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Last modified: Thu Aug 6 12:53:14 2020.

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       Close a FITS data file



       FCB: FITS control block returned by FITS_OPEN.

       /NO_ABORT: Set to return to calling program instead of a RETALL
               when an I/O error is encountered.  If set, the routine will
               return  a non-null string (containing the error message) in the
               keyword MESSAGE.   If /NO_ABORT not set, then FITS_CLOSE will 
               print the message and issue a RETALL
       MESSAGE = value: Output error message
       Open a FITS file, read some data, and close it with FITS_CLOSE


       Written by:     D. Lindler      August, 1995
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Do nothing if fcb an invalid structure D. Schlegel/W. Landsman Oct. 2000
       Return Message='' for to signal normal operation W. Landsman Nov. 2000

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


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       Opens a FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data file.

       Used by FITS_READ and FITS_WRITE

       FITS_OPEN, filename, fcb

       filename : name of the FITS file to open, scalar string
                  FITS_OPEN can also open gzip compressed (.gz) file *for 
                  reading only*, although there is a performance penalty 
                  FPACK ( ) 
                  compressed FITS files can be read provided that the FPACK 
                  software is installed.
       fcb : (FITS Control Block) a IDL structure containing information
               concerning the file.  It is an input to FITS_READ, FITS_WRITE
               FITS_CLOSE and MODFITS.  
       /APPEND: Set to append to an existing file.
       /FPACK - Signal that the file is compressed with the FPACK software. 
      ) By default, 
               FITS_OPEN assumes that if the file name extension ends in 
               .fz that it is fpack compressed.     The FPACK software must
               be installed on the system 
       /HPRINT - print headers with routine HPRINT as they are read.
               (useful for debugging a strange file)
       /NO_ABORT: Set to quietly return to calling program when an I/O error  
               is encountered, and return  a non-null string
               (containing the error message) in the keyword MESSAGE.    
               If /NO_ABORT not set, then FITS_OPEN will display the error 
               message and return to the calling program.
       /UPDATE Set this keyword to open an existing file for update
       /WRITE: Set this keyword to open a new file for writing. 

       MESSAGE = value: Output error message.    If the FITS file was opened
               successfully, then message = ''.
       The output FCB should be passed to the other FITS routines (FITS_OPEN,
       FITS_READ, FITS_HELP, and FITS_WRITE).  It has the following structure
       when FITS_OPEN is called without /WRITE or /APPEND keywords set.

           FCB.FILENAME - name of the input file
               .UNIT - unit number the file is opened to
               .FCOMPRESS - 1 if unit is a FPACK compressed file opened with
                    a pipe to SPAWN
               .NEXTEND - number of extensions in the file.
               .XTENSION - string array giving the extension type for each
               .EXTNAME - string array giving the extension name for each
                       extension. (null string if not defined the extension)
               .EXTVER - vector of extension version numbers (0 if not
               .EXTLEVEL - vector of extension levels (0 if not defined)
               .GCOUNT - vector with the number of groups in each extension.
               .PCOUNT - vector with parameter count for each group
               .BITPIX - BITPIX for each extension with values
                                  8    byte data
                                16     short word integers
                                32     long word integers
                               -32     IEEE floating point
                               -64     IEEE double precision floating point
               .NAXIS - number of axes for each extension.  (0 for null data
               .AXIS - 2-D array where axis(*,N) gives the size of each axes
                       for extension N
               .START_HEADER - vector giving the starting byte in the file
                               where each extension header begins
               .START_DATA - vector giving the starting byte in the file
                               where the data for each extension begins

               .HMAIN - keyword parameters (less standard required FITS
                               keywords) for the primary data unit.
               .OPEN_FOR_WRITE - flag (0= open for read, 1=open for write, 
                                                2=open for update)
               .LAST_EXTENSION - last extension number read.
               .RANDOM_GROUPS - 1 if the PDU is random groups format,
                               0 otherwise
               .NBYTES - total number of (uncompressed) bytes in the FITS file

       When FITS open is called with the /WRITE or /APPEND option, FCB

           FCB.FILENAME - name of the input file
               .UNIT - unit number the file is opened to
               .NEXTEND - number of extensions in the file.
               .OPEN_FOR_WRITE - flag (1=open for write, 2=open for append
                                       3=open for update)

       Open a FITS file for reading:

       Open a new FITS file for output:
       GET_PIPE_FILESIZE (for Fcompress'ed files) HPRINT, SXDELPAR, SXPAR()
       Written by:     D. Lindler      August, 1995
       July, 1996      NICMOS  Modified to allow open for overwrite
                               to allow primary header to be modified
       DJL Oct. 15, 1996   corrected to properly extend AXIS when more
                       than 100 extensions present
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Use Message = '' rather than !ERR =1 as preferred signal of normal
           operation   W. Landsman  November 2000
       Lindler, Dec, 2001, Modified to use 64 bit words for storing byte
             positions within the file to allow support for very large
       Work with gzip compressed files W. Landsman    January 2003
       Fix gzip compress for V5.4 and earlier  W.Landsman/M.Fitzgerald Dec 2003 
       Assume since V5.3 (STRSPLIT, OPENR,/COMPRESS) W. Landsman Feb 2004
       Treat FTZ extension as gzip compressed W. Landsman Sep 2004
       Assume since V5.4 fstat.compress available W. Landsman Apr 2006
       FCB.Filename  now expands any wildcards W. Landsman July 2006
       Make ndata 64bit for very large files B. Garwood/W. Landsman Sep 2006
       Open with /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN, remove obsolete keywords to OPEN
                W. Landsman  Sep 2006
       Warn that one cannot open a compressed file for update W.L. April 2007
       Use post-V6.0 notation W.L. October 2010
       Support FPACK compressed files, new .FCOMPRESS tag to FCB structure
               W.L.  December 2010
       Read gzip'ed files even if gzip is not installed W.L. October 2012

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


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       To read a FITS file.

