;+ ;PROCEDURE: mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore ;PURPOSE: ; Reads in scpot data precalculated by mvn_swe_lpw_scpot ; and stored in a tplot save/restore file. ; ; For more information, see ; http://research.ssl.berkeley.edu/~haraday/tools/mvn_swe_lpw_scpot.pdf ; ;USAGE: ; timespan,'2016-01-01',2 ; mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore ; ; NOTES: ; 1) The data quality are not good before 2015-01-24. ; 2) The peak fitting algorithm sometimes breaks down ; when multiple peaks are present in dI/dV curves. ; Check the quality flag: mvn_lpw_swp1_IV_vinfl_qflag ; 1 = good, 0 = bad ; As a rule of thumb, the data quality is generally good if flag > 0.8 ; You may need caution if 0.5 < flag < 0.8 (check the consistency with SWEA spectra) ; 3) Short time scale variations will be smoothed out by default ; 4) Potential values between 0 and +3 V are interpolated ; - they cannot be verified by SWEA measurements ; ;INPUTS: ; trange: Restore data over this time range. If not specified, then ; uses the current tplot range or timerange() will be called ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ORBIT: Restore pad data by orbit number. ; ; LOADONLY: Download but do not restore any pad data. ; ; $LastChangedBy: haraday $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-07-28 07:16:06 -0700 (Fri, 28 Jul 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 23717 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_0/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: Yuki Harada 03-24-16 ;FILE: mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore.pro ;- pro mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_restore, trange, orbit=orbit, loadonly=loadonly, suffix=suffix ; Process keywords if ~keyword_set(suffix) then suffix = '_v??_r??' rootdir = 'maven/data/sci/swe/l3/swe_lpw_scpot/YYYY/MM/' fname = 'mvn_swe_lpw_scpot_YYYYMMDD'+suffix+'.tplot' if keyword_set(orbit) then begin imin = min(orbit, max=imax) trange = mvn_orbit_num(orbnum=[imin-0.5,imax+0.5]) endif tplot_options, get_opt=topt tspan_exists = (max(topt.trange_full) gt time_double('2013-11-18')) if ((size(trange,/type) eq 0) and tspan_exists) then trange = topt.trange_full ; Get file names associated with trange or from one or more named ; file(s). If you specify a time range and are working off-site, ; then the files are downloaded to your local machine, which might ; take a while. if (size(trange,/type) eq 0) then begin trange = timerange() endif tmin = min(time_double(trange), max=tmax) file = mvn_pfp_file_retrieve(rootdir+fname,trange=[tmin,tmax],/daily_names,/last_version) nfiles = n_elements(file) finfo = file_info(file) indx = where(finfo.exists, nfiles, comp=jndx, ncomp=n) for j=0,(n-1) do print,"File not found: ",file[jndx[j]] if (nfiles eq 0) then return file = file[indx] if keyword_set(loadonly) then begin print,'' print,'Files found:' for i=0,(nfiles-1) do print,file[i],format='(" ",a)' print,'' return endif ; Restore tplot save file(s) tplot_restore,filename=file,/append if suffix eq '' then begin dprint,'***********************************************' dprint,'*** mvn_swe_lpw_scpot is still experimental ***' dprint,'***********************************************' endif return end