;+ ;Purpose: ;Generates a set of field and moment plots. ;Only ground processed moments will be used. ; ;The plots include: ; ; ;Arguments: ; date: the date for which the plots will be generated ; ; probe: the probe for which the plots will be generated ; ; directory(optional): an optional output directory ; ; device(optional):switch to 'z' device for cron plotting ; ; makepng(optional):set this keyword to direct script to make a png ; ;Example: ; thm_fitgmom_overviews,'2007-03-23','b',dir='~/out',device='z' ; ; $LastChangedBy$ ; $LastChangedDate$ ; $LastChangedRevision$ ; $URL$ ;- ;Moved to separate file ;this procedure will set the maximum and minimum for a given mnemonic ;within a specific time range ;pro set_lim,mnem,start,stop,min,max,log ; ;COMPILE_OPT idl2,hidden ; ;if tnames(mnem) then begin ; ; get_data,mnem,data=d ; ; if(n_elements(d) eq 1) then begin ; ; t_idx = where(d.x ge start and d.x le stop) ; ; n = size(d.y,/n_dim) ; ; ; if(t_idx[0] eq -1) then begin ; ylim,mnem,min,max,log ; return ; endif ; ; ; if(n eq 1) then dy = d.y[t_idx] $ ; else if(n eq 2) then dy = d.y[t_idx,*] $ ; else if(n eq 3) then dy = d.y[t_idx,*,*] $ ; else message,'cannot handle n_dim' ; ; i_idx = where(finite(dy)) ; ; if(i_idx[0] ne -1) then dy = dy[i_idx] ; ; min2 = min(dy) ; max2 = max(dy) ; ; if(min2 lt min) then minf = min else minf=min2 ; if(max2 gt max) then maxf = max else minf=max2 ; ; endif else begin ; ; min2 = -1*!VALUES.D_INFINITY ; max2 = !VALUES.D_INFINITY ; ; for i=0,n_elements(d)-1 do begin ; ; get_data,d[i],data=d2 ; ; If(is_struct(d2) Eq 0) Then continue ;jmm, 3-jan-2009 ; ; t_idx = where(d2.x ge start and d2.x le stop) ; ; n = size(d2.y,/n_dim) ; ; if(t_idx[0] eq -1) then continue ; ; if(n eq 1) then dy = d2.y[t_idx] $ ; else if(n eq 2) then dy = d2.y[t_idx,*] $ ; else if(n eq 3) then dy = d2.y[t_idx,*,*] $ ; else message,'cannot handle n_dim' ; ; i_idx = where(finite(dy)) ; ; if(i_idx[0] ne -1) then dy = dy[i_idx] ; ;; The following two lines are syntax errors, jmm, 12-jun-2008 ;; min2 = min(dy,min2) ;; max2 = max(dy,max2) ; min2i = min(dy) ; max2i = max(dy) ; If(i Eq 0) Then Begin ; min2 = min2i & max2 = max2i ; Endif Else Begin ; If(min2i Lt min2) Then min2 = min2i ; If(max2i Gt max2) Then max2 = max2i ; Endelse ; endfor ; ; if(min2 lt min) then minf = min else minf=min2 ; if(max2 gt max) then maxf = max else minf=max2 ; ;; minf = max(min2,min) ;; maxf = min(max2,max) ; ;; if(max2 gt maxf) then maxf = max else minf=max2 ; endelse ; ; ylim,mnem,minf,maxf,log ; ;endif else begin ; dprint,'Mnemonic does not exist: ' + mnem ;endelse ; ;end ;makes a blank panel if proper data quantities are not present ;pro blank_panel,mnem,ytitle,labels=labels ; ;dcolors = [2,4,6,0] ; ;x = timerange(/current) ; ;y = [!VALUES.F_NAN,!VALUES.F_NAN] ; ;if keyword_set(labels) then begin ; ; ; d = {x:x,y:rebin(y,2,n_elements(labels))} ; ; cols = dcolors[0:(n_elements(labels)-1)] ; ; dl = {ytitle:ytitle,labels:labels,colors:cols,labflag:1} ; ;endif else begin ; ; d = {x:x,y:y} ; ; dl = {ytitle:ytitle} ; ;endelse ; ;store_data,mnem,data=d,dlimits=dl ; ;end pro thm_fitgmom_overviews,date,probe,directory=directory,device=device,makepng=makepng ;I always use this compiler option ;it makes integer values 32 bit