;+ ;Procedure : ttrace2equator ; ;Purpose: tplot wrapper for field line footprint and tracing routines ; This program will always use the refined foot point mappings ; (a modification made by Vassilis Angelopoulos to provide more accurate ; mappings of foot points) as there is no Tsyganenko code to ; perform equatorial traces.Model parameters can be provided ; in the par array or individually, using the ; parameter's name. If a model parameter is provided ; by name, it will overwrite a part of any par value ; provided. If a named parameter is provided, but is ; unneeded by the model, it will be ignored. ; ;Input: ; in_pos_tvar: name of the tplot variable storing the ; position information for tracing, input values should be in ; 'gse','gei','gsm',or 'sm' ; ;Keywords: ; newname(optional): name of the tplot variable in which output ; footprints should be stored(default: in_pos_tvar+'_foot') ; ; trace_var_name(optional): name of the tplot variable in ; which to store the traces of field lines leading to footprints. ; Because traces are of variable length, the returned array ; will be of dimensions NxDx3 ; D is the maximum number of vectors in any of the traces. ; Shorter traces will have NaNs filling the space at the end ; of the array ; ; in_coord(optional): set this keyword to the coordinate ; system of the input, defaults to 'gsm', must match tplot ; meta data ; ; out_coord(optional): set this keyword to a string indicating ; the coordinate system output data should be in, defaults to 'gsm' ; (can be 'geo','gei','gse','gsm',or 'sm' default: the same as ; the input) ; ; internal_model(optional): set this keyword to a string ; indicating the internal model that should be used in tracing ; (can be 'dip' or 'igrf' default:igrf) ; ; external_model(optional): set this keyword to a string ; indicating the external model that should be used in tracing ; (can be 'none','t89','t96','t01', or 't04s' default: none) ; ; SOUTH(optional): set this keyword to indicate that fields ; should be traced towards the southern hemisphere. By default ; they trace north. ; ; KM(optional): set this keyword to indicate that input ; and output will be in KM not RE ; ; par(optional): parameter input for the external field model ; if using t89 then it should be an N element array containing ; kp values or a single kp value, if using t96,t01,t04s it ; should be an N x 10 element array of parmod values or a 10 ; element array. At the moment if an external model is set and ; this is not set an error will be thrown. This value can also ; be tplot variable name. If it is a tplot variable name it ; will be interpolated to match the positions in pos_tvar ; ; ; period(optional): the amount of time between recalculations of ; geodipole tilt and input of new model parameters in ; seconds (default: 60) increase this value to decrease ; run time ; if field line traces are requested this parameter is ; ignored and new model parameters are input on each ; iteration ; ; error(optional): named variable in which to return the error ; state of the procedure. 1 for success, 0 for failure ; ; R0(optional): radius of a sphere (in re), defining the inner boundary of the tracing region ; (usually, earth's surface or the ionosphere, where r0~1.0) ; if the field line reaches that sphere from outside, its inbound tracing is ; terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf are calculated. ; (units are km if /km is set) ; ; RLIM(optional) - radius of a sphere (in re), defining the outer boundary of the tracing region; ; if the field line reaches that boundary from inside, its outbound tracing is ; terminated and the crossing point coordinates xf,yf,zf are calculated.(default 60 RE) ; (units are km if /km is set) ; ; NOBOUNDARY(optional): Override boundary limits. ; ; STORM(optional): Specify storm-time version of T01 external ; magnetic field model use together with /T01. ; ; ; pdyn(optional): Solar wind pressure(nanoPascals) should either be a ; string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single ; value. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to ; match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values ; must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; dsti(optional): DST index(nanoTeslas) should either be a ; string naming a tplot variable or an array or a single ; value. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to ; match the time inputs from the position var. Non-tplot array values ; must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; yimf(optional): y component of the interplanetary magnetic field ; should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an ; array or a single value. If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; zimf(optional): z component of the interplanetary magnetic field ; should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an ; array or a single value. If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; g1(optional): index describes solar wind conditions in the ; previous hour, should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an ; array or a single value. If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; g2(optional): index describes solar wind conditions in the ; previous hour should either be a string naming a tplot variable or an ; array or a single value. If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; w1(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm ; can be an array or a tplot variable(see paper reference ; below for definitions of w1-w6) or a single value. ; If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; w2(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm ; can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value ; If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; w3(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm ; can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value ; If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; w4(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm ; can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value ; If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; w5(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm ; can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value ; If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; w6(optional): time integral from the beginning of a storm ; can be an array or a tplot variable or a single value ; If a tplot input is used it will ; be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the ; tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; get_tilt(optional): Set this value to a tplot variable name in which the geodipole tilt for each period will be returned ; One sample will be returned for each period with time at the center of the period. ; ; set_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the dipole tilt that should be used. ; If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; add_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the values to be added to the dipole tilt ; that should be used for each period. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; get_nperiod(optional): Return the number of periods used in the time interval ; ; geopack_2008 (optional): Set this keyword to use the latest version (2008) of the Geopack ; library. Version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM is required for this keyword to work. ; ;Example: ttrace2equator,'tha_state_pos',newname='tha_out_foot' ; ;See: crib_ttrace for more examples ; ;Notes: ; 1. Relies on the IDL/Geopack Module provided by Haje Korth JHU/APL ; and N.A. Tsyganenko NASA/GSFC, if the module is not installed ; this function will fail. ; 2. Has a loop with number of iterations = ; (tarray[n_elements(t_array)]-tarray[0])/period ; This means that as period becomes smaller the amount time of this ; function should take will grow quickly. ; 3. If the trace_array variable is set ; the period variable will be ignored. The program will ; recalculate for each value, this will cause the program to ; run very slowly. ; 4. All calculations are done internally in double precision ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-09-05 12:34:37 -0700 (Tue, 05 Sep 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23889 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/external/IDL_GEOPACK/trace/ttrace2equator.pro $ ;- pro ttrace2equator,in_pos_tvar,newname = newname, trace_var_name=trace_tvar, in_coord=in_coord, $ out_coord=out_coord, internal_model=internal_model, external_model=external_model, south=south, $ km=km, par=par, period=period, error=error, r0=r0, rlim=rlim, noboundary=noboundary, storm=storm,$ pdyn=pdyn, dsti=dsti, yimf=yimf, zimf=zimf, g1=g1, g2=g2, w1=w1, w2=w2, w3=w3, w4=w4, w5=w5, w6=w6,$ get_tilt=get_tilt, set_tilt=set_tilt, add_tilt=add_tilt, get_nperiod=get_nperiod, _extra=_extra error = 0 if not keyword_set(in_pos_tvar) or tnames(in_pos_tvar) eq '' then begin message,/continue,'in_pos_tvar must be set' return endif ;prevent inadvertent output mutation if n_elements(par) gt 0 then begin par_in = par endif get_data,in_pos_tvar,data=d,dlimits=dl if not keyword_set(newname) then newname = in_pos_tvar + '_foot' if not keyword_set(in_coord) then in_coord='gsm' if n_elements(par_in) gt 0 && size(par_in,/type) eq 7 then begin if tnames(par_in) eq '' then message,'par variable not valid tplot variable' tinterpol_mxn,par_in,in_pos_tvar,newname='par_out' get_data,'par_out',data=dat par_in = dat.y endif if n_elements(pdyn) gt 0 then begin pdyn_dat = tsy_valid_param(pdyn, in_pos_tvar) if(size(pdyn_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && pdyn_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(pdyn_dat),10) endif par_in[*,0] = pdyn_dat endif if n_elements(dsti) gt 0 then begin dsti_dat = tsy_valid_param(dsti, in_pos_tvar) if(size(dsti_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && dsti_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(dsti_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,1] = dsti_dat endif if n_elements(yimf) gt 0 then begin yimf_dat = tsy_valid_param(yimf, in_pos_tvar) if(size(yimf_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && yimf_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(yimf_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,2] = yimf_dat endif if n_elements(zimf) gt 0 then begin zimf_dat = tsy_valid_param(zimf, in_pos_tvar) if(size(zimf_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && zimf_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(zimf_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,3] = zimf_dat endif if n_elements(g1) gt 0 then begin g1_dat = tsy_valid_param(g1, in_pos_tvar) if(size(g1_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && g1_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(g1_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,4] = g1_dat endif if n_elements(g2) gt 0 then begin g2_dat = tsy_valid_param(g2, in_pos_tvar) if(size(g2_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && g2_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(g2_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,5] = g2_dat endif if n_elements(w1) gt 0 then begin w1_dat = tsy_valid_param(w1, in_pos_tvar) if(size(w1_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && w1_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(w1_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif if n_elements(g1) gt 0 then begin message,'g1 and w1 set' endif par_in[*,4] = w1_dat endif if n_elements(w2) gt 0 then begin w2_dat = tsy_valid_param(w2, in_pos_tvar) if(size(w2_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && w2_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(w2_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif if n_elements(g2) gt 0 then begin message,'g2 and w2 set' endif par_in[*,5] = w2_dat endif if n_elements(w3) gt 0 then begin w3_dat = tsy_valid_param(w3, in_pos_tvar) if(size(w3_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && w3_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(w3_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,6] = w3_dat endif if n_elements(w4) gt 0 then begin w4_dat = tsy_valid_param(w4, in_pos_tvar) if(size(w4_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && w4_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(w4_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,7] = w4_dat endif if n_elements(w5) gt 0 then begin w5_dat = tsy_valid_param(w5, in_pos_tvar) if(size(w5_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && w5_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(w5_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,8] = w5_dat endif if n_elements(w6) gt 0 then begin w6_dat = tsy_valid_param(w6, in_pos_tvar) if(size(w6_dat, /n_dim) eq 0 && w6_dat[0] eq -1L) then return if n_elements(par_in) eq 0 then begin par_in = dblarr(n_elements(w6_dat),10) message,/continue,'Possible error, not all parameters for model provided.' endif par_in[*,9] = w6_dat endif if keyword_set(dl) then begin str_element,dl,'data_att',success=s if s eq 1 then begin str_element,dl.data_att,'coord_sys',success=s if s eq 1 then begin if(strlowcase(in_coord) ne strlowcase(dl.data_att.coord_sys)) then begin message,/continue,'input coord_sys does not match tplot meta data' return endif endif endif endif if not keyword_set(out_coord) then out_coord = 'gsm' if n_elements(add_tilt) gt 0 then begin add_tilt_dat = tsy_valid_param(add_tilt, in_pos_tvar) if(size(add_tilt, /n_dim) eq 0 && add_tilt_dat[0] eq -1L) then return endif if n_elements(set_tilt) gt 0 then begin set_tilt_dat = tsy_valid_param(set_tilt, in_pos_tvar) if(size(set_tilt, /n_dim) eq 0 && set_tilt_dat[0] eq -1L) then return endif if n_elements(set_tilt) gt 0 then begin if keyword_set(trace_tvar) then begin trace2equator,d.x,d.y,f,out_trace_array = tr,in_coord=in_coord,out_coord=out_coord,$ internal_model=internal_model,external_model=external_model,south=south,km=km,$ par=par_in,period=period,error=e,r0=r0,rlim=rlim,get_nperiod=get_nperiod,$ get_tilt=tilt_dat,set_tilt=set_tilt_dat,get_period_times=period_times_dat,geopack_2008=geopack_2008,_extra=_extra endif else begin trace2equator,d.x,d.y,f,in_coord=in_coord,out_coord=out_coord,internal_model=internal_model,$ external_model=external_model,south=south,km=km,par=par_in,period=period,error=e,r0=r0,$ rlim=rlim,get_nperiod=get_nperiod,get_tilt=tilt_dat,set_tilt=set_tilt_dat,$ get_period_times=period_times_dat,geopack_2008=geopack_2008,_extra=_extra endelse endif else if n_elements(add_tilt) gt 0 then begin if keyword_set(trace_tvar) then begin trace2equator,d.x,d.y,f,out_trace_array = tr,in_coord=in_coord,out_coord=out_coord,$ internal_model=internal_model,external_model=external_model,south=south,km=km,$ par=par_in,period=period,error=e,r0=r0,rlim=rlim,get_nperiod=get_nperiod,$ get_tilt=tilt_dat,add_tilt=add_tilt_dat,get_period_times=period_times_dat,geopack_2008=geopack_2008,_extra=_extra endif else begin trace2equator,d.x,d.y,f,in_coord=in_coord,out_coord=out_coord,internal_model=internal_model,$ external_model=external_model,south=south,km=km,par=par_in,period=period,error=e,r0=r0,$ rlim=rlim,get_nperiod=get_nperiod,get_tilt=tilt_dat,add_tilt=add_tilt_dat,$ get_period_times=period_times_dat,geopack_2008=geopack_2008,_extra=_extra endelse endif else begin if keyword_set(trace_tvar) then begin trace2equator,d.x,d.y,f,out_trace_array = tr,in_coord=in_coord,out_coord=out_coord,$ internal_model=internal_model,external_model=external_model,south=south,km=km,$ par=par_in,period=period,error=e,r0=r0,rlim=rlim,get_nperiod=get_nperiod,$ get_tilt=tilt_dat,get_period_times=period_times_dat,geopack_2008=geopack_2008,_extra=_extra endif else begin trace2equator,d.x,d.y,f,in_coord=in_coord,out_coord=out_coord,internal_model=internal_model,$ external_model=external_model,south=south,km=km,par=par_in,period=period,error=e,r0=r0,$ rlim=rlim,get_nperiod=get_nperiod,get_tilt=tilt_dat,get_period_times=period_times_dat,geopack_2008=geopack_2008,_extra=_extra endelse endelse if e eq 0 then message,'failed returning' str_element,d,'v',success=s if s eq 0 then out = {x:d.x,y:f} else out = {x:d.x,y:f,v:d.v} if not keyword_set(dl) then begin data_att = {coord_sys:out_coord} dl = {data_att:data_att} endif str_element,dl,'data_att',success=s if s eq 0 then begin data_att = {coord_sys:out_coord} str_element,dl,'data_att',data_att,/add_replace endif str_element,dl.data_att,'coord_sys',success=s if s eq 0 then begin data_att = dl.data_att str_element,data_att,'coord_sys',out_coord,/add_replace str_element,dl,'data_att',data_att,/add_replace endif dl.data_att.coord_sys = out_coord store_data,newname,data=out,dlimits=dl if keyword_set(trace_tvar) then begin tr_out = {x:d.x,y:tr} ;dl element will already be set by previous store so no need to repeat checks store_data,trace_tvar,data=tr_out,dlimits=dl endif if is_string(get_tilt) then begin store_data,get_tilt,data={x:period_times_dat,y:tilt_dat} endif error = 1 end