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Last modified: Thu Aug 6 12:53:14 2020.

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Routine Descriptions


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 FUNCTION:	auroral_zone

 PURPOSE:	IDL function to calculate auroral zone position as a 

		function of magnetic local time (mlt: 0.0-24.0 hours), 

		activity index Q (q: 0-6).

		Returns corrected geomagnetic colatitude in radians.

 OPTIONS:	To return poleward edge, set poleward.

		To return latitude, set latitude.

		To return value for southern oval, set south.

		To return value in degrees, set degrees.

 See Holzworth & Meng, GRL 2, p. 377, 1975.

 Originally written by J. Clemmons, June 1993.

 Corrected by J.Rauchleiba under the direction of Mike Temerin Apr 1997.

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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 FUNCTION:   auroral_zone_ssc

 PURPOSE:    Given an array of MLT values, returns latitudes of the

             auroral zone boundaries.  The definition of the 

             auroral zone is that used by the Satellite Situation

             Center.  It is basically the area between two

             sinusoidally-perturbed concentric circles centered on

             the magnetic pole. 

             Output is equatorward latitude in Geomagnetic

             Coordinates, and in radians unles DEGREES is set.


   MLTINPUT  The input array of MLT values.  Elements should look

             like [0, .1, .2, ...,  23.9, 24.0]


   POLEWARD  Set this to a named variable to receive the poleward

             latitude values.

   SOUTH     Set this keyword to one if a reflection through the

             magnetic equator is desired.  This gives

             S. Hem. coordinates.

   DEGREES   Set this keyword to get the coordinates in degrees,

             otherwise output is in radians.

 NOTES:      The definition of the auroral zones used here is that

             accepted by the SSC.  See also:

 CREATED:    By Joseph Rauchleiba


(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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 	take args for year and day of year and return 

	(double float) seconds since 1 Jan 1970, 00:00 UT.



    	print, datesec_doy(75, 134)


	gives result:



	does not handle years past 1999; year must be two digit.


	@(#)	1.3 01/26/99

 	written by Ken Bromund, Space Sciences Lab, Berkeley.  May, 1991

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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	function to return seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00 UT, from date and 

 	time given as day, month, year, hour, minute, second, millisecond. 




    ; set up a date and time (21 Mar '91, 00:01:01.000)

	doy = 80

	year = 91

	hour = 0

	min = 1

	sec = 1

	msc = 0	


    ; convert to seconds


	sec_date_time = datetimesec_doy(year, doy, hour, min, sec, msc)


    ; print it out


	PRINT, sec_date_time

 --- Sample output would be 





	If any of the fields are are out of range, the value will be carried.

	e.g. given date and time of 31/12/90, 25:01:00.1001, this will be

	converted to   1/1/91, 01:01:01: 001

	If any of the input values are negitive, this is an error and -1 will


	This function can return seconds of days, or seconds since 1970 only

	by calling it with dates or times set to zero.

	If input values are arrays, then an array of N_ELEMENTS(inputs vals) 

	of date strings and remainders will be returned.  The number of

	array elements for all input parameters must be the same


	@(#)	1.2 01/26/99 	

 	Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran,  University of 

 	California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab.   Sep. '91

	Revised to handle arrays of input values, JML, Mar. '92

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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 FUNCTION:	dipole_offset

 PURPOSE:	Calculate the location of the dipole using the IGRF

		coefficients and their secular variation.  IGRF coefficients

		are the coefficients used in the spherical harmonic

		expansion of the earth's magnetic field and there is a

		standard formula for converting the first few of these

		coefficients to dipole offset.

		This version is accurate for years 1995-2000

		Returns a 3-element vector in kilometers.

 INPUT:	Optional argument is 4-digit year

 Algorithm by:	Mike Temerin

 Written by:	J.Rauchleiba  4/8/97

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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    Keeps track of parasites on the pedal area of the body.  Adds

    timeticks and text labels to a path plotted on a map of the

    earth.  The latitudes and longitudes, as well as the

    corresponding time array, must be passed through keywords.  This

    procedure was written for


    TIME_ARRAY The time array corresponding to the FLAT and FLNG


    LATITUDE   The latitude array.

    LONGITUDE  The longitude array.

    LATLIM     The absolute value of lattitude above which (below in

               S. hem.) to confine timeticks on the plot. Default is

               45 degrees.

    INTERVAL   The interval in seconds on which ticks are marked.

               Default is 300 sec.

    COLOR      The color of the labels


    BY         J.Rauchleiba

    DATE       97-9-12

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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PROCEDURE:	mag_to_geo

PURPOSE:	Converts lattitude and longitude between MAG 

		and GEO coordinates.

		Uses a simple transformation matrix from Kivelson

		and Russell, "Intro to Space Physics" which is not

		very accurate in the polar regions.

PARAMETERS:	lat	The array of lattitudes.(In radians unless

			degrees keyword set.)

		lon	The array of longitudes.(in radians unless

			degrees keyword set.)