by default and ;prevents the indexing of arrays using '()' ;thus fixing a couple of idl's quirks compile_opt idl2 probe_list = ['a','b','c','d','e'] ;clean slate del_data,'*' thm_init if not keyword_set(date) then begin dprint,'Date must be set to generate fields and moments overview plots' return endif date2 = time_string(date) if not keyword_set(probe) then begin dprint,'probe must be set to generate fields and moments overview plots' return endif probe = strlowcase(probe) if(strfilter(probe_list,probe) eq '') then begin dprint,'probe must be valid to generate fields and moments overview plots' return endif if keyword_set(directory) then dir=directory else dir='./' if keyword_set(device) then set_plot,device timespan,date2,1,/day times = timerange(/current) ;increase the x margin so that you can see the labels on the left tplot_options, 'xmargin', [20, 10] var_string = '' ;----------------------- ;fgm with total thm_load_fgm,probe=probe,coord='gsm', level = 'l2' fgs_name = 'th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm' if tnames(fgs_name) then begin tvectot,fgs_name,newname=fgs_name+'+t' options,fgs_name+'+t',ytitle='th'+probe+'!Cfgs!Cgsm',ysubtitle='[nT]' thm_set_lim,fgs_name+'+t',times[0],times[1],-100D,100D,0 get_data,fgs_name+'+t',dlimit=dl dl.labels[3] = 'Bt' store_data,fgs_name+'+t',dlimit=dl endif else begin thm_blank_panel,fgs_name+'+t','th'+probe+'!Cfgs!Cgsm!C[nT]',labels=['Bx','By','Bz','Bt'] endelse var_string += ' ' + fgs_name+'+t' thm_load_state,probe=probe,coord='gsm',/get_support ;--------------------------------------- ;fgm with t89 model field subtracted if tnames(fgs_name) && tnames('th'+probe+'_state_pos') then begin tinterpol_mxn,'th'+probe+'_state_pos',fgs_name,newname='pos_interp', /QUADRATIC tt89,'pos_interp', period=3.049 ;now subtract dif_data,fgs_name,'pos_interp_bt89',newname=fgs_name+'-t89' get_data,fgs_name,dlimit=dl store_data,fgs_name+'-t89',dlimit=dl ;ensure that the y scale is bounded at +- 100 nT thm_set_lim,fgs_name+'-t89',times[0],times[1],-100D,100D,0 options,fgs_name+'-t89',ytitle='th'+probe+'!Cfgs!Cgsm!C-t89',ysubtitle='[nT]',labels=['Bx','By','Bz'] endif else begin thm_blank_panel,fgs_name+'-t89','th'+probe+'!Cfgs!Cgsm!C-t89!C[nT]',labels=['Bx','By','Bz'] endelse var_string += ' ' + fgs_name+'-t89' thm_load_esa, probe = probe, level = 'l2' ;If Level 2 data didn't show up, check for L1 thx = 'th'+probe[0] index_esa_e = where(thx+'_peef_en_eflux' eq tnames()) index_esa_i = where(thx+'_peif_en_eflux' eq tnames()) if(index_esa_e[0] eq -1 Or index_esa_i[0] Eq -1) then begin thm_load_esa_pkt, probe = probe[0] instr_all = ['peif', 'peef', 'peir', 'peer', 'peib', 'peeb'] for j = 0, n_elements(instr_all)-1 do begin test_index = where(thx+'_'+instr_all[j]+'_en_counts' eq tnames()) If(test_index[0] Ne -1) Then $ thm_part_moments, probe = probe[0], instrument = instr_all[j] endfor endif thm_load_efi,probe=probe,datatype='vaf',level=1,coord='spg' ;----------------------------------------------------- ;here we do the sample rate bar sample_rate_var = ' ' + thm_sample_rate_bar(date,1,probe,/outline) var_string += sample_rate_var ;---------------------------------------------- ;- Npot, Ni, Ne [1/cc] (b,g,r) ;Npot is the spacecraft potential-derived