       FITS_READ, filename_or_fcb, data [,header, group_par]

       FILENAME_OR_FCB - this parameter can be the FITS Control Block (FCB)
               returned by FITS_OPEN or the file name of the FITS file.  If
               a file name is supplied, FITS_READ will open the file with
               FITS_OPEN and close the file with FITS_CLOSE before exiting.
               When multiple extensions are to be read from the file, it is
               more efficient for the user to call FITS_OPEN and leave the
               file open until all extensions are read. FPACK 
               ( ) compressed FITS 
               files can be read provided that the FPACK software is installed.  

       DATA - data array.  If /NOSCALE is specified, BSCALE and BZERO
               (if present in the header) will not be used to scale the data.
               If Keywords FIRST and LAST are used to read a portion of the
               data or the heap portion of an extension, no scaling is done
               and data is returned as a 1-D vector. The user can use the IDL
               function REFORM to convert the data to the correct dimensions
               if desired.  If /DATA_ONLY is specified, no scaling is done.
       HEADER - FITS Header.  The STScI inheritance convention is recognized
               If an extension is read, and the INHERIT keyword exists with a 
               value of T, and the /NO_PDU keyword keyword is not supplied, 
               then the primary data unit header and the extension header will
                be combined.  The header will have the form:

                       <required keywords for the extension: XTENSION, BITPIX,
                               NAXIS, ...>
                       BEGIN MAIN HEADER --------------------------------
                       <PDU header keyword and history less required keywords:
                               SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS, ...>
                       BEGIN EXTENSION HEADER ---------------------------
                       <extension header less required keywords that were
                               placed at the beginning of the header.
               The structure of the header is such that if a keyword is
               duplicated in both the PDU and extension headers, routine
               SXPAR will print a warning and return the extension value of
               the keyword. 

       GROUP_PAR - Group parameter block for FITS random groups format files
               or the heap area for variable length binary tables.
               Any scale factors in the header (PSCALn and PZEROn) are not
               applied to the group parameters.


       /NOSCALE: Set to return the FITS data without applying the scale
               factors BZERO and BSCALE.
       /HEADER_ONLY: set to read the header only.
       /DATA_ONLY: set to read the data only.  If set, if any scale factors
               are present (BSCALE or BZERO), they will not be applied.
       /NO_PDU: By default, FITS_READ will add the primary data unit header 
               keywords to the output header, *if* the header includes 
               INHERIT = T.   Set /NO_PDU to never append the primary header.
       /NO_ABORT: Set to return to calling program instead of a RETALL
               when an I/O error is encountered.  If set, the routine will
               return  a non-null string (containing the error message) in the
               keyword MESSAGE.    (For backward compatibility, the obsolete 
               system variable !ERR is also set to -1 in case of an error.)   
               If /NO_ABORT not set, then FITS_READ will print the message and
               issue a RETALL
       /NO_UNSIGNED - By default, if  the header indicates an unsigned integer
              (BITPIX = 16, BZERO=2^15, BSCALE=1) then FITS_READ will output 
               an IDL unsigned integer data type (UINT).   But if /NO_UNSIGNED
               is set, then the data is converted to type LONG.  
       /PDU - If set, then always add the primary data unit header keywords
              to the output header, even if the INHERIT=T keyword is not found
              This was the default behavior of FITS_READ prior to April 2007
       EXTEN_NO - extension number to read.  If not set, the next extension
               in the file is read.  Set to 0 to read the primary data unit.
       XTENSION - string name of the xtension to read
       EXTNAME - string name of the extname to read
       EXTVER - integer version number to read
       EXTLEVEL - integer extension level to read
       FIRST - set this keyword to only read a portion of the data.  It gives
               the first word of the data to read
       LAST - set this keyword to only read a portion of the data.  It gives
               the last word number of the data to read
       GROUP - group number to read for GCOUNT>1.  (Default=0, the first group)
       ENUM - Output extension number that was read.  
       MESSAGE = value: Output error message

       Determination or which extension to read.
               case 1: EXTEN_NO specified. EXTEN_NO will give the number of the
                       extension to read.  The primary data unit is refered
                       to as extension 0. If EXTEN_NO is specified, XTENSION,
                       EXTNAME, EXTVER, and EXTLEVEL parameters are ignored.
               case 2: if EXTEN_NO is not specified, the first extension
                       with the specified XTENSION, EXTNAME, EXTVER, and
                       EXTLEVEL will be read.  If any of the 4 parameters
                       are not specified, they will not be used in the search.
                       Setting EXTLEVEL=0, EXTVER=0, EXTNAME='', or
                       XTENSION='' is the same as not supplying them.
               case 3: if none of the keyword parameters, EXTEN_NO, XTENSION,
                       EXTNAME, EXTVER, or EXTLEVEL are supplied.  FITS_READ
                       will read the next extension in the file.  If the
                       primary data unit (PDU), extension 0, is null, the
                       first call to FITS_READ will read the first extension
                       of the file.

