;+ ;FUNCTION: mvn_swe_getpad ;PURPOSE: ; Returns a SWEA PAD data structure constructed from L0 data or extracted ; from L2 data. This routine automatically determines which data are loaded. ; Optionally sums the data over a time range, propagating uncertainties. ; ;USAGE: ; pad = mvn_swe_getpad(time) ; ;INPUTS: ; time: An array of times for extracting one or more PAD data structure(s) ; from survey data (APID A2). Can be in any format accepted by ; time_double. ; ;KEYWORDS: ; ARCHIVE: Get PAD data from archive instead (APID A3). ; ; BURST: Synonym for ARCHIVE. ; ; ALL: Get all PAD spectra bounded by the earliest and latest times in ; the input time array. If no time array is specified, then get ; all PAD spectra from the currently loaded data. ; ; SUM: If set, then sum all PAD's selected. ; ; UNITS: Convert data to these units. (See mvn_swe_convert_units) ; Default = 'eflux'. ; ; SHIFTPOT: Correct for spacecraft potential. ; ; HIRES: Returns 0 for normal resolution (2-sec) data; returns 1 for ; high resolution (0.03-sec) data. ; ; $LastChangedBy: dmitchell $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2019-03-15 12:46:16 -0700 (Fri, 15 Mar 2019) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 26819 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_2/projects/maven/swea/mvn_swe_getpad.pro $ ; ;CREATED BY: David L. Mitchell 03-29-14 ;FILE: mvn_swe_getpad.pro ;- function mvn_swe_getpad, time, archive=archive, all=all, sum=sum, units=units, burst=burst, $ shiftpot=shiftpot, hires=hires @mvn_swe_com delta_t = 1.95D/2D ; PAD start time to center time if keyword_set(burst) then archive = 1 hires = 0 if (size(time,/type) eq 0) then begin if not keyword_set(all) then begin print,"You must specify a time." return, 0 endif else begin ok = 0 time = time_double(time) if keyword_set(archive) then begin if ((not ok) and size(swe_a3) eq 8) then begin time = swe_a3.time + delta_t ; center times ok = 1 endif if ((not ok) and size(mvn_swe_pad_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin time = mvn_swe_pad_arc.time ; center times ok = 1 endif endif else begin if ((not ok) and size(swe_a2) eq 8) then begin time = swe_a2.time + delta_t ; center times ok = 1 endif if ((not ok) and size(mvn_swe_pad,/type) eq 8) then begin time = mvn_swe_pad_arc.time ; center times ok = 1 endif endelse if (not ok) then begin print,"Cannot get PAD times." return, 0 endif endelse endif else time = time_double(time) if (size(units,/type) ne 7) then units = 'EFLUX' if keyword_set(shiftpot) then if (n_elements(swe_sc_pot) lt 2) then mvn_scpot if (size(swe_mag1,/type) eq 8) then addmag = 1 else addmag = 0 if (size(swe_sc_pot,/type) eq 8) then addpot = 1 else addpot = 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; First attempt to get extract PAD(s) from L2 data if keyword_set(archive) then begin if (size(mvn_swe_pad_arc,/type) eq 8) then begin if keyword_set(all) then begin tmin = min(time, max=tmax, /nan) indx = where((mvn_swe_pad_arc.time ge tmin) and (mvn_swe_pad_arc.time le tmax), npts) if (npts gt 0L) then time = mvn_swe_pad_arc[indx].time $ else print,"No PAD archive data in that time range." endif else npts = n_elements(time) if (npts gt 0L) then begin pad = replicate(swe_pad_struct, npts) aflg = 1 endif endif else npts = 0L endif else begin if (size(mvn_swe_pad,/type) eq 8) then begin if keyword_set(all) then begin tmin = min(time, max=tmax, /nan) indx = where((mvn_swe_pad.time ge tmin) and (mvn_swe_pad.time le tmax), npts) if (npts gt 0L) then time = mvn_swe_pad[indx].time $ else print,"No PAD survey data in that time range." endif else npts = n_elements(time) if (npts gt 0L) then begin pad = replicate(swe_pad_struct, npts) aflg = 0 endif endif else npts = 0L endelse for n=0L,(npts-1L) do begin if (aflg) then begin tgap = min(abs(mvn_swe_pad_arc.time - time[n]), i) if (tgap lt 2D*(mvn_swe_pad_arc[i].delta_t)) then pad[n] = mvn_swe_pad_arc[i] $ else print,"No burst PAD near: ",time_string(time[n]) endif else begin tgap = min(abs(mvn_swe_pad.time - time[n]), i) if (tgap lt 2D*(mvn_swe_pad[i].delta_t)) then pad[n] = mvn_swe_pad[i] $ else print,"No PAD near: ",time_string(time[n]) endelse if (addmag) then begin dt = min(abs(pad[n].time - swe_mag1.time),j) if (dt lt 1D) then begin pad[n].magf = swe_mag1[j].magf pad[n].maglev = swe_mag1[j].level endif else begin pad[n].magf = 0. pad[n].maglev = 0B endelse endif if (addpot) then begin dt = min(abs(pad[n].time - swe_sc_pot.time),j) if (dt lt pad[n].delta_t) then pad[n].sc_pot = swe_sc_pot[j].potential $ else pad[n].sc_pot = !values.f_nan endif endfor if (npts gt 0L) then begin ; Fill in bookkeeping parameters used by snapshot and diagnostic procedures ; Add magnetic field and spacecraft potential, if available ; Note: pad.Baz and pad.Bel are the raw magnetic field direction. mvn_swe_magdir, pad.time, iBaz, jBel, pad.Baz, pad.Bel, /inverse fake_pkt = replicate({time:0D, Baz:0., Bel:0., group:0}, npts) fake_pkt.time = pad.time fake_pkt.Baz = iBaz fake_pkt.Bel = jBel fake_pkt.group = pad.group for i=0L,(npts-1L) do begin iaz = fix((indgen(16) + iBaz[i]/16) mod 16) jel = swe_padlut[*,jBel[i]] k3d = jel*16 + iaz if (pad[i].maglev gt 0B) then magf = pad[i].magf else magf = 0 pam = mvn_swe_padmap(fake_pkt[i],magf=magf) pad[i].pa = transpose(pam.pa) pad[i].dpa = transpose(pam.dpa) pad[i].pa_min = transpose(pam.pa_min) pad[i].pa_max = transpose(pam.pa_max) pad[i].theta = transpose(swe_el[jel,*,pad[i].group]) pad[i].dtheta = transpose(swe_del[jel,*,pad[i].group]) pad[i].phi = replicate(1.,pad[i].nenergy) # swe_az[iaz] pad[i].dphi = replicate(1.,pad[i].nenergy) # swe_daz[iaz] pad[i].iaz = iaz pad[i].jel = jel pad[i].k3d = k3d endfor pad.domega = (2.*!dtor)*pad.dphi*cos(pad.theta*!dtor)*sin(pad.dtheta*!dtor/2.) if (keyword_set(sum) and (npts gt 1)) then pad = mvn_swe_padsum(pad) ; Correct for spacecraft potential and convert units if keyword_set(shiftpot) then begin if (stregex(units,'flux',/boo,/fold)) then begin mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, 'df' for n=0,(npts-1) do pad[n].energy -= pad[n].sc_pot mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, units endif else for n=0,(npts-1) do pad[n].energy -= pad[n].sc_pot endif else mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, units return, pad endif ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If necessary (npts = 0), extract PAD(s) from L0 data delta_t = 1.95D/2D ; start time to center time time -= delta_t if keyword_set(archive) then begin if (size(a3,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No PAD archive data." return, 0 endif if keyword_set(all) then begin tmin = min(time, max=tmax, /nan) indx = where((a3.time ge tmin) and (a3.time le tmax), npts) if (npts eq 0L) then begin time = mean(time) all = 0 endif else time = a3[indx].time endif npts = n_elements(time) pad = replicate(swe_pad_struct, npts) pad.data_name = "SWEA PAD Archive" pad.apid = 'A3'XB aflg = 1 endif else begin if (size(a2,/type) ne 8) then begin print,"No PAD survey data." return, 0 endif if keyword_set(all) then begin