density, Nishimura calculation ;color and label needs to be reset thm_scpot2dens_opt_n, probe = probe, /no_data_load, datatype_esa = 'peer' copy_data, 'th'+probe+'_peer_density_npot', 'Npot' ;check for data, If the variable exists, but with no data, then delete it If(tnames('Npot')) Then Begin get_data, 'Npot', data = dtest If(is_struct(dtest) Eq 0) Then del_data, 'Npot' Else Begin options, 'Npot', colors = 2 options, 'Npot', labels = '' Endelse Endif if tnames('Npot') && tnames('th'+probe+'_peer_density') then begin get_data,'th'+probe+'_peer_density',data=d d2 = {x:d.x,y:rebin(d.y,n_elements(d.y),3)} store_data,'dlab_kluge',data=d2 options,'dlab_kluge',colors=[2,0,6],labels=['Npot','Ni','Ne'],labflag=1 store_data,'den_mom',data=['Npot','th'+probe+'_peir_density','dlab_kluge'] endif else if tnames('th'+probe+'_peer_density') then begin get_data,'th'+probe+'_peer_density',data=d d2 = {x:d.x,y:rebin(d.y,n_elements(d.y),2)} store_data,'dlab_kluge',data=d2 options,'dlab_kluge',colors=[0,6],labels=['Ni','Ne'],labflag=1 store_data,'den_mom',data=['th'+probe+'_peir_density','dlab_kluge'] endif options,'th'+probe+'_peir_density',colors=0 if tnames('den_mom') then begin options,'den_mom','ytitle','Density!C[1/cc]' thm_set_lim,'den_mom',times[0],times[1],0,200,1 endif else begin thm_blank_panel,'den_mom','Density!C[1/cc]',labels=['Npot','Ni','Ne'] endelse var_string += ' den_mom' ;------------------------------------------------------- ;- Ti_para, Ti_perp, Te_para, Te_perp [green, blue, black, red] ; These are constructed from the magt3 as: ; Ti_perp = (Ti_x+Ti_y)/2 [average perp] ; That makes no sense at all ; switched to sqrt(Ti_x^2+Ti_y^2), jmm, 2009-12-09 ; Ti_para = Ti_z ; etc. if tnames('th'+probe+'_peir_magt3') && $ tnames('th' + probe + '_peer_magt3') then begin get_data,'th' + probe + '_peir_magt3',data=d ti_perp = sqrt(d.y[*,0]^2+d.y[*,1]^2) ti_para = d.y[*,2] store_data,'ti_para',data={x:d.x,y:ti_para} store_data,'ti_perp',data={x:d.x,y:ti_perp} get_data,'th' + probe + '_peer_magt3',data=d te_perp = sqrt(d.y[*,0]^2+d.y[*,1]^2) te_para = d.y[*,2] store_data,'te_para',data={x:d.x,y:te_para} store_data,'tlab_kluge',data={x:d.x,y:rebin(te_perp,n_elements(te_perp),4)} options,'ti_para',colors=4 options,'ti_perp',colors=2 options,'te_para',colors=0 options,'te_perp',colors=6 options,'tlab_kluge',colors=[4,2,0,6],labels=['Ti!9'+string(35B)+'!X', 'Ti!9'+string(120B)+'!X',$ 'Te!9'+string(35B)+'!X', 'Te!9'+string(120B)+'!X'], labflag = 1 store_data,'Tieperpara',data=['ti_para','ti_perp','te_para','tlab_kluge'] options,'Tieperpara',ytitle='magt3!C[eV]' thm_set_lim,'Tieperpara',times[0],times[1],-1*!VALUES.D_INFINITY,!VALUES.D_INFINITY,1 endif else begin thm_blank_panel,'Tieperpara','magt3!C[eV]',labels=['Ti!9'+string(35B)+'!X', 'Ti!9'+string(120B)+'!X',$ 'Te!9'+string(35B)+'!X', 'Te!9'+string(120B)+'!X'] endelse var_string += ' Tieperpara' ;-------------------------------------------------------- ;- thx_peir_velocity [km/s] (x y z t = blue, green, red, black) ; For on board moments, when possible, replace with: ; thx_peim_velocity ; Autoscale this with max velocity of +/-1500km/s. pei_vel_name = 'th'+probe+'_peir_velocity_gsm' if tnames(pei_vel_name) then begin options,pei_vel_name,'labels',['Vx','Vy','Vz'],def=1 