;+ ; PROCEDURE: IUG_LOAD_METEOR_NIPR ; iug_load_meteor_nipr, site = site, trange = trange, $ ; get_support_data = get_support_data, verbose = verbose, $ ; downloadonly = downloadonly, no_download = no_download ; ; PURPOSE: ; loads meteor radar data of NIPR ; ; KEYWORDS: ; site = Observatory name. For example, iug_load_meteor_nipr, site = 'tro'. ; trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array). ; /verbose: set to output some useful info ; /downloadonly: if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; /no_download: use only files which are online locally. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; iug_load_meteor_nipr, site = 'tro', trange = ['2007-01-22/00:00:00','2007-01-24/00:00:00'] ; ; NOTE: ; The meteor radar data obtained by NIPR is now not online. ; ; Written by: Y.-M. Tanaka, July 25, 2011 (ytanaka at nipr.ac.jp) ; Revised by: Y.-M. Tanaka, December 19, 2013 (ytanaka at nipr.ac.jp) ;- ;************************** ;***** Procedure name ***** ;************************** pro iug_load_meteor_nipr, site = site, trange = trange, $ verbose = verbose, downloadonly = downloadonly, $ no_download = no_download ;===== Keyword check ===== ;----- all site codes -----; site_code_all = strsplit('tro lyr', /extract) ;----- site -----; if(not keyword_set(site)) then site='all' site_code = ssl_check_valid_name(site, site_code_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) if site_code[0] eq '' then return print, 'site_code = ',site_code ;----- verbose -----; if(not keyword_set(verbose)) then verbose=0 ;----- downloadonly -----; if(not keyword_set(downloadonly)) then downloadonly=0 ;----- no_download -----; if(not keyword_set(no_download)) then no_download=0 ;----- get_support_data -----; if(not keyword_set(get_support_data)) then get_support_data=0 ; acknowlegment string (use for creating tplot vars) acknowledgstring = 'We welcome collaborative research that uses the meteor '+$ 'radar data. Please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr. '+$ 'Masaki Tsutsumi (tutumi [at] nipr.ac.jp), National Institute '+$ 'of Polar Research (NIPR), if you want to use the data. '+$ 'The meteor radar observations are carried out in '+$ 'corporation with Univ. of Tromsoe. The distribution of the meteor '+$ 'radar data from NIPR has been partly supported by the IUGONET '+$ '(Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork) '+$ 'project (http://www.iugonet.org/) funded by the Ministry of '+$ 'Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.' ;----- default limit structure -----; dlimit=create_struct('data_att',create_struct('acknowledgment', $ acknowledgstring, 'PI_NAME', 'M. Tsutsumi', 'LINK_TEXT', $ 'http://scidbase.nipr.ac.jp/modules/metadata/index.php?content_id=108')) ;===== Download files, read data, and create tplot vars at each site ===== ack_flg=0 for i=0, n_elements(site_code)-1 do begin site1=site_code(i) case site1 of 'tro' : sitetmp='ntmr' 'lyr' : sitetmp='nsmr' endcase ;----- Set parameters for file_retrieve and download data files -----; source = file_retrieve(/struct) source.verbose = verbose source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'iugonet/nipr/mwr/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://iugonet0.nipr.ac.jp/data/mwr/' if keyword_set(no_download) then source.no_download = 1 pathformat= strlowcase(sitetmp) + '/YYYY/' + $ sitetmp+'YYYYMMDD_h2t1.txt' relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format=pathformat, $ trange=trange) files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, remote_path=source.remote_data_dir, local_path=source.local_data_dir, _extra=source, /last_version) filestest=file_test(files) if(total(filestest) ge 1) then begin files=files[where(filestest eq 1)] ;========================================= ;=== Loop on reading meteor radar data === ;========================================= ;----- Initialize data buffer -----; time_buf = 0 uwind_buf = 0 vwind_buf = 0 uerr_buf = 0 verr_buf = 0 nw_buf = 0 adif1_buf = 0 adif2_buf = 0 adif3_buf = 0 nalt = 30 ntime = 48 vdat=findgen(nalt)*2.0+61 for j=0, n_elements(files)-1 do begin file1 = files[j] stryear = (strmid(file1,strlen(file1)-17,4)) strmon = (strmid(file1,strlen(file1)-13,2)) strday = (strmid(file1,strlen(file1)-11,2)) ;----- Open file ------; openr, lun, file1, /get_lun uwind = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) vwind = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) uerr = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) verr = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) nw = replicate(-999, ntime, nalt) adif1 = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) adif2 = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) adif3 = replicate(!values.f_nan, ntime, nalt) timevec = dblarr(ntime) ;----- Read data -----; itime=0 beftime=-1 data='' while (not EOF(lun)) do begin readf, lun, data ; year=fix(strmid(data,0,4)) ; doy=fix(strmid(data,4,3)) hour=fix(strmid(data,7,2)) minute=fix(strmid(data,9,2)) alt=fix(strmid(data,11,4)) ialt=(alt-fix(vdat[0]))/2 nowtime=hour+minute*0.5 if (beftime ne -1) and (nowtime ne beftime) then begin itime=itime+1 endif uwind(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,15,4)) vwind(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,19,4)) uerr(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,23,3)) verr(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,26,3)) nw(itime, ialt)=fix(strmid(data,29,3)) adif1(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,32,4)) adif2(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,36,4)) adif3(itime, ialt)=float(strmid(data,40,3)) timevec(itime)=time_double(stryear+'-'+strmon+'-'+strday+'/'+$ string(hour)+':'+string(minute)) beftime=nowtime endwhile uwind=uwind[0:itime-1, *] vwind=vwind[0:itime-1, *] uerr=uerr[0:itime-1, *] verr=verr[0:itime-1, *] nw=nw[0:itime-1, *] adif1=adif1[0:itime-1, *] adif2=adif2[0:itime-1, *] adif3=adif3[0:itime-1, *] timevec=timevec[0:itime-1] ;----- Append data -----; append_array, uwind_buf, uwind append_array, vwind_buf, vwind append_array, uerr_buf, uerr append_array, verr_buf, verr append_array, nw_buf, nw append_array, adif1_buf, adif1 append_array, adif2_buf, adif2 append_array, adif3_buf, adif3 append_array, time_buf, timevec ;----- Close file -----; free_lun, lun endfor ;----- Show data policy -----; if(ack_flg eq 0) then begin ack_flg=1 print, '**************************************************************************************' print, 'Information about NIPR Meteor Radar data' print, 'PI: ', dlimit.data_att.PI_name print, '' print, 'Rules of the Road for NIPR Meteor Radar Data:' print, '' print_str_maxlet, dlimit.data_att.acknowledgment print, '' print, 'URL: ',dlimit.data_att.LINK_TEXT print, '**************************************************************************************' endif ;----- Create tplot variables -----; if(downloadonly eq 0) then begin ;----- tplot variable name -----; prefix = 'iug_meteor_'+ strlowcase(site1) ;----- store data to tplot variable -----; store_data, prefix+'_uwnd', data={x:time_buf, y:uwind_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit store_data, prefix+'_vwnd', data={x:time_buf, y:vwind_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit store_data, prefix+'_uerr', data={x:time_buf, y:uerr_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit store_data, prefix+'_verr', data={x:time_buf, y:verr_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit ylim, prefix+'_uwnd', 65, 110, 0 ylim, prefix+'_vwnd', 65, 110, 0 ylim, prefix+'_uerr', 65, 110, 0 ylim, prefix+'_verr', 65, 110, 0 zlim, prefix+'_uwnd', -100, 100, 0 zlim, prefix+'_vwnd', -80, 80, 0 zlim, prefix+'_uerr', 0, 50, 0 zlim, prefix+'_verr', 0, 50, 0 options, prefix+'_uwnd', 'spec', 1 options, prefix+'_vwnd', 'spec', 1 options, prefix+'_uerr', 'spec', 1 options, prefix+'_verr', 'spec', 1 ;----- add options -----; options, prefix+'_uwnd', $ ytitle = 'Meteor radar '+strupcase(site1)+'!CHeight', $ ysubtitle = '[km]', ztitle='Eastward Wind [m/s]' options, prefix+'_vwnd', $ ytitle = 'Meteor radar '+strupcase(site1)+'!CHeight', $ ysubtitle = '[km]', ztitle='Northward Wind [m/s]' options, prefix+'_uerr', $ ytitle = 'Meteor radar '+strupcase(site1)+'!CHeight', $ ysubtitle = '[km]', ztitle='Error of Eastward Wind [m/s]' options, prefix+'_verr', $ ytitle = 'Meteor radar '+strupcase(site1)+'!CHeight', $ ysubtitle = '[km]', ztitle='Error of Northward Wind [m/s]' if(get_support_data eq 1) then begin store_data, prefix+'_nw', data={x:time_buf, y:nw_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit store_data, prefix+'_adif1', data={x:time_buf, y:adif1_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit store_data, prefix+'_adif2', data={x:time_buf, y:adif2_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit store_data, prefix+'_adif3', data={x:time_buf, y:adif3_buf, $ v:vdat}, dlimit=dlimit endif endif endif endfor end