;+ ; :PROCEDURE: ; iug_plotmap_obs ; ; :PURPOSE: ; Plots observatories on the world map. ; ; :KEYWORDS: ; glatlim: geographic latitude range ; glonlim: geographic longitude range ; query: free word to search ; charsize: font size of observatory name ; charcolor: color of observatory name ; psym: plot symbol for observatories ; symsize: symbol size ; symcolor: symbol color ; noname: If set, no observatory name will be written on the map. ; position: Set the location of the plot frame in the plot window ; isotropic: Set to produce a map that has the same scale in X and Y. ; ; obs: information of observatories returned from metadata database. ; ; :EXAMPLES: ; iug_plotmap_obs, glatlim=[55, 75], glonlim=[0, 40], $ ; query='wdc' ; ; :Author: ; Y.-M. Tanaka (E-mail: ytanaka@nipr.ac.jp) ;- PRO iug_plotmap_obs, $ glatlim=glatlim, glonlim=glonlim, query=query, rpp=rpp, $ charsize=charsize, charcolor=charcolor, $ psym=psym, symsize=symsize, symcolor=symcolor, $ noname=noname, position=position, $ isotropic=isotropic, obs=obs ;glatlim=[20, 50] ;glonlim=[120, 150] ;query='MAGDAS' if ~keyword_set(glatlim) then glatlim=[-90, 90] if ~keyword_set(glonlim) then glonlim=[-180, 180] slat=glatlim[0] nlat=glatlim[1] wlon=glonlim[0] elon=glonlim[1] glatc=mean(glatlim) glonc=mean(glonlim) lats = indgen(19)*10-90 lons = indgen(25)*15-180 latnames=' ' lonnames=' ' ;----- Search observatory -----; iug_get_obsinfo, nlat=nlat, slat=slat, elon=elon, wlon=wlon, $ query=query, rpp=rpp, obs=obs ;----- Draw map -----; map_set, glatc, glonc, limit=[slat, wlon, nlat, elon], $ isotropic=isotropic, /orthographic, /continent, /horizon map_grid,lats=lats, lons=lons, latnames=latnames, lonnames=lonnames ;----- Draw observatory -----; overlay_map_obs, obs, position=position, $ charsize=charsize, charcolor=charcolor, $ psym=psym, symsize=symsize, symcolor=symcolor, $ noname=noname end