;+ ;FUNCTION: get_ft6t ;INPUT: ; t: double, seconds since 1970. If this time is a vector than the ; routine will get all samples in between the two times in the ; vector ;KEYWORDS: ; advance: ;PURPOSE: ; for omniazimuuth average flux if electrons, for survey plots ; from SST foil+thick 3d data ; data from 402x packets ; produces array (FT6) for tplot ; ;CREATED BY: Robert D. Campbell ;FILENAME: get_ft6t.pro ;VERSION: 1.2 ;LAST MODIFICATION: 95/10/06 ; ;NOTES: The procedure "load_3dp_data" must be ; called first. ;- pro get_ft6t n = 0 max = 14400 units='flux' t = 1 dat = get_sft(t) dat=conv_units(dat,units) last_time = dat.time ti = dat.integ_t ytitle = 'Foil+Thick flux' ytitle = ytitle+'!C'+string(dat.energy(0,8)-dat.denergy(0,8)/2)+' -'+ $ string(dat.energy(6,8)+dat.denergy(6,8)/2)+' eV' title = dat.project_name+' '+dat.data_name ;title = title+'!C'+string(dat.energy(1,0)-dat.denergy(1,0)/2)+' -'+ $ ; string(dat.energy(1,6)+dat.denergy(1,6)/2)+' eV' nenergy = dat.nenergy time = dblarr(max) data = fltarr(max,7) energy = fltarr(max,nenergy) count = dat.nbins if n_elements(bins) eq 0 then ind=indgen(dat.nbins) else ind=where(bins,count) if count ne dat.nbins then ytitle = ytitle+' ('+strtrim(count,2)+'bins)' while (dat.valid ne 0) and (n lt max) do begin if abs(dat.time-last_time) ge 200 then begin time(n) = (dat.time < last_time) + 1. data(n,*) = 2e20 energy(n,*) = energy(n-1,*) n=n+1 endif dat.data(0:6,0:7) = 0. ; zero ft2 data(n,0:6) = total( dat.data(*,ind), 2) / 8 energy(n,*) = total( dat.energy(*,ind), 2)/count ; average energy last_time = dat.time time(n) = dat.time t = dat.time reftime = t n=n+1 dat = get_sft(t,/adv) if dat.valid then dat =conv_units(dat,units) end data = data(0:n-1,0:6) energy = energy(0:n-1,0:nenergy-1) time = time(0:n-1) smoothspikes,time data_str = {title:title,ytitle:ytitle,xtitle:"Time",x:time,y:data,v:energy,ytype:1,max_value:1e20} if keyword_set(bins) eq 0 then name='ftspecf' else name='ftspecf*' store_data,name,data=data_str print_options,/land return end