Variables that have a VAR_TYPE matching these strings will ; be loaded. ; CONVERT_INT1_TO_INT2 Set this keyword to convert signed one byte to signed 2 byte integers. ; This is useful because IDL does not have the equivalent of INT1 (bytes are unsigned) ; RECORD: Specify the record index where you want to start reading. By default, this option will read one record. ; NUMBER_RECORDS: Specify the number of records that you want to read. By default, this option will begin at record zero. ; ; Note: Record & Number_Records can be used together to specify a range of records to be read. ; ; Author: Davin Larson - 2006 ; Forked for MMS, 10/22/2015, egrimes@igpp ; Forked and renamed for SPEDAS general (to keep general self-contained), jwl@ssl ; ; Side Effects: ; Data is returned in pointer variables. Calling routine is responsible for freeing up heap memory - otherwise a memory leak will occur. ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-10-07 12:15:58 -0700 (Mon, 07 Oct 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27825 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/general/CDF/spd_mms_cdf_load_vars.pro $ ; ;- function spd_mms_cdf_load_vars,files,varnames=vars,varformat=vars_fmt,info=info,verbose=verbose,all=all, $ record=record,convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2, $ spdf_dependencies=spdf_dependencies, $ var_type=var_type, $ no_attributes=no_attributes,$ number_records=number_records vb = keyword_set(verbose) ? verbose : 0 vars='' info = 0 dprint,dlevel=4,verbose=verbose,'$Id: spd_mms_cdf_load_vars.pro 27825 2019-10-07 19:15:58Z jimm $' ;Get cdf version, hacked from read_myCDF, jmm, 2019-10-07 CDF_LIB_INFO, VERSION=V, RELEASE=R, COPYRIGHT=C, INCREMENT=I cdfversion = string(V, R, I, FORMAT='(I0,".",I0,".",I0,A)') ;set readonly for versions prior to cdf 3.7.0 if cdfversion Lt '3.7.0' then readonly = 1b else readonly = 0b on_ioerror, ferr for fi=0,n_elements(files)-1 do begin if file_test(files[fi]) eq 0 then begin dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'File not found: "'+files[fi]+'"' continue endif id=cdf_open(files[fi], readonly = readonly) if not keyword_set(info) then begin info = cdf_info(id,verbose=verbose) ;, convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2) endif ; if there are no variables loaded if info.nv eq 0 or ~is_struct(info.vars) then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,'No valid variables in the CDF file!' return,info endif if n_elements(spdf_dependencies) eq 0 then spdf_dependencies =1 if not keyword_set(vars) then begin if keyword_set(all) then vars_fmt = '*' if keyword_set(vars_fmt) then vars = [vars, strfilter(info.vars.name,vars_fmt,delimiter=' ')] if keyword_set(var_type) then begin vtypes = strarr(info.nv) for v=0,info.nv-1 do begin vtypes[v] = cdf_var_atts(id,info.vars[v].num,zvar=info.vars[v].is_zvar,'VAR_TYPE',default='') endfor w = strfilter(vtypes,var_type,delimiter=' ',count=count,/index) if count ge 1 then vars= [vars, info.vars[w].name] else dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'No VAR_TYPE matching: ',VAR_TYPE endif vars = vars[uniq(vars,sort(vars))] if n_elements(vars) le 1 then begin dprint,verbose=verbose,'No valid variables selected to load!' return,info endif else vars=vars[1:*] vars2=vars ; if vb ge 4 then printdat,/pgmtrace,vars,width=200 if keyword_set(spdf_dependencies) then begin ; Get all the variable names that are dependents depnames = '' for i=0,n_elements(vars)-1 do begin vnum = where(vars[i] eq info.vars.name,nvnum) if nvnum eq 0 then message,'This should never happen, report error to egrimes@igpp.ucla.edu' vi = info.vars[vnum] depnames = [depnames, cdf_var_atts(id,vi.num,zvar=vi.is_zvar,'DEPEND_TIME',default='')] ;bpif vars[i] eq 'tha_fgl' depnames = [depnames, cdf_var_atts(id,vi.num,zvar=vi.is_zvar,'DEPEND_0',default='')] depnames = [depnames, cdf_var_atts(id,vi.num,zvar=vi.is_zvar,'LABL_PTR_1',default='')] ndim = vi.ndimen for j=1,ndim do begin depnames = [depnames, cdf_var_atts(id,vi.num,zvar=vi.is_zvar,'DEPEND_'+strtrim(j,2),default='')] endfor endfor if keyword_set(depnames) then depnames=depnames[[where(depnames)]] depnames = depnames[uniq(depnames,sort(depnames))] vars2 = [vars2,depnames] vars2 = vars2[uniq(vars2,sort(vars2))] vars2 = vars2[where(vars2)] ; if vb ge 4 then printdat,/pgmtrace,depnames,width=200 endif endif dprint,dlevel=2,verbose=verbose,'Loading file: "'+files[fi]+'"' for j=0,n_elements(vars2)-1 do begin w = (where( strcmp(info.vars.name, vars2[j]) , nw))[0] if nw ne 0 && cdf_varnum(id,info.vars[w].name) ne -1 then begin ; cdf_varnum call avoids crash for cdfs with non-existent dependent variables vi = info.vars[w] dprint,verbose=verbose,dlevel=7,vi.name ; if vb ge 9 then wait,.2 ; if vi.recvary or 1 then begin ;disabling logic that does nothing, pcruce@igpp.ucla.edu q=!quiet & !quiet=1 & cdf_control,id,variable=vi.name,get_var_info=vinfo & !quiet=q ;adding logic to select the number of records that are loaded. Helps for testing with large CDFs, can be used with the record= keyword if n_elements(number_records) ne 0 then begin numrec=number_records<(vinfo.maxrec+1) endif else begin if n_elements(record) ne 0 then begin numrec=1<(vinfo.maxrec+1) endif else begin numrec = vinfo.maxrec+1 endelse endelse ; dprint,verbose=vb,dlevel=7,vi.name ; if vb ge 9 then wait,.2 ; endif else numrec = 0 if numrec gt 0 then begin q = !quiet !quiet = keyword_set(convert_int1_to_int2) if n_elements(record) ne 0 then begin value = 0 ;THIS line TO AVOID A CDF BUG IN CDF VERSION 3.1 cdf_varget,id,vi.name,value ,/string ,rec_start=record,rec_count=numrec endif else begin if vi.is_zvar then begin value = 0 ;THIS Line TO AVOID A CDF BUG IN CDF VERSION 3.1 cdf_varget,id,vi.name,value ,/string ,rec_count=numrec ;CDF_varget,id,CDF_var,x,REC_COUNT=nrecs,zvariable = zvar,rec_start=rec_start endif else begin if 1 then begin ; this cluge works but is not efficient! vinq = cdf_varinq(id,vi.num,zvar=vi.is_zvar) dimc = vinq.dimvar * info.inq.dim dimw = where(dimc eq 0,c) if c ne 0 then dimc[dimw] = 1 ;bpif vi.name eq 'ion_vel' endif value = 0 ;THIS Line TO AVOID A CDF BUG IN CDF VERSION 3.1 CDF_varget,id,vi.num,zvar=0,value,/string,COUNT=dimc,REC_COUNT=numrec ;,rec_start=rec_start value = reform(value,/overwrite) dprint,phelp=2,dlevel=5,vi,dimc,value endelse endelse !quiet = q if vi.recvary then begin if (vi.ndimen ge 1 and n_elements(record) eq 0) then begin if numrec eq 1 then begin dprint,dlevel=3,'Warning: Single record! ',vi.name,vi.ndimen,vi.d if (~is_array(size(/dimensions,value)) && size(/dimensions,value) eq 0) then begin value = reform(value) endif else begin value = reform(/overwrite,value, [1,size(/dimensions,value)] ) ; the following broke on L2 FPI files with only a single time stored in them ;value = transpose(reform(/overwrite,value, [1,size(/dimensions,value)] )) ; Special case for variables with a single record endelse ;if is_array(value) && n_elements(value) ne 1 then value = reform(/overwrite,value, [1,size(/dimensions,value)] ) $ ; Special case for variables with a single record ; else value = reform(value,/overwrite) endif else begin transshift = shift(indgen(vi.ndimen+1),1) value=transpose(value,transshift) endelse endif else value = reform(value,/overwrite) if not keyword_set(vi.dataptr) then vi.dataptr = ptr_new(value,/no_copy) $ else *vi.dataptr = [*vi.dataptr,temporary(value)] endif else begin if not keyword_set(vi.dataptr) then vi.dataptr = ptr_new(value,/no_copy) endelse endif if not keyword_set(vi.attrptr) then $ vi.attrptr = ptr_new( cdf_var_atts(id,vi.name,convert_int1_to_int2=convert_int1_to_int2) ) info.vars[w] = vi endif else dprint,dlevel=1,verbose=verbose,'variable "'+vars2[j]+'" not found!' endfor cdf_close,id endfor if keyword_set(info) and keyword_set(convert_int1_to_int2) then begin w = where(info.vars.datatype eq 'CDF_INT1',nw) for i=0,nw-1 do begin v = info.vars[w[i]] if ptr_valid(v.dataptr) then begin dprint,dlevel=5,verbose=verbose,'Warning: Converting from INT1 to INT2 (',v.name ,')' val = *v.dataptr *v.dataptr = fix(val) - (val ge 128) * 256 endif endfor endif return,info ferr: dprint,dlevel=0,"CDF FILE ERROR in: ",files[fi] msg = !error_state.msg ;copy to keep system var from being mutated when MESSAGE is called message, msg return,0 end