;+ ;NAME: ; mvn_l0_db2file ;PURPOSE: ; Given a date and/or a time range, find the appropriate l0 file ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; filex = mvn_l0_db2file(date) ;INPUT: ; date = the date ;OUTPUT: ; filex = the filename ;KEYWORDS: ; l0_file_type = ['all', 'arc', 'svy'], the default is 'all' ; l0_file_path = if set, use this for the full-path to the l0 file, ; which seems to be in flux. Don't forget the trailing '/' ;HISTORY: ; 12-mar-2014, jmm, jimm@ssl.berkeley.edu ; 22-apr-2014, jmm, Added l0_file_type, changed default path ; $LastChangedBy: jimm $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-08-29 12:54:08 -0700 (Fri, 29 Aug 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 15727 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_00/projects/maven/quicklook/mvn_l0_db2file.pro $ ;- Function mvn_l0_db2file, date, l0_file_path = l0_file_path, $ l0_file_type = l0_file_type, _extra=_extra mvn_qlook_init date0 = strmid(time_string(date, format=6), 0, 8) yyyy = strmid(date0, 0, 4) mmmm = strmid(date0, 4, 2) ppp = mvn_file_source() If(keyword_set(l0_file_path)) Then fpath = l0_file_path $ ; Else fpath = ppp.local_data_dir+'maven/pfp/l0/'+yyyy+'/'+mmmm+'/' Else fpath = ppp.local_data_dir+'maven/data/sci/pfp/l0/' If(keyword_set(l0_file_type)) Then Begin ftyp = strcompress(/remove_all, l0_file_type[0]) Endif Else ftyp = 'all' ftmp = fpath+'mvn_pfp_'+ftyp+'_l0_'+date0+'_v*.dat' files = file_search(ftmp) If(is_string(files)) Then Begin filex = files[n_elements(files)-1] Endif Else filex = '' Return, filex End