function mvn_lpw_anc_covtest, unix_in, kernels_to_check, object ;+ ;Program written by CF on April 29th 2014 to check if give unix_times lie within the coverage of an SPK file. Multiple SPK files can be loaded ;and combined together to create larger coverage ranges. ; ;USAGE: ;coverage = mvn_lpw_anc_covtest(unix_in, kernels_to_check) ; ;INPUTS: ;unix_in: dblarr of unix times to check. ### ET times would be more accurate - check with Davin ; ;kernels_to_check: string or strarr containing the full paths to the spk kernels you want to look at. ; ;SPICE kernel files must already be loaded into IDL memory. ; ;object: for now, the NAIF ID code of the object to check; -202 is MAVEN, 1003228 is CSS. ; ;OUTPUTS: ;result: an array n_elements(unix_in) long. 1 means time is within coverage, 0 means it is outside of the kernel coverage. ; ; ; Version 1.0 ; ;MODIFICATIONS: ; ; ;140718 clean up for check out L. Andersson ; 20141208: modified by CF to check coverage for different objects - not just MAVEN. New input parameter 'object' allows this. ;- if size(unix_in, /type) ne 5. then begin print, "#######################" print, "WARNING: unix_in must be a double array of UNIX times." print, "#######################" retall endif if size(kernels_to_check, /type) ne 7 then begin print, "#######################" print, "WARNING: kernels_to_check must be a string array of SPICE SPK kernels." print, "#######################" return, 1 endif ;kernel_dir='/Users/chfo8135/LASP/MAVEN/data/misc/spice/naif/MAVEN/kernels/' ;file0=kernel_dir+'spk/trj_c_od005a_131121-141002_131125_tcm1final.bsp' ;file1 = kernel_dir+'spk/trj_c_od015a_140215-141012_moiprelim_v1.bsp' ;file2 = kernel_dir+'lsk/naif0010.tls' ;unix_in = [1395273611.000021d, 1395273612.000015d, 1395273613.000010d, 1395273614.000005d, 1395273614.999999d, 1395273615.999994d] ;test numbers nele = long(n_elements(unix_in)) ;number of time stamps nele_kernels = n_elements(kernels_to_check) ;Parameters for SPICE windows / cells MAXIV = 1000 WINSIZ = 2 * MAXIV ;max size of window TIMLEN = 51 MAXOBJ = 1000 ;max number of objects allowed in an spk file cover = cspice_celld( WINSIZ ) ;make a double prec window ids = cspice_celli( MAXOBJ ) ;make an integar prec window ;cspice_furnsh, file1 ;load kernel ;cspice_furnsh, file2 ;========= ;--Times-- ;========= ;Convert from UNIX times to ET time to UTC to ET(TDB): utc_time = time_string(unix_in, precision=5) ;UTC time ;utc_time = ['2014-02-15/23:55:00.00002','2014-02-15/23:59:59.5','2014-02-16/00:00:00.50002'] ;utc times must be of this format for aa = 0, nele-1 do utc_time[aa] = utc_time[aa]+' TDB' ;add on to end of string for next line cspice_str2et, utc_time, ET_TDB_time ;convert to ET(TDB) time ;cspice_spkobj, file1, ids ;objects in file obj = object ;ids.base[ + i ] ;get next object ID cspice_scard, 0L, cover ;discard previous object entry so it doesn't combine it for zz = 0, nele_kernels-1 do cspice_spkcov, kernels_to_check[zz], obj, cover ;look for MAVEN position info, load all kernels in order niv = cspice_wncard( cover ) ;number of coverage intervals ;Check if a time lies within interval: Make array here so that it's not overwritten in the for loop result = fltarr(nele) for j=0, niv-1 do begin print, "========================================" print, "SPK coverage for loaded kernels, object # ", object cspice_wnfetd, cover, j, b, e ;b, e are ET TDB time, start and endpoints of coverage cspice_timout, [b,e], $ "YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.###", $ ;"YYYY MON DD HR:MN:SC.### (TDB) ::TDB", $ TIMLEN ,$ timstr print, "Interval: ", j print, "Start (UTC) : ", timstr[0] print, "Stop (UTC) : ", timstr[1] print for aa = 0, nele-1 do result[aa] += cspice_wnelmd(et_tdb_time[aa], cover) ;add +! if covered. Time may be covered in multiple kernels, so result[] can be greater than 1. endfor ;over j indsTMP = where(result ge 1., nindsTMP) if nindsTMP gt 0. then result[indsTMP] = 1. ;replace any numbers greater than 1 with 1. return, result ;1 if covered, 0 if outside of coverage ;stop end