options,pei_vel_name,'labflag',1,def=1 tvectot,pei_vel_name,newname=pei_vel_name+'+t' options,pei_vel_name+'+t',ytitle='th'+probe+'!Cpeir!Cvelocity!Cgsm' get_data,pei_vel_name+'+t',dlimit=dl dl.labels[3] = 'Vt' store_data,pei_vel_name+'+t',dlimit=dl thm_set_lim,pei_vel_name+'+t',times[0],times[1],-1500D,1500D,0 endif else begin thm_blank_panel,pei_vel_name+'+t','th'+probe+'!Cpeim!Cvelocity!C[km/s]',labels=['Vx','Vy','Vz','Vt'] endelse var_string += ' ' + pei_vel_name+'+t' ;------------------------------------------------------ ;- thm_peer_velocity [km/s] (x y z t = blue, green, red, black) ; For on board moments, when possible, replace with: ; thx_peem_velocity ; Autoscale, max velocity of +/-1500km/s. pee_vel_name = 'th'+probe+'_peer_velocity_gsm' if tnames(pee_vel_name) then begin options,pee_vel_name,'labels',['Vx','Vy','Vz'],def=1 options,pee_vel_name,'labflag',1,def=1 tvectot,pee_vel_name,newname=pee_vel_name+'+t' options,pee_vel_name+'+t',ytitle='th'+probe+'!Cpeer!Cvelocity!Cgsm' get_data,pee_vel_name+'+t',dlimit=dl dl.labels[3] = 'Vt' store_data,pee_vel_name+'+t',dlimit=dl thm_set_lim,pee_vel_name+'+t',times[0],times[1],-1500D,1500D,0 endif else begin thm_blank_panel,pee_vel_name+'+t','th'+probe+'!Cpeer!Cvelocity!C[km/s]',labels=['Vx','Vy','Vz','Vt'] endelse var_string += ' ' + pee_vel_name+'+t' ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;- Exyz (mV/m): this is the E cross B velocity of the plasma. ; Computed as: E = - VxB ; * Take the negative of the cross-product of Vi and B. ; * Use the conversion that 1mV/m = 1000km/s in 1nT. ; So to convert from nT*km/s to mV/m divide by 1000. ; * Note: You must interpolate the B data on the V times before ; multiplying, even though they are at the same cadence. if tnames('th'+probe+'_peir_velocity_gsm') && $ tnames('th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm') then begin ;this clipping fixes an artifact where interpolation sometimes causes ;unreasonably large or small values if the velocity times preceed or ;exceed the fgm times. time_clip,'th'+probe+'_peir_velocity_gsm','th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm','th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm',/tvar,newname='vel_clip' tinterpol_mxn,'th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm','vel_clip',newname='bvinterpol' tcrossp, 'vel_clip', 'bvinterpol',newname='vxb';jmm,3-mar-2008, removed 'th'+probe get_data,'vxb',data=d if(size(d, /type) eq 8) then begin ;jmm, protect against missing data, 28-apr-2008 d.y = d.y*(-1D/1000D) store_data, 'e_eq_nvxb', data = d options, 'e_eq_nvxb', 'ytitle', 'E=-VxB' options, 'e_eq_nvxb', 'ysubtitle', '[mV/m]' options, 'e_eq_nvxb', 'labels', ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez'] options, 'e_eq_nvxb', 'colors', [2, 4, 6] options, 'e_eq_nvxb', 'labflag', 1 endif else thm_blank_panel,'e_eq_nvxb','E=-VxB!C[mV/m]',labels=['Ex','Ey','Ez'] endif else begin thm_blank_panel,'e_eq_nvxb','E=-VxB!C[mV/m]',labels=['Ex','Ey','Ez'] endelse var_string += ' e_eq_nvxb' ;- Pi, Pe, Pb, Pt [nPa] (blue, green, red, black) ; Pb is the magnetic pressure, proportional to Btotal ^ 2. ; Pt is the total (magnetic + particle) pressure = Pi+Pe+Pb ; Pi, Pe are the fourth component