; ; NOSA HEADER START ; ; The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the NASA Open ; Source Agreement (NOSA), Version 1.3 only (the "Agreement"). You may ; not use this file except in compliance with the Agreement. ; ; You can obtain a copy of the agreement at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt ; or ; https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. ; ; See the Agreement for the specific language governing permissions ; and limitations under the Agreement. ; ; When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each ; file and include the Agreement file at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. If applicable, add the ; following below this NOSA HEADER, with the fields enclosed by ; brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: ; Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner} ; ; NOSA HEADER END ; ; Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as represented by the ; National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed ; in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other Rights ; Reserved. ; ; ;+ ; This class represents the remotely callable interface to ; <a href="https://www.nasa.gov/">NASA</a>'s ; <a href="https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/">Space Physics Data Facility</a> ; (SPDF) ; <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_service#Representational_state_transfer"> ; RESTful Web services</a>. ; ; @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2017 United States Government as ; represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ; No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, ; U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. ; ; @author B. Harris ;- ;+ ; Creates an object representing the SPDF Web service. ; ; If access to the Internet is through an HTTP proxy, the caller ; should ensure that the HTTP_PROXY environment variable is correctly ; set before this method is called. The HTTP_PROXY value should be ; of the form ; http://username:password@hostname:port/. ; ; NOTE: Due to support for the HTTP_PROXY environment variable, this ; class should not be used in a CGI-like environment where HTTP_PROXY ; can be set by untrusted entities (see httpoxy vulnerability). ; ; @param endpoint {in} {type=string} ; URL of SPDF web service. ; @param version {in} {type=string} ; class version. ; @param currentVersionUrl {in} {type=string} ; URL to the file identifying the most up to date version ; of this class. ; @keyword userAgent {in} {optional} {type=string} {default=WsExample} ; HTTP user-agent value used in communications with SPDF. ; @keyword sslVerifyPeer {in} {optional} {type=int} {default=1} ; Specifies whether the authenticity of the peer's SSL ; certificate should be verified. When 0, the connection ; succeeds regardless of what the peer SSL certificate ; contains. ; @returns a reference to a SSC object. ;- function SpdfRest::init, $ endpoint, $ version, $ currentVersionUrl, $ userAgent = userAgent, $ sslVerifyPeer = sslVerifyPeer compile_opt idl2 self.endpoint = endpoint self.version = version self.currentVersionUrl = currentVersionUrl self.ssl_verify_peer = 1 if n_elements(sslVerifyPeer) gt 0 then begin self.ssl_verify_peer = sslVerifyPeer endif if ~keyword_set(userAgent) then userAgent = 'WsExample' self.userAgent = 'User-Agent: ' + userAgent + ' (' + $ !version.os + ' ' + !version.arch + ') IDL/' + !version.release http_proxy = getenv('HTTP_PROXY') if strlen(http_proxy) gt 0 then begin proxyComponents = parse_url(http_proxy) self.proxy_hostname = proxyComponents.host self.proxy_password = proxyComponents.password self.proxy_port = proxyComponents.port self.proxy_username = proxyComponents.username if strlen(proxy_username) gt 0 then begin self.proxy_authentication = 3 endif endif return, self end ;+ ; Performs cleanup operations when this object is destroyed. ;- pro SpdfRest::cleanup compile_opt idl2 end ;+ ; Gets the current endpoint value. ; ; @returns current endpoint string value. ;- function SpdfRest::getEndpoint compile_opt idl2 return, self.endpoint end ;+ ; Gets the current userAgent value. ; ; @returns current