This page was created by the IDL library routine mk_html_help2.

Last modified: Wed Jun 7 13:17:36 2017.

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PURPOSE:To perform polarisation analysis of three orthogonal component time
         series data, using tplot variables.

EXAMPLE: twavpol,'in_data',prefix='in_data',freqline=fl

INPUTS: tvarname: the name of the tplot variable upon which it will

prefix(optional): the prefix to be assigned to the tplot variables that will be
output, defaults to tvarname

       Subroutine assumes data are in righthanded fieldaligned
	coordinate system with Z pointing the direction
       of the ambient magnetic field.

  nopfft(optional) = Number of points in FFT
  steplength(optional) = The amount of overlap between successive FFT intervals

  bin_freq (optional): No. of bins in frequency domain
          error(optional): named variable in which to return the
          error state of this procedure call. 1 = success, 0 = failure

          freqline(optional): assign a named variable to this keyword
          to store the frequencies of each y-index

         timeline(optional): assign a named variable to this keyword
         to store the times of each x-index

The program outputs five spectral results derived from the
         fourier transform of the covariance matrix (spectral matrix)
This version stores these outputs as tplot variables with the
specified prefix
         These are follows:

         Wave power: On a linear scale, at this stage no units

         Degree of Polarisation:
		This is similar to a measure of coherency between the input
		signals, however unlike coherency it is invariant under
		coordinate transformation and can detect pure state waves
		which may exist in one channel only.100% indicates a pure
		state wave. Less than 70% indicates noise. For more
		information see J. C. Samson and J. V. Olson 'Some comments
		on the description of the polarization states
		of waves' Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc. (1980) v61 115-130

   Wavenormal Angle:
     The angle between the direction of minimum variance
     calculated from the complex off diagonal elements of the
     spectral matrix and the Z direction of the input ac field data.
     for magnetic field data in field aligned coordinates this is the
     wavenormal angle assuming a plane wave. See:
     Means, J. D. (1972), Use of the three-dimensional covariance
     matrix in analyzing the polarization properties of plane waves,
     J. Geophys. Res., 77(28), 5551-5559,

     The ratio (minor axis)/(major axis) of the ellipse transcribed
     by the field variations of the components transverse to the
     Z direction (Samson and Olson, 1980). The sign indicates
     the direction of rotation of the field vector in the plane (cf.
     Means, (1972)).
     Negative signs refer to left-handed rotation about the Z
     direction. In the field aligned coordinate system these signs
     refer to plasma waves of left and right handed polarization.

         Helicity:Similar to Ellipticity except defined in terms of the
	direction of minimum variance instead of Z. Stricltly the Helicity
	is defined in terms of the wavenormal direction or k.
	However since from single point observations the
	sense of k cannot be determined,  helicity here is
	simply the ratio of the minor to major axis transverse to the
       minimum variance direction without sign.
1. Although the input is in the form of a tplot variable, the
output is currently in the form of arrays

2. -If one component is an order of magnitude or more  greater than
	the other two then the polarisation results saturate and erroneously
	indicate high degrees of polarisation at all times and

3. Time series should be eyeballed before running the program.
	 For time series containing very rapid changes or spikes
	 the usual problems with Fourier analysis arise.
	 Care should be taken in evaluating degree of polarisation results.

4. For meaningful results there should be significant wave power at the
	 frequency where the polarisation approaches
	 100%. Remembercomparing two straight lines yields 100% polarisation.

 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2016-08-09 11:17:05 -0700 (Tue, 09 Aug 2016) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 21621 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See general/science/wavpol/


