;+ ; PROCEDURE: erg_load_camera_omti_asi ; ; PURPOSE: ; To load the OMTI ASI data from the STEL ERG-SC site ; ; KEYWORDS: ; site = Observatory name, example, erg_load_camera_omti_asi, site='sgk'. ; The default is 'all', i.e., load all available stations. ; This can be an array of strings, e.g., ['sgk', 'sta'] ; or a single string delimited by spaces, e.g., 'sgk sta'. ; Sites: ith rsb trs ath mgd ptk rik sgk sta yng isg drw ktb syo gak kap hus nyr ; wavelength = Wavelength in Angstrom, i.e., 5577, 6300, 7200, 7774, 5893, etc. ; The default is 5577. This can be an array of integers, e.g., [5577, 6300] ; or strings, e.g., '5577', '5577 6300', and ['5577', '6300']. ; /downloadonly, if set, then only download the data, do not load it into variables. ; /no_server, use only files which are online locally. ; /no_download, use only files which are online locally. (Identical to no_server keyword.) ; trange = (Optional) Time range of interest (2 element array). ; /timeclip, if set, then data are clipped to the time range set by timespan ; ; EXAMPLE: ; erg_load_camera_omti_asi, site='sgk', wavelength=5577, trange=['2012-01-01/00:00:00','2012-01-02/00:00:00'] ; ; NOTE: See the rules of the road. ; For more information, see http://stdb2.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/omti/ ; ; HISTORY: ; 2013-03-28: Initial release by Y. Miyashita, Mar 28, 2013 ; ERG-Science Center, ISEE, Nagoya Univ. ; erg-sc-core at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp ; ; 2017-09-18: Satoshi Kurita, ISEE, Nagoya U. (kurita at isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp) ; 1. New stations (GAK, KAP, NYR, HUS) are included ; 2. Use spd_download instead of file_retrieve ; ; ; $LastChangedBy: nikos $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2017-12-05 22:09:27 -0800 (Tue, 05 Dec 2017) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 24403 $ ; $URL: svn+ssh://thmsvn@ambrosia.ssl.berkeley.edu/repos/spdsoft/tags/spedas_3_00/projects/erg/ground/camera/erg_load_camera_omti_asi.pro $ ;- pro erg_load_camera_omti_asi, $ site=site, wavelength=wavelength, $ downloadonly=downloadonly, no_server=no_server, no_download=no_download, $ trange=trange, timeclip=timeclip ;*** site codes *** ;--- all sites (default) site_code_all = strsplit( $ 'ith rsb trs ath mgd ptk rik sgk sta yng isg drw ktb syo gak kap hus nyr', $ ' ', /extract) ;--- check site codes if(n_elements(site) eq 0) then site='all' site_code = ssl_check_valid_name(site, site_code_all, /ignore_case, /include_all) if(site_code[0] eq '') then return print, site_code ;*** wave length *** if(n_elements(wavelength) eq 0) then wavelength=[5577] if(size(wavelength,/type) ne 7) then wavelengthc=string(wavelength, format='(i4.4)') $ else wavelengthc=wavelength wavelengthc=strjoin(wavelengthc, ' ') wavelengthc=strsplit(strlowcase(wavelengthc), ' ', /extract) ;*** keyword set *** if(~keyword_set(downloadonly)) then downloadonly=0 if(~keyword_set(no_server)) then no_server=0 if(~keyword_set(no_download)) then no_download=0 ;*** load CDF *** ;--- Create (and initialize) a data file structure source = file_retrieve(/struct) ;--- Set parameters for the data file class source.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() + 'ergsc/' source.remote_data_dir = 'http://ergsc.isee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/data/ergsc/' ;--- Download parameters if(keyword_set(downloadonly)) then source.downloadonly=1 if(keyword_set(no_server)) then source.no_server=1 if(keyword_set(no_download)) then source.no_download=1 for i=0, n_elements(site_code)-1 do begin for j=0, n_elements(wavelengthc)-1 do begin ;--- Set the file path which is added to source.local_data_dir/remote_data_dir. ;pathformat = 'ground/camera/omti/asi/SSS/YYYY/MM/DD/omti_asi_cCF_SSS_WWWW_YYYYMMDDHH_v??.cdf' ;--- Generate the file paths by expanding wilecards of date/time ; (e.g., YYYY, YYYYMMDD) for the time interval set by "timespan" ;relpathnames = file_dailynames(file_format=pathformat) file_format = 'ground/camera/omti/asi/'+site_code[i]+'/'+$ 'YYYY/MM/DD/omti_asi_c??_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+$ '_YYYYMMDDhh_v??.cdf' relpathnames=file_dailynames(file_format=file_format,trange=trange,/hour_res) dprint,relpathnames files = spd_download(remote_file=relpathnames, remote_path=source.remote_data_dir, $ local_path=source.local_data_dir, _extra=source, /last_version) filestest=file_test(files) if(total(filestest) ge 1) then begin files=files(where(filestest eq 1)) ;--- Load data into tplot variables if(downloadonly eq 0) then begin cdf2tplot, file=files, verbose=source.verbose, $ prefix='omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+'_', suffix='', $ varformat='image_* cloud' ;--- Rename if(tnames('omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_cloud') eq 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_cloud') then $ del_data, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_cloud' store_data, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+'_cloud', newname='omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_cloud' ;--- time clip if(keyword_set(timeclip)) then begin get_timespan, tr & tmspan=time_string(tr) ;time_clip, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+'_image_*', tmspan[0], tmspan[1], /replace time_clip, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_*', tmspan[0], tmspan[1], /replace endif ;--- Reverse the order of the second subscript (row) of the image data ; not to make an upside-down image with the tvscl procedure. get_data, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+'_image_raw', data=imagedata store_data, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+'_image_raw', $ data={x:imagedata.x, y:reverse(imagedata.y[*,*,*], 3)} ;--- Missing data -1.e+31 --> NaN tclip, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_'+wavelengthc[j]+'_image_*', -1e+6, 1e+6, /overwrite tclip, 'omti_asi_'+site_code[i]+'_cloud', -1, 9, /overwrite endif ;--- print PI info and rules of the road ;if((i eq n_elements(site_code)-1) and (j eq n_elements(wavelengthc)-1)) then begin gatt = cdf_var_atts(files[0]) print_str_maxlet, ' ' print, '**********************************************************************' ;print, gatt.project print, gatt.Logical_source_description print, '' ;print, 'Information about ', gatt.Station_code print, 'PI: ', gatt.PI_name ;print, 'Affiliation: ', gatt.PI_affiliation ;print, 'Affiliation:' print_str_maxlet, gatt.PI_affiliation, 70 print, '' print, 'Rules of the Road for OMTI ASI Data Use:' ;print, gatt.text for igatt=0, n_elements(gatt.text)-1 do print_str_maxlet, gatt.text[igatt], 70 print, '' print, gatt.LINK_TEXT, ' ' print, '**********************************************************************' print, '' ;endif endif endfor ; end of for loop of j endfor ; end of for loop of i ;--- return end