userAgent string value. ;- function SpdfRest::getUserAgent compile_opt idl2 return, self.userAgent end ;+ ; Gets the current defaultDataview value. ; ; @returns current defaultDataview string value. ;- function SpdfSsc::getDefaultDataview compile_opt idl2 return, self.defaultDataview end ;+ ; Gets the version of this class. ; ; @returns version of this class. ;- function SpdfSsc::getVersion compile_opt idl2 return, self.version end ;+ ; Gets the most up to date version of this class. ; ; @returns most up to date version of this class. ;- function SpdfSsc::getCurrentVersion compile_opt idl2 catch, errorStatus if (errorStatus ne 0) then begin catch, /cancel ; Failed to get current version return, '' endif url = obj_new('IDLnetURL', $ proxy_authentication = self.proxy_authentication, $ proxy_hostname = self.proxy_hostname, $ proxy_port = self.proxy_port, $ proxy_username = self.proxy_username, $ proxy_password = self.proxy_password) return, url->get(/string_array, url=self.currentVersionUrl) end ;+ ; Compares getVersion() and getCurrentVersion() to determine if this ; class is up to date. ; ; @returns true if getVersion() >= getCurrentVersion(). Otherwise ; false. ;- function SpdfSsc::isUpToDate compile_opt idl2 version = strsplit(self->getVersion(), '.', /extract) versionElements = n_elements(version) currentVersion = strsplit(self->getCurrentVersion(), '.', /extract) currentVersionElements = n_elements(currentVersion) if currentVersionElements eq 0 then begin ; Do not know what current version is so return up-to-date return, 1 endif if versionElements lt currentVersionElements then begin elements = versionElements endif else begin elements = currentVersionElements endelse for i = 0, elements - 1 do begin if 0 + version[i] lt 0 + currentVersion[i] then return, 0 endfor if versionElements lt currentVersionElements then begin return, 0 endif else begin return, 1 endelse end ;+ ; Gets the node's value of the first child of the first item of the ; specified element of the given DOM document. ; ; @private ; ; @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; DOM element to search. ; @param tagName {in} {required} {type=string} ; A scalar string containing the tag name of the desired ; element. ; @returns strarr containing the node's string value(s) of the first ; child of the item(s) of the specified element of the given DOM ; document. An empty string is returned if the value cannot be ; found. ;- function SpdfRest::getNamedElementsFirstChildValue, $ domElement, tagName compile_opt idl2 nodeList = domElement->getElementsByTagName(tagName) if nodeList->getLength() eq 0 then return, '' values = strarr(nodeList->getLength()) for i = 0, nodeList->getLength() - 1 do begin domNode = nodeList->item(i) child = domNode->getFirstChild() if obj_valid(child) then begin values[i] = child->getNodeValue() endif else begin values[i] = '' endelse endfor if n_elements(values) eq 1 then return, values[0] $ else return, values end ;+ ; Gets the node's double value of the first child of the first item of ; the specified element of the given DOM element. ; ; @private ; ; @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; DOM element to search. ; @param tagName {in} {required} {type=string} ; A scalar string containing the tag name of the desired ; element. ; @returns dblarr containing the node's double value(s) of the first ; child of the item(s) of the specified element of the given DOM ; document. A scalar constant of !values.d_NaN is returned if ; the value cannot be found. ;- function SpdfRest::getNamedElementsFirstChildDoubleValue, $ domElement, tagName compile_opt idl2 nodeList = domElement->getElementsByTagName(tagName) if nodeList->getLength() eq 0 then return, !values.d_NaN values = dblarr(nodeList->getLength()) for i = 0, nodeList->getLength() - 1 do begin domNode = nodeList->item(i) child = domNode->getFirstChild() if obj_valid(child) then begin values[i] = double(child->getNodeValue()) endif else begin values[i] = !values.d_NaN endelse endfor if n_elements(values) eq 1 then return, values[0] $ else return, values end ;+ ; Gets the node's float value of the first child of the first item of ; the specified