;+ ;NAME: ;mvn_sta_l2_crib ;PURPOSE: ; Crib for loading MAVEN L2 STATIC data ;- ; Set timespan timespan, '2014-05-10' ; Load static data mvn_sta_l2_load ; Generate tplot structures mvn_sta_l2_tplot ; View names of STATIC tplot structures tplot_names,'*sta*' ; Time series plots of apid c6 data window,0 tplot,'*c6*' ; Plot a variety of data tplot,['mvn_sta_c6_att','mvn_sta_c6_tot','mvn_sta_c0_E','mvn_sta_c6_M','mvn_sta_c8_D','mvn_sta_d4_A','mvn_sta_d0_E'] ; Zoom in on some data - click on a pair of times tlimit wait,2 ; Zoom back out tlimit,/full wait,1 ; Get a single distribution - click once in the tplot window dat1=mvn_sta_get_c6() ; single energy-mass spectra ; Plot the distribution window,2 zscale=1.e0 contour4d,dat1,/points,/label,/fill,/mass,zrange=zscale*[.1,1.e5],/twt,units='counts' ; Get a distribution averaged over time - click twice in the tplot window for the interval dat2=mvn_sta_get('c6') ; averaged energy-mass spectra ; Plot the averaged distribution window,3 zscale = max(dat2.data)/1.e5 > 1 contour4d,dat2,/points,/label,/fill,/mass,zrange=zscale*[.1,1.e5],/twt,units='counts' ; Plot the spectra window,1 spec3d,dat2 ; Calculate density and velocity of solar wind protons print,nb_4d(dat2,mass=[.5,1.68],m_int=1.) print,vb_4d(dat2,mass=[.5,1.68],m_int=1.) ; Load multiple days of l2 data with a subset of STATIC data timespan, ['2014-06-01/12:00','2014-06-03/10:00'] mvn_sta_l2_load, sta_apid = ['c0 d?'] ; Generate tplot structures mvn_sta_l2_tplot ; Plot apid c0 data window,0 tplot,'*c0*' End