;+ ;Checks ASK MLAT and MLON values for v02 cal files versus v01 values ;for the first tme in each file. ;Input station, output cal01 and cal02 are the output cal structures. ;example: ;test_ask_cal2, 'gill' ;Plots will show version 02 ask mlat, mlon as line, version 01 ask ;mlat, mlon as red plus signs. Pro test_ask_cal2, station, cal01, cal02 ;- thm_load_asi_cal, station, cal02 thm_load_asi_cal, station, cal01, file_version_in = 1 a = where(cal02.vars.name Eq 'thg_asf_'+station+'_mlat') f_mlat02 = *cal02.vars[a].dataptr b = where(cal02.vars.name Eq 'thg_ask_'+station+'_mlat') k_mlat02 = *cal02.vars[b].dataptr a = where(cal02.vars.name Eq 'thg_asf_'+station+'_mlon') f_mlon02 = *cal02.vars[a].dataptr b = where(cal02.vars.name Eq 'thg_ask_'+station+'_mlon') k_mlon02 = *cal02.vars[b].dataptr a = where(cal02.vars.name Eq 'thg_asf_'+station+'_mlat') f_mlat01 = *cal01.vars[a].dataptr f_mlat01 = reform(f_mlat01[1, *, *]) b = where(cal01.vars.name Eq 'thg_ask_'+station+'_mlat') k_mlat01 = *cal01.vars[b].dataptr k_mlat01 = reform(k_mlat01[1, *]) a = where(cal01.vars.name Eq 'thg_asf_'+station+'_mlon') f_mlon01 = *cal01.vars[a].dataptr f_mlon01 = reform(f_mlon01[1, *, *]) b = where(cal01.vars.name Eq 'thg_ask_'+station+'_mlon') k_mlon01 = *cal01.vars[b].dataptr k_mlon01 = reform(k_mlon01[1, *]) ;PLots !p.multi = [0, 2, 1] plot, k_mlat02, title = 'ASK Mlat values: '+station+', Line-v02, pluses-v01', $ xtitle = 'pixel', ytitle = 'MLAT (degrees)', /ynozero oplot, k_mlat01, psym = 1, color = 6 oplot, k_mlat02 plot, k_mlon02, title = 'ASK Mlon values: '+station+', Line-v02, pluses-v01', $ xtitle = 'pixel', ytitle = 'MLON (degrees)', /ynozero oplot, k_mlon01, psym = 1, color = 6 oplot, k_mlon02 print, 'Testing minmax(mlat(version 02) - mlat(version 01))' print, minmax(k_mlat02-k_mlat01) print, 'Testing minmax(mlon(version 02) - mlon(version 01))' print, minmax(k_mlon02-k_mlon01) End