element of the given DOM element. ; ; @private ; ; @param domElement {in} {required} {type=IDLffXMLDOMElement} ; DOM element to search. ; @param tagName {in} {required} {type=string} ; A scalar string containing the tag name of the desired ; element. ; @returns fltarr containing the node's float value(s) of the first ; child of the item(s) of the specified element of the given DOM ; document. A scalar constant of !values.f_NaN is returned if ; the value cannot be found. ;- function SpdfRest::getNamedElementsFirstChildFloatValue, $ domElement, tagName compile_opt idl2 nodeList = domElement->getElementsByTagName(tagName) if nodeList->getLength() eq 0 then return, !values.f_NaN values = fltarr(nodeList->getLength()) for i = 0, nodeList->getLength() - 1 do begin domNode = nodeList->item(i) child = domNode->getFirstChild() if obj_valid(child) then begin values[i] = float(child->getNodeValue()) endif else begin values[i] = !values.f_NaN endelse endfor if n_elements(values) eq 1 then return, values[0] $ else return, values end ;+ ; Converts the given Julian Day value to an ISO 8601 string ; representation. ; ; @private ; ; @param value {in} {type=julDay} ; Julian day value to convert. ; @returns ISO 8601 string representation of the given value ;- function SpdfRest::julDay2Iso8601, $ value compile_opt idl2 caldat, value, month, day, year, hour, minute, second return, string(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, $ format=self.iso8601Format) end ;+ ; Creates a SpdfTimeInterval object from a child TimeInterval element ; of the given node from a cdas:DataResult XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param domNode {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMNode} ; node from a cdas:DataResult XML document. ; @returns a reference to a SpdfTimeInterval object. ;- function SpdfRest::getTimeIntervalChild, $ domNode compile_opt idl2 timeInterval = obj_new() timeIntervalElements = domNode->getElementsByTagName('TimeInterval') if timeIntervalElements->getLength() gt 0 then begin timeInterval = $ self->getTimeInterval(timeIntervalElements->item(0)) end return, timeInterval end ;+ ; Creates a SpdfTimeInterval object from the given TimeInterval element ; from a cdas:DataResult XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param timeIntervalElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMNode} ; element from a cdas:DataResult XML document. ; @returns a reference to a SpdfTimeInterval object. ;- function SpdfRest::getTimeInterval, $ timeIntervalElement compile_opt idl2 startDate = $ self->getJulDate((timeIntervalElement->$ getElementsByTagName('Start'))->item(0)) endDate = $ self->getJulDate((timeIntervalElement->$ getElementsByTagName('End'))->item(0)) return, obj_new('SpdfTimeInterval', startDate, endDate) end ;+ ; Creates a julday object from the given time element from a ; cdas:DataResult XML document. ; ; @private ; ; @param dateTimeElement {in} {type=IDLffXMLDOMNodeList} ; list whose first child is to be converted into a julday ; @returns julday representation of first child of given ; dateTimeElement. ;- function SpdfRest::getJulDate, $ dateTimeElement compile_opt idl2 dateFormat='(I4, 1X, I2, 1X, I2, 1X, I2, 1X, I2, 1X, I2)' dateTimeStr = (dateTimeElement->getFirstChild())->getNodeValue() reads, dateTimeStr, format=dateFormat, $ year, month, day, hour, minute, second return, julday(month, day, year, hour, minute, second) end ;+ ; Perform an HTTP GET request to the given URL. This method provides ; functionality similar to doing ; obj_new('IDLffXMLDOMDocument', filename=url) ; except that this method will catch and attempt to deal with errors. ; ; @private ; ; @param url {in} {type=string} ; URL of GET request to make. ; @keyword errorReporter {in} {optional} {type=string} ; name of IDL procedure to call if an HTTP error occurs. ; @returns reference to IDLffXMLDOMDocument representation of HTTP ; response entity. ;- function SpdfRest::makeGetRequest, $ url, $ errorReporter = errorReporter compile_opt idl2 username = '' password = '' catch, errorStatus if (errorStatus ne 0) then begin catch, /cancel reply = $ self->handleHttpError( $ requestUrl, errorReporter = errorReporter) obj_destroy, requestUrl if reply eq 0 then return, obj_new() endif requestUrl = self->getRequestUrl(url, username, password) result = string(requestUrl->get(/buffer)) obj_destroy, requestUrl return, obj_new('IDLffXMLDOMDocument', string=result) end ;+ ; Perform an HTTP POST request to the given URL. ; ; @private ; ; @param url {in} {type=string} ; URL of GET request to make. ; @param xmlRequest {in} {type=string} ; XML entity body to be include in the request. ; @keyword errorReporter {in} {optional} {type=string} ; name of IDL procedure to call if an HTTP error occurs. ; @returns reference to IDLffXMLDOMDocument representation of HTTP ; response entity. ;- function SpdfRest::makePostRequest, $ url, xmlRequest, $ errorReporter = errorReporter compile_opt idl2 username = '' password = '' catch, errorStatus if (errorStatus ne 0) then begin catch, /cancel reply = $ self->handleHttpError( $ requestUrl, $ errorReporter = errorReporter) obj_destroy, requestUrl if reply eq 0 then return, obj_new() endif requestUrl = self->getRequestUrl(url, username, password) requestUrl->setProperty, header='Content-Type: application/xml' ; print, 'POSTing ', xmlRequest ; print, 'to ', url result = requestUrl->put(xmlRequest, /buffer, /post, url=url) obj_destroy, requestUrl return, obj_new('IDLffXMLDOMDocument', filename=result) end ;+ ; Function to handle HTTP request errors. ; If an errorReporter has been provided, it is called. ; ; @private ; ; @param request {in} {type=IDLnetURL} ; HTTP request that caused the error. ; @keyword errorReporter {in} {optional} {type=string} ; name of IDL procedure to call if an HTTP error occurs. ; @returns a value of 0. ;- function SpdfRest::handleHttpError, $ request, $ errorReporter = errorReporter compile_opt idl2 request->getProperty, $ response_code=responseCode, $ response_header=responseHeader, $ response_filename=responseFilename if keyword_set(errorReporter) then begin call_method, 'reportError', errorReporter, $ responseCode, responseHeader, responseFilename endif return, 0 end ;+ ; Create an IDLnetUrl object from the given URL with any supplied ; authentication values set. ; ; @private ; ; @param url {in} {type=string} ; URL. ; @param username {in} {type=string} ; username. ; @param password {in} {type=string} ; password. ; @returns reference to a IDLnetUrl with any supplied authentication ; values set. ;- function SpdfRest::getRequestUrl, $ url, username, password compile_opt idl2 requestUrl = $ obj_new('IDLnetURL', $ proxy_authentication = self.proxy_authentication, $ proxy_hostname = self.proxy_hostname, $ proxy_port = self.proxy_port, $ proxy_username = self.proxy_username, $ proxy_password = self.proxy_password, $ ssl_verify_peer = self.ssl_verify_peer) urlComponents = parse_url(url) requestUrl->setProperty, $ header=self.userAgent, $ url_scheme=urlComponents.scheme, $ url_host=urlComponents.host, $ url_port=urlComponents.port, $ url_path=urlComponents.path, $ url_query=urlComponents.query if username ne '' then begin requestUrl->setProperty, $ authentication=3, $ url_username=username, $ url_password=password endif return, requestUrl end ;+ ; Defines the SpdfRest class. ; ; @field endpoint URL of SSC web service. ; @field userAgent HTTP ; <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-14.43"> ; user-agent value</a> to use in communications with SSC. ; @field version identifies the version of this class. ; @field currentVersionUrl URL to the file identifying the most up to ; date version of this class. ; @field proxy_authentication IDLnetURL PROXY_AUTHENTICATION property ; value. ; @field proxy_hostname IDLnetURL PROXY_HOSTNAME property value. ; @field proxy_password IDLnetURL PROXY_PASSWORD property value. ; @field proxy_port IDLnetURL PROXY_PORT property value. ; @field proxy_username IDLnetURL PROXY_USERNAME property value. ; @field ssl_verify_peer IDLnetURL SSL_VERIFY_PEER property value. ;- pro SpdfRest__define compile_opt idl2 struct = { SpdfRest, $ endpoint:'', $ userAgent:'', $ version:'', $ currentVersionUrl:'', $ proxy_authentication:0, $ proxy_hostname:'', $ proxy_password:'', $ proxy_port:'', $ proxy_username:'', $ ssl_verify_peer:1 $ } end