;+ ;NAME: ; getxy ;PURPOSE: ; Routine that uses the cursor to select points. ;- pro getxy,x,y $ ,psym = psym $ ,norm = norm $ ,device = device $ ,continue = cont if (!d.flags and 128) eq 0 then begin message,/info,"Sorry, can't read the cursor with current device ("+!d.name+")" return endif if n_elements(psym) eq 0 then psym = -1 !ERR = 0 ;x = 0 ;y = 0 n = 0 count = 0 wi & print,'Left click on Plot to select points, right click to quit' while !ERR ne 4 do begin cursor,px,py,/down,norm=norm,device=device if !err eq 1 then begin if count eq 0 then begin x = px y = py endif else begin x = [x,px] y = [y,py] endelse plots,px,py,psym = psym,continue=n,norm=norm,device=device if keyword_set(cont) then n = n+1 count = count+1 print,px,py endif endwhile end