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 MODIFICATION HISTORY:Written By Chris Chaston, 30-10-96
         :Modified by Vassilis, 2001-07-11
         :Modified by Olivier Le Contel, 2008-07
              to be able to change nopfft and steplength
         :Modified by O. Le Contel, 2016-03
              to be able to change frequency averaging parameter by adding bin_freq keyword
         :Modified by O. Le Contel, LPP, 2016-07, in order to manage data gaps in the waveform
              using test written by K. Bromund (in thm_cal_scm)
         :Modified by egrimes, merging OLE's changes with SPEDAS's wavpol:
             gamma -> gammay (avoids confusion with IDL's gamma function)
             redefined W (fixed bug reported by Justin Lee) -> W=Total(smooth^2) / double(nopfft)
             added pspec3 input, pspec[x,y,z], returns pspec3 (changes from Justin Lee) - added to original 10/10/2013
             converted () to [], fixed tabbing
             updated documentation with changes from Justin Lee - added to original 9/23/2014
         :Modified by egrimes, now checking for 0s in the output time series, setting those
             data values to NaNs
PURPOSE:To perform polarisation analysis of three orthogonal component time
         series data.

EXAMPLE: wavpol,ct,Bx,By,Bz,timeline,freqline,powspec,degpol,waveangle,elliptict,helict

CALLING SEQUENCE: wavpol,ct,Bx,By,Bz,timeline,freqline,powspec,degpol,waveangle,elliptict,helict

INPUTS:ct,Bx,By,Bz, are IDL arrays of the time series data; ct is cline time

       Subroutine assumes data are in righthanded fieldaligned
	coordinate system with Z pointing the direction
       of the ambient magnetic field.

       threshold:-if this keyword is set then results for ellipticity,
       helicity and wavenormal are set to Nan if below 0.6 deg pol
  nopfft (optional): Number of points in FFT

  steplength (optional): The amount of overlap between successive FFT intervals

  bin_freq (optional): No. of bins in frequency domain
OUTPUTS: The program outputs five spectral results derived from the
         fourier transform of the covariance matrix (spectral matrix)
         These are follows:

         Wave power: On a linear scale, at this stage no units

         Degree of Polarisation:
		This is similar to a measure of coherency between the input
		signals, however unlike coherency it is invariant under
		coordinate transformation and can detect pure state waves
		which may exist in one channel only.100% indicates a pure
		state wave. Less than 70% indicates noise. For more
		information see J. C. Samson and J. V. Olson 'Some comments
		on the description of the polarization states
		of waves' Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc. (1980) v61 115-130

         Wavenormal Angle:
     The angle between the direction of minimum variance
     calculated from the complex off diagonal elements of the
     spectral matrix and the Z direction of the input ac field data.
     for magnetic field data in field aligned coordinates this is the
     wavenormal angle assuming a plane wave. See:
     Means, J. D. (1972), Use of the three-dimensional covariance
     matrix in analyzing the polarization properties of plane waves,
     J. Geophys. Res., 77(28), 5551-5559,

     The ratio (minor axis)/(major axis) of the ellipse transcribed
     by the field variations of the components transverse to the
     Z direction (Samson and Olson, 1980). The sign indicates
     the direction of rotation of the field vector in the plane (cf.
     Means, (1972)).
     Negative signs refer to left-handed rotation about the Z
     direction. In the field aligned coordinate system these signs
     refer to plasma waves of left and right handed polarization.

         Helicity:Similar to Ellipticity except defined in terms of the
	direction of minimum variance instead of Z. Stricltly the Helicity
	is defined in terms of the wavenormal direction or k.
	However since from single point observations the
	sense of k cannot be determined,  helicity here is
	simply the ratio of the minor to major axis transverse to the
       minimum variance direction without sign.

RESTRICTIONS:-If one component is an order of magnitude or more  greater than
	the other two then the polarisation results saturate and erroneously
	indicate high degrees of polarisation at all times and
	frequencies. Time series should be eyeballed before running the program.
	 For time series containing very rapid changes or spikes
	 the usual problems with Fourier analysis arise.
	 Care should be taken in evaluating degree of polarisation results.
	 For meaningful results there should be significant wave power at the
	 frequency where the polarisation approaches
	 100%. Remembercomparing two straight lines yields 100% polarisation.

 $LastChangedBy: egrimes $
 $LastChangedDate: 2016-11-29 14:56:05 -0800 (Tue, 29 Nov 2016) $
 $LastChangedRevision: 22418 $
 $URL: svn+ssh:// $

(See general/science/wavpol/