;+ ;Function: igp_test ; ;Purpose: Tests whether the idl/geopack module is installed ; Provides installation message if not installed ; ;Keywords: ; geopack_2008: set to use the 2008 version of the Geopack library. ; Must have version 9.2 of the IDL Geopack DLM installed to use ; the geopack_2008 keyword ; ; ;Returns: 1 on success 0 on failure ; ;Example: ; if(igp_test() eq 0) then return ; ;Notes: ; Should be called in all idl geopack wrapper routines ; ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2015-01-26 14:30:54 -0800 (Mon, 26 Jan 2015) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 16740 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/external/IDL_GEOPACK/igp_test.pro $ ;- function igp_test, geopack_2008=geopack_2008 help, /dlm, output = out ; Geopack 2008 support was introduced in version 9.0, released on 2/26/2014 version_geopack08 = [9, 0] filter = strfilter(out, '*GEOPACK*',/index) ; check that the Geopack DLM is installed if(filter[0] eq -1) then begin message, /continue, 'Required module IDL/GEOPACK not installed' message, /continue, 'To install GEOPACK please download a copy' message, /continue, 'Place the module binary and the .dlm in:' message, /continue, !DLM_PATH message, /continue, 'and restart IDL to install the package' message, /continue, 'more detailed installation instructions' message, /continue, 'can be found on the GEOPACK DLM web site (http://ampere.jhuapl.edu/code/idl_geopack.html), or' message, /continue, 'in the SPEDAS software distribution at' message, /continue, 'external/IDL_GEOPACK/README.txt' return, 0 endif ; check the version of the Geopack DLM ; if the user requested Geopack 2008, ; jmm, 2015-01-26 If(keyword_set(geopack_2008)) Then Begin geopack_version = stregex(out[filter+1], '([0-9.]+[0-9]?), Build', /extract) version_num = (strsplit(geopack_version[0], ', ', /extract))[0] version_num_pieces = strsplit(version_num, '.', /extract) if version_num_pieces[0] lt version_geopack08[0] || $ (version_num_pieces[0] eq version_geopack08[0] && version_num_pieces[1] lt version_geopack08[1]) then begin message, /continue, 'Old version of IDL/GEOPACK found' message, /continue, 'Version 9.0+ expected when using the GEOPACK 2008 keyword' message,/continue, 'Please download the newest version and' message, /continue, 'place the binary(.dll,.so,.etc..) and the .dlm in:' message, /continue, !DLM_PATH message, /continue, 'then restart IDL to install the package' message, /continue, 'More detailed installation instructions' message, /continue, 'can be found on the GEOPACK DLM web site (http://ampere.jhuapl.edu/code/idl_geopack.html), or' message, /continue, 'in the SPEDAS software distribution at' message, /continue, 'external/IDL_GEOPACK/README.txt' return, 0 endif Endif ; If the user has the Geopack DLM installed, but can't load it for some reason ; (e.g., missing/wrong dependencies), the igp_test() routine will still ; return 1 and a crash will occur when the user tries to load Geopack. ; The following 'catch', 'dlm_load 'sequence is meant to avoid this by ; catching the error thrown by loading the DLM ; this error case was initially seen trying to load Geopack 9.2 on CentOS 6.5 catch, geopack_dlm_error if geopack_dlm_error ne 0 then begin catch, /cancel help, /last_message, output=err_msg message, /continue, 'There was a problem loading IDL/GEOPACK. ' message, /continue, 'To install GEOPACK please download a copy' message, /continue, 'Place the module binary and the .dlm in:' message, /continue, !DLM_PATH message, /continue, 'and restart IDL to install the package' message, /continue, 'more detailed installation instructions' message, /continue, 'can be found on the GEOPACK DLM web site (http://ampere.jhuapl.edu/code/idl_geopack.html), or' message, /continue, 'in the SPEDAS software distribution at' message, /continue, 'external/IDL_GEOPACK/README.txt' for line_num=0, n_elements(err_msg)-1 do begin message, /continue, err_msg[line_num] endfor return, 0 endif dlm_load, 'geopack' return, 1 end