tmin = min(time, max=tmax, /nan) indx = where((a2.time ge tmin) and (a2.time le tmax), npts) if (npts eq 0L) then begin time = mean(time) all = 0 endif else time = a2[indx].time time = a2[indx].time endif npts = n_elements(time) pad = replicate(swe_pad_struct, npts) pad.data_name = "SWEA PAD Survey" pad.apid = 'A2'XB aflg = 0 endelse if (npts eq 0L) then begin print,"No PAD data at specified times(s)." return, 0 endif ; Locate the PAD data closest to the desired time for n=0L,(npts-1L) do begin if (aflg) then begin tgap = min(abs(a3.time - time[n]), i) pkt = a3[i] endif else begin tgap = min(abs(a2.time - time[n]), i) pkt = a2[i] endelse ; Recalculate calibration factors if LUT changes if (pkt.lut ne swe_active_tabnum) then mvn_swe_calib, tabnum=pkt.lut pad[n].lut = pkt.lut pad[n].chksum = mvn_swe_tabnum(pkt.lut,/inverse) ; Timing dt = 1.95D ; measurement span pad[n].time = pkt.time + (dt/2D) ; center time (unix) pad[n].met = pkt.met + (dt/2D) ; center time (met) pad[n].end_time = pkt.time + dt ; end time (unix) pad[n].delta_t = swe_dt[pkt.period] ; cadence ; Integration time per energy/angle bin prior to summing bins ; There are 7 deflection bins for each of 64 energy bins spanning ; 1.95 sec. The first deflection bin is for settling and is ; discarded. pad[n].integ_t = swe_integ_t ; There are 16 anodes (az) X 6 deflections (el). PAD data use the magnetic ; field to calculate the optimal deflection bin for each of the 16 anode ; bins in order to provide the best pitch angle coverage. There is no ; summing of angle bins, even at the highest deflections (as in the 3D's). ; So for each energy bin, there is a 16x1 (az, el) array. The final array ; dimensions are then 64 energies X 16 anodes X 1 deflector bin per anode, ; or 64x16, for short. pad[n].dt_arr = 2.^(pkt.group) ; energy bin summing only ; Insert MAG1 data, if available. This is distinct from the MAG angles ; included in the PAD packets (A2, A3), which are calculated by flight ; software using a basic calibration. if (addmag) then begin dt = min(abs(pad[n].time - swe_mag1.time),i) if (dt lt 1D) then begin magf = swe_mag1[i].magf magl = swe_mag1[i].level endif else begin magf = 0. magl = 0B endelse pad[n].magf = magf pad[n].maglev = magl endif ; Mapping between PAD bins and 3D bins uses the raw magnetic field direction ; rBaz, rBel --> magnetic field direction as determined onboard ; iaz, jel, k3d --> mapping between PAD bins and 3D bins mvn_swe_magdir, pkt.time, pkt.Baz, pkt.Bel, rBaz, rBel iaz = fix((indgen(16) + pkt.Baz/16) mod 16) jel = swe_padlut[*,pkt.Bel] k3d = jel*16 + iaz ; Pitch angle map. Use MAG L1 or L2 data, if available, via MAGF keyword. ; Otherwise, use the MAG angles contained in the A2/A3 packets. pam = mvn_swe_padmap(pkt,magf=magf) pad[n].pa = transpose(pam.pa) pad[n].dpa = transpose(pam.dpa) pad[n].pa_min = transpose(pam.pa_min) pad[n].pa_max = transpose(pam.pa_max) ; Energy bins are summed according to the group parameter. ; Energy resolution in the standard PAD structure allows for the possibility of ; variation with elevation angle. SWEA calibrations show that this variation ; is modest (< 1% from +55 to -30 deg, increasing to ~4% at -45 deg). For ; now, I will not include elevation variation. pad[n].group = pkt.group energy = swe_swp[*,0] # replicate(1.,16) pad[n].energy = energy pad[n].denergy[0,*] = abs(energy[0,*] - energy[1,*]) for i=1,62 do pad[n].denergy[i,*] = abs(energy[i-1,*] - energy[i+1,*])/2. pad[n].denergy[63,*] = abs(energy[62,*] - energy[63,*]) ; Geometric factor. When