KEYWORDS:	degrees	Set this if both input and output are to be

			in degrees.

		mag	Set this to do the inverse transformation,

			GEO to MAG coordinates.

Created by:	J.Rauchleiba	1/7/97

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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PROCEDURE:	plot_fa_crossing


	Plots magnetic footprint of spacecraft across earth. (FLAT,FLNG)

	Shows the night/day terminator, auroral ovals, apogee and perigee

	footprints, etc.  (See examples below.)

       Keywords are grouped into categories: TIMESPAN, VIEW, DISPLAY,



	ORBIT	The orbit to plot. If unset, will plot over interval

		containing present time and show craft position right now

		(unless TMIN and TMAX are set).  ORBIT cannot be greater than

		the last orbit listed in the predicted orbit almanac file.

  TMIN, TMAX	Time points to be included on the chart.  Use these if

               you want to display timespan in distant future.

               Should not be more than a couple hours apart.  Format

               of TMIN and TMAX must be the type of string accepted

               by str_to_time() or a double float in seconds since

               1970.  ORBIT must not be set if these keywords are to

               be used.  These times will be labeled on the map as t1

               and t2.  (Good for showing AOS and LOS taken from

               contact schedules.)

	XMARK	Set this to a time (string or double float) to have that point

               labeled on the map as a big X.  If none of ORBIT,

               TMIN, TMAX are set then this time will be used as the

               reference time for which to create the plot.  (Good

               for showing conjunctions.)



		Set any of these for an overhead view of the station.

   VIEWPOINT   This allows arbitrary views of the Earth. Should be a

               3-element array designating lattitude, longitude, and

               rotation in degrees.

	WHOLE	If set, will not confine plot to polar regions.

	SOUTH	Set to view earth from directly over South Pole.

     MAGPOLE   View from above the magnetic pole with magnetic local

               noon at the top of the plot.  Gridlines are still

               geographic.  Poles are not symmetric because of the

               eccentric dipole.  (When this keyword is not set

               the display defaults to above the geographic poles,

               with geographic local noon at the top.)

        ZOOM   Enlarges the map. 1 is normal, 2 is twice as big.

               See WINSIZE keyword for zooming in postscript mode.


     WINSIZE	The width of the plot window in pixels. Default width is

               640.  Height is scaled automatically so that lattitude

               lines will be circular when output on a Tek printer:

               H = W * 1.031.  In PostScript mode (POST keyword set),

               WINSIZE acts like a magnification factor; WINSIZE=10

               is normal.

	  PC	Set this to nonzero if you are using a windowing system

		that does not provide backing store to retain hidden

		windows.  This keyword also sets the VECTOR_FONTS keyword.

	GREY	Set this keyword to output the plot in greyscale.

		(Run @startup to restore colortable.)

       FILL    Fills oceans and continents with solid color to make a

               pretty plot.  Setting this keyword when printing to

               a color printer is discouraged.

  VECTOR_FONTS Disable switch to device (hardware) font from

               (default) Hershey vector-drawn fonts.  Device fonts

               may be prettier, but vector fonts are device


	POST    Set this to a filename to direct the ouput to an 8-bit color

               postscript file instead of the graphics window.  When

               viewing the postscript file, be sure your viewer is

               set to 8 bits, not 24, and that it is displaying

               "perfect colors".  (Do not add ".ps" to the name.)

        GIF    Captures the image on the output graphics window to a

               GIF file.  (Add ".gif" to the name yourself.)


    ACTIVITY	Set the Activity Index of aurora. ( 0-6, default 3)

     SSCZONE   Show the auroral zone used by the Satellite Situation

               Center instead of the one from Holzworth and Meng.

               (THIS IS NOT PERFECTED YET.) See

               and notes below.


      POLAR    Plots the magnetic footprint of the POLAR spacecraft

               and information about its closest approach to that of

               FAST.  Good for finding conjunctions or displaying

               known ones. (For a description of how POLAR orbit data

               is obtained, see the documentation for


   DRAG_PROP   If set, the orbit propagator will include the effects

               of atmospheric drag.  The orbit track may be

               inaccurate by a few degrees for propagations as short

               as a few weeks.  This keyword minimizes this error.

ALMANAC_INFO   Prints a line under the plot title telling the orbit

               file used, the last epoch in that orbit file, and

               whether or not drag was included in the orbit propagation.

   EXAMPLES:   Show what FAST is doing now, and make it pretty:

               IDL>  plot_fa_crossing, /fill

               Show what FAST is doing for Christmas, make output

               greyscale, and copy output to a GIF file:

               IDL>  plot_fa_crossing, xmark='98-12-25/00:00:00', $

                     gif='~/images/northpole.gif', /grey

               Show the polar crossing of orbit 3000 from a

               bird's-eye view over Canberra, and send the output to

               an 8-bit color postscript file:

               IDL>  plot_fa_crossing, /can, post='~/images/orb3000', $



AURORAL ZONE:	The auroral zone is drawn using a procedure by Jim

               Clemens (suggested by Holzworth & Meng, and corrected

               by Mike Temerin).  The source for this procedure is

               "Mathematical Representation of the Auroral Oval",

               R.H. Holzworth and C.-I. Meng, Geophysical Research

               Letters, Vol.2, No.9, Sept 1975.

