This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Thu Aug 6 12:53:14 2020.

Directory Listing of Routines

Routine Descriptions


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 PURPOSE: Loads and generates EIS data for use by SITL in EVA

         trange: time range of interest (string, ex. ['yyyy-mm-dd','yyyy-mm-dd'])
         probe: string indicating value for mms SC #
         bin_size: size of the pitch angle bins (numeric)
         data_rate: instrument data rates ['brst', 'srvy' (default), 'fast', 'slow']
         data_units: desired units for data. for eis units are ['flux', 'cps', 'counts'] (default = flux)
         ion_type: array containing types of particles to include.
               for PHxTOF data, valid options are 'proton', 'oxygen'
               for ExTOF data, valid options are 'proton', 'oxygen', and/or 'alpha'
         i_ph: set to 1 to include phxtof protons (default = 0)
         i_plot: set to 1 to plot to screen (default = 0)
         i_print: set to 1 to print to PS file (default = 0)
         i_scopes: set to 1 to omit sun-blocked telescopes in PADs (default = 0)


 CREATED BY: I. Cohen, 2016-01-12

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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 FUNCTION: mms_eliminate_sweeps

 PURPOSE: Describe the procedure.

    cdfie: cdf info structure, output of cdf_load_vars

    verbose - MAKE IT TALK TO YOU
 :Author: Katherine Goodrich, contact:

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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         Sets metadata for HPCA tplot variables
         prefix: prefix for names of the tplot variables, typically 'mms#' where # is the S/C number
         fov: field of view of the instrument, for setting the title in spectra

 $LastChangedBy: rickwilder $
 $LastChangedDate: 2015-09-13 16:50:23 -0700 (Sun, 13 Sep 2015) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 18783 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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       Calculates the omni-directional flux for all 6 telescopes

       Originally based on Brian Walsh's EIS code from 7/29/2015

$LastChangedBy: rickwilder $
$LastChangedDate: 2016-04-07 12:43:36 -0700 (Thu, 07 Apr 2016) $
$LastChangedRevision: 20745 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

       + 2016-02-26, I. Cohen      : changed 'cps' units_label from 'Counts/s' to '1/s' for compliance with mission standards
       + 2016-03-09, I. Cohen      : altered ylabel for new omni variables

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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         Calculates spin-averaged fluxes for the EIS instrument

         probe:        Probe # to calculate the spin average for
                       if no probe is specified the default is probe '1'
         datatype:     eis data types include ['electronenergy', 'extof', 'partenergy', 'phxtof'].
                       If no value is given the default is 'extof'.
         data_rate:    instrument data rates for eis include 'brst' 'srvy'. The
                       default is 'srvy'.
         data_units:   desired units for data. for eis units are ['flux', 'cps', 'counts'].
                       The default is 'flux'.
         suffix:       appends a suffix to the end of the tplot variable name. this is useful for
                       preserving original tplot variable.
         species:      species (should be: proton, oxygen, alpha or electron)


$LastChangedBy: rickwilder $
$LastChangedDate: 2016-04-07 12:43:36 -0700 (Thu, 07 Apr 2016) $
$LastChangedRevision: 20745 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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 PROCEDURE: mms_load_dsp

 PURPOSE: Fetches desired data from the DSP (Digital Signal Processing) Board.

    trange       : OPTIONAL - time range of desired data. Ex: ['2015-05-01', '2015-05-02']
                    Default input is timespan input.
    sc_id        : OPTIONAL - desired spacecraft, Ex: 'mms1','mms2', etc.
                    Default input is all s/c
    data_rate    : OPTIONAL - desired data sampling mode, Example: mode='srvy'
                             due to cataloging at the SDC, WE REQUIRE YOU LOAD ONLY ONE MODE AT A TIME
                    Default input - srvy mode
    level        : OPTIONAL - desired level, options are level 1a, 1b, ql, 2
                    Default input - all levels
    datatype    : OPTIONAL - desired data type. Ex: ['epsd', 'tdn', 'swd']
                    Default input - all data types!

    no_update    : OPTIONAL - /no_update to ensure your current data is not reloaded due to an update at the SDC
    reload       : OPTIONAL - /reload to ensure current data is reloaded due to an update at the SDC
    get_support_data  : OPTIONAL - /get_support_data to get support data within the CDF

 OUTPUT: tplot variables listed at the end of the procedure
 :Author: Katherine Goodrich, contact:

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
   Fetch EDI Ambient mode SITL products from the SDC for display using tplot.
   The routine creates tplot variables based on the names in the mms CDF files.
   Data files are cached locally in !mms.local_data_dir.


    Matthew Argall::
    University of New Hampshire
    Morse Hall Room 348
    8 College Road
    Durham, NH 03824

    Modification History::
       2015/07/20  -   Written by Matthew Argall
       2015/09/06  -   Incorporated cdf reader. Read pitch angle info. - MRA
       2015/10/09  -   Skip and inform of files that have no data. Added LEVEL and
                           MODE keywords. - MRA
       2016/05/05  -   Updated to work with packing mode 2 data. - MRA

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
   Open an EDI ambient mode data file and return data in the form of a structure.