of the 4-vector pressure ; or the fourth component of the 4-vector temperature (the average) ; multiplied by N. Multiply Pi, Pe [eV/cm^3] by 1.6x 10^-4 to get nPa ; Multiply nT^2 by 1./2513.2741 to get nPa (magnetic pressure). ; * Note: You must interpolate the B data on the Pi times before ; multiplying, even though they are on the same cadence. if tnames('th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm') && $ tnames('th'+probe+'_peir_ptens') && $ tnames('th'+probe+'_peer_ptens') then begin get_data,'th'+probe+'_fgs_gsm',data=d_fgs get_data,'th'+probe+'_peir_ptens',data=d_peir get_data,'th'+probe+'_peer_ptens',data=d_peer Pb = total(d_fgs.y^2,2) * (1D/2513.2741D) Pi = (d_peir.y[*,0]+d_peir.y[*,1]+d_peir.y[*,2])/3D * 1.6e-4 Pe = (d_peer.y[*,0]+d_peer.y[*,1]+d_peer.y[*,2])/3D * 1.6e-4 Pb_i = interpol(pb,d_fgs.x,d_peir.x) Pe_i = interpol(pe,d_peer.x,d_peir.x) Pt = Pi + Pb_i + Pe_i d = {x:d_peir.x,y:[[Pi],[Pe_i],[Pb_i],[Pt]]} store_data,'pressure_vars',data=d options,'pressure_vars',colors=[2,4,6,0],labels=['Pi','Pe','Pb','Pt'],labflag=1 options,'pressure_vars',ysubtitle='[nPa]',ytitle='Pressure' endif else begin thm_blank_panel,'pressure_vars','Pressure!C[nPa]',labels=['Pi','Pe','Pb','Pt'] endelse var_string += ' pressure_vars' ;- Omnidirectional spectrum thx_peir_en_spec for ions at 3sec ; resolution (standard L2 product) if tnames('th'+probe+'_peir_en_eflux') then begin get_data, 'th'+probe+'_peir_en_eflux', data = d ;change d.v for cases with 0 energy xxx = where(d.v lt 1.0, nxxx) If(nxxx Gt 0) Then Begin d.v[xxx] = 0.01 store_data, 'th'+probe+'_peir_en_eflux', data = d Endif yminv = min(d.v) > 0.1 thm_spec_lim4overplot,'th'+probe+'_peir_en_eflux',zlog=1,ylog=1,/overwrite,ymin=yminv options,'th' + probe + '_peir_en_eflux','ysubtitle','eV/!C(cm^2-s-!Csr-eV)' options,'th' + probe + '_peir_en_eflux','ytitle','th'+probe+'!Cpeir!Cen!Ceflux' endif else begin thm_blank_panel,'th'+probe+'_peir_en_eflux','thb!Cpeir!Cen_eflux!CeV/!C(cm^2-s-!Csr-eV)' endelse var_string += ' th' + probe + '_peir_en_eflux' ;- Omnidirectional spectrum thx_peer_en_spec for ions at 3sec ; resolution (standard L2 product) if tnames('th'+probe+'_peer_en_eflux') then begin get_data, 'th'+probe+'_peer_en_eflux', data = d ;change d.v for cases with 0 energy xxx = where(d.v lt 1.0, nxxx) If(nxxx Gt 0) Then Begin d.v[xxx] = 0.01 store_data, 'th'+probe+'_peer_en_eflux', data = d Endif yminv = min(d.v) > 0.1 thm_spec_lim4overplot,'th'+probe+'_peer_en_eflux',zlog=1,ylog=1,/overwrite,ymin=yminv options,'th' + probe + '_peer_en_eflux','ysubtitle','eV/!C(cm^2-s-!Csr-eV)' options,'th' + probe + '_peer_en_eflux','ytitle','th'+probe+'!Cpeer!Cen!Ceflux' endif else begin thm_blank_panel,'th'+probe+'_peer_en_eflux','thb!Cpeer!Cen_eflux!CeV/!C(cm^2-s-!Csr-eV)' endelse var_string += ' th' + probe + '_peer_en_eflux' ;options copied from thm_gen_overplot !p.background=255. !p.color=0. time_stamp,/off loadct2,43 !p.charsize=0.8 ;eliminate space between plots tplot_options,'ygap',0.0D ;set limits thm_set_lim,fgs_name+'+t',times[0],times[1],-100D,100D,0 thm_set_lim,fgs_name+'-t89',times[0],times[1],-100D,100D,0 thm_set_lim,'den_mom',times[0],times[1],0,200,1 thm_set_lim,'Tieperpara',times[0],times[1],-1*!VALUES.D_INFINITY,!VALUES.D_INFINITY,1 