;+ ; crib_tt01 ; ; Purpose: demonstrates the use of the tt01 procedure. This procedure ; is tplot based version of the Tsyganenko 2001 magnetic fields model ; ; Notes: Haje Korth's IDL/Geopack DLM must be installed for this ; to work ; Sometimes these routines can take a while to run. ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-04-29 10:07:32 -0700 (Mon, 29 Apr 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 27121 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_1/external/IDL_GEOPACK/examples/crib_tt01.pro $ ;- timespan, '2018-02-02' ;load state data thm_load_state, probe = 'b', coord = 'gsm' ;calculate model field ;example values were taken from Tsyganenko's papers, they don't ;reflect the actual conditions at this time tt01, 'thb_state_pos',pdyn=2.0D,dsti=-30.0D,yimf=0.0D,zimf=-5.0D,$ g1=6.0D,g2=10.0D ;load fgm data for comparison thm_load_fgm, probe = 'b', coord = 'gsm', level = 2 tplot_names tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm'] stop ;you can also generate g values using a built in geopack function ;the arguments are solar wind velocity(km/s) interplanetary magnetic ;field y component(nT) interplanetary magnetic field z component(nT) ;if you pass in N length arrays for each of the arguments it will ;produce an Nx2 length output geopack_getg,350,0,-5,g tt01, 'thb_state_pos',pdyn=2.0D,dsti=-30.0D,yimf=0.0D,zimf=-5.0D,g1=g[$ 0,0],g2=g[0,1] ;load fgm data for comparison thm_load_fgm, probe = 'b', coord = 'gsm', level=2 tplot_names tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm'] ;To properly match the elements of the model field and 'thb_fgs_gsm', ;We need to either (1) sort the input vectors, so that the tvector_rotate procedure can match rotations ;or (2) interpolate the model field on to the data ;Option 1: Sorting ;get_data,'thb_fgs_gsm',data=d ;get data ;sorted = uniq(d.x,bsort(d.x)) ;sort and remove duplication ;store_data,'thb_fgs_gsm',data={x:d.x[sorted],y:d.y[sorted,*]};store again ;Option 2: interpolation ; tinterpol_mxn,'thb_state_pos_bt01','thb_fgs_gsm',newname='thb_state_pos_bt01' ;now translate magnetometer data into model aligned coordinates ;first we make the transformation matrix fac_matrix_make, 'thb_state_pos_bt01', other_dim = 'Xgse', newname = $ 'mod_mat' ;then we rotate tvector_rotate, 'mod_mat', 'thb_fgs_gsm' tplot_names ;model field, measured field, measured field in model coordinates tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm', 'thb_fgs_gsm_rot'] stop ;now substract model from the fgs data ;first interpolate the values onto the same grid tinterpol_mxn,'thb_state_pos_bt01','thb_fgs_gsm',newname='mod_interp' ;now subtract dif_data,'thb_fgs_gsm','mod_interp',newname='fgs_dif' ;set it up so model and fgm data are on the same plot get_data,'mod_interp',data=d1 get_data,'thb_fgs_gsm',data=d2,dlimits=dl d = {x:d1.x,y:[[d1.y],[double(d2.y)]],v:d1.v} str_element,/add_replace,dl,'colors',[dl.colors,dl.colors] str_element,/add_replace,dl,'labels',[dl.labels,dl.labels] store_data,'mod_fgm',data=d,dlimits=dl ylim,'fgs_dif',-400,1000 ;to reset to autoscaling on the y axis type ;ylim,'fgs_dif',/default ;now plot tplot,['mod_fgm','fgs_dif'] ;tlimit,'2010-02-02/18:03:00','2010-02-02/17:48:05' stop ;the ace & wind read procedures use the current tlimit to figure out ;what data range to read ;here is wind data parameter generation ;you may have to set the default download directory manually ;here are some examples: ;setenv,'ROOT_DATA_DIR=~/data' ;good for single user unix/linux system ;setenv,'ROOT_DATA_DIR=C:/Documents and Settings/YOURUSERNAME/My Documents' ;example if you don't want to use the default windows location (C:/data/ or E:/data/) tlimit,/full ;load dst kyoto_load_dst ;load other solar wind params wi_mfi_load wi_3dp_load cotrans,'wi_h0_mfi_B3GSE','wi_b3gsm',/GSE2GSM get_tsy_params,'kyoto_dst','wi_b3gsm',$ 'wi_3dp_k0_ion_density','wi_3dp_k0_ion_vel','T01' tt01, 'thb_state_pos',parmod='t01_par' tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm'] stop ;now do the same thing with ace data ace_mfi_load ace_swe_load ;load_ace_mag loads data in gse coords cotrans,'ace_k0_mfi_BGSEc','ace_mag_Bgsm',/GSE2GSM get_tsy_params,'kyoto_dst','ace_mag_Bgsm',$ 'ace_k0_swe_Np','ace_k0_swe_Vp','T01',/speed tt01, 'thb_state_pos',parmod='t01_par' tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm'] stop ;omni example ;NOTE: you may want to degap and deflag the data(using tdegap and tdeflag) ;to remove gaps and flags in the tsyganemo parameter data, especially ;if you find that there are large gaps in the result omni_hro_load store_data,'omni_imf',data=['OMNI_HRO_1min_BY_GSM','OMNI_HRO_1min_BZ_GSM'] get_tsy_params,'kyoto_dst','omni_imf',$ 'OMNI_HRO_1min_proton_density','OMNI_HRO_1min_flow_speed','T01',/speed,/imf_yz tt01, 'thb_state_pos',parmod='t01_par' tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm'] stop ;dipole tilt example ;add one degree to dipole tilt ;Can also add time varying tilts, or replace the default dipole tilt with a user defined value tt01, 'thb_state_pos',pdyn=2.0D,dsti=-30.0D,yimf=0.0D,zimf=-5.0D,g1=g[$ 0,0],g2=g[0,1],get_tilt='tilt_vals',add_tilt=1 tplot_names tplot, ['thb_state_pos_bt01', 'thb_fgs_gsm','tilt_vals'] end