;+ ;Procedure: ; thm_part_slice2d_plot ; ;Purpose: ; Create plots for 2D particle slices. ; This routine calls the general spd_slice2d_plot routine. ; Use thm_part_slice2d_plot_old if calling thm_part_slice2d_old. ; ;Calling Sequence: ; thm_part_slice2d_plot, slice ; ;Arguments: ; SLICE: 2D array of values to plot ; ;Plotting Keywords: ; LEVELS: Number of color contour levels to plot (default is 60) ; OLINES: Number of contour lines to plot (default is 0) ; ZLOG: Boolean indicating logarithmic countour scaling (on by default) ; ECIRCLE: Boolean to plot circle(s) designating min/max energy ; from distribution (on by default) ; SUNDIR: Boolean to plot the projection of scaled sun direction (black line). ; Requires GET_SUN_DIRECTION set with thm_part_dist_array. ; PLOTAXES: Boolean to plot x=0 and y=0 axes (on by default) ; PLOTBULK: Boolean to plot projection of bulk velocity vector (red line). ; (on by default) ; PLOTBFIELD: Boolean to plot projection of scaled B field (cyan line). ; Requires B field data to be loaded and specified to ; thm_part_slice2d with mag_data keyword. ; ; CLABELS: Boolean to annotate contour lines. ; CHARSIZE: Specifies character size of annotations (1 is normal) ; TITLE: String specifying the title of the plot. ; [XYZ]RANGE: Two-element array specifying x/y/z axis range. ; [XYZ]TICKS: Integer(s) specifying the number of ticks for each axis ; [XYZ]PRECISION: Integer specifying annotation precision (sig. figs.). ; Set to zero to truncate printed values to inegers. ; [XYZ]STYLE: Integer specifying annotation style: ; Set to 0 (default) for style to be chosen automatically. ; Set to 1 for decimal annotations only ('0.0123') ; Set to 2 for scientific notation only ('1.23e-2') ; [B,V,SUN]_COLOR: Specify the color of the corresponding support vector. ; (e.g. "b_color=0", see IDL graphics documentation for options) ; ; WINDOW: Index of plotting window to be used. ; PLOTSIZE: The size of the plot in device units (usually pixels) ; (Not implemented for postscript). ; ;Exporting keywords: ; EXPORT: String designating the path and file name of the desired file. ; The plot will be exported to a PNG image by default. ; EPS: Boolean indicating that the plot should be exported to ; encapsulated postscript. ; ; ;$LastChangedBy: aaflores $ ;$LastChangedDate: 2016-03-24 16:48:06 -0700 (Thu, 24 Mar 2016) $ ;$LastChangedRevision: 20586 $ ;$URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_0/projects/themis/spacecraft/particles/slices/thm_part_slice2d_plot.pro $ ; ;- pro thm_part_slice2d_plot, slice, $ ; Dummy vars to conserve backwards compatibility ; (should allow oldscripts to be run withouth issue) xgrid, ygrid, slice_info, range=range, $ ; Range options xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, zrange=zrange, $ ; Basic plotting options title=title, ztitle=ztitle, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, $ xticks=x_ticks, yticks=y_ticks, zticks=z_ticks, $ xminor=x_minor, yminor=y_minor, $ charsize=charsize_in, plotsize=plotsize, $ zlog=zlog, $ window=window, $ ; Annotations xstyle=xstyle, xprecision=xprecision, $ ystyle=ystyle, yprecision=yprecision, $ zstyle=zstyle, zprecision=zprecision, $ ; Contours olines=olines, levels=levels, nlines=nlines, clabels=clabels, $ ; Other plotting options plotaxes=plotaxes, ecircle=ecircle, sundir=sundir, $ plotbulk=plotbulk, plotbfield=plotbfield, $ ; Eport export=export, eps=eps, $ _extra=_extra compile_opt idl2 ;backward compatibility, just in case if n_elements(range) eq 2 and undefined(zrange) then begin zrange = range ;maintain backwards compatability endif spd_slice2d_plot, slice, $ ; Range options xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, zrange=zrange, $ ; Basic plotting options title=title, ztitle=ztitle, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, $ xticks=x_ticks, yticks=y_ticks, zticks=z_ticks, $ xminor=x_minor, yminor=y_minor, $ charsize=charsize_in, plotsize=plotsize, $ zlog=zlog, $ window=window, $ ; Annotations xstyle=xstyle, xprecision=xprecision, $ ystyle=ystyle, yprecision=yprecision, $ zstyle=zstyle, zprecision=zprecision, $ ; Contours olines=olines, levels=levels, nlines=nlines, clabels=clabels, $ ; Other plotting options plotaxes=plotaxes, ecircle=ecircle, sundir=sundir, $ plotbulk=plotbulk, plotbfield=plotbfield, $ ; Eport export=export, eps=eps, $ _extra=_extra end