               The only way to read a null PDU is to use EXTEN_NO = 0.

       If FIRST and LAST are specified, the data is returned without applying
       any scale factors (BSCALE and BZERO) and the data is returned in a
       1-D vector.  This will allow you to read any portion of a multiple
       dimension data set.  Once returned, the IDL function REFORM can be
       used to place the correct dimensions on the data.

       IMPLICIT IMAGES: FITS_READ will construct an implicit image
               for cases where NAXIS=0 and the NPIX1, NPIX2, and PIXVALUE
               keywords are present.  The output image will be:
                       image = replicate(PIXVALUE,NPIX1,NPIX2)

      FPACK compressed files are always closed and reopened when exiting 
      FITS_READ so that the pointer is set to the beginning of the file. (Since 
      FPACK files are opened with a bidirectional pipe rather than OPEN, one 
      cannot use POINT_LUN to move to a specified position in the file.)

       Read the primary data unit of a FITS file, if it is null read the
       first extension:
               FITS_READ, 'myfile.fits', data, header

       Read the first two extensions of a FITS file and the extension with
       EXTNAME = 'FLUX' and EXTVER = 4
               FITS_OPEN, 'myfile.fits', fcb
               FITS_READ, fcb,data1, header2, exten_no = 1
               FITS_READ, fcb,data1, header2, exten_no = 2
               FITS_READ, fcb,data3, header3, extname='flux', extver=4
               FITS_CLOSE, fcb
       Read the sixth image in a data cube for the fourth extension.

               FITS_OPEN, 'myfile.fits', fcb
               image_number = 6
               ns = fcb.axis(0,4)
               nl = fcb.axis(1,4)
               i1 = (ns*nl)*(image_number-1)
               i2 = i2 + ns*nl-1
               image = reform(image,ns,nl,/overwrite)

       In Sep 2006, FITS_OPEN was modified to open FITS files using the
       /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN keyword to OPEN, so that subsequent routines 
       (FITS_READ, FITS_WRITE) did not require any byte swapping.    An error
       may result if an pre-Sep 2006 version of FITS_OPEN is used with a 
       post Sep 2006 version of FITS_READ, FITS_WRITE or MODFITS.
       Written by:     D. Lindler, August 1995
       Avoid use of !ERR       W. Landsman   August 1999
       Read unsigned datatypes, added /no_unsigned   W. Landsman December 1999
       Don't call FITS_CLOSE unless fcb is defined   W. Landsman January 2000
       Set BZERO = 0 for unsigned integer data   W. Landsman  January 2000
       Only call IEEE_TO_HOST if needed          W. Landsman February 2000
       Ensure EXTEND keyword in primary header   W. Landsman April 2001
       Don't erase ERROR message when closing file  W. Landsman April 2002
       Assume at least V5.1 remove NANValue keyword  W. Landsman November 2002
       Work with compress files (read file size from fcb),
       requires updated (Jan 2003) version of FITS_OPEN W. Landsman Jan 2003
       Do not modify BSCALE/BZERO for  unsigned integers W. Landsman April 2006
       Asuume FITS_OPEN has opened the file with /SWAP_IF_LITTLE_ENDIAN
                         W. Landsman   September 2006
       Fix problem with /DATA_ONLY keyword  M.Buie/W.Landsman  October 2006
       Only append primary header if INHERIT=T  W. Landsman  April 2007
       Make ndata 64bit for very large files E. Hivon/W. Landsman May 2007
       Added /PDU keyword to always append primary header W. Landsman June 2007
       Use PRODUCT to compute # of data points   W. Landsman  May 2009
       Make sure FIRST is long64 when computing position W.L. October 2009
       Read FPACK compressed files, W.L.  December 2010
       Don't assume FCB has a FCOMPRESS tag  W.L./Satori UeNO   September 2012

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


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	Retrieve the first part of a (vector) string up to a specified character
	GET TOKen - Retrieve first part of string until the character char 
	is encountered.   

	token = gettok( st, char, [ /EXACT, /NOTRIM ] )

	char - character separating tokens, scalar string

	st - string to get token from (on output token is removed unless
            /NOTRIM is set), scalar or vector

	token - extracted string value is returned, same dimensions as st
       /EXACT -  The default behaviour of GETTOK is to remove any leading 
              blanks and (if the token is a blank) convert tabs to blanks.    
              Set the /EXACT keyword to skip these steps and leave the 
              input string unchanged before searching for the  character 

      /NOTRIM - if set, then the input string is left unaltered 
	If ST is ['abc=999','x=3.4234'] then gettok(ST,'=') would return
	['abc','x'] and ST would be left as ['999','3.4234'] 

	version 1  by D. Lindler APR,86
	Remove leading blanks    W. Landsman (from JKF)    Aug. 1991
       V5.3 version, accept vector input   W. Landsman February 2000
       Slightly faster implementation  W. Landsman   February 2001
       Added EXACT keyword  W. Landsman March 2004
       Assume since V5.4, Use COMPLEMENT keyword to WHERE W. Landsman Apr 2006
       Added NOTRIM keyword W. L. March 2011

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


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       Display a FITS header (or other string array) 
       On a GUI terminal, the string array is displayed using XDISPSTR.    
       If printing at a non-GUI terminal, the string array is  printed 1 line 
       at a  time, to make sure that each element of the string array is 
       displayed on a separate line. 

