;+ ; das2dlm_crib_basic_galileo.pro ; ; Description: ; A crib sheet that shows basic commands to work with das2dlm library ; Note, that it requres the dlm library (das2dlm) been installed in IDL ; ; Note: ; If the function experience a problem with DAS2C_READHTTP try to restart IDL ; Problem example: ; DAS2C_READHTTP: 400, Could not get body for URL, reason: Error in query parameters ... ; ; CREATED BY: ; Alexander Drozdov (adrozdov@ucla.edu) ; ; $LastChangedBy: adrozdov $ ; $Date: 2020-06-11 17:39:13 -0700 (Thu, 11 Jun 2020) $ ; $Revision: 28775 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/external/das2dlm/examples/das2dlm_crib_basic_galileo.pro $ ;- ; Specify the URL and the with time_start and time_end time_start = '2001-01-01' ; Can be specifyed as 2001-001 time_end = '2001-01-02' ; Can be specifyed as 2001-002 ; s = 'http://jupiter.physics.uiowa.edu/das/server?server=dataset' + $; Also does not work s = 'http://planet.physics.uiowa.edu/das/das2Server?server=dataset' + $ '&dataset=Galileo/PWS/Survey_Electric&start_time=' + time_start + '&end_time=' + time_end print, s ; Request and print data query query = das2c_readhttp(s) help, query stop ; Inspect Datasets (0), ds = das2c_datasets(query) can be used instead ds = das2c_datasets(query, 0) help, ds ; Inspecting Physical Dimensions (i.e. Variable Groups) pdims = das2c_pdims(ds) print, pdims, /IMPLIED_PRINT ; Listing Variables pd_time = das2c_pdims(ds, 'time') pd_freq = das2c_pdims(ds, 'frequency') pd_elec = das2c_pdims(ds, 'electric') var_time = das2c_vars(pd_time) var_freq = das2c_vars(pd_freq) var_elec = das2c_vars(pd_elec) help, var_time help, var_freq help, var_elec ; Getting properties props_time = das2c_props(var_time) props_freq = das2c_props(var_freq) props_elec = das2c_props(var_elec) print, props_time, /IMPLIED_PRINT print, props_freq, /IMPLIED_PRINT print, props_elec, /IMPLIED_PRINT stop ; Get data and fix the dimentions according to variable's rank time = das2c_data(var_time) time = transpose(time[0, *],[1, 0]) freq = das2c_data(var_freq) freq = freq[*, 0] elec = das2c_data(var_elec) elec = transpose(elec, [1, 0]) ;Convert time from us2000 time = time / 1d6 + time_double('2000-01-01')-time_double('1970-01-01') store_data, 'galileo_pws_survey_electric', data={x:time, y:elec, v:freq}, $ dlimits={spec:1, ylog:1, zlog:1, yrange:[1e0, 1e8], ytitle:props_freq[0].value, ztitle:props_elec[0].value} ; Plot the data spd_graphics_config tplot_options,title=query.source + ' ' + ds.name tplot, 'galileo_pws_survey_electric' ; Cleaning up res = das2c_free(query) end