;+ ;PROCEDURE: spd_cdawlib_str_element, struct, tagname, value ;PURPOSE: ; Find (or add) an element of a structure. ; ; Input: ; struct, generic structure ; tagname, string (tag name) ; Output: ; value, Named variable in which value of the structure element is returned. ; Purpose: ; Retrieves the value of a structure element. This function will not produce ; an error if the tag and/or structure does not exist. ;KEYWORDS: ; SUCCESS: Named variable that will contain a 1 if the element was found ; or a 0 if not found. ; INDEX: a named variable in which the element index is returned. The index ; will be -2 if struct is not a structure, -1 if the tag is not found, ; and >= 0 if successful. ; ADD_REPLACE: Set this keyword to add or replace a structure element. ; DELETE: Set this keyword to delete the tagname. ; CLOSEST: Set this keyword to allow near matchs (useful with _extra) ; VALUE: (obsolete) alternate method of returning value. (Will not work with recursion) ;Notes: ; 1. Value remains unchanged if the structure element does not exist. ; 2. If tagname contains a '.' then the structure is recursively searched and ; index will be an array of indices. ; 3. If struct is an array then results may be unpredictable. ; 4. Elements may be inserted into embedded structures, by including the ; embedded structure name in the tagname string.(example below) ; ;Examples: ; Does an element exist? ; spd_cdawlib_str_element,my_str,'my_tag_name',SUCCESS=s ; What is an element's value? ; spd_cdawlib_str_element,my_str,'my_tag_name',v ; Add an element ; spd_cdawlib_str_element,my_str,'my_tag_name','value',/add ; Add an element to embedded structure: ; spd_cdawlib_str_element,my_str,'my_substr_name.my_tag_name','value',/add ; ;Modifications: ; 5/7/97: Added recursive searching of structure hierarchy. D. Larson ; 2014-1-20 : Added mulidimensional elements for arrays of structures ; ;CREATED BY: Davin Larson ;FILE: spd_cdawlib_str_element.pro ;VERSION 1.10 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 01/10/08 ; CREATED BY: Davin Larson ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-25 14:58:49 -0800 (Sun, 25 Feb 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24774 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/external/spdfcdas/spd_cdawlib/spd_cdawlib_str_element.pro $ ;- pro spd_cdawlib_str_element,struct,tagname,value, $ ADD_REPLACE = add_rep, $ DELETE = delete, $ CLOSEST = closest, $ SUCCESS = success, $ VALUE = value2, $ ;obsolete keyword INDEX = index pos = strpos(tagname,'.') if pos ge 0 then begin base_name = strupcase( strmid(tagname,0,pos) ) ext = strmid(tagname,pos+1,100) endif else base_name=strupcase(tagname) ;closest = 1 success = 0 if size(/type,struct) ne 8 then index = -2 else begin tags = tag_names(struct) index = (where(base_name eq tags,count))[0] if count gt 1 then dprint,'More than one exact match of '+base_name+' found.' if count eq 0 and keyword_set(closest) then begin p = intarr(n_elements(tags)) for i=0,n_elements(tags)-1 do p[i] = strpos(base_name,tags[i]) mx = max((p eq 0) * strlen(tags),index) if mx eq 0 then index=-1 ;printdat,tags ;printdat,p ;printdat,index w = where(p eq 0,count) if count ge 2 then $ dprint,'Warning: multiple close matchs of '+base_name+' found:'+string(/print,tags[w]) if count eq 1 then dprint,'Near match of '+base_name+' found: '+tags[index] endif endelse n = index if pos ge 0 then begin ; make recursive call if index ge 0 then new_struct= struct.(index) spd_cdawlib_str_element,new_struct,ext,value, index=i, success=success, $ add_rep=add_rep,delete=delete if keyword_set(add_rep) then $ spd_cdawlib_str_element,struct,base_name,new_struct,/add_rep index = [index,i] return endif if keyword_set(add_rep) and (n_elements(value) eq 0) then delete=1 if keyword_set(delete) then begin delete_var = n add_rep = n ge 0 endif else delete_var=-1 if keyword_set(add_rep) or keyword_set(delete) then begin if n_elements(struct) gt 1 then begin ; special case: arrays of structs replace = keyword_set(delete) replace = replace or ( n lt 0 ) ; replace = replace or (size(/type,value) eq 8) if not replace then begin s1 = size(struct.(n)) s2 = size(value) w = where(s1 ne s2,diff_type) replace = replace or (diff_type ne 0) endif if not replace and (size(/type,value) eq 8) then begin new_tags= tag_names_r(value[0],type=new_dt) old_tags= tag_names_r(struct[0].(n),type=old_dt) replace = n_elements(new_tags) ne n_elements(old_tags) w = where(new_tags ne old_tags,diff_type) replace = replace or (diff_type ne 0) w = where(new_dt ne old_dt,diff_type) replace = replace or (diff_type ne 0) endif if replace then begin ; message,/info,'Testing... Adding '+base_name+' to array of structures' s0 = struct[0] ; v0 = value[0] ;needs work: should be all but last dimension (corrected below) dim_value = dimen(value) ndim_value = n_elements(dim_value) * keyword_set(dim_value) if ndim_value gt 1 then begin last_dim = dim_value[ndim_value-1] if last_dim ne n_elements(struct) then message, 'Array dimension mismatch' dim = dim_value[0:ndim_value-2] V0 = reform(value,product(dim,/preserve),last_dim) V0 = reform( v0[*,0], dim) endif else if ndim_value eq 1 then v0 = value[0] spd_cdawlib_str_element,/add,s0,base_name,v0,delete=delete,index=nj ; help,nj,s0,v0,/st new_struct = make_array(value=s0,dim=dimen(struct)) ntags = n_tags(new_struct) tags = tag_names(new_struct) ; old_tags = tag_names(struct) for i=0,ntags-1 do begin ; if i ne delete_var then begin ; NOTE: this routine still has a bug with the delete keyword spd_cdawlib_str_element,s0,tags[i],index=j if i eq nj then new_value = value else new_value=struct.(j) ; spd_cdawlib_str_element,s0,old_tags[i],index=j new_struct.(i) = new_value ; endif endfor ; spd_cdawlib_str_element,s0,base_name,index=j ; if not keyword_set(delete) then new_struct.(j) = value struct=new_struct endif else begin struct.(n)=value endelse return endif case n of -2: if n_elements(value) ne 0 then $ struct = create_struct(idl_validname(/convert_all,base_name),value) ; struct did not exist -1: if n_elements(value) ne 0 then $ struct = create_struct(struct,idl_validname(/convert_all,base_name),value) ; add new tag else: begin replace = keyword_set(delete) replace = replace or (size(/type,value) eq 8) if not replace then begin s1 = size(struct.(n)) s2 = size(value) w = where(s1 ne s2,diff_type) replace = replace or (diff_type ne 0) endif if replace then begin ; new type: replace value ntags = n_elements(tags) new_struct = 0 for i=0,ntags-1 do begin if i ne delete_var then begin if i eq n then new_value=value else new_value=struct.(i) if not keyword_set(new_struct) then $ new_struct = create_struct(idl_validname(/convert_all,tags[i]),new_value) $ else new_struct = create_struct(new_struct,idl_validname(/convert_all,tags[i]),new_value) endif endfor struct = new_struct endif else struct.(n)=value ;same type: copy value endelse endcase success = 1 if n lt 0 then index = n_tags(struct)-1 endif else begin if n ge 0 then begin value = struct.(n) value2 = value success=1 endif endelse return end