       HPRINT, h, [ firstline ]

       H - FITS header (or any other string array).

       FIRSTLINE - scalar integer specifying the first line to begin 
               displaying.   The default is FIRSTLINE = 1, i.e. display 
               all the lines.     If Firstline is negative, then the first
               line to be printed is counted backward from the last line.

       When displaying at the terminal, HPRINT has the following differences 
       from the intrinsic PRINT procedure

       (1) Arrays are printed one line at a time to avoid a space between 80
               character lines
       (2) Lines are trimmed with STRTRIM before being printed to speed up 
       (3) The /more option is used for output. 

       Read the header from a FITS file named 'test.fits' and display it at the
       terminal beginning with line 50

       IDL> h = headfits( 'test.fits')         ;Read FITS header
       IDL> hprint, h, 50                      ;Display starting at line 50

       To print the last 25 lines of the header

       IDL> hprint, h, -25

       Written W. Landsman                     July, 1990
       Added test for user quit                July, 1991
       Added optional FIRSTLINE parameter      November, 1992
       Modified for when STDOUT is not a TTY W. Landsman  September 1995
       Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997
       Fixed printing in IDLDE, C. Gehman      August, 1998
       Skip PRINTF if IDL in demo mode  W. Landsman  October 2004
       Fixed bug on non-terminals, William Thompson, 18-Oct-2004
       Assume since V5.4 Use BREAK instead of GOTO  W. Landsman Apr 2006
       Call XDISPSTR on a GUI terminal  W. Landsman Jun 2006

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


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       Skip a number of bytes from the current location in a file or a pipe
       First tries using POINT_LUN and if this doesn't work, perhaps because
       the unit is a pipe or a socket, MRD_SKIP will just read in the 
       requisite number  of bytes.    
       MRD_SKIP, Unit, Nskip

       Unit - File unit for the file or pipe in question, integer scalar
       Nskip - Number of bytes to be skipped, positive integer
       This routine should be used in place of POINT_LUN wherever a pipe
       or socket may be the input unit (see the procedure FXPOSIT for an 
       example).   Note that it assumes that it can only work with nskip >= 0 
       so it doesn't even try for negative values.      

       For reading a pipe, MRD_SKIP currently uses a maximum buffer size
       of 8 MB.   This chunk value can be increased for improved efficiency
       (or decreased if you really have little memory.)
       Written, Thomas A. McGlynn    July 1995
	Don't even try to skip bytes on a pipe with POINT_LUN, since this
	might reset the current pointer     W. Landsman        April 1996
       Increase buffer size, check fstat.compress W. Landsman  Jan 2001
       Only a warning if trying read past EOF   W. Landsman   Sep 2001
       Use 64bit longword for skipping in very large files W. Landsman Sep 2003
       Assume since V5.4, fstat.compress available W. Landsman April 2006
       POINT_LUN for compressed files is as fast as any W. Landsman Oct 2006
       Don't try to use POINT_LUN on compressed files W. Landsman Dec. 2006

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
       Read a FITS file into IDL data and header variables. 
       READFITS() can read FITS files compressed with gzip or Unix (.Z) 
       compression.  FPACK ( )
       compressed FITS files can also be read provided that the FPACK software
       is installed.
       See for other ways of
       reading FITS files with IDL.   

       Result = READFITS( Filename/Fileunit,[ Header, heap, /NOSCALE, EXTEN_NO=,
                     NSLICE=, /SILENT , STARTROW =, NUMROW = , HBUFFER=,
                     /CHECKSUM, /COMPRESS, /FPACK, /No_Unsigned, NaNVALUE = ]

       Filename = Scalar string containing the name of the FITS file  
                 (including extension) to be read.   If the filename has
                  a *.gz extension, it will be treated as a gzip compressed
                  file.   If it has a .Z extension, it will be treated as a
                  Unix compressed file.     If Filename is an empty string then
                  the user will be queried for the file name.
       Fileunit - A scalar integer specifying the unit of an already opened
                  FITS file.  The unit will remain open after exiting 
                  READFITS().  There are two possible reasons for choosing 
                  to specify a unit number rather than a file name:
          (1) For a FITS file with many extensions, one can move to the 
              desired extensions with FXPOSIT() and then use READFITS().  This
              is more efficient than repeatedly starting at the beginning of 
              the file.
          (2) For reading a FITS file across a Web http: address after opening
              the unit with the SOCKET procedure 

       Result = FITS data array constructed from designated record.
                If the specified file was not found, then Result = -1

       Header = String array containing the header from the FITS file.
              If you don't need the header, then the speed may be improved by
              not supplying this parameter.    Note however, that omitting 
              the header can imply /NOSCALE, i.e. BSCALE and BZERO values
              may not be applied.
       heap = For extensions, the optional heap area following the main
              data array (e.g. for variable length binary extensions).

