FUNCTION XML2IDL8,oNode,nodeName=nodeName,nodeValue=nodeValue ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+ ; NAME: ; XML2IDL8 ; ; PURPOSE: ; Translate a DOM (Document Object Model) object (read in ; from an XML file with into either an IDL hash ; by recursion through the document tree. The '8' in the name ; indicates this version is for IDL version 8.3 and above ; as it uses ordered hashes and lists which were introduced to IDL in ; version 8.3. For the IDL hash, XML element names become ; key names in the hash. Elements with non-null text get a ; '_text' key. Comments are attached to parent elements with ; '_comment' key. Attributes are similarly treated with the ; attribute name as the key. They can be distinguished from ; element text by the lack of a '_text' key. ; ; All non-essential whitespace is removed. IDL variable names are allowed ; to have only the special characters '_','$', and '!', so all other ; special characters are converted to '_'. ; ; CATEGORY: ; Datafile handling; XML ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; myhash = XML2IDL8(oChild,nodeName=childName,nodeValue=childValue) ; ; INPUTS: ; oNode - DOM Document object (IDLffXMLDOMDocument) or top DOM Node ; (IDLffXMLDOMNode) to convert to string array ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Returns a hash of hashes or lists that represents the XML file. One can access the various nodes ; by indexing into it, like this: ; ; IDL> print, hash[rootname,elName,childname,'_text'] ; ; If there are siblings with the same name, then they are pulled together in a list which ; is indexed by number: ; ; IDL> i++ ; IDL> print, hash[rootname,repeatedname,i,childname,'_text'] ; ; KEYWORDS: ; nodeName - returns nodeName of oNode ; ; nodeVAlue - returns nodeValue of oNode ; hash - If there are children elements, this returns a hash ; holding information on them ; ; PROCEDURE: ; A number of input parameters and keywords are used internally only. ; They are used when the program walks through the document tree by ; recursively calling itself. These are: paramArr, nodeName, ; and nodeValue ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by Ed Shaya / U. of Maryland [Nov 5, 2013] ; Removed empty _text except for true empty elements ES [Dec 2013] ;- ;--------------------------------------------- ; This routine is open source and was written by Ed Shaya originally for the ; UMD Small Bodies Node under NASA contracts. myhash = ORDEREDHASH() IF (N_PARAMS() LT 1) THEN BEGIN PRINT, 'usage: myhash = XML2IDL(oDoc,nodeName=nodeName,nodeValue=nodeValue)' RETURN,-1 ENDIF ; Need to seed paramArr with a first element IF ~KEYWORD_SET(nodeName) THEN nodeName = '' IF ~KEYWORD_SET(nodeValue) THEN nodeValue = '' ; "Visit" the node and get name and value nodeName = oNode->GetNodeName() ; IDL has restrictions on characters in variable names nodeName = IDL_VALIDNAME(nodeName,/convert_all) nodeValue = oNode->GetNodeValue() ; Remove unprintable characters nodeValue = str_clean(nodeValue) ; Remove multiple spaces nodeValue = STRCOMPRESS(nodeValue) ; Remove spaces at beginning and end nodeValue = STRTRIM(nodeValue,2) nodeType = oNode->GetNodeType() ; Handle DTD nodeName which is same as root. IF (nodeType EQ 10) THEN BEGIN nodeValue = nodeName nodeName = 'DTD' ENDIF ; Get list of attribute names and values nAtts = 0 oAttMap = oNode->GetAttributes() IF OBJ_VALID(oAttMap) THEN nAtts = oAttMap->GetLength() IF (nAtts GT 0) THEN BEGIN attNames = STRARR(nAtts) attValues = STRARR(nAtts) FOR i = 0, nAtts-1 DO BEGIN oAtt = oAttMap->Item(i) attName = oAtt->GetName() attNames[i] = IDL_VALIDNAME(attName,/convert_all) attValue = oAtt->GetValue() attValues[i] = attValue ENDFOR ENDIF ; childHash will hold string for all tagnames and values of siblings. ; Start with Attribute names and values IF (SIZE(childHash,/type) EQ 0) THEN childHash = ORDEREDHASH() IF (nAtts GT 0) THEN $ FOR m = 0, nAtts-1 DO childHash[attNames[m]] = attValues[m] ; The following loop does all of the walking. ; This digs down one level and routine calls itself to get name and value ; and we get here again and digs down deeper. Repeats until cannot go ; further down. Return takes us up one level and then we look for siblings ; there. When no more siblings at that level, go back up one level and look ; for siblings ; Go down one level oChild = oNode->GetFirstChild() elNames = [''] ; Loop over siblings WHILE OBJ_VALID(oChild) DO BEGIN myhash = XML2IDL8(oChild,nodeName=childName,nodeValue=childValue) ; Gather info and hashs of each child for myhash ; First deal with true EMPTY nodes (no attributes or text), ; these are coming back as ; null strings on the childValue and an empty myhash, ; not as null _text nodes, so we put them into text nodes ; Now they look like myhash got a return and can be handled ; like other elements. IF (n_elements(myhash) eq 0 and childValue EQ '' and childname NE '_text') THEN BEGIN myhash['_text'] = '' ENDIF ; Non empty _text and _comments IF (childValue NE '' && (childName EQ '_text' || childname EQ '_comment')) THEN BEGIN ; Concatenate these strings with a single space if multiple multiple = 0 IF (N_ELEMENTS(childHash) NE 0) THEN $ multiple = STREGEX((childHash.Keys()).ToArray(),childName,/boolean) IF (total(multiple)) THEN $ childHash[childName] = childHash[childName] + ' ' + childValue $ ELSE $ childHash[childName] = childValue ; Elements will have a non null myhash ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (N_ELEMENTS(myhash) NE 0) THEN BEGIN elName = childName IF (elNames[0] EQ '') THEN BEGIN ; First one elNames = [elName] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN elNames = [elNames,elName] ENDELSE ; Check for Repeat of elName. ; If so, then create a list or add to list whsame = where(elNames EQ elName,nsame) ; Second time a nodename is used create a list ; extract value from first hash and add new hash value IF (nsame EQ 2) THEN $ ; one previous element with this name childHash[elName] = LIST(childHash[elName],myhash) IF (nsame GT 2) THEN BEGIN ; this element already a list by now elList = childHash[elName] elList.Add,myhash childHash[elName] = elList ENDIF IF (nsame LT 2) THEN $ ; no previous element with this name childHash[elName] = myhash ; print,": ", ; print,"childName: ",childName ; print,"childValue: ",childValue ; print,'childHash.keys: ',childHash.keys(),'childHash.values: ',childHash.values() ; print,'myhash.keys ',myhash.keys() ENDIF ENDELSE oChild = oChild->GetNextSibling() ENDWHILE ; end loop to get all children RETURN, childHash END ; PRO XML2IDL8