using V0, the geometric factor is a function of ; energy. There is also variation in azimuth and elevation. The ogf term ; corrects variations in the angular sensitivity as a function of azimuth ; and elevation (see mvn_swe_flatfield). ogf = replicate(1.,64) # mvn_swe_flatfield(pad[n].time,/silent) pad[n].gf = swe_gf[*,iaz,pkt.group] * swe_dgf[*,jel,pkt.group] * ogf[*,k3d] ; Electron suppression correction Ke = mvn_swe_esuppress(pad[n].time,/silent) dg = exp(-((1./swe_Ein) # Ke)^2.) case pad[n].group of 1 : for i=0,63,2 do dg[i:(i+1)] = mean(dg[i:(i+1)]) 2 : for i=0,63,4 do dg[i:(i+3)] = mean(dg[i:(i+3)]) else : ; do nothing endcase pad[n].gf *= (dg # replicate(1.,16)) ; Relative MCP efficiency. pad[n].eff = swe_mcp_eff[*,iaz,pkt.group] ; Fill in the elevation array (units = deg) pad[n].theta = transpose(swe_el[jel,*,pkt.group]) pad[n].dtheta = transpose(swe_del[jel,*,pkt.group]) ; Fill in the azimuth array - no energy dependence (units = deg) pad[n].phi = replicate(1.,64) # swe_az[iaz] pad[n].dphi = replicate(1.,64) # swe_daz[iaz] ; Calculate solid angles from elevation and azimuth pad[n].domega = (2.*!dtor)*pad[n].dphi * $ cos(pad[n].theta*!dtor) * $ sin(pad[n].dtheta*!dtor/2.) ; Fill in the data array, duplicating values as needed (I have to swap the ; first two dimensions of pkt.data.) counts = transpose(pkt.data[*,indgen(64)/(2^pkt.group)]) var = transpose(pkt.var[*,indgen(64)/(2^pkt.group)]) ; Calculate the deadtime correction, since the units are conveniently COUNTS. ; This makes it possible to convert back and forth between RATE, COUNTS and ; other units. rate = counts/(swe_integ_t*pad[n].dt_arr) ; raw count rate dtc = 1. - rate*swe_dead indx = where(dtc lt swe_min_dtc, count) ; maximum deadtime correction if (count gt 0L) then dtc[indx] = !values.f_nan pad[n].dtc = dtc ; corrected count rate = rate/dtc ; Fill in the raw magnetic field direction, as determined onboard. ; This encodes the information needed to reconstruct the mapping between ; PAD bins and 3D bins in the next section. pad[n].Baz = rBaz pad[n].Bel = rBel ; Fill in bin numbers (useful for comparing PAD and 3D data) pad[n].iaz = iaz ; 16 anode bins at each time pad[n].jel = jel ; 16 deflector bins at each time pad[n].k3d = k3d ; 16 3D angle bins at each time ; Insert spacecraft potential, if available if (addpot) then begin dt = min(abs(pad[n].time - swe_sc_pot.time),i) if (dt lt pad[n].delta_t) then pad[n].sc_pot = swe_sc_pot[i].potential $ else pad[n].sc_pot = !values.f_nan endif ; Electron rest mass [eV/(km/s)^2] pad[n].mass = mass_e ; And last, but not least, the data pad[n].data = counts ; raw counts pad[n].var = var ; variance ; Validate the data if (tgap gt 1.1D*pad[n].delta_t) then begin msg = strtrim(string(round(tgap)),2) print,"data gap: ",msg," sec" endif pad[n].valid = 1B ; Yep, it's valid. endfor ; Apply cross calibration factor. A new factor is calculated after each ; MCP bias adjustment. See mvn_swe_config for these times. Polynomial ; fits are used to track slow drift of MCP gain between adjustments. See ; mvn_swe_crosscal. cc = mvn_swe_crosscal(pad.time,/silent) scale = reform((replicate(1., 64*16) # cc), 64, 16, npts) pad.gf /= scale ; Sum the data if keyword_set(sum) then pad = mvn_swe_padsum(pad) ; Convert units if keyword_set(shiftpot) then begin if (stregex(units,'flux',/boo,/fold)) then mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, 'df' for n=0L,(n_elements(pad)-1L) do pad[n].energy -= pad[n].sc_pot endif mvn_swe_convert_units, pad, units return, pad end