thm_set_lim,pei_vel_name+'+t',times[0],times[1],-1500D,1500D thm_set_lim,pee_vel_name+'+t',times[0],times[1],-1500D,1500D thm_set_lim,'pressure_vars',times[0],times[1],0D,50D,1 if tnames('th'+probe+'_state_pos') then begin get_data,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos'),data=tmp store_data,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_x'),data={x:tmp.x,y:tmp.y[*,0]/6371.2} options,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_x'),'ytitle','th'+probe+'_X-GSM' store_data,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_y'),data={x:tmp.x,y:tmp.y[*,1]/6371.2} options,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_y'),'ytitle','th'+probe+'_Y-GSM' store_data,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_z'),data={x:tmp.x,y:tmp.y[*,2]/6371.2} options,strjoin('th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_z'),'ytitle','th'+probe+'_Z-GSM' endif probes_title = ['P5', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4'] ;jmm, 3-mar-2008, scv = strcompress(strlowcase(probe[0]),/remove_all) pindex = where(probe_list Eq scv) ;this is always true for one probe by the time we are here title = probes_title[pindex[0]]+' (TH-'+strupcase(scv)+') fields and ground moments overview' tplot,var_string,title=title, var_label = ['th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_z', 'th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_y', 'th'+probe+'_state_pos_gsm_x'] if keyword_set(makepng) then begin year = strmid(date, 0, 4) month = strmid(date, 5, 2) day = strmid(date, 8, 2) ymd = year+month+day if keyword_set(directory) then dir=directory else dir='./' makepng,dir+'th'+probe+'_l2_gmoms_'+year+month+day+'_0024',/no_expose ;six-hour plots For j = 0, 3 Do Begin hrs0 = 6*j hrs1 = 6*j+6 tr0 = time_double(date)+3600.0d0*[hrs0, hrs1] hshf = string(hrs0, format = '(i2.2)')+string(hrs1, format = '(i2.2)') ;Set limits for this time period thm_set_lim, fgs_name+'+t', tr0[0], tr0[1], -100D, 100D, 0 thm_set_lim, fgs_name+'-t89', tr0[0], tr0[1], -100D, 100D, 0 thm_set_lim, 'den_mom', tr0[0], tr0[1], 0, 200, 1 thm_set_lim, 'Tieperpara', tr0[0], tr0[1], -1*!VALUES.D_INFINITY, !VALUES.D_INFINITY, 1 thm_set_lim, pei_vel_name+'+t', tr0[0], tr0[1], -1500D, 1500D thm_set_lim, pee_vel_name+'+t', tr0[0], tr0[1], -1500D, 1500D thm_set_lim, 'pressure_vars', tr0[0], tr0[1], 0D, 50D, 1 tplot, trange = tr0 makepng, dir+'th'+probe+'_l2_gmoms_'+ymd+'_'+hshf, /no_expose Endfor ;two-hour plots For j = 0, 11 Do Begin hrs0 = 2*j hrs1 = 2*j+2 tr0 = time_double(date)+3600.0d0*[hrs0, hrs1] hshf = string(hrs0, format = '(i2.2)')+string(hrs1, format = '(i2.2)') ;Set limits for this time period thm_set_lim, fgs_name+'+t', tr0[0], tr0[1], -100D, 100D, 0 thm_set_lim, fgs_name+'-t89', tr0[0], tr0[1], -100D, 100D, 0 thm_set_lim, 'den_mom', tr0[0], tr0[1], 0, 200, 1 thm_set_lim, 'Tieperpara', tr0[0], tr0[1], -1*!VALUES.D_INFINITY, !VALUES.D_INFINITY, 1 thm_set_lim, pei_vel_name+'+t', tr0[0], tr0[1], -1500D, 1500D thm_set_lim, pee_vel_name+'+t', tr0[0], tr0[1], -1500D, 1500D thm_set_lim, 'pressure_vars', tr0[0], tr0[1], 0D, 50D, 1 tplot, trange = tr0 makepng, dir+'th'+probe+'_l2_gmoms_'+ymd+'_'+hshf, /no_expose Endfor ;reset the time range tlimit, 0, 0 Endif End