       /CHECKSUM - If set, then READFITS() will call FITS_TEST_CHECKSUM to 
                verify the data integrity if CHECKSUM keywords are present
                in the FITS header.   Cannot be used with the NSLICE, NUMROW
                or STARTROW keywords, since verifying the checksum requires 
               that all the data be read.  See FITS_TEST_CHECKSUM() for more

       /COMPRESS - Signal that the file is gzip compressed.  By default, 
               READFITS will assume that if the file name extension ends in 
               '.gz' then the file is gzip compressed.   The /COMPRESS keyword
               is required only if the the gzip compressed file name does not 
               end in '.gz' or .ftz
       EXTEN_NO - non-negative scalar integer specifying the FITS extension to
               read.  For example, specify EXTEN = 1 or /EXTEN to read the 
               first FITS extension.   

       /FPACK - Signal that the file is compressed with the FPACK software. 
      ) By default, 
               (READFITS will assume that if the file name extension ends in 
               .fz that it is fpack compressed.     The FPACK software must
               be installed on the system 
        HBUFFER - Number of lines in the header, set this to slightly larger
                than the expected number of lines in the FITS header, to 
               improve performance when reading very large FITS headers. 
               Should be a multiple of 36 -- otherwise it will be modified
               to the next higher multiple of 36.   Default is 180

       /NOSCALE - If present and non-zero, then the ouput data will not be
                scaled using the optional BSCALE and BZERO keywords in the 
                FITS header.   Default is to scale.

       /NO_UNSIGNED - By default, if the header indicates an unsigned integer 
               (BITPIX = 16, BZERO=2^15, BSCALE=1) then READFITS() will output 
               an IDL unsigned integer data type (UINT).   But if /NO_UNSIGNED
               is set, then the data is converted to type LONG.  

       NSLICE - An integer scalar specifying which N-1 dimensional slice of a 
                N-dimensional array to read.   For example, if the primary 
                image of a file 'wfpc.fits' contains a 800 x 800 x 4 array, 

                 IDL> im = readfits('wfpc.fits',h, nslice=2)
                           is equivalent to 
                 IDL> im = readfits('wfpc.fits',h)
                 IDL> im = im[*,*,2]
                 but the use of the NSLICE keyword is much more efficient.
                 Note that any degenerate dimensions are ignored, so that the
                 above code would also work with a 800 x 800 x 4 x 1 array.

       NUMROW -  Scalar non-negative integer specifying the number of rows 
                 of the image or table extension to read.   Useful when one 
                 does not want to read the entire image or table.  

       POINT_LUN  -  Position (in bytes) in the FITS file at which to start
                 reading.   Useful if READFITS is called by another procedure
                 which needs to directly read a FITS extension.    Should 
                 always be a multiple of 2880, and not be used with EXTEN_NO

       /SILENT - Normally, READFITS will display the size the array at the
                 terminal.  The SILENT keyword will suppress this

        STARTROW - Non-negative integer scalar specifying the row
               of the image or extension table at which to begin reading. 
               Useful when one does not want to read the entire table.  

       NaNVALUE - This keyword is included only for backwards compatibility
                  with routines that require IEEE "not a number" values to be
                  converted to a regular value.

       /UNIXPIPE - When a FileUnit is supplied to READFITS(), then /UNIXPIPE
                 indicates that the unit is to a Unix pipe, and that 
                 no automatic byte swapping is performed.

       Read a FITS file test.fits into an IDL image array, IM and FITS 
       header array, H.   Do not scale the data with BSCALE and BZERO.

              IDL> im = READFITS( 'test.fits', h, /NOSCALE)

       If the file contains a FITS extension, it could be read with

              IDL> tab = READFITS( 'test.fits', htab, /EXTEN )

       The function TBGET() can be used for further processing of a binary 
       table, and FTGET() for an ASCII table.
       To read only rows 100-149 of the FITS extension,

              IDL> tab = READFITS( 'test.fits', htab, /EXTEN, 
                                   STARTR=100, NUMR = 50 )

       To read in a file that has been compressed:

              IDL> tab = READFITS('test.fits.gz',h)

       If an error is encountered reading the FITS file, then 
               (1) the system variable !ERROR_STATE.CODE is set negative 
                   (via the MESSAGE facility)
               (2) the error message is displayed (unless /SILENT is set),
                   and the message is also stored in !!ERROR_STATE.MSG
               (3) READFITS returns with a value of -1
       (1) Cannot handle random group FITS

       (1) If data is stored as integer (BITPIX = 16 or 32), and BSCALE
       and/or BZERO keywords are present, then the output array is scaled to 
       floating point (unless /NOSCALE is present) using the values of BSCALE
       and BZERO.   In the header, the values of BSCALE and BZERO are then 
       reset to 1. and 0., while the original values are written into the 
       new keywords O_BSCALE and O_BZERO.     If the BLANK keyword was
       present (giving the value of undefined elements *prior* to the 
       application of BZERO and BSCALE) then the *keyword* value will be
       updated with the values of BZERO and BSCALE.
       (2) The use of the NSLICE keyword is incompatible with the NUMROW
       or STARTROW keywords.