        FILENAME:     in, required, type=string
                      CDF filename from which variable data is to be loaded.
        DATA_STRUCT:  in, optional, type=struct
                      If data is to be read from multiple files, iteratively pass
                          in the output of previous calls to append new and old data
        MODE:         in, required, type=string
                      Telementry mode of the file: 'slow', 'fast', 'srvy', 'brst'

        DATA_STRUCT:  A data structure with pitch angle and count data. Can be passed
                         in via the `DATA_STRUCT` parameter on successive calls.

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
   Open an EDI ambient mode data file and return data in the form of a structure.

        FILENAME:     in, required, type=string
                      CDF filename from which variable data is to be loaded.
        DATA_STRUCT:  in, optional, type=struct
                      If data is to be read from multiple files, iteratively pass
                          in the output of previous calls to append new and old data
        MODE:         in, required, type=string
                      Telementry mode of the file: 'slow', 'fast', 'srvy', 'brst'

        DATA_STRUCT:  A data structure with pitch angle and count data. Can be passed
                         in via the `DATA_STRUCT` parameter on successive calls.

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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   Store EDI data into TPLOT variables.

        DATA:         in, required, type=struct
                      Data structure created by UNH_SITL_EDI_AMB_LOAD.
        SC:           in, required, type=string
                      MMS spacecraft identifier. Used in creating TPLOT variable names.
        MODE:         in, required, type=string/strarr
                      Telementry mode of the file: 'slow', 'fast', 'srvy', 'brst'
        OPTDESC:      in, required, type=string
                      Optional descriptor of the file(s) from which `DATA` was extracted.

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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   Sort EDI data by pitch angle instead of GDU

        SC:           in, required, type=string
                      MMS spacecraft identifier. Used in creating TPLOT variable names.

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
   Fetch EDI Ambient mode SITL products from the SDC for display using tplot.
   The routine creates tplot variables based on the names in the mms CDF files.
   Data files are cached locally in !mms.local_data_dir.

        LEVEL:        in, optional, type=string, default='l1a'
                      Level of data product. Current choices are: ['l1a']
        MODE:         in, optional, type=string, default=['fast', 'slow']
                      Telemetry mode of data. Options are: 'slow', 'fast', 'srvy', 'brst'
                          or ['fast', 'slow']. The last option reads in fast and slow
                          survey data and combines them to resemble "srvy" data.
        NO_UPDATE:    in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
                      Set if you don't wish to replace earlier file versions
                        with the latest version. If not set, earlier versions are deleted
                        and replaced.
        RELOAD:       in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
                      Set if you wish to download all files in query, regardless
                        of whether file exists locally. Useful if obtaining recent data files
                        that may not have been full when you last cached them. Cannot
                        be used with `NO_UPDATE`.
        SC:           in, optional, type=string/strarr, default='mms1'
                      Array of strings containing spacecraft ids.

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
   Fetch EDI Ambient mode SITL products from the SDC for display using tplot.
   The routine creates tplot variables based on the names in the mms CDF files.
   Data files are cached locally in !mms.local_data_dir.

        LEVEL:        in, optional, type=string, default='l1a'
                      Level of data product. Current choices are: ['l1a']
        MODE:         in, optional, type=string, default=['fast', 'slow']
                      Telemetry mode of data. Options are: 'slow', 'fast', 'srvy', 'brst'
                          or ['fast', 'slow']. The last option reads in fast and slow
                          survey data and combines them to resemble "srvy" data.
        NO_UPDATE:    in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
                      Set if you don't wish to replace earlier file versions
                        with the latest version. If not set, earlier versions are deleted
                        and replaced.
        RELOAD:       in, optional, type=boolean, default=0
                      Set if you wish to download all files in query, regardless
                        of whether file exists locally. Useful if obtaining recent data files
                        that may not have been full when you last cached them. Cannot
                        be used with `NO_UPDATE`.
        SC:           in, optional, type=string/strarr, default='mms1'
                      Array of strings containing spacecraft ids.

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
 PROCEDURE: mms_load_edp

 PURPOSE: Fetches desired data from the EDP (Electric field Double Probes) instrument.

    trange       : OPTIONAL - time range of desired data. Ex: ['2015-05-1', '2015-05-02']
                    Default input is timespan input.
    sc_id        : OPTIONAL - desired spacecraft, Ex: 'mms1','mms2', etc.
                    Default input is all s/c
    mode         : OPTIONAL - desired data sampling mode, DEFAULT: mode='srvy'
                             due to cataloging at the SDC, WE REQUIRE YOU LOAD ONLY ONE MODE AT A TIME
                    Default input, all but brst (to avoid destroying your hard drive)
    level        : OPTIONAL - desired level, options are level 1a, 1b, ql, 2
                    Default input - all levels
    datatype    : OPTIONAL - desired data type. Ex: ['dce', 'dcv', 'ace', 'hmfe']
                    Default input - all data types!