               The mathematical representation of the auroral ovals

               is found by fitting Feldstein statistical ovals in

               corrected geomagnetic coordinates to a 7-parameter

               Fourier series:


		theta =  A1  +  A2 cos(phi + A3)

		      +  A4 cos(2phi + 2A5)

		      +  A6 cos(3phi + 3A7)

		theta = corrected geomagnetic co-lattitude

		phi = 2(pi)(MLT)/(24hrs)

               The best fit constants are found for each value of

               Q=0..6, where Q is the activity index which describes

               how quiet (0) or active (6) the Feldstein auroral

               ovals are.  The characteristic radius A1 of the ovals

               increases monotonically with Q. (Source: Holzworth and


               The function generates the southern

               auroral oval by reflection of the northern oval

               through the magnetic equator.

               The formula in Holzworth and Meng gives the ovals in

               corrected geomagnetic coordinates.  The procedure

      converts them to geograhic

               coordinates using the eccentric dipole model.

CREATED BY:    J.Rauchleiba            96-12-20

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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PROCEDURE:	rerange

PURPOSE:	Reformats arrays so they may be plotted as

		lattitude and longitude.  Changes arrays so

		that they are in the intervals [-pi/2, +pi/2]

		and [-pi, +pi]. Can change both lattitude and 

		longitude or just longitude.

ARGUMENTS:	lng	The longitude array in radians.

		lat	The corresponding lattitude array in

			radians. (Optional)

KEYWORDS:	degrees	Set this to return the arrays in degrees.

Created by:	J.Rauchleiba	12/20/96

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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 Function to return seconds of a day, given the time in hours, minutes, 

 seconds and milliseconds.




    ; set up a time (00:01:01.001)

	hour = 0.

	min = 1.

	sec = 1.

	msc = 1.

    ; convert to seconds


	seconds = secofday(hour, min, sec, msc)


    ; print it out


	PRINT, seconds

 --- Sample output would be 





	If input seconds is an array, then an array of N_ELEMENTS(inputs vals) 

	of date strings and remainders will be returned.

	The number of array elements for all input parameters must be the same


	@(#)	1.2 06/04/95 	

 	Originally written by Jonathan M. Loran,  University of 

 	California at Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab.   Sep. '91

	Revised to handle arrays of input values, JML, Jan. '92

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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PROCEDURE:	terminator

PURPOSE:	Generates lattitude and longitude arrays for the

		night/day terminator given an input time.

		Values returned are in Geographic coordinates.


	TIME	The input time in seconds since 1970.



	TLAT	The name of the array in which to return the

		lattitude values of the terminator.

	TLNG	The name of the array in which to return the

		longitude values of the terminator

Created by:	J.Rauchleiba	97-25

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/


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 PROCEDURE:	transform_mag_geo

 PURPOSE:	Convert lattitudes and longitudes between MAG and GEO 

		coordinate systems using the eccentric dipole model.

		Transformation is from MAG to GEO unless INVERSE is set.

		Transformation is performed at <Re> + 100km = 6472.1 km


   LAT		The input lattitude array. (Not altered)

   LNG		The input longitude array. (Not altered)

   TLAT	Named variable to accept transformed lattitudes.

   TLNG	Named variable to accept transformed longitudes.


   YEAR	The 4-digit year.

   DEGREES	If nonzero, input and ouput in degrees.

   INVERSE	If nonzero, tranformation is from GEO to MAG.


   MAG --> GEO:

   When transforming from MAG to GEO, LAT and LNG are assumed to

   refer to points Re=6372.1 km from the earth's dipole center.

   (This does not necessarily place them on the surface of the earth.)

   The points are propagated to <Re> + 100km and then their

   coordinates are converted to the GEO system through a rotation

   followed by a translation.

   This procedure is inaccurate for points where field lines are nearly

   orthogonal to lines through the dipole center, i.e. near the equator.

   GEO --> MAG:

   When transforming from GEO to MAG, LAT and LNG are assumed to

   refer to points Re + 100km from the center of the earth.

   Since this one is simply the inverse of the above transformation, we

   do the inverse translation followed by the inverse rotation.

   Right now, the GEO to MAG transformation is less accurate than its

   inverse; it does not propagate along field lines during the

   translation to the dipole center.



 WRITTEN BY:	J. Rauchleiba	4/14/97

 ALGORITHM BY: M. Temerin, G. Kaplan, J. Rauchleiba

(See general/missions/fast/fa_general/fast_orbit/