       (3) On some Unix shells, one may get a "Broken pipe" message if reading
        a Unix compressed (.Z) file, and not reading to the end of the file 
       (i.e. the decompression has not gone to completion).     This is an 
        informative message only, and should not affect the output of READFITS.   
       Functions:   SXPAR()
       Procedures:  MRD_SKIP, SXADDPAR, SXDELPAR

       Original Version written in 1988, W.B. Landsman   Raytheon STX
       Revision History prior to October 1998 removed          
       Major rewrite to eliminate recursive calls when reading extensions
                  W.B. Landsman  Raytheon STX                    October 1998
       Add /binary modifier needed for Windows  W. Landsman    April 1999
       Read unsigned datatypes, added /no_unsigned   W. Landsman December 1999
       Output BZERO = 0 for unsigned data types   W. Landsman   January 2000
       Update to V5.3 (see notes)  W. Landsman                  February 2000
       Fixed logic error in use of NSLICE keyword  W. Landsman  March 2000
       Fixed byte swapping for Unix compress files on little endian machines
                                    W. Landsman    April 2000
       Added COMPRESS keyword, catch IO errors W. Landsman September 2000
       Option to read a unit number rather than file name W.L    October 2001
       Fix undefined variable problem if unit number supplied W.L. August 2002
       Don't read entire header unless needed   W. Landsman  Jan. 2003
       Added HBUFFER keyword    W. Landsman   Feb. 2003
       Added CHECKSUM keyword   W. Landsman   May 2003
       Restored NaNVALUE keyword for backwards compatibility,
               William Thompson, 16-Aug-2004, GSFC
       Recognize .ftz extension as compressed  W. Landsman   September 2004
       Fix unsigned integer problem introduced Sep 2004 W. Landsman Feb 2005
       Don't modify header for unsigned integers, preserve double precision
           BSCALE value  W. Landsman March 2006
       Use gzip instead of compress for Unix compress files W.Landsman Sep 2006
       Call MRD_SKIP to skip bytes on different file types W. Landsman Oct 2006
       Make ndata 64bit for very large files E. Hivon/W. Landsman May 2007
       Fixed bug introduced March 2006 in applying Bzero C. Magri/W.L. Aug 2007
       Check possible 32bit overflow when using NSKIP W. Landsman Mar 2008
       Always reset BSCALE, BZERO even for unsigned integers W. Landsman May 2008
       Make ndata 64bit for very large extensions J. Schou/W. Landsman Jan 2009
       Use PRODUCT() to compute # of data points  W. Landsman  May 2009
       Read FPACK compressed file via UNIX pipe. W. Landsman May 2009
       Fix error using NUMROW,STARTROW with non-byte data, allow these 
           keywords to be used with primary array  W. Landsman July 2009
       Ignore degenerate trailing dimensions with NSLICE keyword W.L. Oct 2009
       Add DIALOG_PICKFILE() if filename is an empty string  W.L. Apr 2010
       Set BLANK values *before* applying BSCALE,BZERO, use short-circuit
           operators  W.L. May 2010
      Skip extra SPAWN with FPACK decompress J. Eastman, W.L. July 2010
      Fix possible problem when startrow=0 supplied J. Eastman/W.L. Aug 2010
      First header is not necessarily primary if unit supplied WL Jan 2011
      Fix test for 'SIMPLE' at beginning of header WL November 2012

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
       Replace all occurrences of one character with another in a text string.
       new = repchr(old, c1, [c2])
       old = original text string.          in
       c1 = character to replace.           in
       c2 = character to replace it with.   in
            default is space.
       new = edited string.                 out
       R. Sterner.  28 Oct, 1986.
       Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.
       RES 1 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN.
       R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array.

 Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
 This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
 sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made.  This
 routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
 whatsoever.  Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
	Converted to IDL V5.0   W. Landsman   September 1997

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
       Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array.

       SXADDPAR, Header, Name, Value, [ Comment,  Location, /SaveComment, 
                               BEFORE =, AFTER = , FORMAT= , /PDU]

       Header = String array containing FITS or STSDAS header.    The
               length of each element must be 80 characters.    If not 
               defined, then SXADDPAR will create an empty FITS header array.

       Name = Name of parameter. If Name is already in the header the value 
               and possibly comment fields are modified.  Otherwise a new 
               record is added to the header.  If name is equal to 'COMMENT'
               or 'HISTORY' or a blank string then the value will be added to 
               the record without replacement.  For these cases, the comment 
               parameter is ignored.

       Value = Value for parameter.  The value expression must be of the 
               correct type, e.g. integer, floating or string.  String values
                of 'T' or 'F' are considered logical values.

       Comment = String field.  The '/' is added by this routine.  Added 
               starting in position 31.    If not supplied, or set equal to 
               '', or /SAVECOMMENT is set, then the previous comment field is 
               retained (when found) 

       Location = Keyword string name.  The parameter will be placed before the
               location of this keyword.    This parameter is identical to
               the BEFORE keyword and is kept only for consistency with
               earlier versions of SXADDPAR.

       BEFORE  = Keyword string name.  The parameter will be placed before the
               location of this keyword.  For example, if BEFORE='HISTORY'
               then the parameter will be placed before the first history
               location.  This applies only when adding a new keyword;
               keywords already in the header are kept in the same position.

       AFTER   = Same as BEFORE, but the parameter will be placed after the
               location of this keyword.  This keyword takes precedence over

       FORMAT  = Specifies FORTRAN-like format for parameter, e.g. "F7.3".  A
               scalar string should be used.  For complex numbers the format
               should be defined so that it can be applied separately to the
               real and imaginary parts.  If not supplied then the default is
               'G19.12' for double precision, and 'G14.7' for floating point.