    no_update    : OPTIONAL - /no_update to ensure your current data is not reloaded due to an update at the SDC
    reload       : OPTIONAL - /reload to ensure current data is reloaded due to an update at the SDC
    no_sweeps    : OPTIONAL - /no_sweeps to remove any sweeps done during commissioning.
                              Hopefully you'll never have to use this outside of commissioning
    get_support  : OPTIONAL - /get_support to get support data within the CDF
                               Automatically called when /no_sweeps is called

 OUTPUT: tplot variables listed at the end of the procedure
 :Author: Katherine Goodrich, contact:

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
         Load data from the MMS Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS)
         trange:       time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format
                       ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day
         probes:       list of probes, valid values for MMS probes are ['1','2','3','4'].
                       if no probe is specified the default is probe '1'
         level:        indicates level of data processing. levels include 'l1a', 'l1b'. 
                       The default if no level is specified is 'l1b'
         datatype:     eis data types include ['electronenergy', 'extof', 'partenergy', 'phxtof'].
                       If no value is given the default is 'extof'.
         data_rate:    instrument data rates for eis include 'brst' 'srvy'. The
                       default is 'srvy'.
         data_units:   desired units for data. for eis units are ['flux', 'cps', 'counts']. 
                       The default is 'flux'.
         local_data_dir: local directory to store the CDF files; should be set if
                       you're on *nix or OSX, the default currently assumes Windows (c:\data\mms\)
         source:       specifies a different system variable. By default the MMS mission 
                       system variable is !mms
         get_support_data: not yet implemented. when set this routine will load any support data
                       (support data is specified in the CDF file)
         tplotnames:   names for tplot variables
         no_color_setup: don't setup graphics configuration; use this keyword when you're 
                       using this load routine from a terminal without an X server runningdo 
                       not set colors
         time_clip:    clip the data to the requested time range; note that if you do not use 
                       this keyword you may load a longer time range than requested
         no_update:    set this flag to preserve the original data. if not set and newer 
                       data is found the existing data will be overwritten
         no_interp:    if this flag is set no interpolation of the data will occur.
         suffix:       appends a suffix to the end of the tplot variable name. this is useful for
                       preserving original tplot variable.
         varformat:    should be a string (wildcards accepted) that will match the CDF variables
                       that should be loaded into tplot variables
         cdf_filenames:  this keyword returns the names of the CDF files used when loading the data
         spdf:         grab the data from the SPDF instead of the LASP SDC (only works for public access)

     See,, , and for usage examples
     load ExTOF burst data:
     MMS1> mms_load_eis, probes='1', trange=['2015-12-23', '2015-12-24'],  datatype='extof', data_rate='brst', level='l2'
     load PHxTOF data:
     MMS1> mms_load_eis, probes='1', trange=['2015-10-31', '2015-11-01'], datatype='phxtof', level='l2'
     calculate the PHxTOF PAD for protons
     MMS1> mms_eis_pad, probe='1', species='ion', datatype='phxtof', ion_type='proton', data_units='flux', energy=[0, 30], level='l2'

     Please see the notes in mms_load_data for more information 
     Have questions regarding this load routine, or its usage?
          Send me an email -->

     09/15/2015 - Ian Cohen at APL: added modifications to omni-directional calculations to be able to handle 
                  ExTOF and PHxTOF data
     09/17/2015 - egrimes: large update, see svn log
     12/15/2015 - icohen: added data_rate keyword and conditional definition of prefix in mms_eis_spin_avg and 
                  mms_eis_omni to address burst variable name changes
$LastChangedBy: rickwilder $
$LastChangedDate: 2016-04-07 12:43:36 -0700 (Thu, 07 Apr 2016) $
$LastChangedRevision: 20745 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


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         Load data from the Fly's Eye Energetic Particle Sensor (FEEPS) onboard MMS
         trange:       time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 
                       ['YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day 
         probes:       list of probes, valid values for MMS probes are ['1','2','3','4']. 
                       If no probe is specified the default is '1';

$LastChangedBy: rickwilder $
$LastChangedDate: 2018-04-03 13:31:40 -0700 (Tue, 03 Apr 2018) $
$LastChangedRevision: 24989 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
         Load data from the MMS Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA)
         trange: time range of interest
         probes: list of probes - values for MMS SC #
         local_data_dir: local directory to store the CDF files
         varformat: format of the variable names in the CDF to load
         no_color_setup: don't setup graphics configuration; use this
             keyword when you're using this load routine from a
             terminal without an X server running
     See the crib sheet for usage examples
     Please see the notes in mms_load_data for more information 

$LastChangedBy: egrimes $
$LastChangedDate: 2019-04-15 09:57:18 -0700 (Mon, 15 Apr 2019) $
$LastChangedRevision: 27017 $
$URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]
   Plot EDI ambient data


   To use::
       IDL> .r unh_edi_amb_crib

    Matthew Argall::
    University of New Hampshire
    Morse Hall Room 348
    8 College Road
    Durham, NH 03824

    Modification History::
       2015/08/03  -   Written by Matthew Argall
       2015/09/06  -   Include EDP E-field. Plot 0 & 180 separately. - MRA
       2015/10/09  -   Plot any telemetry mode. - MRA

(See projects/mms/sitl/sitl_data_fetch/