;+ ; :PROCEDURE: ; iug_movie_smart ; ; :PURPOSE: ; Show movie of the solar images obtained by the SMART telescope ; at the Hida Observatory, Kyoto Univ. ; ; :KEYWOARDS: ; valuename : tplot variables for image data ; ; :EXAMPLES: ; iug_movie_smart, 'smart_t1_p00' ; ; :Author: ; Satoru UeNo (E-mail: ueno@kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp) ;- pro iug_movie_smart,valuename ;Check arguments npar = n_params() if npar lt 1 then return if strlen(tnames(valuename)) eq 0 then return ;Window size window,0,xs=512,ys=512 loadct,0 get_data,valuename,data=d Nt=n_elements(d.y[*,0,0]) print,'The number of total frames: ',Nt tmp=dblarr(512,512,Nt) for t=0,Nt-1 do begin tmp[*,*,t]=d.y[t,*,*] endfor movie,bytscl(tmp),order=0 end