       /PDU    = specifies keyword is to be added to the primary data unit
               header. If it already exists, it's current value is updated in
               the current position and it is not moved.
       /SAVECOMMENT = if set, then any existing comment is retained, i.e. the
               COMMENT parameter only has effect if the keyword did not 
               previously exist in the header.
       Header = updated FITS header array.

       Add a keyword 'TELESCOP' with the value 'KPNO-4m' and comment 'Name
       of Telescope' to an existing FITS header h.

       IDL> sxaddpar, h, 'TELESCOPE','KPNO-4m','Name of Telescope'
       The functions SXADDPAR() and FXADDPAR() are nearly identical, with the
       major difference being that FXADDPAR forces required FITS keywords
       BITPIX, NAXISi, EXTEND, PCOUNT, GCOUNT to appear in the required order
       in the header, and FXADDPAR supports the OGIP LongString convention.   
       There is no particular reason for having two nearly identical 
       procedures, but both are too widely used to drop either one.

       All HISTORY records are inserted in order at the end of the header.

       All COMMENT records are also inserted in order at the end of the header
       header, but before the HISTORY records.  The BEFORE and AFTER keywords
       can override this.

       All records with no keyword (blank) are inserted in order at the end of
       the header, but before the COMMENT and HISTORY records.  The BEFORE and
       AFTER keywords can override this.

       Warning -- Parameters and names are not checked
               against valid FITS parameter names, values and types.

       DMS, RSI, July, 1983.
       D. Lindler Oct. 86  Added longer string value capability
       Converted to NEWIDL  D. Lindler April 90
       Added Format keyword, J. Isensee, July, 1990
       Added keywords BEFORE and AFTER. K. Venkatakrishna, May '92
       Pad string values to at least 8 characters   W. Landsman  April 94
       Aug 95: added /PDU option and changed routine to update last occurence
               of an existing keyword (the one SXPAR reads) instead of the
               first occurence.
       Comment for string data can start after column 32 W. Landsman June 97
       Make sure closing quote supplied with string value  W. Landsman  June 98
       Converted to IDL V5.0    W. Landsman   June 98
       Increase precision of default formatting of double precision floating
               point values.   C. Gehman, JPL  September 1998
       Mar 2000, D. Lindler, Modified to use capital E instead of lower case
               e for exponential formats.
       Apr 2000, Make user-supplied format upper-case  W. Landsman 
       Oct 2001, Treat COMMENT or blank string like HISTORY keyword W. Landsman
       Jan 2002, Allow BEFORE, AFTER to apply to COMMENT keywords W. Landsman
       June 2003, Added SAVECOMMENT keyword    W. Landsman
       Jan 2004, If END is missing, then add it at the end W. Landsman
       May 2005 Fix SAVECOMMENT error with non-string values W. Landsman
       Oct 2005 Jan 2004 change made SXADDPAR fail for empty strings W.L.
       May 2011 Fix problem with slashes in string values W.L. 

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
	Procedure to delete a keyword parameter(s) from a FITS header

	sxdelpar, h, parname

	h - FITS or STSDAS header, string array
	parname - string or string array of keyword name(s) to delete

	h - updated FITS header, If all lines are deleted from 
		the header, then h is returned with a value of 0

	Delete the astrometry keywords CDn_n from a FITS header, h

	IDL> sxdelpar, h, ['CD1_1','CD1_2','CD2_1','CD2_2']

	(1)  No message is returned if the keyword to be deleted is not found
	(2)  All appearances of a keyword in the header will be deleted
	version 1  D. Lindler Feb. 1987
	Test for case where all keywords are deleted    W. Landsman Aug 1995 
       Allow for headers with more than 32767 lines W. Landsman Jan. 2003
       Use ARRAY_EQUAL, cleaner syntax  W. L.  July 2009

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


[Previous Routine] [Next Routine] [List of Routines]
      Obtain the value of a parameter in a FITS header

      result = SXPAR( Hdr, Name, [ Abort, COUNT=, COMMENT =, /NoCONTINUE, 
                                           /SILENT  ])   

      Hdr =  FITS header array, (e.g. as returned by READFITS) 
             string array, each element should have a length of 80 characters      

      Name = String name of the parameter to return.   If Name is of the
             form 'keyword*' then an array is returned containing values of
             keywordN where N is a positive (non-zero) integer.  The value of 
             keywordN will be placed in RESULT[N-1].  The data type of RESULT 
             will be the type of the first valid match of keywordN found.

       ABORT - string specifying that SXPAR should do a RETALL
               if a parameter is not found.  ABORT should contain
               a string to be printed if the keyword parameter is not found.
               If not supplied, SXPAR will return quietly with COUNT = 0
               (and !ERR = -1) if a keyword is not found.

       /NOCONTINUE = If set, then continuation lines will not be read, even
                 if present in the header
       /SILENT - Set this keyword to suppress warning messages about duplicate
                 keywords in the FITS header.

