;+ ;Procedure: tt89 ; ;Purpose: tplot wrapper for the functional interface to the IDL Geopack ; implementation of the Tsyganenko 89 and IGRF model. ; ;Input: ; pos_gsm_tvar: the tplot variable storing the position in ; gsm coordinates(can use standard globbing) ; ;Keywords: ; kp(optional): the requested value of the kp parameter(default: 2) ; can also be a tplot variable name if it is a tplot variable name ; the kp values stored in the variable will be interpolated to match ; the time grid of the position input values ; ; period(optional): the amount of time between recalculations of ; geodipole tilt in seconds(default: 600) increase this ; value to decrease run time ; ; get_nperiod(optional): Return the number of periods used in the time interval ; ; newname(optional):the name of the output variable. ; (default: pos_gsm_tvar+'_bt89') This option is ignored if ; globbing is used. ; ; error(optional): named variable in which to return the ; error state of this procedure call. 1 = success, 0 = failure ; ; igrf_only(optional): Set this keyword to turn off the t89 component of ; the model and return only the igrf component ; ; get_tilt(optional): Set this value to a tplot variable name in which the geodipole tilt for each period will be returned ; One sample will be returned for each period with time at the center of the period. ; ; set_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the dipole tilt that should be used. ; If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; Notes: ; 1) set_tilt will cause add_tilt to be ignored ; 2) Due to this routine adding IGRF to the returned field, you cannot use set_tilt = 0 and give input ; position values in SM coordinates; input position values are required to be in GSM coordinates due to the ; IGRF calculation ; ; add_tilt(optional): Set this to a tplot variable name or an array of values containing the values to be added to the dipole tilt ; that should be used for each period. If a tplot input is used it will be interpolated to match the time inputs from the position ; var. Non-tplot array values must match the number of times in the tplot input for pos_gsm_tvar ; ; geopack_2008 (optional): Set this keyword to use the latest version (2008) of the Geopack ; library. Version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM is required for this keyword to work. ; ; Output: Stores the result of the field model calculations in tplot variables ; ; Notes: ; 1. Converts from normal gsm to rgsm by dividing vectors by earth's ; radius(6371.2 km) ie inputs should be in km ; 6371.2 = the value used in the GEOPACK FORTRAN code for Re ; 2. Input must be in GSM coordinates ; 3. Haje Korth's IDL/Geopack DLM must be installed for this ; procedure to work ; ; $LastChangedBy: egrimes $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-03-20 08:27:55 -0700 (Fri, 20 Mar 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 17153 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/external/IDL_GEOPACK/t89/tt89.pro $ ;- pro tt89, pos_gsm_tvar, kp=kp, period=period, get_nperiod=get_nperiod, newname=newname, $ error=error, igrf_only=igrf_only, get_tilt=get_tilt, set_tilt=set_tilt,add_tilt=add_tilt,$ geopack_2008=geopack_2008 error = 0 if ~is_string(pos_gsm_tvar) then begin message, /continue, 'pos_gsm_tvar must be set' return endif var_names = tnames(pos_gsm_tvar) if(var_names[0] eq '') then begin message, /continue, 'No valid tplot_variables match pos_gsm_tvar' return endif if n_elements(kp) gt 0 then begin ;if kp is a string, assume kp is stored in a tplot variable if size(kp,/type) eq 7 then begin if tnames(kp) eq '' then begin message,/continue,'kp is of type string but no tplot variable of that name exists' return endif ;for the sake of simplicity if n_elements(var_names) gt 1 then begin message,/continue,'cannot use globbing AND arrayed kp values' return endif ;make sure there are an appropriate number of kp values in the array tinterpol_mxn,kp,var_names[0],newname='kp_int_temp',error=e if e ne 0 then begin get_data,'kp_int_temp',data=d_kp kp_dat = d_kp.y endif else begin message,/continue,'error interpolating kp onto position data' return endelse endif else kp_dat = kp endif for i = 0, n_elements(var_names)-1L do begin var_name = var_names[i] get_data, var_name, data = d, dlimits = dl, limits = l ; check the variable's coordinate system if tsy_valid_coords(dl, geopack_2008 = geopack_2008) eq -1 then return if n_elements(add_tilt) gt 0 then begin add_tilt_dat = tsy_valid_param(add_tilt, var_name) if(size(add_tilt, /n_dim) eq 0 && add_tilt_dat[0] eq -1L) then return endif if n_elements(set_tilt) gt 0 then begin set_tilt_dat = tsy_valid_param(set_tilt, var_name) if(size(set_tilt, /n_dim) eq 0 && set_tilt_dat[0] eq -1L) then return endif ;do the calculation, division (by 6371.2) converts position into earth radii units ;various types for various tilt control options if n_elements(set_tilt) gt 0 then begin mag_array = t89(d.x, d.y/6371.2, kp=kp_dat, period=period, igrf_only=keyword_set(igrf_only), $ get_nperiod=get_nperiod, get_period_times=period_times_dat, get_tilt=tilt_dat, set_tilt=set_tilt_dat, geopack_2008=geopack_2008) endif else if n_elements(add_tilt) gt 0 then begin mag_array = t89(d.x, d.y/6371.2, kp=kp_dat, period=period, igrf_only=keyword_set(igrf_only), $ get_nperiod=get_nperiod, get_period_times=period_times_dat, get_tilt=tilt_dat, add_tilt=add_tilt_dat, geopack_2008=geopack_2008) endif else begin mag_array = t89(d.x, d.y/6371.2, kp=kp_dat, period=period, igrf_only=keyword_set(igrf_only), $ get_nperiod=get_nperiod, get_period_times=period_times_dat, get_tilt=tilt_dat, geopack_2008=geopack_2008) endelse if size(mag_array, /n_dim) eq 0 && mag_array[0] eq -1L then begin message, /continue, 'Tsyganenko model query failed, returning' return endif if is_string(get_tilt) then begin store_data,get_tilt,data={x:period_times_dat,y:tilt_dat} endif ;sometimes v element is present, sometimes not ;if it is around it is stored in output so information is not lost str_element, d, 'v', success = s if s eq 1 then $ d_out = {x:d.x, y:mag_array, v:d.v} $ else $ d_out = {x:d.x, y:mag_array} if keyword_set(newname) && n_elements(var_names) eq 1 then $ store_data, newname, data = d_out, dlimits = dl, limits = l $ else $ store_data, var_names[i]+'_bt89', data = d_out, dlimits = dl, limits = l endfor ;signal success error = 1 return end