;+ ;PROCEDURE: mag_mola_orbit ;PURPOSE: ; Plots a set of [longitude,latitude] positions over a MAG-MOLA ; map. ; ;USAGE: ; mag_mola_orbit, lon, lat ; ;INPUTS: ; lon: East longitude (0 to 360 degrees). ; ; lat: Latitude (-90 to 90 degrees). ; ; Note: lon and lat must have the same number ; of elements. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; PSYM: Symbol type (same as for plot). ; ; LSTYLE: Line style (same as for plot). ; ; COLOR: Line/symbol color (same as for plot). ; ; RESET: Read in the MAG-MOLA image and calculate the ; plot size and position. ; ; NOERASE: Do not refresh the plot for each [lon, lat] point. ; ; BIG: Use a 1000x500 MAG-MOLA image. ; ; TERMINATOR: Overlay the terminator at the time specified by this ; keyword. ; ; SHADOW: If TERMINATOR is set, specifies which "terminator" to ; plot. ; 0 : Optical shadow boundary at surface. ; 1 : Optical shadow boundary at s/c altitude. ; 2 : EUV shadow boundary at s/c altitude. ; 3 : EUV shadow at electron absorption altitude. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2020-07-01 12:20:16 -0700 (Wed, 01 Jul 2020) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 28841 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_4_0/projects/maven/maven_orbit_tplot/mag_mola_orbit.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 04-02-03 ;- pro mag_mola_orbit, lon, lat, psym=psym, lstyle=lstyle, color=color, $ reset=reset, big=big, noerase=noerase, title=title, $ terminator=ttime, shadow=shadow, alt=alt common magmola_orb_com, img, ppos @swe_snap_common if (size(snap_index,/type) eq 0) then swe_snap_layout, 0 twin = !d.window owin = 29 csize = 1.2 if not keyword_set(title) then title = '' if (~size(psym,/type)) then psym = 1 else psym = fix(psym) if (~size(lstyle,/type)) then lstyle = 0 else lstyle = fix(lstyle) if (~size(color,/type)) then color = 2 else color = fix(color) if not keyword_set(noerase) then eflg = 1 else eflg = 0 if keyword_set(ttime) then doterm = 1 else doterm = 0 if keyword_set(shadow) then sflg = shadow else sflg = 0 if (psym gt 7) then psym = 8 a = 0.8 phi = findgen(49)*(2.*!pi/49) usersym,a*cos(phi),a*sin(phi),/fill if ((size(img,/type) eq 0) or keyword_set(reset)) then begin if keyword_set(big) then fname = file_which('MAG_MOLA_lg.bmp') $ else fname = file_which('MAG_MOLA.bmp') if (fname eq '') then begin print, "MAG_MOLA.bmp not found!" return endif img = read_bmp(fname,/rgb) sz = size(img) xoff = round(34.*csize) yoff = round(30.*csize) i = sz[2] + (2*xoff) j = sz[3] + (2*yoff) if keyword_set(big) then Mkey = MMopt else Mkey = Mopt putwin, owin, key=Mkey px = [0.0, 1.0] * !d.x_vsize + xoff + 16 py = [0.0, 1.0] * !d.y_vsize + yoff + 10 ppos=[px[0],py[0],px[0]+sz[2]-1,py[0]+sz[3]-1] eflg = 1 endif wset, owin if (eflg) then tv,img,ppos[0],ppos[1],/true plot,[-1.,-2.],[-1.,-2.],position=ppos,/device, $ xrange=[0,360],yrange=[-90,90],xticks=4,xminor=3, $ yticks=2,yminor=3,/xstyle,/ystyle,/noerase,charsize=csize, $ xtitle = 'East Longitude', ytitle = 'Latitude', title=title if (doterm) then begin mvn_mars_terminator, ttime, result=tdat, shadow=sflg oplot,tdat.tlon,tdat.tlat,color=1,psym=4,symsize=1 oplot,[tdat.slon],[tdat.slat],color=5,psym=8,symsize=3 endif oplot,[lon],[lat],psym=psym,color=color,linestyle=lstyle,thick=2,symsize=1.4 if keyword_set(alt) then xyouts,[lon]+2,[lat]+2,string(round(alt),format='(i4)'),color=color,charsize=1.2 wset,twin return end