; ; NOSA HEADER START ; ; The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the NASA Open ; Source Agreement (NOSA), Version 1.3 only (the "Agreement"). You may ; not use this file except in compliance with the Agreement. ; ; You can obtain a copy of the agreement at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt ; or ; https://sscweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/WebServices/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. ; ; See the Agreement for the specific language governing permissions ; and limitations under the Agreement. ; ; When distributing Covered Code, include this NOSA HEADER in each ; file and include the Agreement file at ; docs/NASA_Open_Source_Agreement_1.3.txt. If applicable, add the ; following below this NOSA HEADER, with the fields enclosed by ; brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: ; Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] ; ; NOSA HEADER END ; ; Copyright (c) 2017 United States Government as represented by ; the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is ; claimed in the United States under Title 17, U.S.Code. All Other ; Rights Reserved. ; ; ;+ ; This program is an example to demonstrate calling the ; Satellite Situation Center's ; ; REST Web Services from an ; Exelis Visual Information ; Solutions ; (VIS) Interactive Data Language (IDL) program. It demonstrates the ; following: ; ; ; @copyright Copyright (c) 2017 United States Government as ; represented by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. ; No copyright is claimed in the United States under Title 17, ; U.S.Code. All Other Rights Reserved. ; ; @author B. Harris ;- ;+ ; This procedure is an example to demonstrate calling the SSC REST ; Web Services from an IDL program. It demonstrates the following: ; ; @requires 8.2 ;- pro SpdfSscWsExample2 compile_opt idl2 conjunctionReq = '{' + $ '"Request": {' + $ '"BfieldModel": {' + $ '"ExternalBFieldModel": {' + $ '"@class": "gov.nasa.gsfc.sscweb.schema.Tsyganenko89CBFieldModel",' + $ '"KeyParameterValues": "KP_3_3_3"' + $ '},' + $ '"InternalBFieldModel": "IGRF",' + $ '"TraceStopAltitude": 1' + $ '},' + $ '"ConditionOperator": "ALL",' + $ '"Conditions": [' + $ '"java.util.ArrayList",' + $ '[' + $ '{' + $ '"@class": "gov.nasa.gsfc.sscweb.schema.SatelliteCondition",' + $ '"Satellite": [' + $ '"java.util.ArrayList",' + $ '[' + $ '{' + $ '"BfieldTraceDirection": "SOUTH_HEMISPHERE",' + $ '"Id": "barrel1a"' + $ '},' + $ '{' + $ '"BfieldTraceDirection": "SOUTH_HEMISPHERE",' + $ '"Id": "rbspa"' + $ '},' + $ '{' + $ '"BfieldTraceDirection": "SOUTH_HEMISPHERE",' + $ '"Id": "rbspb"' + $ '}' + $ ']' + $ '],' + $ '"SatelliteCombination": 1' + $ '},' + $ '{' + $ '"@class": "gov.nasa.gsfc.sscweb.schema.LeadSatelliteCondition",' + $ '"ConjunctionArea": {' + $ '"@class": "gov.nasa.gsfc.sscweb.schema.BoxConjunctionArea",' + $ '"CoordinateSystem": "GEO",' + $ '"DeltaLatitude": 3.0,' + $ '"DeltaLongitude": 10.0' + $ '},' + $ '"Satellite": [' + $ '"java.util.ArrayList",' + $ '[' + $ '{' + $ '"BfieldTraceDirection": "SOUTH_HEMISPHERE",' + $ '"Id": "barrel1a"' + $ '}' + $ ']' + $ '],' + $ '"TraceType": "B_FIELD"' + $ '}' + $ ']' + $ '],' + $ '"Description": "Magnetic conjunction of at least 1 RBSP satellites with BARREL 1A (lead satellite).",' + $ '"ExecuteOptions": {' + $ '"ResultEmailAddress": null,' + $ '"WaitForResult": true' + $ '},' + $ '"ResultOptions": {' + $ '"FormatOptions": {' + $ '"Cdf": null,' + $ '"DateFormat": "YYYY_DDD",' + $ '"DegreeDigits": 2,' + $ '"DegreeFormat": "DECIMAL",' + $ '"DistanceDigits": 1,' + $ '"DistanceFormat": "INTEGER_KM",' + $ '"LatLonFormat": "LAT_90_LON_360",' + $ '"LinesPerPage": 55,' + $ '"TimeFormat": "HH_HHHH"' + $ '},' + $ '"IncludeQueryInResult": true,' + $ '"QueryResultType": "XML",' + $ '"SubSatelliteCoordinateSystem": "GEO",' + $ '"SubSatelliteCoordinateSystemType": "SPHERICAL",' + $ '"TraceCoordinateSystem": "GEO"' + $ '},' + $ '"TimeInterval": {' + $ '"End": [' + $ '"javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar",' + $ '"2013-02-14T00:00:00.000+0000"' + $ '],' + $ '"Start": [' + $ '"javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar",' + $ '"2013-01-29T00:00:00.000+0000"' + $ ']' + $ '}' + $ '}' + $ '}' ; openw, 3, 'conjunction.json' ; printf, 3, conjunctionReq ; close, 3 ; json = json_parse(conjunctionReq) ; help, json catch, errorStatus if (errorStatus ne 0) then begin catch, /cancel requestUrl->GetProperty, RESPONSE_CODE=rspCode, $ RESPONSE_HEADER=rspHdr, RESPONSE_FILENAME=rspFn PRINT, 'rspCode = ', rspCode PRINT, 'rspHdr= ', rspHdr PRINT, 'rspFn= ', rspFn obj_destroy, requestUrl endif userAgent = 'User-Agent: SpdfSscWsExample2 (' + $ !version.os + ' ' + !version.arch + ') IDL/' + !version.release sscUrl = 'http://sscweb-dev.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/WS/sscr/2/conjunctions' urlComponents = parse_url(sscUrl) headers = [userAgent, $ 'Content-Type: application/json', $ 'Accept: application/json'] ; headers = 'Content-Type: application/json' requestUrl = obj_new('IDLnetURL') requestUrl->setProperty, $ headers=headers, $ url_scheme=urlComponents.scheme, $ url_host=urlComponents.host, $ url_port=urlComponents.port, $ url_path=urlComponents.path result = requestUrl->put(conjunctionReq, /buffer, /post, url=sscUrl) ; print, result ; result = '/home/btharris/Projects/Spdf/sscWebServices/src/idl/PutRsp.dat' ; spawn, 'python -mjson.tool ' + result, prettyResult ; print, prettyResult conjunctionRes = json_parse(result) queryResult = conjunctionRes['QueryResult'] ; print, queryResult status = queryResult['StatusCode'] print, status queryRequest = queryResult['QueryRequest'] queryDescription = queryRequest['Description'] print, queryDescription conjunctions = (queryResult['Conjunction'])[1] ; print, conjunctions print, 'Conjunctions:' for i = 0, n_elements(conjunctions) - 1 do begin print, format='(%"%d")',i conjunction = conjunctions[i] ; print, conjunction timeInterval = conjunction['TimeInterval'] startTime = (timeInterval['Start'])[1] endTime = (timeInterval['End'])[1] print, ' ', startTime, ' - ', endTime satDescriptions = conjunction['SatelliteDescription'] for j = 0, n_elements(satDescriptions) - 1 do begin satDescription = (conjunction['SatelliteDescription'])[1,j] ; print, satDescription sat = (satDescription['Satellite']) print, ' ', sat, ' Latitude Longitude Radius' description = (satDescription['Description'])[1,0] location = description['Location'] lat = location['Latitude'] lon = location['Longitude'] radius = location['Radius'] print, ' ', lat, lon, radius traceDescription = description['TraceDescription'] arcLength = traceDescription['ArcLength'] traceLoc = traceDescription['Location'] traceLat = traceLoc['Latitude'] traceLon = traceLoc['Longitude'] traceTarget = traceDescription['Target'] targetDistance = traceTarget['Distance'] targetLeadSatellite = traceTarget['LeadSatellite'] print, ' Trace: ArcLength Latitude Longitude' print, ' ', arcLength, traceLat, traceLon print, ' Target: Distance LeadSatellite' print, ' ', targetDistance, ' ', targetLeadSatellite endfor endfor obj_destroy, requestUrl end