;+ ; ;NAME: ;iug_load_ear_trop_txt ; ;PURPOSE: ; Queries the Kyoto_RISH servers for the standard observation data of troposphere and stratsoohere ; in the CSV format taken by the equatorial atmosphere radar (EAR)and loads data into ; tplot format. ; ;SYNTAX: ; iug_load_ear_trop_txt, parameter=parameter, $ ; downloadonly=downloadonly, trange=trange, verbose=verbose ; ;KEYWOARDS: ; PARAMETER = parameter name of EAR troposphere standard obervation data. ; For example, iug_load_ear_trop_txt, parameter = 'uwnd'. ; The default is 'all', i.e., load all available parameters. ; TRANGE = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array), if ; this is not set, the default is to prompt the user. Note ; that if the input time range is not a full day, a full ; day's data is loaded. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it ; into variables. ; VERBOSE (In): [1,...,5], Get more detailed (higher number) command line output. ; ;CODE: ; A. Shinbori, 19/09/2010. ; ;MODIFICATIONS: ; A. Shinbori, 24/03/2011. ; A. Shinbori, 13/11/2011. ; A. Shinbori, 26/12/2011. ; A. Shinbori, 31/01/2011. ; A. Shinbori, 18/12/2011. ; A. Shinbori, 24/01/2014. ; A. Shinbori, 08/08/2017. ; A. Shinbori, 30/11/2017. ; ;ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2018-02-22 11:09:13 -0800 (Thu, 22 Feb 2018) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24758 $ ; $URL $ ;- pro iug_load_ear_trop_txt, parameter=parameter, $ downloadonly=downloadonly, $ trange=trange, $ verbose=verbose ;********************** ;Verbose keyword check: ;********************** if (not keyword_set(verbose)) then verbose=2 ;*********************** ;Keyword check (trange): ;*********************** if not keyword_set(trange) then begin get_timespan, time_org endif else begin time_org =time_double(trange) endelse ;*********** ;parameters: ;*********** ;--- all parameters (default) parameter_all = strsplit('uwnd vwnd wwnd pwr1 pwr2 pwr3 pwr4 pwr5 wdt1 wdt2 wdt3 wdt4 wdt5',' ', /extract) ;--- check site codes if(not keyword_set(parameter)) then parameter='all' parameters = ssl_check_valid_name(parameter, parameter_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) print, parameters ;***************** ;Defition of unit: ;***************** ;--- all units (default) unit_all = strsplit('m/s dB',' ', /extract) ;************************** ;Loop on downloading files: ;************************** jj=0L for ii=0L,n_elements(parameters)-1 do begin ;============================================================== ;Change time window associated with a time shift from UT to LT: ;============================================================== day_org = (time_org[1] - time_org[0])/86400.d day_mod = day_org + 1 timespan, time_org[0] - 3600.0d * 7.0d, day_mod if keyword_set(trange) then trange[1] = time_string(time_double(trange[1]) + 7.0d * 3600.0d); for GUI if ~size(fns,/type) then begin ;**************************** ;Get files for ith component: ;**************************** file_names = file_dailynames( $ file_format='YYYYMM/YYYYMMDD/'+$ 'YYYYMMDD',trange=trange,times=times,/unique)+'.'+parameters[ii]+'.csv' ;=============================== ;Define FILE_RETRIEVE structure: ;=============================== source = file_retrieve(/struct) source.verbose=verbose source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'iugonet/rish/misc/ktb/ear/troposphere/csv/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://www.rish.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ear/data/data/ver02.0212/' ;======================================================= ;Get files and local paths, and concatenate local paths: ;======================================================= local_paths = spd_download(remote_file=file_names, remote_path=source.remote_data_dir, local_path=source.local_data_dir, _extra=source, /last_version) local_paths_all = ~(~size(local_paths_all,/type)) ? $ [local_paths_all, local_paths] : local_paths if ~(~size(local_paths_all,/type)) then local_paths=local_paths_all endif else file_names=fns ;--- Load data into tplot variables if (not keyword_set(downloadonly)) then downloadonly=0 if (downloadonly eq 0) then begin ;=========================================================== ;read data, and create tplot vars at each parameter: ;=========================================================== ;Read the files: ;=============== ;---Definition of string variable: s='' ;============== ;Loop on files: ;============== for h=jj,n_elements(local_paths)-1 do begin file= local_paths[h] if file_test(/regular,file) then dprint,'Loading EAR file: ',file $ else begin dprint,'EAR file ',file,' not found. Skipping' continue endelse ;---Open read file: openr,lun,file,/get_lun ;============================= ;Read information of altitude: ;============================= readf, lun, s ;---Definition of altitude and data arraies: h_data = strsplit(s,',',/extract) altitude = fltarr(n_elements(h_data)-1) ;---Enter the altitude information: for j=0L,n_elements(h_data)-2 do begin altitude[j] = float(h_data[j+1]) endfor ;================= ;Loop on readdata: ;================= while(not eof(lun)) do begin readf,lun,s ok=1 if strmid(s,0,1) eq '[' then ok=0 if ok && keyword_set(s) then begin dprint,s ,dlevel=5 data = strsplit(s,',',/extract) data2 = fltarr(1,n_elements(data)-1) ;---Get date and time information: year = strmid(data[0],0,4) month = strmid(data[0],5,2) day = strmid(data[0],8,2) hour = strmid(data[0],11,2) minute = strmid(data[0],14,2) ;---Convert time from local time to universal time time = time_double(string(year)+'-'+string(month)+'-'+string(day)+'/'+string(hour)+':'+string(minute)) - 7.0d * 3600.0d ;---Replace missing value by NaN: for j=0L,n_elements(h_data)-2 do begin a = float(data[j+1]) wbad = where(a eq 999,nbad) if nbad gt 0 then a[wbad] = !values.f_nan data2[0,j]=a endfor ;============================== ;Append array of time and data: ;============================== append_array, ear_time, time append_array, ear_data, data2 endif endwhile free_lun,lun endfor ;============================================================== ;Change time window associated with a time shift from UT to LT: ;============================================================== timespan, time_org get_timespan, init_time2 if keyword_set(trange) then trange[1] = time_string(time_double(trange[1]) - 7.0d * 3600.0d); for GUI ;============================== ;Store data in TPLOT variables: ;============================== ;---Acknowlegment string (use for creating tplot vars) acknowledgstring = 'The Equatorial Atmosphere Radar belongs to Research Institute for ' $ + 'Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University and is operated by ' $ + 'RISH and National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Indonesia. ' $ + 'Distribution of the data has been partly supported by the IUGONET ' $ + '(Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork) project ' $ + '(http://www.iugonet.org/) funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, ' $ + 'Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.' o=0 if size(ear_data,/type) eq 4 then begin if strmid(parameters[ii],0,2) eq 'pw' then o=1 ;---Creat tplot variable for selected parameter: dlimit=create_struct('data_att',create_struct('acknowledgment',acknowledgstring,'PI_NAME', 'H. Hashiguchi')) store_data,'iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii],data={x:ear_time, y:ear_data, v:altitude},dlimit=dlimit ;----Edge data cut: time_clip, 'iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii], init_time2[0], init_time2[1], newname = 'iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii] ;---Add options: new_vars=tnames('iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii]) if new_vars[0] ne '' then begin options,'iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii],ytitle='EAR-trop!CHeight!C[km]',ztitle=parameters[ii]+'!C['+unit_all[o]+']' options, 'iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii], 'spec', 1 endif endif ;---Clear time and data buffer: ear_time=0 ear_data=0 ;---Add tdegap new_vars=tnames('iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii]) if new_vars[0] ne '' then begin tdegap, 'iug_ear_trop_'+parameters[ii],/overwrite endif endif jj=n_elements(local_paths) ;---Initialization of timespan for parameters-1: timespan, time_org endfor new_vars=tnames('iug_ear_trop_*') if new_vars[0] ne '' then begin print,'***************************** print,'Data loading is successful!!' print,'***************************** endif ;************************* ;Print of acknowledgement: ;************************* print, '**************************************************************** print, 'Acknowledgement' print, '**************************************************************** print, 'The Equatorial Atmosphere Radar belongs to Research Institute for ' print, 'Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University and is operated by ' print, 'RISH and National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) Indonesia. ' print, 'Distribution of the data has been partly supported by the IUGONET ' print, '(Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork) project ' print, '(http://www.iugonet.org/) funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, ' print, 'Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan.' end