       COUNT - Optional keyword to return a value equal to the number of 
               parameters found by SXPAR, integer scalar

       COMMENT - Array of comments associated with the returned values

       Function value = value of parameter in header.
               If parameter is double precision, floating, long or string,
               the result is of that type.  Apostrophes are stripped
               from strings.  If the parameter is logical, 1b is
               returned for T, and 0b is returned for F.
               If Name was of form 'keyword*' then a vector of values
               are returned.

       !ERR is set to -1 if parameter not found, 0 for a scalar
       value returned.  If a vector is returned it is set to the
       number of keyword matches found.    The use of !ERR is deprecated, and
       instead the COUNT keyword is preferred

       If a keyword (except HISTORY or COMMENT) occurs more than once in a 
       header, a warning is given, and the *last* occurence is used.

       Given a FITS header, h, return the values of all the NAXISi values
       into a vector.    Then place the history records into a string vector.

       IDL> naxisi = sxpar( h ,'NAXIS*')         ; Extract NAXISi value
       IDL> history = sxpar( h, 'HISTORY' )      ; Extract HISTORY records

       The first 8 chacters of each element of Hdr are searched for a 
       match to Name.  The value from the last 20 characters is returned.  
       An error occurs if there is no parameter with the given name.

       If a numeric value has no decimal point it is returned as type
       LONG.   If it contains more than 8 numerals, or contains the 
       characters 'D' or 'E', then it is returned as type DOUBLE.  Otherwise
       it is returned as type FLOAT.    Very large integer values, outside
       the range of valid LONG, are returned as DOUBLE.

       If the value is too long for one line, it may be continued on to the
       the next input card, using the OGIP CONTINUE convention.  For more info,

       Complex numbers are recognized as two numbers separated by one or more
       space characters.

       If a numeric value has no decimal point (or E or D) it is returned as
       type LONG.  If it contains more than 8 numerals, or contains the
       character 'D', then it is returned as type DOUBLE.  Otherwise it is
       returned as type FLOAT.    If an integer is too large to be stored as
       type LONG, then it is returned as DOUBLE.

       The functions SXPAR() and FXPAR() are nearly identical, although
       FXPAR() has slightly more sophisticated parsing, and additional keywords
       to specify positions in the header to search (for speed), and to force
       the output to a specified data type..   There is no
       particular reason for having two nearly identical procedures, but
       both are too widely used to drop either one.

       GETTOK(), VALID_NUM()
       DMS, May, 1983, STPAR Written.
       D. Lindler Jan 90 added ABORT input parameter
       J. Isensee Jul,90 added COUNT keyword
       W. Thompson, Feb. 1992, added support for FITS complex values.
       W. Thompson, May 1992, corrected problem with HISTORY/COMMENT/blank
               keywords, and complex value error correction.
       W. Landsman, November 1994, fix case where NAME is an empty string 
       W. Landsman, March 1995,  Added COMMENT keyword, ability to read
               values longer than 20 character
       W. Landsman, July 1995, Removed /NOZERO from MAKE_ARRAY call
       T. Beck May 1998, Return logical as type BYTE
       W. Landsman May 1998, Make sure integer values are within range of LONG
       W. Landsman Feb 1998, Recognize CONTINUE convention 
       W. Landsman Oct 1999, Recognize numbers such as 1E-10 as floating point
       W. Landsman Jan 2000, Only accept integer N values when name = keywordN
       W. Landsman Dec 2001, Optional /SILENT keyword to suppress warnings
       W. Landsman/D. Finkbeiner  Mar 2002  Make sure extracted vectors 
             of mixed data type are returned with the highest type.
       W.Landsman Aug 2008  Use vector form of VALID_NUM()
       W. Landsman Jul 2009  Eliminate internal recursive call
       W. Landsman Apr 2012  Require vector numbers be greater than 0

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/


[Previous Routine] [List of Routines]
     Check if a string is a valid number representation.
     The input string is parsed for characters that may possibly
     form a valid number.  It is more robust than simply checking
     for an IDL conversion error because that allows strings such
     as '22.3qwert' to be returned as the valid number 22.3

     This function had a major rewrite in August 2008 to use STREGEX
     and allow vector input.    It should be backwards compatible.
     IDL> status = valid_num(string  [,value]  [,/integer])
     string  -  the string to be tested, scalar or array
     status - byte scalar or array, same size as the input string
              set to 1 where the string is a  valid number, 0 for invalid
 OPTIONAL OUTPUT:               
     value     - The value the string decodes to, same size as input string.
           This will be returned as a double precision number unless 
           /INTEGER is present, in which case a long integer is returned.
    /INTEGER   -  if present code checks specifically for an integer.
     (1) IDL> print,valid_num(3.2,/integer) 
        --> 0     ;Since 3.2 is not an integer 
     (2) IDL> str =['-0.03','2.3g', '3.2e12']
         IDL> test = valid_num(str,val)
              test = [1,0,1]    &  val =  [-0.030000000 ,NaN ,3.2000000e+12]
          Version 1, C D Pike, RAL, 24-May-93
          Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 14 October 1994
                       Added optional output parameter VALUE to allow
                       VALID_NUM to replace STRNUMBER in FITS routines.
          Version 3 Wayne Landsman rewrite to use STREGEX, vectorize
          Version 4 W.L. (fix from C. Markwardt) Better Stregex expression, 
                    was missing numbers like '134.' before Jan 1 2010

(See general/misc/SSW/fits/