;+ ;Procedure: ACE_INIT ; ;Purpose: Initializes a settings for ace_mag_swepam_load & noaa_ace_nrt_load ; ;Notes: ; ; Author: Cindy Goethel ; ; $LastChangedBy: davin-mac $ ; $LastChangedDate: 2014-02-06 01:14:57 -0800 (Thu, 06 Feb 2014) $ ; $LastChangedRevision: 14170 $ ; $URL $ ;- function create_ace_tstring,time_array ntimes = n_elements(time_array(0,*)) timestr = make_array(6, ntimes, /string) timestr=strcompress(string(time_array)) ; deal with hours and minutes (parse the hhmm string) for i=0, ntimes-1 do Begin if (time_array(3,i) lt 100)then Begin timestr(3,i)= '0' if (time_array(3,i) lt 10) then ndigits=1 else ndigits=2 hm = strcompress(string(time_array(3,i))) timestr(4,i)=strmid(hm, 1, ndigits) endif if (time_array(3,i) ge 100 and time_array(3,i) lt 1000) then Begin hm = strcompress(string(time_array(3,i))) timestr(3,i)=strmid(hm, 1, 1) timestr(4,i)=strmid(hm, 2, 2) endif if (time_array(3,i) ge 1000) then Begin hm = strcompress(string(time_array(3,i))) timestr(3,i)=strmid(hm, 1, 2) timestr(4,i)=strmid(hm, 3, 2) endif endfor ; parse year, month, day year = strmid(timestr(0,*), 1, 4) month = strmid(timestr(1,*), 1, strlen(timestr(1,*))) day = strmid(timestr(2,*), 1, strlen(timestr(2,*))) ;create the time string tstring = strcompress(year+'-'+month+'-'+day+'/'+ timestr(3,*)+':'+timestr(4,*)) return, tstring end pro ace2tplot, data, data_type ; create an array of times (time format is double) time_array = fix(data.field01[0:5,*]) ace_tstring = create_ace_tstring(time_array) ace_time = reform(time_double(ace_tstring)) ; create variable names and store data if (data_type eq 'mag') then Begin fields = transpose(reform(data.field01[7:9,*])) store_data,'ace_mag',dat={x:(ace_time), y:fields},$ dlim={ytitle:'Fields, nT', coord:'GSM'} store_data,'ace_mag_bt',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[10,*])} store_data,'ace_mag_lat',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[11,*])},$ dlim={ytitle:'Lat, deg'} store_data,'ace_mag_lon',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[12,*])},$ dlim={ytitle:'Lon, deg'} store_data,'ace_mag_stat',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[6,*])} endif else Begin store_data,'ace_swepam_pden',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[7,*])} store_data,'ace_swepam_bspd',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[8,*])} store_data,'ace_swepam_itmp',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[9,*])} store_data,'ace_swepam_stat',dat={x:ace_time, y:reform(data.field01[6,*])} endelse end pro ace_init, reset=reset, local_data_dir=local_data_dir, remote_data_dir=remote_data_dir defsysv,'!ace',exists=exists if not keyword_set(exists) then begin defsysv,'!ace', file_retrieve(/structure_format) endif if keyword_set(reset) then !ace.init=0 if !ace.init ne 0 then return !ace = file_retrieve(/structure_format) !ace.local_data_dir = root_data_dir() !ace.remote_data_dir = 'http://themis.ssl.berkeley.edu/data/' if file_test(!ace.local_data_dir+'ace/.master') then begin ; Local directory IS the master directory !ace.no_server=1 !ace.no_download=1 ; this line is superfluous endif if keyword_set(name) then call_procedure,name !ace.init = 1 end